absolutely sure nothing's gonna jump out
of me turn it feels it feels really
weird does not feel right feel like I'm
getting a little dizzy
we've been waiting for a major game
developer to really commit to virtual
reality in a big way and at e3 2016
Capcom is the one Resident Evil 7 the
next game in their horror franchise is
going to be entirely playable the entire
game inside a PlayStation VR headset I
just got to try it and it's pretty scary
at a bursting virtual reality makes
horror a little different than you might
expect though the previous Resident Evil
games have lots of scary things popping
up right in front of you here you can
actually look around all the corners
before you get anywhere to see if
there's some monster lurking there
instead it'll be when you turn around
behind you and all of a sudden there's a
creepy mannequin right there that really
ended up scaring me the other thing to
know though is that some of the
discomfort is because of virtual reality
instead of creating a brand new control
scheme for gamers here you can turn your
head in virtual reality but you're still
using a dual shock 4 analog controller
to move around and when you turn your
whole body and crouch down just by
pressing a button on a gamepad or by
swinging the analog stick to the right
or left and your real body isn't
actually turning that direction it could
make you a little nauseous if you're
prone to it like I am
I got sweaty in the headset I started to
feel a little nauseous at one point I
defend myself because I felt like I
might actually throw up because of the
way the VR experience affected me now
Capcom says they're going to be tweaking
the control scheme so it'll be more
comfortable for players but right now I
I couldn't see myself playing the entire
game this time the PlayStation 4 virtual
reality headsets coming out in this
October and Resident Evil 7 will be out
in January
I don't know if I want to play the whole
game that way I mean it's it's really
immersive really creepy I also feel kind
of sick I mean
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