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Ride-sharing discrimination and the fate of Obama's Twitter handle (Tech Today)

this is seen it and you're the stories that matter right now the national bureau of economic research has recently concluded a study that found a startling amount of racial discrimination when it comes to ybor Ivers picking up passengers the study discovered that customers with quote African American sounding names unquote were twice as likely to have a ride canceled even more upsetting similar data was reported by MIT and Stanford regarding uber and lyft wait times and cancelled rides gift search engine site giphy has just concluded another round of 72 million dollars in funding bringing the total value of the new york-based company at around six hundred million dollars the site hosts gifts that reach 100 million people a day and serves a shocking 1 billion gifts per day finally there's now a plan to archive president obama's twitter feed and transfer the @potus handle to the next incoming president the timeline will be wiped but the follower count will stay the same and president obama's timeline will be transferred to the new handle @potus 44 for posterity you can say it today with the latest by downloading the cnet tech today app in the Apple App Store
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