Robots play soccer at RoboCup 2016, what sports should they play next? (CNET's Open_Tab)
Robots play soccer at RoboCup 2016, what sports should they play next? (CNET's Open_Tab)
the robot world cup took place in
Germany did you guys know about this I
did they fell over a lot yeah yeah
because robots so they hate the most
graceful things in the world they can't
play soccer look at these Soccer kicking
robots actually apparently they can play
a little bit I'm sorry this looks like
the most boring past soccer game can you
imagine watching that like in person I
won't let good look at all these oh well
what's gonna happen with the black team
and oh ok give me a break robots can't
play sports they shouldn't but
apparently they did oh oh the Henry told
you get out of here down that's actually
kind of cool that was like a good night
guys once those ones are better like a
little a little hockey puck these guys
you know they're just trying too hard
like Oh Ron Ron no no I have a moving
money hey cousin Joey woody what are you
doing up ok finally right finally scored
finally scored tough that was a real
real persistent provision do it again
yeah uh so this is a thing there are a
lot of people there inexplicably what uh
what sports would you want to see robots
play if you had to not going by this
because that looked mostly awful any
bowling bowling good a decision bowling
bowling is like the easiest that's like
a pitch machine like a pitching machine
you just have that elbow 300 he'll be
good yeah yeah I'd watch it your sick
kid I like it that's a sick mind we're
just what he's perfected wouldn't work
of baseball why not they'd have to run
around oh I guess like home on Derby
would work have to have like the little
like that the slot car track side to
pull my friend shape has this all
figured out Sam what sport would you'd
like to see roboticized it's a new verb
I would actually I used to be a
competitive rower and I'd like to see
you row yeah which would be just to sort
of see how well they can keep the boat
set and you know I believe that grace on
their boat i believe is it really you
got skill I mean like you have a vote
and then you have little robots sitting
in it ok like really
that is the most analog meets digital
thing yeah that's good thought rehearsal
crew you want robot crew yeah I resent a
waterproof I feel like that's good the
big issue if not would be kind of
hilarious if not you know they all grab
saran wrap oh okay we're front of
technology that's it it's done like a
precursor for the future like robots I
hope not nobody awful I hope not but I
would love to do commentary I'm just
putting out there i would love to do
commentary on robot olympic sport
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