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'Rogue One' trailer: WTF??

the trailer for rogue one is here a Star Wars story we're in another female bad ass kicks button takes names the major weapons test is imminent we need to know what it is and how to destroy it or maybe just steal some important stuff who knows first up we get a look at Jane or so who oh you know what let's back up oh oops too far okay to know what the spin-off is about first we gotta go all the way back to this little scene when they hear you protective diplomat don't act so surprised Joe highness you want on any mercy mission this time several transmissions were beamed to the ship by rebel spies I want to know what happened to the plans they sent you well row 1 is all about those exact plans so Jin played by felicity jones is a rebel and she's out to get those plants again that's gin not ray and it's probably not Ray's mom either but I'll be darned if Felicity Jones doesn't strongly resemble Daisy Ridley oh hi Diego Luna so who else do we have well Mon Mothma is that lady in white obviously Oh looky here a white caped bat II know okay he is definitely not Grand Moff Tarkin I mean look at that outfit and that gun lightsaber whoever he is he can walk on water and does not look friendly pause who's this guy ads well this is already better than the prequels hmm I'm in oh my god December Oh
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