
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

Rumor Has It. Ep. 21: Why would you want a PS Vita OS phone?

is there room in the phone and tablet landscape for the PS Vita OS after a year-long delay can photographers finally get their hands on the canon 5d mark two and should ice cream sandwich get out of the way of the next OS jelly bean all that a special guest yay or nay and more on today's rumor has it it's Tuesday februari 21st 2012 and welcome to rumor has it I'm Kareem Levy and I'm Emily Dreyfuss and you are watching the Internet's funniest hopefully gambling show where every week we round up the text the internet's biggest rumors about technology and then we run them down and we bet on which ones are likely message and which ones are not exactly and the most important part is the bedding yes and what the bedding that's the betting this is a gambling show after all guys we'd like to keep it interesting so this week we're gonna talk about four interesting rumors one of which is going to either come true or fall on its face next week so one of us will get a point right away I'm very excited I know I'm very excited um and that's good because right now we're at a stalemate yeah so we we keep adding points so we decided to get really organized and we put all of our wit we went back through all of our episodes put it in a spreadsheet and it turns out that we both won two points I can't even tell you for what and was something about Siri not being allowed on older iPhones and something on facebook that Facebook IPO that happened we both bet on that and so we both are winning or losing which removes the same yeah and since we don't have any sort of safeguard in place for when this happens when there's a tie what will happen is just there won't be a humiliation day or we'll have to humiliate ourselves both of us I think that's what I think I think that we should you should both steve is really a part of it I would love to okay so i think i think because we have to maintain a level of humiliation at all times we will if there's a stalemate as there is and as it looks like there will be then we just both all three of us will humiliate ourselves rather than not have accumulated a i think we should have like extra special he Mele and I think what we need to think about is something that is humiliating for all three of us because we have different talents and weaknesses and there are certain things that would be humiliating to you that would not be a humiliating to me if we did karaoke you'd have a very unfair advantage because as we know you're amazing in it well and I already did and you already did it no we need something that is universally humiliating I think it should also be public where we can get the word out on rumor has it that it's here on cnet so people come on yes igg promotion here okay I'll maybe we should wear sandwich boards yes all or some totally and really pimp ourselves yeah my favorite things will be those people on the street handing out the leaflet that says rumor has it it's so embarrassing and there's like nothing in the pamphlet it just says rumor watch it well maybe we'll be like we didn't put it on paper because our show is digital so we'll hang out pretend netflix watch our show it's on the internet will work on it all right so we have so much as we said an intro we have so much happening today that we're just going to get right on it we're not gonna yadda yadda limo usually do alright so our first rumor is about the new PlayStation Vita and whether the operating system will land on smartphones and tablets so speaking recently in a question and answer session with reporters Sony's incoming chief executive Kosovo here I I love it that right guys a boy guys a little can say here I you just said that with a Russian accent sorry believe he might be Japanese well I don't know how to do that one had the operating system running on the PS Vita was intentionally designed to be expandable and could work on both smartphones and tablets that was like a big session when the PS Vita came out there like why isn't this thing a phone yeah I quit and that's the thing and so and it could be known as you know we know that people it's big I mean right as a 4.3 inch screen or whatever it is and the samsung galaxy note that just came out is about 5.3 and yeah so this is about the same size so why wouldn't it just be a phone if they're already gonna do that I actually think it also makes sense because the trend is towards gaming on phones this is like the last vestige of actual like dedicated handheld gaming and one way that they could make that technology worth it because people are not going to buy this in droves but they could make the money that they spent in advancing this technology worth it by putting pouring it over to smartphones and saying that's what this was really about exactly and then like what they tried to do with the xperia play which totally fell on its face which was the PlayStation yeah well they could have just called it the playstation phone and then do right people would have known what they were talking about exactly instead they were just called it something random and then they were like oh yeah that was the playstation phone that we were talking about really like we had no eyes all we've been talking code name playstation phone or six years that's like if called the iphone 5 like something completely over like at the 4s yeah nobody oh no they called it like Siri phone yeah people be like what I Drive on five so the Vita software already includes a host of applications that users can tap to access including a browser a camera location based social networking programs it also comes with Facebook Skype Twitter everything that you would have on your phone or tablet now it's not clear how easy it would be for Sony to put in port the operating system to smartphones and tablets but whatever I mean what camp why wouldn't they be able to do it it's like what I it's hard I'm torn with this with this rumor because I do on the one hand I feel like okay so sony has been putting android on all of its products right everything all the sony phones and tablets are running android why would they need to have another OS i got a friend in android because android is so fragmented and doesn't update and they can't depend on it maybe they want to just do with them so and if you keep it all in house then you stop bleeding money because then you just like put all your resources have to like internal stuff and that makes sense Apple is very sick Seattle but the reason not to do that is because then developers are not making apps for it but if their whole point is that it's gaming and they're making their own apps and they're they're having it dedicated to gaming developers who are already making gaming things for that OS then it makes sense yeah you know exactly because then you know they already have skype they already have twitter they already have facebook like that's what people want then the other things that people are downloading our problem you know if from the app store for the android marketplace or probably games and so if they can make games that are PS game is it way better than I join are you sure you know and if they could probably figure out a way to make um words with friends on there which is the only open that is all that I Caitlyn will be happening nobody don't need anything else I was on an airplane yesterday sorry but this woman was playing words with friends on the bus on the way to the airport and she ran right into an elderly gentleman and his she was playing I was riding it and he goes okay excuse me and she goes she literally said oh my god I'm so sorry I had to get the next word and words with friends like this is a social problem to be bad golly that's how like when people are texting it used to be texting and then they would fall down manholes now it's like words of friends I got kicked off the bear plane because I wouldn't turn off my phone I felt like this all day about an old man in the face yeah so I don't know I mean the thing about a Vita phone it porting the Vita OS on two phones already exists makes you wonder why they didn't just like what Stephen said make the Vita a phone to begin with well but answer is sony ericsson well they just they just but they now they gay now they don't have to do what Erickson says because now there are ericsson so they're not encumbered by the fact that i think that's why it was called the xperia play because it was they had all of this complicated stuff because it was two companies coming together to make phones got just so the PS Vita was a little bit too late because they just did the whole sony ericsson yeah and like PS vita we developed solely by Sony at a time when the sony ericsson was doing the phones okay i don't have to worry about that and now itself for their next iteration gotcha because I mean when every when you think about an ipod touch it's just an iphone without the phone right yeah so basically and it has everything else that has facetime has or whatever so I I can see why so the PS Vita could be the PS Vita without a phone yeah and then they could come out the PS Vita with the phone it just makes the Vita only for people who don't need a phone who are people who are below the age of seven and then why do they need two hundred and fifty dollar device oh it's more than that it's like 300 Oh realest yeah it's like 350 want to buy all that no its way it's expensive because it's 300 just baseline I think and then it and then maybe more if you get 3g and then you have to buy a proprietary a memory card and then the game and whatever it's like I it's like five hundred dollars by genetical are hated yeah we mad about them so record yeah exactly there was all proprietary and then so anyway on the heels of this story there was a really quick other rumor about what I don't even think we need to bet on this about HTC getting Sony branded games on its phone which would then defeat the whole purpose of a so you know of a sony phone if I having the Vita mmhmm yeah of having a Vita phones you then you would have an HTC phone with playing Sony branded games branded it probably won't have the thumbsticks and it'll be big screen and the Vita is a little bit better for that kind of gaming yeah but I mean I just don't even even get it remember when Sony just made Walkmans why was it I really think this is if this worked true this would be sony's way of dealing with the fact that it's all going in the smartphone sphere and they have so far not been successful with it which is why they got rid of their why they bought sony ericsson what they're trying to revamp their whole approach to smartphones yeah and and this I mean this is they're not going to make another handheld gaming device this is the last right this is it and well and it's just interesting to think like what a PS Vita phone make the PS Vita redundant like why not just spend another couple hunt you know and make it a phone um I guess you don't have to have a contract right that's true there a lot of that's great you and there's some reasons but and I get that they're trying to make a unified experience like then you would need but then you know if you have a sony computer sony TV the sony playstation in the sony vita and maybe it's only beautiful i want to sony microwave yeah and then you have everything but then they all need to be running the sony vita OS so to make it a true unified experience like how microsoft is doing it there maybe they don't have their own necessarily hardware like microsoft is running on whatever come here but the OS is the same and that's the important part we'll get back to this when we talk on later after the break about the Chrome OS any Android OS maybe being ported over to something that's going to be one of our next rumors all right so Oh actually that's going to be this rumor come out right now I have to set the duck timer but maybe we should vote on the let's put i'm going to write in our little notes that we should also vote on whether HTC will be the first to get Sony branded yeah that's a good um OS PS period games let me set the duck timer because we are really trying to keep on schedule today I'm so proud of us usually we just talk and talk okay so this next rumor way is what can I just say the name of it while you are setting that up yes the next rumor is that android 5.0 jellybean may be launching in q2 of this year ready and go who cares so none other than digit times of course our friend morning that Google may be ready to release android five point Oh which is kind of ridiculous since none of you have even had a chance to taste Android 4.3 mess and which unless you're like just an echo sand you bought yourself a Samsung Galaxy Nexus already and basically it's an ice cream sandwich is not out there yet and now they're already saying jelly bean will be the next one and if you guys are following google names their OS is their versions of android after desserts and then they follow along the alphabet so because we had ice cream sandwich right now they think that J is next and so a J dessert or sweet or candy is jelly bean like um Taiwan these based digit I'm says that it spoke to people in the supply chain who claimed that google is planning to launch five point 0 at some point in the second quarter and that it will be optimized for tablets which makes sense because all the operating systems are now sort of being optimized for tablets and then it'll be this like cross-pollination and everything will be using the same thing but this is the interesting part of this rumor not the jelly bean is going to launch because obviously it's going to launch but the rumor says that the vendors who are working on this claim that you will be able to port android 5.0 over to windows 8-based tablets phones and notebooks so you can buy a dell running Windows 8 and then you can without having to reboot without having to do anything you can just BAM snap it into being an android OS which is a little bit confusing because Google has the Chrome OS which is for notebooks they don't have the android OS is not for computers it is mobile right it is solely mobile so it's kind of a strange rumor although I I want to say that I think it has a little bit of credibility because nobody likes android OS and even though there I mean the Chrome OS Chrome OS yeah they're coming out with new Chromebooks everyone's like who cares that party okay like if it uh member google TV Chromebooks are like the next Google to you and then now at the next Google Wallet and Google like you you have some issues these ones are not good and like I will don't like some of your things no and I think this okay that's okay keep talking about it that might be some that might be um one of the reasons why they actually would let you pour androïde over to your notebook and your tablet because maybe they're going to give up on the chrome OS so that would be the second part of this rumor if that part of the rumor is true I think it would mean Chrome OS is going to go the way of the dodo bird and android 5.0 is going to be the like unified system that we were just talking about that would be across not just mobile but also computers so and not just a google computers like just google it already runs on HTC well then you could have OS X for Apple you could have android for whatever and then you can have microsoft for whatever well yeah and what this is saying what's weird about it is it saying you don't have to buy a computer you not to buy an HP computer like I have in front of me that's running Android you can buy a Windows computer at best buy and then if you want it to run android you can just put android 5.0 on it i say that's i mean i'm sure that the truth that would not be true of an apple computer that's what they're saying that if you bought a Windows 8-based laptop you could turn it into an Android laptop why would you want an android laptop that's i don't i'm not sure i guess if yours if you could play words with friends on your big laptop yeah you would do like this why I think it's so stupid then you'd be someone who has a computer that's suffering from the same fragmentation that my stupid android phone is because my phone is so old that it isn't even running Gingerbread because they push out the Android updates at so many different times the people are walking around with so many different versions of Android that the apt of I spoke to an appt deliver the other day who literally had like bags under his eyes when I asked him if his awesome app was available for Android and he was like we've been trying to get it available because there's like 75 different versions of Android plus all the skins yes everything they like to do it we might be able to get it available for Gingerbread i'm not sure if we'll have the time to get a built everything else karen even then he was like and actually at this point i might give up and just have it be only an iOS app because iOS is so cuz it's so easy and confine yeah yeah but this is the one thing i want to say since we have like one minute left and then i'll be done at five oh okay our next our next segment doesn't happen for another five min we started early sure mom no cuz okay to be here okay we can take our break and she come in at 30 gotcha okay well what I want to say really fast is that the thing that I really think is stupid about this google but beyond the fact that whatever maybe you have the right idea that you should get rid of Chrome OS maybe you should put android on computers whatever stop naming your and versions after dessert I know you think it's cute I know your engineers think it's cute I know you guys in the office think it's adorable and hilarious but i have to say i write headlines for a website it's called cnet com when you go to cnet com those headlines I wrote them and when you make me write a headline about ice cream sandwich how stupid this sounds guys people you can your android phone can finally get an ice cream sandwich what yarm don't know less I'm talking about they have no idea what the story's about and beyond that even people who do know what ice cream sandwiches the worst part is that it's so long it's so many characters in that name that I can't fit any other words in because you know how the internet works Google your kind of confined like characters in HTML on a site and so when you name something Ice Cream Sandwich you leave me this is why i wrote the headline Samsung Galaxy Nexus Ice Cream Sandwich guinea pig which made it on to read it as one of the dumbest headlines they'd ever heard and what's funny is when I read it and I read over that and I was like that is brilliant Emily you are a genius with this headliner we all know cloud surprise really sore the next day and it was on reddit as headlines from the future what is this and then people were like making images of what a google ice cream sandwich guinea pig would look like so finally beam is just as bad jelly bean has just as many long characters it's just as dumb I mean I'm just I've decided I'm boycotting your nicknames I'm just calling it Android but you know what's what I was just thinking while you were saying that is like I don't even know what version I know that my phone my iphone is running iOS 5 right or for whatever time I have five okay so so I know that Blake what iteration like I don't quite get is ice cream sandwich for android for interning me yeah like you almost don't it takes you a second to know like oh oh and then gingerbread is Phi wait jelly vision says I ya know Brett is three right so it's like you don't even know so if you were to write a headline android 5.0 is coming like nobody would know what that yeah but if you set Android jellybean then people will be like oh wow android the second the next one unity I'm now going to take the exact opposite dick and I'm gonna go with by the numbers and I'm gonna hope that our readers can make that adjustment because the words are too hard to deal with and someone in the chat room was saying Emily can't you just write um android ICS short for ice cream sandwich and I do that but people don't know what I ecs is that's not searchable like what does that do SEO ter it's terrible it's so Terry yes you have to who are like coming to it sina com to buy a printer but then they see an Android story that they might otherwise have thought was interesting but with Nick see android ICS finally available they're like what is I see what does that mean yeah and then exactly and then even with ice cream sandwich jb android jb justin bieber android justin bieber I got it just learn that in scioto Justin Bieber toothbrush you my in-law you press it you press a button and it sings one of two songs while you brush and then it's like exactly two minutes and that's how you know how long you're supposed to brush oh my god I mean it's pretty genius that sounds like the most annoying thing in my life I'm gonna bring it that's gonna be your humiliation you have to use that in public brush your teeth in public I can I couldn't even sing a justin bieber song to you right now I can't think of a single I don't know baby I will never say no you guys really knowing that baby baby okay I guess I've heard that yeah exactly all right so shall we take our break and when we come back from the break we are going to have our very first guest in the podcast rumor rumor has it well and we're talking about some great other rumors so stay tuned to stick around she's out there right now you alright welcome back from the break we had the rumor board fell on he will never see me again that's why that took so long because she now had the concussion if she felt my funny bone if she falls asleep during the thing will have to wake her up to make sure that she's still breathing uh-huh anyway it was I care for you guys for me it wasn't scary at all cuz that thing weighs as much as air yeah some but we have our fur vest guess we would like to welcome on to our show Madison tutorial Madison thank you so much for joining us Madison is joining us to talk about something that is very dear and near to her heart and I'm gonna give you a little rundown about it and then we're gonna interview her about it because I know almost nothing and she is here to enlighten us what this is is a rumor about the canon 5d mark 3 yes oops I said markeesha more too but whatever um may it finally be coming after years of waiting and delay people are very excited about this camera because it is going to be the update to the canon 5d mark two which is and remains at this moment the hyatt the best DSLR you can buy and it has the best video it's video so good in fact that Hollywood has taken note of it and has shot some TV shows and movies with it including a movie that's coming out next week that's called Act of Valor oh they shot that entirely using the mark two interesting yes okay I learned out on Wikipedia ladies into it ya know you just did take it interesting hardcore research verified it on IMDb com okay are we using the inner yeah for everything since nineteen eighty-five ninety 2005 so i am not a photographer and i really can't tell you exactly what is the most amazing thing about this camera but what I can tell you is that a man who's very obsessed with it was on safari recently in Kenya and while he was there taking pictures of lions and zebras and tigers in Bay years I don't think I actually think there were no bears there I'm sorry boys I rest either um he saw that this man from Japan next to him had this camera that looked suspiciously like an update to the canon 5d mark two yes and he asked him all these questions about it and the man said yes in fact I actually work for canon ah yes he very well canon he didn't say what it was he cuz it cuz another camera the people were excited about the 7d right oh there's I'm what is it well there's a few little ideas right now but you're kind of confusing me to be honest because you know it's like how the 4s came out instead of the five so who knows you know they're saying oh maybe it's gonna be the mark three but it could surprise us and be like it's gonna be the urea yeah yeah exactly yes oh great said there were people who were saying that this one the one that we have these pictures of from Kenya doesn't look like the 7d because it's bigger and it has the buttons something this is the photograph right yes that's a photograph yeah yeah I should have been shooting at that moment a lion and instead he turned it on to the command that someone was like oh my god oh my god oh my god that's so much bigger than what exactly the whole photography community probably rose up and was like that is what he should have shot anyway I got any photographer that shoots cannon would have shot in a way for more excited about that you can always go see a zebra yeah you can see go to the zoo but you can't see the mark 3 yet and that's what we're really so why don't you go ahead and tell us what is so exciting about the mark 3 okay so of course it's all rumor at this point and that's I think what the show though so it's all rumor and so recently nikon came out with d800 which I believe will be revealed in or they already announced it yeah we had a big story about it already okay right and now it's going to come out in late March so canon is kind of you know like my twin sister oyes but she would kind of sit back and watch me and see if I fell and and then went ahead and sort of you know made her move yeah so they're kind of being the you know a little like okay let's just see how this goes so you know nikon has released their d800 or they've announced their d800 and all of its new fancy features and that thing is going pack a whopping 36 megapixels which I doubt canon 5d mark 3 will ever reach yeah they're saying the rumor about the Canon demon mark 3 is it only have 20 2 megapixels right thing though isn't that like now lately I've learned like when I've been in the market for a camera that the megapixels like it doesn't even matter yeah when I get you a certain point it doesn't ruin ins always trying to realize that like more about the sensor than anything right in the megapixels I mean once you get up there it's like really I mean are we really gonna talk right like unless you're blowing it up the size of leg yeah a billboard 736 or twenty yeah basically right if you're shooting you know if you're just a regular photographer who let's say does portraiture I tend to shoot let's say kids it sounds good i tend to shoot shoot out exactly so if you're doing that you know unless their parents are really serious about blowing that thing up it's not that big of a deal so I mean the 36 megapixels it looks good on Nikon's behalf let's be honest you know there's old people's love to hear that number yeah so no let's just go back take it one step back and talk about why we have you on the show to talk about this because I want to tell our viewers Madison sits right behind me and Kareem oh yeah and she's so adorable and we're always chatting with her when we should be doing work and the other day I had on my computer a picture of a camera and that's install it and was like oh my god is that the canon mark d 5d mark 3 data like i wanted so i want you to first of all tell us what you do here at seen it and or at smart planet and then also tell us what type of photographer you why are you what are you so interested in photography okay so that we know cuz i think the canon 5d mark 3 seems to me like it's for professionals like yes but okay you won't buy it so I see what you mean okay so I work for ZDNet smart planet and MoneyWatch originally with bnet and money watch but you know a few things happened and now I work for these through website and I deal with our bloggers basically so so photography for me is more of a hobby you know I don't do photography here and I don't work with Lori groanin who of course you know reviews all the cameras and everything like that so so i'll start by saying that my job is not photography necessarily though i do don't tell the taxman work on the side a little bit as a photographer no don't worry sit with us I'm sure to the tax man is not watching this are you sure I don't know that for a fact but we'll find out won't we hang out when you get out excited God you know so is all conjecture so I am I tend to you know I've always been interested in photography but never quite made that leap to to actually purchasing a real camera like a real DSLR I've always had the handheld's and you know I've owned an iphone before and um but it's not the same so I decided get a camera you know stop sitting there watching other people with theirs and actually go buy one and see what it's like so you know start with an entry level so i started with entry-level camera and i'm still there but i bought which I brought today for ya alrighty night I lovely l-series so if you if you're not familiar with Canon this little red ring means that it's l-series and it's um it's the top level and it's actually the kit lens to the canon 5d mark two which is sort of rumored to be maybe the kit lens of the mark real that would be wonderful because then you don't have to buy another lens so you have an entry-level camera with a really high-end leg Zack and so you're getting amazing shots no matter what yeah and I've kind of been told that if i upgrade my body it might not be that big of a deal because I'm just looking to upgrade the body this this thing is a wonderful all around lens and I can see why it is the kit the kit lens to the 5d mark two um but you know it's it's it's pretty wonderful but you know if I'm looking to upgrade I'm thinking I've been thinking Oh mark to that sounds good and then when I heard about this mark three I thought that sounds good to drive down the price of marketing yeah what are you shooting with no right now I'm just shooting a rebel basically it's a relative continued digital a video does it take video I have the one below that that doesn't take video games okay I should have splurged and spent another couple hundred and not the video shooting right I've never used video on mine oh you were gonna buy the canon mark too is that because you would want to shoot video you know it's not which is funny because mark two came out and it really started to cater to video yeah and everybody really picks up on it was their first full HD and everybody got really excited and of course Hollywood got excited well which was really exciting if you get it you need to shoot videos and you need to shoot videos of me and Kareem oh I like this humiliation day do you guys think she just inside bring it back to us I like this is hurt yourself in sorry my work and we will use every new nickname is yes it's shameless and I love it so hey let's do it let's let's talk about the fact that it might be coming next week have your 28 so the rumors have been going crazy ever since this camera was spotted in Kenya and they're saying that it's gonna 22 megapixels 61 point AFS I mean aperture lot of folk oh thank you our focus oh shoot we need to happen and 6.9 frames per second shooting burst speed right um now what people are saying now is that it is going to be coming out dun-da-da-da februari 28 why do they think that I don't know who are they or their sources of exciting nobody you should drink to that yeah they're all like that drink up I didn't bring my they make mugs that look like so funny that you say that because somebody in the chat room when you help it up they're like oh is that one of those bugs yeah yes photojojo makes them they're like you could actually bring it with you and sort of that is yes schedule you're like I am a geeky photographer and also a drunk and also great this is my flat I put color in my coffee in the morning um but so this is really exciting people are really excited not just professionals but also just enthusiasts who love to take pictures I hope that it does drive the price of this camera down for you yes um of the mark 2 and then you can go to the guy don't we have a cnet is right next door to a used camera store Madison will be able to go to Adolf's cameras it almost on photo gassers gassers we love it here the worst name on the planet Earth and you should change it but he'll be she'll be able to march it over to a dolts and say not in a German accent ok Adolf can I please have a deal on the canon 5d mark two por favor mm-hmm right I'm so excited for you so we'll find out we're gonna take a bet after this if it's going to come on the twenty-eighth yeah and if so we'll see you running on the office shooting yes something every last with the yeah and I tried to ask Laurie gruene in this morning I've tried to sneak it in Laurie do you think it's coming on the twenty-eighth and Laurie responded by saying actually her boss responded by saying Laurie is not on the phone she is sick and if she had the answer to that Emily she would never tell you because you have rumor job oh yeah you know I tried that with Lauren in two weeks ago and I still haven't heard anything maybe she knows I think she may be does know and that's why she's not saying anything this is my if there's an NDA on it doesn't want to yeah in her contacts was is she if she had no idea she'd just be like i have no idea haven't heard anything but like the best that the rumor is that it's coming next week yes that's pretty big deal ok Laurie's being shady all right radio chatter man holding up all right let's go to our next rumor which is I don't know much about what and the Kareem does all right I don't even know much about it either it's about the xbox 720 which is the next version of the xbox right maybe so unless they call it the 360's which we've seen that that's what companies do now is that they're going to get a touch screen remote so this story comes to us from our friends at cnet Asia thank you seen at aja fighting expect another rumor um they write that the ex that xbox world magazine has recently published some rather bold claims about Microsoft's upcoming game console in its latest issues sources cited by the publication of course they're anonymous because nobody knows anything because this thing nobody should drink to that I'll drink yeah please drink to that I don't have time sources cited by the publication said that the xbox 720 will support a souped-up controller which touts an HD touchscreen now it's going to be this big so it's going to be HD in a touchscreen this big right because the controller can't be it's gonna look nothing like this right yeah well that's amore ridiculous that was like it belongs to Batman's child looks like one of those things that are just like standalone games that you buy at toys r us and they just have all the games in them already and it costs 2999 and a kid slobbers on it and eats and it's not a big deal right it's fine so it'll have a I am HD touchscreen it'll have analog sticks and buttons designed is pretty much similar to the we you or whatever they decide to call it that that has a tablet controller the Microsoft version is said to be the size it's closer to the PS Vita back to the today is all about gaming gaming and things brought online gaming um according to this a sponsorship game I love please non-gamers I guess so according to the Xbox world article the touch screen controller also doubles as a TV remote a browser and a panel for displaying software buttons and game information like gimme a great browse on my on my list controller for the xbox I don't know why you would need I mean I guess I don't know because you can already browse on the screen through your xbox why would you need to do it in your let's say mom comes in she wants to watch your favorite show and you don't want to stop playing your game and you can sit there in place you can still so it kind of a handheld game but you have to stay in your room like the mom is watching TV and you don't like what she's watching can you sit next to her because you're spending time and then go on facebook that's because it's a browser the wii u supposed to be like yeah and the wii u you're supposed you're supposed to be able to continue your game on the controller so i get it and it's touch screen in whatever whatever but here's the thing about touch screen first I'm over it let it be known even though everything I own is a touchscreen and second the controllers for me I'm from the Nintendo days of you know the original intended days of gaming where the controller was this big ad for buttons on it and it in a deep remember the original little Nintendo and so now the controllers have got you so complicated they have to trigger buttons up here and up here two analog sticks for buttons here a pause and whatever there's so many buttons that every time I have to do anything I have to look down before I have memorized where the a button is because there's so many things going on I still don't know where the RT button is I can just imagine there's an RT but I don't even know what the hell yeah to trigger button I guess I don't know what does that mean it allows you to climb up a wall okay so I've seen that I've watched that in like Madden it makes you do to pretty no to me and it it does think it's another button that you need to use all the time now if you had a touch screen also I would look down all I would do would be would die I would just die all day long yeah what's the point I've been looking for a looking for my stylist looking on a browser in my game with this is for geniuses because this is like the story when Beethoven was playing the piano and okay I might get a wrong am I not have been Beethoven but I think that it was when Beethoven was playing the piano in Mozart was his teacher and he was like he was a child now I'm playing this he wrote some music and he gave it to his teacher to play and Mozart said this is impossible this what you have written no one can play this and Beethoven said I can play it and the music called for the two hands to be at this end like this doesn't and then there was a note right in the middle and his teacher said no it's impossible and he said I can do it and he went like that yes no exactly so that's what's gonna happen a street is where your nose will be in a game and why are gonna be so intense that I'm gonna have to button mash with this hand move this hand like this and put my face then move the guy yeah so I mean the PS Vita has a touch screen on the front and on the back which allows me yeah even though that use your toes for it now it's so it has a touch a touch okay it wasn't Beethoven and Mozart but it was Beethoven's teacher yeah I saw that movie Amadeus I knew that it wasn't beta good anyway it was a good news a good track um the screen on the back does stuff it changes this for augmented reality exact offended reality that's and there are some interesting applications i know that when Jeff Bakalar reviewed it he's like I'm barely use this back touchscreen it depends on the game of course and I just think touchscreen gaming is so not precise for anything so that it should stay in the mobile sphere like yeah it's great for smartphones that's what it's wonderful for but don't poured it over to hardcore gaming which actually loves and uses buttons yeah that's that's true yeah um shall we move on to the yay or nay now that I have come lately bastardized history and men and everyone in all of absolutely i'll read them ready or nay look thats mozart we think don't say anything about it is arms alright is HTC working on a streaming music service yay i say nay is our big daddy company CBS producing a new show for netflix yes I say nay you say so stupid lately here's the most boring rumor on the planet Earth well Google soon launched its own storage service called google drive I say yay yes yeah there is everything exactly oh wait yeah and be right here's the real most boring rumor on earth is in tow delaying the availability of Ivy Bridge processors until after June yes I say alright so now let us continue and thank you for our yay or nay section music i love i love it hello yay so proper yes we are ok so now oh boy it's just got real real fast um ok now shall we go to our amazing voice mail no let's actually vote alright bets let's do that ok I didn't do this today one thing I forgot to do this we have a graphic that usually pops up there oh well all right what a pro Calvin yo will the PlayStation Vita OS land on smartphones and tablets Emily sony phones and tablets it is that yes yes yes okay I say no and will TC get a playstation certification first I say no yes okay is android 5.1 launching in q2 yes no way are you serious i say that it's gonna be announced and Ice Cream Sandwich launched a year ago we still don't have it on phones no sorry jelly bean I know oh I know I'm just saying like they are going to announce it we won't get it okay so it's gonna be yes they will announce oh that's not the bet the bet is if it's gonna come out and cue but why just ok yes I'll still say yes cuz I just don't know what we count is coming out like we said I ice cream sandwich came out but then it wasn't on it it says android for Noel be launching in q2 okay yes okay ready well the canon 5d mark 3 come out finally next week what do you gotta sins dreams come true magical thinking yes is it possible I mean I Madison says yes I'm gonna go with it yes I'm also gonna go with yes because those pictures look like they're pictures of an actual camera and maybe there are some other camera happy that was the night I want it to be that one for Madison sake and also because I think it's awesome that movies can be shot on it because I think that it's going to be really great and support the independent filmmakers of the world who only have to buy I know it sounds expensive but like a five-thousand-dollar camera and then they can make a movie instead of having to get millions upon millions of dollars right all right and finally will the xbox 720 get a touch screen remote shhh to the know a to the no I tried not to swear for you guys I say yes I say yes it will oh wow oh wow its own i feel Allen came in a game Madison thank you so much for joining us today is my first in studio yes I know I didn't know that I guess I just didn't realize we had guests we were in Vegas but never in this podcast room how we had yeah and a fourth person to complete this circle oh I'm honored Oh in fact so honored that I actually brought you each a gift now what my and Kareem do not know is that cnet fishermen have been working overtime downstairs they have no idea what I'm not exactly knows it's baby photos what is it sault ste net fishermen have been working overtime to bring you guys the first cans of your very own cnet ratona you can eat my own go opportune acaso rules thank those fishermen have been working hard or very own seen a true tuna I want to be the first candidate is amazing and it's also gonna be my lunch oh you're actually gonna open this night Oh see the top and I'll put it and then it'll be the art okay I'll save mine thank you so much thank you to the thank you to the cnet fishermen for working so hard asking overtime to get us some more tuna yes portunity please please please please this is so unbelievably awesomest enjoy your tuna this is our first physical gift that we've had you can send us um like pictures and one of our fans once sent us some pears but the people on the crave podcast eric franklin stole it an ATM ate them oh sorry Carl oh well I don't think have to worry about that with tuna yeah I figured I'd go safe thank you so much so shall we do our own voice mails after the show and auric for next week let's save them guys thank you so much for watching we had so much fun and next week we're probably going to talk about there's a rumor I'm really excited about the potential that itunes might actually get overhauled and become something that we like and it works that would be great yes and maybe the iPhone 5 is going to launch in the fall I mean every day it's like a different a different I mainly be somebody I'm not even gonna say anything about the next Apple tablet because someone in the chat room said that I would and I'm going to prove them wrong and say that I'm not even say the name of that don't say it upcoming tablet seriously you should watch next week's show and thank you so much for watching we had a great time and it's rather a new nike follow everybody on twitter have a wonderful week and they see you later
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