
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

Rumor Has It Ep. 26: Last call for iPhone 5 rumors

will you eventually answer phone calls with your by tapping your sweet full sleeve elephant tattoo is Microsoft getting in the geeky gaming goggles game is Sony releasing an old new Chromebook and is iphone 5 ready to reveal that it's not a unicorn find out coming up on rumor has it it's Tuesday March 27 7 2012 and welcome to rumor has it I'm Emily Dreyfuss and I'm Kareem levy and welcome to the internets tech eous campbell ingame show where we round up the week's hottest rumors and the bet our life's on them not really this isn't the Hunger Games it's just it's not a life and death situation but we do bet on them and also we take it incredibly serious incredibly serious I mean more right now I just wanted to point to the board that because Instagram is coming to Android first before Windows Phone i want to point and now we are tongue tied up which is actually pretty exciting yeah because it's a cliffhanger yeah it is a cliffhanger so it's like very new agey like we're both winners yeah we get in this game of life yes so right off the top we got a great interesting awesome tip from one of our fans who left us a voicemail I'll called our tip line called our tip line left us a tip and we would like to play that for you right now hello Kareem Emily and Stephen this is chris calling lovely listening from canada the Solstice me on Twitter so I'm calling in with a rumor that I caught wind of on Twitter actually so there's been kind of visa rumblings going around the interwebs and Molly would it actually confirmed on today's episode of buzz out loud that cnet live will be no more now I would like to say that as an unnamed source now but unfortunately but unfortunately I can't because through Twitter Kareem has confessed all but confirmed that the future of rumor has remained anonymous sort out I just wanted to hear the hear the explanations and to see what's going on to see what is coming up from what is brewing I in fact actually asked Kareem on Twitter whether or not there's something I was brewing in the works and she's so coyly responded that we will find out in today's episode therefore and just calling in just to see you know what's going on I think that you guys are great I'm really sad to hear the shows potentially could be coming to an end soon and the other awesome so I'd love to hear what else is coming up talk to you soon well Chris this whole despair thank you so much for calling and asking that question and yes we have to confirm sadly today on this our penultimate episode that in fact rumor has it is dying and untimely death yeah it's dying if it's the plug is getting poles I am way before its time it's not even right in its prime it exactly it's at the primary player yet and unfortunately olive cnet live except for the 404 is going bye-bye and the 404 will be the backbone of seen it live but we unfortunately will be no more in this format and I want we want to say we're so sad about it we've been sad for a Whitley we've known for a couple days and we are devastated they are kind of devastated lately and really make a joke about it we love you guys we did not intend for this to be a pop-up show yeah just like 26 shows after a iphone 5 rumors died and then is leaving right as the iphone 5 rumors are popping back up I know just pretty ironic cuz like the iPhone 5 is the biggest rumor that there is around yeah it's probably good that we're ending so we can stop talking about the iphone 5s we never talked about it because we were fused right after the iphone 4 came and now it's leaving um but we're so sad guys and we love you we've had so much fun with you we wanted really like our intention for this show was to really grow from years from now and we would be talking about rumors about embeddable skin technologies oh wait we're talking about that on this show but we were gonna you know we had grand plans but just because rumor has it as a podcast is dying doesn't mean necessarily that Kareem and I and Stephen are going to be no longer in your lives on cnet TV right so rumor has it we might you know we're going to try to get it back in a different format we might try to get the three of us back in a different format so just because rumor has it as live podcast is ending does not mean that this is the last you'll see of us you can still find us on Twitter of course you can still email us the rumor has it email address is still going to be live i'm going to still keep the rumor show twitter account live and we'll tweet you from beyond every rain every time that you read any article on cnet you can know that Kareem is in the background there with you because cream coffee edits I read that article as well read it and she has fixed probably a missing apostrophe in an it's or saying that's my main job so so anyway so yeah we'll we'll always be here you can always you can email us directly you can tweet us like I said and you know maybe some people were suggesting that maybe we continue the humiliation day just like once a month do a video and put it on our YouTube page what you've been doing so maybe we'll continue doing some humiliations if we come up with some good ones and we can tweet them at you or whatever oh yeah and actually everyone we need the fans to send us good humiliations for the last show we're gonna try to do as many humiliations as we can yes exactly i am them in videos in studio pod live humiliation yeah or a video whatever you want to do yeah we're just as next week is going to be our you know final show so what is that the third second third and so next week is our final show and we would love for you guys to set people have already been sending in emails and notes and and videos video clip other videos yeah there's they've been taking video clips that people have made and then mash them with our own video clips that other people of me so you know and that we love that kind of stuff so please send that in and next week we'll just be a free-for-all will do all the humiliations that you guys suggest please email us a rumor has it at cnet com or calls 1 800 750 cnet it has a voicemail exactly and we will do as many as we an only going to be a mime finally guys whatever you guys suggest if you have a better suggestion i want to be in mind but she will and i'll probably try to sing you a song cuz all along that's been the thing that would be most humiliating to me and i guess we were saving it and now i'm ii don't David yeah so just send us all you know as the rumor or humiliations and rumors i guess as many humiliation uh ideas as you can and will try to fit as many as we can into an hour-long show that'll be next week and again we'll play your guys's videos and whatever you want to send us so yeah welcome it we hope that you will and to just give you a little bit more explanation of why this is happening before we get to our final and last episode where we're going to talk about rumors and bet on them seen it as a whole is getting rid of all the live shows but cnet videos are still going to be a thing so what what's happening in the department and with us is that they're gonna there are going to be a lot more new shows coming up that are really exciting with a lot of the faces that you know and in rather than being a 30 minute or hour long live show they'll be shorter like buzz report which you guys know and love right or apple pie yes a little bit green and Steven and I are hoping that rumor has it will get to come back to life in a reincarnated version like that in a like three minutes snappy show or something but we have to pitch it and get people to believe that you guys want to watch it so yeah I want to write in and tell the powers that be that you love rumor has it you want it to come back right or if you want to just if you want to you know send a note to rumor has it at cnet com and tell them how much you enjoy a rumor has it and you want to see more of it in whatever capacity we can do it that would be great we will you know keep it and show it to our boss yeah yeah well do like a long day love ya and you know the more emails we can gather like that would be awesome to show it that people really want this show you know all of you people who are watching right now in the chat room or all of you people who are streaming it or watching it later while downloading it if you guys want to send an email to you know or if you have any other ideas that you want a stupid yeah tweet at us you can tweet at cnet you can tweet at room at rumor show you can send it an email you can send a voicemail yeah i mean my brother was telling me that that one show Chuck got saved by people sending a lot of foot long subway sandwiches see send me some sausage and thoroughly but we are hungry yeah all the time hungry and we love beer you want to do so but yeah but if you guys want to email us or whatever and try to save rumor has it in some kind of capacity we can see what we could do could see if that helps shells yes and on that note let's get to our first rumor we now we're actually going to talk about rumors yes and our first rumor comes from our original number one super fan Carl Carl from the very beginning has been watching every one of our shows and afterwards and before all throughout the week sending us tips sending us tips and then also being like that was a really great show girls like you've been really encouraging like he's our coach Angora agoura hills yeah wherever that is somewhere in California Southern California it's in the valley so yeah it was just like Oh Carl he's our little dad he is and we've actually spoken about Carl's rumors a lot on the show but we haven't always given him credit but on this episode Carl gets full credit he sent us last week I actually think it was last Monday before our last show he sent us a rumor about which you guys have already I'm sure heard if you've listened to TV or the radio or anything recently about nokia filing a patent for a tattoo that can answer your phone karl was on top of this me to send it to us send it to thursday and then we were like almost a bit until not sway because is not really very pressing i'm only rarely me talk about arenal but then our by waiting we kind of missed the news cycle on it because every news organization picked it up wait wait don't tell me was talking about it because everyone thought it was so silly but here is the gist it's what has happened this is confirmed the rumor is what will they do with it nokia you remember them the struggling little finnish company who used to be on top and now is on the bottom and who's trying to come back with the nokia lumia 900 which is going to be on sale for one hundred dollars i'm so you're gonna bring them back really instead that's awesome like this tiny amazing smart mark I can't wait to see it so that company who is an old fuddy-duddy and we remember as the ones who had the long phones that you could take the faceplates off of and you could have like the green face plate and the whatever that company has filed a cutting-edge patent that is to implant magnets into your skin that will then hear a ring of a phone and or when a phone gets a call it will hear that signal somehow and the magnets the ferromagnetism underneath your skin will actually vibrate in a sort of haptic feedback is disgusting and then you a visit like you know the concept of ringtones your tattoo can have ringtones it can it can vibrate in different rhythms right like if it's a if you call me it can I can set it to be like duh for like Morse code but if my mom calls it can be like man or an urn although there's no sound effects hahaha ah this room another worse about this rumor so also it can be either a tattoo or just like a little badge in the images that they filed with the Patent Office they just have it as like it looks like a little bar code which scary or QR code or a QR code or like not like number tattoos those are upsetting they're very upsetting anyways I'm upset by some part of this tattoo is really great i don't like that it vibrates under your skin i think that is so sick imagina shaken melodia shaken um and you can have put it in different places and you can have multiple different tattoos so that like you could put the tattoo from your lover under your knee theoni and you could have like your mom's tattoo on your elbow you know because you would never want your mom to tap to like be ringing where your lover would ring the whole thing is disgusting and then oh okie also added in their patent filing that it doesn't necessarily if you're someone who hates tattoos which I know there are a lot of people out there who think tattoos are uncool and that I cannot be buried in my people cemetery um you can then have it be invisible yeah I mean if it's just a magnet then it's just implanted oh look guys if sure gusting it's just like it's a little square I mean is if you're have that you might as well have your google wallet and plan it under your skin yeah I mean if it's just magnets why don't they just you know put a Bluetooth in there and then you could just answer the phone from there and then just talk to your hand talk to you know talk to you think if they put a microphone in there and then like when your phone rang you went hello yes mom oh hi yeah so I don't know that it's just like it's nokia's trying to come back and not be like this old they should just put I got a HUD glasses like everybody else is trying to HUD contact lenses that's what I want sec um okay but thank you so much for sending us that Carl and we will see in years to come if anyone gets these disgusting Pharaoh mandating nasty put under their plans that ring when your phone right have you ever seen body modifiers who put those balls those of like meatballs under their skin and they have like things coming out of their face yeah they look like a lizard or whatever yeah and then had horns yes horns the harder ones I see that one guy when I got my ear pierced here that one which really hurt um the guy who did it had all of those implants underneath his hand and you could move them we're flying fighting the scariest body modifier plan to donate go to their head those are mini bagels oh thank for people just listening we just looked at a picture of two men whose heads are bulging like like the implanted of bagel like they're like they just implanted bagels into their forehead this guy's worse oh yeah that's the cat lady once look like a cat that I look guy I don't know I'm here too ah now we're looking at the scariest thing I've ever seen which is a cat person it's like Thundercats but a person and really about that person's like not only did they give them self fake cheekbones fake lips to like make themselves look like who's the little orange cat Garfield's looks like a scary human Garfield but then with that they also added like a row of 50 spikes on the upper lip what is that about I don't know those are the whiskers those are the whiskers I'm Thunder Thunder Thunder Thundercats and the teeth look like cat teeth and so I'm so over it that's like if it was between that and a vibrating tattoo I'll take the vibrating two cars one is geeky and the other one has no purpose I wasn't her if I um all right shall we get on to be king of nerds speaking of nerdy things Microsoft might be working on a gaming helmet and I we're just like the Google I where the hood glasses that we bet on in a previous show whenever that was so according to a new Microsoft patent that details how a compact display system will work on goggles helmets and other I wear this has been reported by the website patent bolt patent bolt so according to the patent the company Microsoft has been working since q3 2010 on a gaming helmet accessory for its Xbox console and a pair of glasses that could be used with mp3 players or phones or other portable devices whatever the patent calls for a virtual projector system that involves lasers and that are used to beam images in front of each eye because our eyes are unable to process images that are too close I didn't know that these images would be shrunk such that they appear to be farther away so you can can't focus that's true I can't focus when it gets their rights okay I know you're cross-eyed so it'll be small so it'll look like it's happening farther away the other thing that is cool about this is that the images will be partially transparent so that users can see external objects in the real world so you're not like running into things it'll just like yes pacifically you're like ah meno universe of my own yeah I me your own about but how there I mean you wouldn't play it on the bus you play with your connect I mean it's like yeah it with your console I mean the glasses maybe I don't know why you would be on the bus wearing these things it's scary people steal them people will steal things on the bus but the Coyotes also talked about the potential of creating a stereoscopic stereoscopic stereoscopic Thank You 3d effect by projecting slightly different images concurrently so it'll be like you're listen you guys it's a helmet like the helmet I mean it that it's a hell a whole helmet did you see that picture of it like you look dazed point out how crudely the pictures driver I mean thanks Microsoft really like totally like this guy I just drew this and it is look at the one on the helmet it looks like nothing it looks like it I've drawn better draw something picture like that when I my finger diaper on my iPhone and so I mean think about wearing this thing like I don't wear a gaming headset because I don't play Halo or any of the games that were not necessitate that you know needing one of the one of the units i love it you in hood if you would have needed to my the xbox like bundle that I got came with one it was a connected one it's not a wireless one but so I never use it whatever I just couldn't even imagine wearing a helmet like you know somebody coming home and seeing you sitting on the couches it's like full gear like even at the arcade or loved one is like that's my special lover yeah Emily a boo-boo so I mean they have that video game at their arcade where it's kind of like virtual reality you put your you know the helmet on and I can't even play that its cost like four dollars but like I can't even play that because I feel so foolish wearing the stupid element around like shootin at nothin that only I can see in my mind yeah it'll take like the loneliness of intense gaming to a whole new low I mean you're just literally in a box by yourself you put this helmet on you can't see it's dark it's just a helmet I mean I can't wear I um it male gay we're also excited about those google goggles you know that are like 3d technology and like have they haven't had a determinate ray yeah and like I I was actually at a dinner party and this guy was like oh my god are you excited by those goggles they're good have so many real-world implications like so many people can wear them and it'll fix their lives and I was like I guess I mean I actually think maybe that's true there are therapeutic maybe applications for these type of things beyond gaming you know I through life like this that's totally what its gonna be like well that's it you'd be ostracized whoa I mean when I was guest-hosting on Android Atlas and we were talking about it real quick you know for a minute and I remember um we're saying you know you put them on you wake up in the morning you look in the mirror it like runs down your list you know as you're brushing your key on your to-do list then you know you get in the car it um you see a hot dude walking by and it brings up their Facebook and then you go you drive by our starbucks and it pulls up like if they're having a special or you know what the coffee of the day is like the it seems cool but it's like that is just too much like I don't know that works what you're seeing is awesome you're seeing all this information in it so cool but what other people are seeing is a person wearing these crazy great thank you yet everybody is gonna is gonna be wearing them you know but in Matilda everybody in the next 300 or brain until then there has to be that one guy yeah and I mean we're lucky that we live in San Francisco that like nobody would look twice at us wait on you were that banana suit I mean it was like the most normal thing in the world so I think that wearing these glasses I'm like that's like at least of my problems is wearing this helmet outside yeah everyone was like oh my god is it banana suit day Sarah's just go so crazy like they probably chew off a banana suit day and I should probably just started it and have a following of banana suitors banana suitors I just made a joke you guys love it banana suitors honey so many suitors anyway I'll we take a break yeah let bring a break this is a little video that one of our our great fans kale hail from South Carolina right no I think I feel like kale are you in there were you from is he from I feel like in my movies are you in middle of the country I think Georgia he's from the south okay based on his accent and he went to the Atlanta auto show I know that so my keys I I know a lot about kale because we are showing you have his own show on YouTube join you on you to bail the geeks my youtube channel don't put it past us because we are like orphans now we seriously round two kales videos are good yeah they're great great let's move to South Carolina where we at ya rookies welcome months um so anyway so this is from kale it's a couple clips from it's a best-of yeah it's his tribute video banana sooo a one-time was playing Scrabble I started crying you didn't even know that key was a word I will have vosotros por favor okay beegly bought Jesus it doesn't involve any unnamed sources because they didn't go through digit times the row tuna deuce plea hahaha Garrett of all the sports program is that I might have an iPad no iPad left behind what do I do with you you hold your ipad into the sky righty tighty whities casio who AMOLED amo amo a lady's got a movie what are you looking at what are you looking at it's our 20th episode not to be confused with on the bayou I start screaming pop champagne burps corn and I'll drink while this happens and what happened agus stays in Vegas don't tweet why your initial tweet is doing so well yell at your TV turn on Seinfeld well what would you like to watch Jerry what else is on I'm sorry I didn't catch that what else is on changes to the Bachelorette ah good one no seriously what would you like to watch sure you turn up the volume to turn up the return on genius you recently watched real sex 32 you may also enjoy cathouse kaboom banana sub lamps from kale from Greenville calls in just to see the luckiest kid he's so nice and fun about that he actually does bad thing about kale that's the best he has his own little rumor show AHA tube they will not be yelling at him to go into the kitchen um I turn on this video and then I saw that it was women so so what are you doing out of the kitchen you're stupid yeah I believe I figured um I hate your dumb face I'm hitting the dislike button on you and I think you're lame you just took care of like half of our comments and stop cackling like hens forgot a your women and you should get back in the kitchen that company was the most willing to cooperate with Google triste can then be picked up from Tuesday now students with more than ninety credit and will be like a little traveling iPad band a fantabulous is that person having a seizure I want to go do it later no I'm gonna want to type at three event careful Homer like I didn't win it's just that you lost so that was actually right after the announcement bank issues thank you that was our yay or nay section all rights reserved don't try to copy a mobile payment dong bo we should do a harmony um will the Google tablet come out to me guys if you want to come have a powwow with us we'll give you some honest-to-goodness ideas we only charge like 50 bucks an hour oh dear you will pardon from the eastern US for this magical tablet uh yeah I am a stabbing robot screen thing regally oh my Gauri tales are young so much you thank you that was a we're back we're back they welcome back to rumor has it so that was a clip video that kale and he is from South Carolina let's go recio correct I just thought I'd wait for that yeah I mean now you're winning because I didn't know where my BFF kales from he sent us his favorite clips from rumor has it and there are some funny things happening really are also i forgot like we look very different day to day how some days i look wonderful some days i look like why did emily just roll in looking like that I mean I know me my hair sir has gone not today is a hot day because i feei like that I can't handle today without a half so much stress and sadness coming in door into this episode it's just hit it I'm gonna miss you guys in here so watching that video brought back so many good memories crying with laughter actually feels like you're crying sama this is not a tier there's something in my eye yeah I'm like I having an allergy attack yes so yeah this is this is our 26 show yeah I'll have 27 shows by the end and really really good for all and also look at how much we love I know all we did in that whole clip show it was four minutes of laughing yeah I mean I love kale that like all of your favorite Clips had zero to do with rumors nothing like the people on YouTube would be so mad i know they playing wii chitterchat my god they're always like I can't believe this is a 45-minute show about things that I could have researched in three minutes well you know what I researched in three minutes to and that's oh now we are going to talk about it for like 45 minutes and you'd like a lot to say we're not making up these rumors we're reporting on them around the nematic experts yet I guess now we don't ever have to deal with the youtubers again oh now I'm gonna miss those me I necessary so all right let us let us continue we have a couple more rumors yeah we promised we would never talk about this and we went back on our promise iphone to get a bigger Retina display we're gonna talk about the iphone 5 because we never really got to talk about the iphone 5 yes so I mean we could do whatever we want now remember gettin worried we're gonna cancel it anyway so it's melee funny because one of the other people who send in a clip thing where we at one point Emily said I'm so glad we've been going on this long that we haven't been canceled by Cena tv turns out emily is a wizard because I actually say that clear because I remember on our first episode saying like bear with us guys were trying our best and hopefully they won't cancel us and like I was kidding I thought they'd let us go to day two months later they're like you're gunshot you're canceled so emily is a clairvoyant wizard we've discovered that on the show so anyway so the iphone might get according to this rumor a bigger retina display so Apple is purportedly already placing orders with suppliers for a four point six inch iphone retina display according to Reuters citing a report in South Korea's mail business newspaper mail business huh malevolent maybe your newspaper down over there Maria ma รจ il mail the fun that's what it m EI e is from south oh I see the phone is due in this all right I don't want to wear my hat a half day for you to the phone is due in the second quarter according to the report which is that's a little bit interesting so that's a relatively massive screen for a smartphone the 4.6 inch glass screen would be a big step up from apples current 3.5 inch Retina display and a larger phone may also allow Apple to include updated chips such as the a 5 X which is an ipad ipad the new night new ipad 3 3rd generation all rights reserved that chip smart key feature is quad-core graphics so maybe so a bigger phone would allow a bigger processor and that would be great yeah and I think like um there had been some hesitation about whether or not Apple was capable of making a bigger Retina display and they proved that they can't exactly so now they can go do everything in between yeah you know so well be the new Samsung oh my how do you heard it here first yeah exactly so Samsung rotina deeply galaxy note in 25 inches or less akad iphone 5 so four point six inches is really really big um the actually speaking of the galaxy note the galaxy note is five point four three inches so four point six inches is basic I mean you know because it's it's diagonal it's not the size of the so that 4.3 inches diagonally four point six inches diagonal it's really big it is i mean the the galaxy note is hard to hold it's so big in hurting me i mean you had to come up with a whole new horrible name to describe it tablet a phablet if parts own part my little carney hands actually can't hold that tablet yeah i mean it's I don't have anything here I wish we brought one in here's my phone like my phone is just in my hand that's about what I can hold yeah and I was like like this much bigger yeah it's really big and kind of distracting that I think to hold but the screen on it is gorgeous the galaxy note is pretty awesome I kind of like the stylus whatever whatever so the good thing about this iphone being a little bit bigger even though i don't know i kike the size of the phone now but if it did get bigger i would become a super duper expert at Draw Something because my you know it would give me a little bit more real estate to play with yeah play on the ipad is a great idea i just i don't have 3g on my ipad so i would only have to be able to play it in places where there's Wi-Fi and then I realized that that's fine because it's not like I'm playing this thing on the bus because you're like so so maybe I'll start playing draw something on um I have a gripe with draw something and it was drying popular and everyone loves it yeah there's no chat that comes yeah I kinda hate that but I keep getting the same words and have to draw the same picture are you paying are you playing free are you playing to play the free verse see you have to buy the 99 cent they give you my word I know if it's a buck it's a buck but it's worth it um you know a lot of people on Twitter have been asking to play against me and I will but here's the thing i have 75 games going on right now i have like seven words with friends games had to delete scramble because it was too much for me I have 14 not kidding 14 draw something because I hooked it up with facebook for some stupid reason and the only way to do anything you can you can search by email an email and Twitter and so I'm I just I can't I can't play right now until some people drop out or if I maybe I'll uninstall it and like not and then I'll just find my little nickname twitter friends yeah maybe I'll do it the fake name because I just I have OCD when it comes to stuff like that and if there are any notifications on my phone it freaks me out so I have to clear it to have to play like 12 games of draw something at the same i know i mean Kareem Kareem we have to do work and she's like I'm doing work i'm wearing my draw something famous it took me an hour so i just i can't right now i know front line and i know i think solsa spare to wanted to play and I saw your requests and I ignored them I just can't my OCD heart can't handle it but I will get to you soon well it's not because I don't love you guys it's because I have I'm I can't I mean ever need a bandage and let emails you know hope people will mark an email as read in their inbox and then that makes them feel better Kareem delete I have everything get them my inbox has nothing nothing in it like my trash is my is my like folder she came over to my computer one day and saw that I have sixty seven thousand emails and of those like 20,000 or unread and she had a panic if I had to take advance and a shot of tequila because that was it gave me chills hey like it's all just pamphlets from williams-sonoma offering me a deal i hate understand so I just have to delete everything so anyway so frontline solstice bear don't worry we'll play a game soon okay how does my discussion about the rumor of the new iphone yes okay so our last rumor is not apple related guys holy wow did you would you have ever guessed it it is concerning a little company you may have forgotten about called sony Oh sony chromebook may not be a unicorn laptop review reports so um way back in the Wayback Machine if we go back into the past in March of a little year called 2011 so a year ago there began to be rumors that Sony was going to come out with a tiny little laptop that was running Chrome OS and remember there was like a blip of a moment in time when Chromebooks were exciting and people are like you're gonna open it it'll be like on on lately I manually like connected to the internet and everything yeah so it was weird i got different than her computer I mean it was kind of different but not that different and not different enough for anyone to buy it and I actually even knew someone who worked at Google who had one and gave it to her boyfriend as like a present and he was like seems so awesome and yet nope it's like a coaster I use it as a coach yeah well I think um uh what's the same Seth Rosenblatt uses a Chromebook oh he would and then and they also give them out on um virgin america flight oh it's a rent you can rent yeah you can rent a chromebook you can rent a Chromebook and then they'll bring you a little ginger ale yeah and the middle soluble round I think the thing about is that they're just like apps it's like a basically a tablet with that's a computer and it's all in the cloud you don't really store anything on it and you know it's it's just a different way of consuming the internet at all times right um but so Sony was working on one and people were like cool Sony's working on one cuz I think the others are from Lenovo there's a lenovo Chromebook and i can't remember her together maybe there's an a sous a susan lenovo com book and but sony makes high-end laptop so that was kind of exciting it was like a mishmash of high-end gear with like not that Chromebooks are low end but they're lower cost because there's a lot of trade-offs around it um so they were excited with a sony one and then nothing ever having never showed up and then suddenly now a year later the FCC declassified the existence of this patent for yes a sony chromebook running chrome OS and there are pictures and ostensibly it's going to come out which is ridiculous like it's okay okay it's a lie your look at it I know I was like it kind of looks huge and well I think it actually is really small that's just the perspective is we're heck it is what it is definitely ugly it's not it's 11.6 inches it supposedly will have a 1.2 gigahertz nvidia tegra two chip which like will beyond those chips now 16 gigabytes of flash storage m 1 gig of ddr2 ram dual core arm cortex a9 processor I mean it's fine yeah but what a riot a year and literally like laptops have the the whole laptop market has advanced so much since then like this was invented before they even had heard about ultrabooks then ultrabooks became the big thing and now ultrabooks are maybe dead says dan ackerman he said they are dead he said he tweeted that the death of them was like this month I think so well because they were like this is what an ultrabook is we're gonna define it in these terms it's XY and Z and then they were like okay but this one also has T and it also has s rare m and it doesn't have X so what was that is this one category yeah look it's just a laptop they want to put as much as they can in there um but what will be interesting about this is to see if Sony bothers to actually release this since it's so old I mean there have been plenty of examples in consumer electronic history of a company working on something for so long and for some reason things going wrong in the manufacturing things going wrong in the planning and not coming out in time and then when they min it's really important that things get released when people will appreciate them like Microsoft have been working on a tablet for a really long time before the ipad came out and they miss their window and then they didn't like by the time any of it came out no one cared um and sometimes businesses will then choose not to release it because why bother so maybe this won't actually come out it's just been filed with FCC and we won't actually see it um but we'll see and with that we should do yeas or nades yeah and then vote and then we have a couple voice we have oh yes you do okay yay or nay you read I'll be described all right will we get password free Wi-Fi yay I don't know what that means oh so you just won't need a password when you log into your Wi-Fi well can't you always notice a have Wi-Fi with no password no you can just that password can be admin or whatever but you need a password stuff but you can have an unsecured network but you still need a password that's just not secure but sometimes they're not okay all right there I mean a pan but sometimes you like will see someone in your building and their their network is unsecured and you just hit it it doesn't ask our password it just joints but you can't really use it yeah yeah you can okay this is something different okay all right so I'm gonna say nay cuz I don't know what it is and I'm just gonna say make it a game has before yeas are names guys just in case you were wondering if we don't what we do is we do not read the stories and we go with our guts right off the headlines its to automatically log into hot spots you it's like edit like a when you go to Starbucks oh okay yeah it's not like for your home thing password free Wi-Fi okay sure yeah that'll happen and it's terrible idea okay um mm-hmm is the HTC One avi slated for virgin mobile yay nay okay 4g roaming coming to the US yay yay I concur that one is also from Carl yes oh and will soon release a 10 inch kindle fire yay yay yeah I don't know about this password free Wi-Fi thing let me give it to the chat room and let them look at it yeah you guys sell it tell us what that it tell us about that um ok now we're voting with is a real voting all right wha um well tattoos that vibrate when your phone rings make it into our lives yeah and I hate it so grown nenene okay is Microsoft working on gaming helmets and I wear nay oh I say yay oh yeah no will the iphone get a bigger Retina display yay yay too ok and will sony release a tiny old new Chromebook I think they will oh wow I think they won't I think that would be dumb okay why am I still writing yay and nay I don't know you're new alright so we had a couple voicemails this week besides the one that broke our news for us so let's let's try to listen to a couple of our voicemails okay what this one is from Jeff in Las Vegas says he will miss the show have it this is jeff from las vegas again first I would like to say that I love my new iPad and I do notice that it heats up a little bit ly my tennis from the line there any noticeable and now I'd like to say how much i will miss the show and i hope that all three of you guys can possibly get on the man show when they switch over we're working on it i would show okay thank you mr. sir from Las Vegas he called us from the line from the Apple Store line oh yeah Jeff from las vega and he left us a voicemail once it was like you guys are in Vegas and I'm find every like come show us our home Vegas because we don't know what to eat cool i'm gonna play another one yes shot um this rumor has it fan has some questions about seeing it live and let's see if maybe we can clear some of this up good me um I am a new suppose two minutes long just to press another watching this podcast actually the podcasting is the first I'm actually start podcasting this year he's fun and I love you guys show you guys just showed one of the reasons why i first started podcasting in the first place as it were an inspiration well anyway I just watched the was out loud episode 15 86 and they announced that they are and be done with their does looks lumpy knit TV live on the Chris Gethard yeah so let me just explain real quick so yeah cnet live is not going away completely the 404 will be live every monday at nine a.m. pacific time 12 p.m. eastern time they will continue on their show is going to be changing format as well i don't know if it's going to be necessarily like the podcast that it is now i think it's gonna be more I don't know I think that Jeff has some ideas we ought to make it since it's gonna be the flagship live show I think it's gonna have more news focus and it'll like the backbone and they were tooling that a little bit and then also we are going to continue doing special event coverage like you know like we just did that ipad event and we're looking into may be doing this HTC thing so we will always be doing live content from here we're also doing an event thursday night so please tune in that's going to be at six o'clock and it's going to be like a meeting with venture capitalists i'm gonna be talking about the JOBS Act it's gonna be very interesting George Zachary's going to be there he's a venture capitalist so yeah I mean cnet TV is going to continue on mostly on demand video so we're gonna we're actually are working on a show we've been throwing out ideas brainstorming some stuff and you know we're gonna do some video on demand stuff and see how see what sticks and you know see what works out and yeah when you guys see us in shows and you like it let them know because we might try a couple different ones then we won't get canceled but we might do like a one-off here and a one-off there and if you guys see them you know whichever one's hit strike your fancy tell us we're looking for feedback yeah even if you have ideas for a new show that you'd like to see on Cena we were open we're open to it yes totally and yeah and like we said at the top of the show if you want to thus you know emails with suggestions or just emails telling us how much you love rumor has it or hate it but none of you hates it if you want to send us emails it you know telling us how much you love it then that would be great you can email rumor has it at cnet com and we will pass it on to our boss um and you know then we can say be stick around yeah in a different capacity yeah won't be a podcast but maybe we can bring rumor has it to an on-demand type of situation right and then in the meantime you guys have a little bit of homework which is to tweet us or to email us again about our twitter is Emily at Emily Dreyfus or at Kareem levy or at Stephen Beecham or like it or at rumor show even and you can give us suggestions for next week's humiliation we're just going to try to do as much as we can and fit it as mad humiliating things into an hour-long show holy so it doesn't have to be one really big long concept it can be like you want to see one small mime act in one small song and one small juggling right it could be a nunchuck right I can't either so maybe that's me lady but so so you know what we can do that next week also if you created any more clips or whatever it you know video tributes to rumor has it like people have started doing you could send that will and voicemails and whatever will do that because next week is our last show so we made it to 27 yeah man 27 shows my actually 28 shows because the missing episode 17 one that we do not speak up yeah the next week we'll see million will tell you the story of what happened to missing episode 17 that'll be Steven simulation day so all right guys well thank you so much for watching this penultimate episode of rumor has it with us we miss we ready already we love you so much thanks for being a part of this with us and we're so excited about next week alright see you guys see ya
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