hey I'm Korean TV and welcome to rumor
has it the show that rounds up the
week's biggest tech rumors you can vote
on what you think about the rumors too
in the interactive player if you're
watching on seeing that this week i'll
definitely round up what we did and
didn't get in the new iPad's but first
another Google glass competitor might be
on its way an LG might be gunning for
its own piece of the Chrome OS pie let's
get started first up we can't go a
single week without somebody wanting to
put something on your face sorry that
sounded really gross anyway a couple
weeks ago it was a rumor that Samsung
was working on gear glass which is
supposedly its version of Google glass
which came out earlier this year and now
according to a report in the Wall Street
Journal Microsoft could be working on a
glass contender as well the report
doesn't say anything about how the
glasses would work but I can imagine a
strong tie in with the xbox and
microsoft has already been pushing its
second screen feature integration with
Xbox SmartGlass so maybe this would be
Xbox smart glasses I'm not going to lie
I'd buy a pair if they would work really
well with my normal glasses and if they
would allow me to play assassin's creed
4 at all times without anybody knowing
up next LG recently filed for trademarks
on three names that contain the word
chrome chrome one chrome desk and chrome
station remember that LG already
manufactures the Nexus 4 smartphone and
will create the upcoming Nexus 5 so what
do you guys think is an LG branded
Chromebook heading our way let me know
in the comments and finally let's round
up what we did and didn't get from the
apple event earlier this week but that's
kept the rumor mill churning we did not
see new ipods new gaming accessories an
HDTV which we've been talking about for
a hundred years and nope sorry no i
watch maybe next time everyone the bad
news is that we can't put those rumors
to rest just yet the good news is job
security we did get new macbooks as
expected and also no surprise we got new
iPads the new full-size iPad isn't
called the ipad 5 as everybody in the
world thought it would be called
it's called the ipad air which is let's
face it way better than new iPad which
is what they called the ipad for the
ipad air is still nine point seven
inches but it's now thinner than the
ipad 4 and it weighs less at just a
pound it comes with the same 64-bit a7
and m7 chips as in the iphone 5s but
unlike the iphone 5s it doesn't have
touch ID remember that four out of five
seen at council members said that it
would have touch ID so congrats to that
one editor who went against the grain
you win as for the 2nd gen ipad mini it
finally has a Retina display that we all
knew it would have other than that and
the new a7 chip it's basically the same
as the first gen mini and that's a good
thing since that device is pretty
awesome neither tablet comes in candy
colors or even gold but the black of
yesteryear has been replaced by that
space gray that we first saw on the
iPhone 5s what do you guys think did
Apple fulfill your iPad wish list are
you going to get one I'm still rocking a
first gen ipad and I think it's time for
an upgrade which one do you think I
should get don't forget to vote in our
poll and leave a comment that's our show
everybody please share your rumors that
rumor has it at cnet com or call us at 1
800 750 cnet and tweet us and tune in
next week for more tech rumors
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