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Rumor Has It - iPhone 5S camera to pack more punch?

hey I'm Kareem levy and welcome to rumor has it the show that rounds up the week's biggest tech rumors and don't forget that you can vote on what you think about the rumors too in the interactive player if you're watching on cnet now first up Facebook held an event last week where it surprised nobody by announcing video capabilities in Instagram so now you can take pictures and videos of your food and your cats and add all those hipstery filters awesome what wasn't announced that the event was Facebook's rumored answer to Google Reader which is set to go dark on July first according to The Wall Street Journal Facebook is working on an RSS reader of its own though and it's called reader it would display content from users and publishers in a new format that's tailored for mobile devices the project which has been in the works for more than a year reportedly resembles Flipboard the popular news reading app that aggregates content from multiple sources so first Facebook copies Twitter now it's going to copy google reader and Flipboard if tomorrow Facebook comes to work dressed in a red wig and glasses i'm going to call shanigan and my lawyer next up the folks over at the blog google operating system report that they have obtained an image of a new service that google is working on called google mine not to be confused with minecraft which is something completely different the report says that mine would let users organize the things that you own use wish for and more like gadgets clothing electronics DVDs cars bikes or anything so it's like if your Amazon wish list had a baby with Pinterest and finally as you can imagine iphone rumors are continuing to heat up as the announcement day looms 9to5 mac is reporting that the iphone 5s will have an improved camera 12 megapixels with improved low-light shooting the current iPhone 5 has an 8-megapixel camera now I know that megapixel specs don't necessarily mean better images but it's definitely something to consider suppose it pictures of the rumored 5s of leaked showing a bigger flash and improved battery specs did those two things lead you to believe that a megapixel boost is on the way what do you guys think well a significant boost in camera specs make you buy the iphone 5s don't forget to vote and leave a comment and we'll check in with the cnet council the cnet council is composed of five editors who cast their votes anonymously their opinions are not an endorsement by Cena or CBS interactive obviously because these are rumors folks and the cnet councils verdict is yes three out of five editors think that the camera in the 5s will likely get a mega pixel boost one editor said that Apple would never tout it as having a ton of megapixels and the upgrades would improve more than just the image size other improvements like a better sensor would probably be a part of the update that's our show everybody please share your rumors at rumor has it at cnet com or call us at 1 800 750 cnet and tweet us and tune in next week for more tech rumors you
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