Russian trolls can go viral in 3 easy steps (The 3:59, Ep. 307)
Russian trolls can go viral in 3 easy steps (The 3:59, Ep. 307)
good morning on Monday October 30th one
day before spooky scary day scoop spooky
Tuesday's Tuesday's it's the time for
the 359 podcast it's episode 307 and
today your hosts are alfred Inge and Ben
factory Ruben hey what up I'm dressed as
a man becoming a wall Wow I'm not
dressed because it's not Halloween I'm
gonna dull I'm probably not gonna be
here tomorrow cuz I'm gonna take my kids
out for Halloween but anyway we've got
packed show today we're gonna be talking
about a story Alfred wrote about that
published today about Russian bot armies
and how they make their content go viral
also Jeff Bezos and the fact that he's
now the world's richest person again and
we'll wrap up yeah he was the world's
richest person for like a hot second I
think three months ago and we'll wrap up
with Nintendo which had a really strong
earnings thanks to the power of the
switch anyway I send you your questions
and comments we'll get to as many as we
can at the end of the show and we'll get
to the bodies
and here we go in three two welcome to
the 359 I'm Ben Fox Ruben I'm alfred
Aang so there's been a lot written about
Russian trolls influencing the 2016 US
election using their BOTS armies Alfred
you published a story today looking at
how these trolls actually get their
content to go viral
tell me a little bit about this how does
it actually work so they actually have a
very unfair advantage when it comes to
getting their topics on the trending
topics on either your Facebook or your
Twitter feeds one of the tactics and
this is specifically for Twitter is that
they have these this three-step attack
process where it starts with Shepherd
accounts which is like a whale account
right yeah it's a big one it's basically
like a large account I can like lead the
direction and tone of what the fake
trending topic is supposed to be and
from there
sheepdog accounts which are also run by
people kind of retweet it and then there
those are the retweets that like add
like a second line or something like I
knew it or Wow or like second look like
it's organic yeah yeah and then that's
when the bots Arnie army comes and
that's the third step and
been Nemo from the Atlantic a digital
forensics lab you know council they
basically call these accounts like
electric sheeps because that's kind of
they basically puff it up they puff it
up to look like you know 30,000 people
retweeted this and like this post and
agreed with it when it's all like just
BOTS the way that I've described this to
my friends is basically imagine you're
out of protest and then you know there's
like so many people there's like 200
people there and then you know later on
you find out that maybe like a hundred
and eighty of them were actually like
robots or Holograms or something this is
kind of like the digital equivalent of
that so like you see these trending
topics like you see you know boycott NFL
or something like that on Twitter or you
see like the fake news that spreads and
a lot of it is you know just because it
has you know X amount of retweets
doesn't exactly lend it legitimacy
well it's really hard to tell that so
Twitter talks about how they've banned
you know millions of bots a week they
try finding these suspicious accounts
but you know it gets harder to tell when
it's run by an actual human being who's
like directing this so that's kind of
what I wanted to ask too is is this
practice not allowed by Twitter or face
no it's not I mean because it's
essentially gaming their algorithm on
Facebook they use their bot army in a
different way where they have you know
direct like wording for it on on
specific fake news so they figure out a
long time ago that Facebook's algorithm
rewards engagement so if I post
something and nobody likes it or
anything it kind of disappears from your
newsfeed in like an hour but if I post
something that's like kind of outrageous
and then all these people comment on it
basically I'm like you're wrong and then
like other people they start arguing
with each other it keeps getting bumped
up so they figured why are we you know
sending these faking it like bots to
comment on things that we want to bury
when we should be having them argue with
each other on things that we want
exposed so they sent these fake bots
like to during the the height of the
Ukraine like Russia conflict instead of
trying to bury like embassy an official
government post they started promoting
fake fights on their own fake news this
was back in 2014 yeah yeah yeah and you
know if you notice the spread of fake
news on Facebook like a lot of that is
still going on now so I want to get to
this question pretty quickly because we
have some other stories
- but is there anything that we can do
to prevent this or slow it down at all I
mean I think it's important to check the
sources on a lot of things I think it's
a weird argument to say stop commenting
on Facebook and Twitter because I think
that's part of what they want is like
they want radio silence that's also a
win for them I just think you know if
you're looking at the the source of
where the argument is beginning with
like you know trace it back to who like
the Shepherd account is and then you see
from there next Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos is
now the world's richest person he
outpaced Bill Gates after Amazon stocks
surged Friday his net worth no joke
Rosen estimate 10 billion dollars in one
day so with the time that we have is
Amazon now too big and does Jeff have
too much money no you know like you
could ask the same question about
Microsoft you know like four or five
days ago like is Microsoft tubing and do
that too much money with like Bill Gates
I think you know they have a lot of
large projects and things like that that
they're working on and quite clearly
they need the money for it yeah they
definitely need the money by Jeff if you
want to send me any of that money go
ahead or just continue to break
champagne bottles on windmills that's
that's another idea also another company
that's making a lot of money is Nintendo
which reported some very solid earnings
Monday thanks to the Nintendo switch it
looks like Nintendo is back in play
I think the Wii U really wasn't that
strong and they came back really well
with the switch you had some time to
mess around with it right it's a great
console I guess not time believe it
we'll leave it there if you want to read
more about these stories check us out on
CNN I'm Ben Fox Ruben I'm alfred Aang
thanks for listening
all right thanks for puttering around
with us for four minutes guys we're
gonna go ahead and I'm gonna jump into
the chat they got some good questions
and comments until then talks amongst
yourselves I wanted to talk way more
about the switch then yeah thank you
like pushing me along yes yeah we were
we started the timer yeah so I think the
reason why the switch has like gotten to
such prominence for Nintendo is like
graphics wise and like hardware wise the
switch isn't really that much better
than the PS Vita but I think you know I
think they've really like paid a lot of
attention to how people want to play
games and you know the types of games
that people want because I think they're
realizing that you know people aren't
just like sitting at home anymore and
like just playing on their on their like
he's all about mobile well yeah I mean
there's that but it's also like you
can't just make mobile games that aren't
like really that good and I think that's
where the PS Vita kind of lost on this
even though they had the hardware to
support like Nintendo right now is
looking at - game of the years on this
one console within the first like year
of its release when I would be Mario
Odyssey and uh it would be Mario Odyssey
okay breath of the wild
those are like - already like top tier
like gaming campaigns and like for their
launch and you know a lot of the times
like like the best game for a console
will maybe come out like within the
second year or so when like studios have
kind of figured out what like when you
really start hitting your pace yeah like
yeah they've hit like two home runs
already on the switch so they've got a
lot of things going on for them with the
switch I would probably argue that with
with the switch before the switch came
out and before Nintendo really started
to get it noticed with its mini consoles
like the NES classic and the SNES
classic they looked like they were
getting lapped pretty badly by Sony and
Microsoft which are too much much bigger
companies they're always much more
graphics heavy yeah they're games they
were getting beat like hardware wise and
also sales and also games so they were
getting bad movie back and the Wii U was
not a good console I mean yeah it didn't
resonate it felt like the Wii U was kind
of like training wheels for the switch I
totally agree but the Wii U
just wasn't quite there yet and you know
I think a lot of people are really you
know gunning for a Nintendo they want to
see Nintendo succeed because it is a
smaller player in a much bigger market
where Sony and Microsoft are really kind
of these much bigger juggernauts it's
becoming apples and oranges though you
know the Nintendo crew they're the
grandfather's of it they're always been
about innovating the experience yeah not
so much
we're gonna man that games possible or
the graph they've never been known for
graphics which is okay they've been
known for artistic integrity so as far
as blowing your mind with
next-generation realism and everything
no that's that's not their play yeah but
like want you to play yeah but like you
take it there clearly like they know
what gamers want now when you look at it
like the sandbox style that you have in
both Super Mario Odyssey and breadth of
the wild there's there's you know
they're clearly shifting to to you know
you know meet people's demands yeah yeah
I wish I had more time to like spend
which swing Super Smash Brothers for the
switch it'll come it'll be here let's
talk a little bit about Amazon you know
we we know that Bezos now owns the earth
and I mean oh the action of Whole Foods
was such a I don't know to me that still
seem like a bizarre play but ultimately
it definitely paid out for them in the
short term that really only happened a
couple months ago I'm just curious so
you know what what would be next
that would are they going to throw
another kind of Hail Mary like that or
there have been like so many rumors
lately that they plan on buying another
traditional retailer I don't really know
that that's where their head is like
where they would buy like JC Penney or
Nordstrom or the holes by the world's
water supply where they could buy the
world's water supply and then and Mad
Max I think you are from Philadelphia
aren't you I I did accidentally say
wooder was way back in the day I trained
myself not to say wooder but I guess I
would say slipped oh yeah you know I am
from where I am I never picked up on any
kind of regional accent from you and so
right now
till now um so I think what what often
gets lost in these discussions is that
online retail is still only ten percent
of total sales on retail people buy a
ton of stuff in brick-and-mortar but in
general there are too many stores there
are too many brick-and-mortar stores now
and it does make sense to a certain
extent that some of them will shut down
or go bankrupt and only the strong will
survive and Amazon is definitely gaining
an advantage from a lot of money
shifting over to e-commerce but there's
still much smaller than a lot of people
I think realize and if we were having a
discussion like this maybe we wouldn't
because like we're tech publication but
Walmart was being discussed a lot while
they were in a huge growth trajectory
maybe ten years ago no exactly and I
mean not to vilify anybody but that's
that simple capitalism yeah so I think
it seems likely to me that somebody is
gonna catch up to Amazon to a certain
extent they're probably not gonna be
able to keep growing like this and know
eventually I think not a steam and and I
think that like the Whole Foods thing
the the jury is still out as far as like
whether they actually know how to
properly operate a brick-and-mortar
store because they know how to operate
warehouses but this is one where you
know you got you have to have cashiers
window washers people stocking the
shelves you're not gonna do the whole
thing with robots I just wonder if
you're gonna be able to get her make you
think maybe they will the Amazon
experience begins to mirror itself in a
wholefoods experience you know like you
get a buy it buy it later kind of option
put on your queue go and get the quinoa
like people who bought quinoa also
bought walking around behind you be
giving you like a theme park that's it
the next thing for Amazon is gonna be
like a theme park or selling so just to
throw out some additional numbers so as
of Friday Jeff Bezos says total net
worth was ninety three point eight
billion dollars and Bill Gates don't
feel too bad for him because his was
eighty eight point seven billion
but here's here's - can besos match
gates in charity contributions right so
that's didn't he I'm not saying he
hasn't tried I'm saying that he's gonna
start looking into it but it's true that
Bill Gates has absolutely given away
more of his money than he's it's just so
funny that Jeff Bezos you know a man
with that Smart has to go on Twitter and
ask hey do you wonder some things I
should contribute to maybe like I think
it was a smoke screen yeah I mean like
my conspiracy theory on that was they
announced the whole food steal I think
the next day and Jeff was trying to get
people to think about philanthropy and
where he's gonna put tens of billions of
dollars so that they didn't look into
the fact that Whole Foods was about to
happen right that makes a lot of sense
yeah maybe maybe it could just be a
conspiracy I have no proof that that's
actually what was happening so let's
let's reaffirm the detail James favors
asking why did the stock go up for
Amazon on Friday it was a good question
it was third quarter results they were
expected to have a pretty measly profit
in their third quarter which is
generally one of their biggest investing
quarters they open a lot of warehouses
they planned a lot of seeds so that
their holiday ends up being stronger
that's the fourth quarter where they
make most of their money instead of a
really bad profit or a really tiny one
they ended up posting a much bigger one
than expected and that drove the stock
way way up total sales were also higher
than anticipated as well in general
they've been on an uptick for how many
years how they rode double digits I
think they haven't been like on a sales
side they've been growing double digits
I think since they went public yeah they
they absolutely have been at least since
since I've been covering them for the
past two years and it's like not just
double digits like eleven percent sales
increases like twenty percent plus so
yeah they're growing really quickly
we're almost out of time it's been
interesting more interesting to discuss
this and I honestly anticipated so
they've been for educating us and that
Thank You Alfred for covering the rush
controls I think that that's really
interesting to me thank you very much
for explaining all that in less than
four minutes yeah well you do a really
good job actually kind of bringing it
down to the like a layman's level
because right now it just looks like
we're doomed
yeah I'm just very paranoid now of
commenting on anything on like Twitter
or Facebook just like this is like a
real issue or it's because like that was
part of their operations where they like
had like fake LGBTQ groups that um
groups fake like black lives matter
groups they had you know they pretend it
to be like a gun rights advocate group
and they all just like arguing with each
other and stuff and like setting up
these rallies that like they themselves
weren't really going to just like having
people go to them so it gets to a point
where okay I don't know I don't know
like if there's like a real thing or if
I'm like supporting like a Russian thing
because like a lot of really smart
people have fallen for this kind of
stuff if you look at on Twitter with
that ten GOP account like Roger stone
who is now banned on Twitter had like
tweeted with them a bunch of times and
this was a Russian connected IKEA and
with over a hundred other things there
was like no like indication that that
was what it was you know it was just you
know everyone just thought it was like a
legitimate like you know Trump
supporting like like Twitter group am I
wrong to think that Facebook and Twitter
are the ones that should be blamed for a
lot of this and really kind of dropped
the ball I mean they kind of gave her a
slap form but like it's another thing to
say like how would they know as well you
know if they're not like tweeting
directly out there like I still don't
know how they got caught to be honest
but it might have been an IP address
thing or something like that but it was
just one other thing like how like it's
it's it's not harder to tell like it
used to be very simple it's like that's
clearly a bot account but now that it's
like real person lots of followers lot
of counts as the one like kind of
puffing them up it's kind of like anchor
arms from like punch Bob it's kind of
like they're doping how do people know
we really exist like how do they know
that this podcast is the thing it's like
very possible we might be BOTS I'm just
I have more followers if that works
take it easy isaac asimov alright let's
end things on a lighter note just
couldn't resist this one sorry Ben Dre
Frey says I want Ben to say Mario eats a
pizza to hear how not to say either word
oh you didn't make me say what are those
so Mario eats a pizza
it's that
that's how you say it wait Dre Frey what
was wrong with Ben's pronunciation of
pizza I want to know I'm not gonna wait
around he's an Italian plumber obviously
he eats pizzas or mushrooms
I just every time you and Jeff talk
about it it just sends chill up my spine
what Jeff also says Mary oh yeah yeah
he's from like yeah all right now I get
it there's like the accent and the
jersey thing which would be acceptable
if the game didn't open with him saying
it's a me Mario know what this is this
is are you laughs in the face is here
this podcast where you instead of a
Horry oh yeah you know what I'm just not
even gonna I'm not even gonna comment
about this I'm just not even gonna
respect this with a response
hey look right but I'm gonna give ya way
Luigi you guys you guys can dunk on me
all you want
I have people out there including Jeff
that agree with me no I keep saying it
if you feel like purposefully
mispronouncing a person's name who has
demonstrated how they prefer you to say
it to them then I'm gonna take freewill
bean bean Fox Ruby I caught him getting
dunked on Hart we should set up a pole
this is this makes for good podcast
except for the fact that I may start
crying let's get out and that's what
takes us into a great podcast alright
anyway obviously we have to talk about
Mario Mario again sometime soon thanks
everybody for joining us this was a fun
podcast if you want to listen to this
podcast or watch it it's available in
have been more right it's available on
iTunes tune in stitcher SoundCloud
Feedburner Google Play Music and of
course see me calm shoot I've seen that
doc thanks everybody for watching see
you again for Halloween tomorrow
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