Samsung Ativ Book 9: Haven't we met before, Mr. Ultrabook?
Samsung Ativ Book 9: Haven't we met before, Mr. Ultrabook?
hi I'm Scott Stein and this is the
samsung series 9 no it isn't it's the
samsung active book 9 eaten active book
9 yes this is a rebranding it's a new
laptop it's not really a new laptop it's
a rebranded laptop that you've seen
before it is a laptop we liked a lot
last year the samsung series 9 people
this was a great MacBook Air competitor
it had a revision last year looked even
sleeker smaller than a macbook air 13
inches super sleek design matte display
for those who care about that well this
time the version that's been available
since April has a 1080p display really
really sharp and that's about it it has
windows 8 but it has a last generation
core i series processor your core i7 in
this case dual core four gigs of ram
your 128 gig or 256 SSD you know
standard stuff and it ramps up to $1,500
1400 for the 128 gigabyte version so
it's not cheap and you don't have a
touchscreen no there's no touchscreen
here at all does that matter well the
macbook air doesn't have a touchscreen
we don't hold that against it but that's
because there's nothing that takes
advantage of touch in Mac OS 10 but
windows 8 obviously does and so you're
going to have to rely on the trackpad
here to get a lot of stuff done it's a
pretty large and nice trackpad but it's
no substitute for the convenience with
apps of reaching up here and tapping and
pinching if you go to desktop mode not
such a big deal it has a backlit
keyboard it's got all the stuff is the
same stuff as last year really solid
thin metal design crisp pretty dongle
reliant though because you got HDMI and
VGA and these are many ports so you got
your two USB ports and that's about it
and SD card slot tucked away yeah over
here but I want this with touch and also
there's no big deal about dropping the
next generation core i series processors
as far as speed but you're going to see
a difference because the battery
life the this got about five hours on
our test and we're seeing laptops now
getting eight nine hours the macbook air
got 14 hours so this is now at the
bottom end of that if you can live with
five hours you know my paying fourteen
hundred dollars there's a really sleek
laptop but Samsung has other book nines
coming out a book 9 lite a book 9 on the
higher end not yet clear when there's
going to come out in the US but you
might want to hold on and see what comes
down the pike because there's not a lot
different here in the active book 9 /
samsung series 9 kind of sort of i'm
scott stein and that's a look at the new
ish book 9 from samsung
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