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Samsung Galaxy Note 9 Unpacked event live stream

welcome to scene that's the live coverage of Samsung unpacked event today we're expecting the note 9 and maybe some other things on my as act are alongside pretty carry and Jeff Bakalar will be talking about all the rumors on the note 9 before we head on over to Samsung's live stream you guys have any questions or comments about what's coming up from Samsung let us know tweet us with the hashtag seen that live alright guys there have been tons and tons of reports that have poured out everywhere about the Galaxy Note 9 which it can kind of break it down as to what we think we know at this point I can do that but it feels like yeah there is so much it was it's just know I'm wondering what will be surprised about about this phone because we have colors already leaked with images you got a phone that with all the leaked images looks pretty much the same as the know date but you have blue with a yellow stylus mmm and you have a copper color and a black color and also this stylus has a button on it that if you look at documents filed but with the FCC this button has bluetooth so we're talking about a stylus that maybe can be a Bluetooth controller for something if it's got bluetooth you know why would you need the button maybe you'll control things like taking a photo or changing music I don't know and then you also have fortnight fortnight everyone's talking about that as being something that's tied in I'm sorry for fortnight there's a game from the youth of America I've heard there's this battle royale game or something yes it's called player unknowns battlegrounds yeah there was a rumor that fortnight will launch with the notes or some kind of because that's gonna be coming out soon for Android and that's gonna be working through Epic Games his own thing that's a whole separate aside as how's that games gonna be distributed which is but the what the buzz is that this is gonna be something if you preorder you can come with it and some special package maybe you can it like in-game money to spend this is is it enough to make you go oh I need it right now before tonight fan I'm gonna switch my phone you know and that'd be interesting yeah yeah that would be interesting if someone was like this games only on that phone I'm gonna switch my phone because of a video game I've been amazing COO like that's it it's for Android this one and don't try to sign though to anywhere else it'll know yeah any of these rumors get you excited Jeff because they're talking about the note I could hold up my note eight and people would go oh that's that nine right now just this is the eighth just from all the rumors there apparently looked almost exactly the same well the fingerprint scanner supposed to be a little different shift it yeah slightly over from the rumors that's a big deal form factors a big deal right didn't people hate the placement of the one on the eight yeah the thing is though you learn how to do that after a while and if and when you want to move back it seems like that'd be weird wouldn't it you know what's weird not having any fingerprint scanner and having to pay with your face doing this hold on a second don't condone this I have to figure out my face speaking though since I brought that up with the whole new form factor of oh my gosh I'm already bringing up Apple and a Samsung event I'm sorry I'm sorry but minus 200 points I'm sorry but we're talking about the reason I bring it up is because of price there's a lot of rumors that this note 9 is gonna be really expensive maybe hitting that thousand dollar mark because you know the iPhone 10 hit that mark as a consumer obviously it didn't really dissuade people from jumping on the iPhone 10 because it looks so different there's so much that there's a face scanner you lost the button I'm wondering if they hit that price as the rumor suggests with this next note 9 if you're if you don't have a big whiz-bang difference you know does it matter to pay more and that that's my big question I mean I think for most people they've kind of made they've kind of chosen loyalty at this point I don't think until we see something that's radically different I don't think people really kind of jump ship one way or the other notch or no notch fortnight or no fortnight so to me you know I don't use the note I use the pixel and I think that for maybe this is more of a litmus test for people within the Android kind of ecosystem if they would like go from another Android brand to and to Samsung for me what we know now which we know every last thing there is to know about the phone this this event is pointless you know for me it's a it's almost like I said a carbon copy of the eight so I don't really think there's much kind of wiggle room for people who are like oh I need to you know jump ship for my current Android device so I think that's where it's gonna shake out the craziest thing is we've seen leaks from all kinds of different sources but also including Samsung itself they posted a video teaser video first and then like we looked to be a full commercial and it looks like there's gonna be the capacity to hold a terabyte of storage there's a okay 512 gigabyte version and it actually if you pause on the video on YouTube it actually says it on the bottom if you buy the 512 12 gigabyte model you can expand it to a terabyte so that would be a big deal a lot of want more storage I guess but I feel like there are very few indications that storage on a phone is important in our ever increasing streaming landscape like I just don't know what the hell I would do with a terabyte on a phone like I have I think I have 128 gigs on my pixel and I've used like 30 of it because I scream everything I've Spotify even like even Google podcasts the new their new podcasts that they don't download podcasts they assume you're just gonna stream everything you have to like dig if I like find a buried setting where it says like you want to download this are you ever offline what do you do with the phone is offline exactly so yeah terabyte of storage great doesn't really do anything for anyone in the world in the current Dreaming landscape so this spen rumored like you were talking before bluetooth is that it's a remote control no we're at this point because we were filed something with the FCC it's kind of like yeah I'm pretty much expect that yes you could do that preemptively though it doesn't always mean it's gonna yeah but but right you talked about the button so if it does have bluetooth right could it be remote control for something could could that be an extra I mean that's a little dude ah really simple I mean you could do that right now with Bluetooth headphones when you can use it as a shutter button on your Android phones or iPhones the cool look that's do you really need up to be able to remove this and go okay let's put this dirty feet away and then go I guess they're grasping at straws I don't know stuff is why people kind of look for when they're upgrading phones and that's a photo feature do us but you use your stylus Ilana I do because I had a pixel three not three guys who had the three I'm in the future pixel two for sure and I was writing notes of mind mapping on cocktail napkins and looked at my phone like why don't I just get something that can write on right that's just the way my mind works I I like what writing this all over the screen constantly okay cool I didn't because I I feel like I never see a lot of people doing that you're like the only one I see do that no it's fine that's great just the way I remember stuff so far sure everything nice to have that but I don't really see a lot of people have this in the wild though when I see another note users like it's like when I spot a blackberry user is like holy mackerel dude what do you do do you give like a real subtle nod then you guys both know what's up Billy yeah we're in this stylist buddies yeah yeah that's right that's cool you know so let's talk a little bit about the amount of leaks we talked about Samsung doing their own video you guys hit that photo of one of the executives holding what appears to be a note 9 and they claimed hey look this wasn't a public event so we're not commenting whether or not it's the note 9 it's like yeah all the leaks it seems like there's a secrecy yeah are they really like trying is this like purposeful leaks I feel like has he I mean if you really I don't know you know arguably like like I really think some of this stuff is done impervious ly it could be at this point because every time a new phone comes out from any company stocks take a dive because like oh it's not as exciting as we thought would be at this point we seem to know everything about this phone and it looks like the future really where this is going with s 10 will be coming out next year possible flexible phone so maybe that's why they're like let's just calm down this year's kind of dull next year's all our cool stuff so let's just get it out as much as we can I don't know is next you're really the bendable flexible phone because I felt like I've said that that phrase for the past three years next year next year is the hub spin today it's gonna happen you could say this is the year the flexible phone and one one day timeline they have confirm that they're working on it from what but we and we have different kind of patents we've seen on like how could fold and what it will be bendable or just of lying down the middle and flat but yeah maybe that's the time people will drop a lot more money to be different I mean there's a there's a lot of buzz about what people are excited about phones anymore they all look the same what can you do to be exciting anymore and accept completely change everything Toph it's been like that for years I mean Apple reduce themselves to making talking poop emojis so like you have to you know you really have to scrape the bottom of the barrel to I mean that's what they did like they've led off their last press conference with like talking crap and everyone's like oh my god this is the future I have no way to segue out of that so so we have sharra tip can live from bartha's right now she's at the event sharukh get a better look at what's going on what's the atmosphere right now yeah it's a Barclays Center so it's very crowded there just started being some clapping I'm not really sure what's going on we're gonna be starting in about 20 minutes or so I don't know if you guys can kind of see what it's like in here very blue and a little yellow to color obviously the lighting wonderful you know there's kind of this like big stage area and down there we're not really sure what's gonna happen I'm assuming this is also kind of a big screen back there you know Samsung really likes to kind of make a more immersive stage experience so we'll have to see what they actually do but yeah this is what it looks like doesn't that venue hold like 13,000 people how many people are there um I uh I have no idea I can tell you it's not full and they're also not using the full arena so it's you know it's all kind of pressed down here you know other CNET people sitting over there we've got some desks I'm not sure I'm a bad estimator on numbers of people so I can't really tell you Samsung usually has several thousand people at their events you know I think Apple their developer conference they've been having around 6000 you know I'm assuming that you know there's there's several thousand people who are at this you know and it's not just press its partners it's you know various people that Samsung invited as well so assuming all the leaks we've covered this note nine for what seems to be an eternity if all the leaks are true how do you think that note nine would have actually fare in the market it's gonna be really interesting to see what happens you know when the s8 came out last year noting came out last year they they kind of played it a little safer with the note eight but the SA have some really great changes and I think that phone sold really well so then this year when they came out with the s9 earlier this year it ended up not doing very well because it basically costs the same price or if you got it from carriers it cost a little more but they didn't really make any huge noticeable changes like the cameras were better there were some tweaks but it wasn't kind of like a huge overhaul like what we saw with the sa in or what we saw the iPhone 10 I think based on the rumors we're gonna kind of see the same thing where they add some nice new features but it's not going to be any huge leaps forward this isn't going to be that foldable phone that we've been waiting for for you know years I guess you know it kind of it kind of sounds like the really exciting stuff from Samsung is what we can see next year but you know note users are very loyal they love those devices I think you know based on some of the rumors if you have like a note 5 you know people people would probably find this new device really great if you have a note 8 you're probably not gonna be buying the note 9 it definitely seems like there's going to be some paralysis by the the buyers of phones because we've got an iPhone coming up they've got a pixel coming up you possibly asked 10 coming up as early as January the note 9 seems like this okay look we have to upgrade it every year here's a new one shut up yeah well Shara in your in your recent piece you were writing at how sorry they may say that for a little bit it's fine you were saying how the note line usually is is the one that Samsung takes the risks to have some sort of different element to it but why why not this year I'm wondering what why the reason that you know we're all talking about it looking kind of the same you know I think it's funny like a couple of the big things or like I guess maybe three of the big things that people are really looking for is 5g you know this like foldable phone and then yeah I mean I guess those are you know two of their really big things the problem is the tech for those isn't really ready yet you know like Qualcomm has 5g chips that they've been working on but I don't think they're really you know ready to be you know mass rolled out in a device also you know there aren't any networks you could actually use that on you know that would be something that we would normally see in something like a notes I'm also the under screen fingerprint reader you know that's something that's been being worked on and I think it's just you know kind of the timing for this launch I don't think it really aligned with when some of that other stuff was really ready to be rolled out in big devices you know major mainstream devices you know so I think you know I don't think it was like Samsung made this conscious decision to you know kind of make a boring phone I think it was more than what they had available is you know what we're gonna see it's you know and then next year could be some of this other really cool stuff so everyone's buzzing about this phone having a more expensive price point like how can they justify that if we don't have some whiz-bang new feature you know yeah yeah I mean that's a huge question that I have to we you know when the knife 110 came out I was absolutely shocked at the pricing I never thought it would be that high but clearly it's selling well like every every ever since that's gone on sale that's been Apple's best selling device and they've seen their the average selling price of their phone go up like $100 which is just crazy at the same time Samsung the s9 costs the same if you bought it from Samsung as the same but if you bought it from carriers it's more expensive and I think that that's something that has hurt sales of that device when you look at it it's okay I can I can pay you know more for this this phone or I can by last year's phone which is pretty great you know I think that that's something Samsung is really gonna have to think about is a lot of our a lot of people are gonna opt instead for the note eight and you know we've already seen them lower note eight pricing so online you could buy it I think from them it's like 750 maybe something around that so it's already a couple hundred bucks cheaper Samsung phones are also usually discounted pretty often and pretty pretty early so you know even if this phone even if the note nine cost more right away holiday time it can be discounted you know they could do some sort of bundle stuff they really like doing that where you know by this you get this other thing you know they'll do what they can to make it more attractive but I do think pricing could be something that can be really tough sure there's been these reports that Samsung has been considering taking the note and the S line and actually merging them we've got a question from Twitter from checkmate saying do you think this will be the last phone in the note line what do you think about that I personally think they should kill off their plus phones so the like past nine plus I see absolutely no purpose for that phone honestly you know it's just kind of launches at a different time people love the stylus I do not think they're gonna be getting rid of the stylus one of the big rumors for this is that the stylus is actually going to be able to do more and you know that's something that really sets them apart from a lot of the other phone makers you know even especially iPhones that there's not a stylus that works with these so you know I don't I don't think they're gonna kill the note line I can see the note and the Plus maybe merging in some way you know it just kind of depends like I think they like having you know a major phone early in the year and then another major phone later in the year it kind of like helps them you know get ready for holiday but then they have something early you know who knows I don't I can't see them killing the notes like you know the note users when the note seven have battery issues and was recalled there were so many note users who were so upset they wanted to hold on to their devices they they you know they loved that phone those are such loyal loyal loyal customers and a lot of the things you get in the note you really can't get in any other phone so I don't you know I just don't see them killing it but you know maybe that kind of plus device goes away but then there's also you know talk about that foldable phone so we'll have to see how that actually fits in if if that kind of takes over as their Note high-end device or if it's you know kind of just an in-between something else you know you would you know five phone but then also by this foldable other great thanks a lot Sheriff enjoyed the show thanks guys all right bye lots of stuff there and and I let some blue as usual from like every seems like a baby blue in that little yellow line I thought more symbolism very nice kind of like our background here which invite showing off that I'm gonna see from Twitter uh you know not so much I'm seeing right now but one thing I did want to point out we didn't talk about was this rumored wireless charging pad oh yeah you know this is something that was leaked the the box for it was leaked the wireless charger duo if you look on the details in the box it kind of says it doesn't just wirelessly charge the two phones but it could also charge a galaxy watch actually says that on the box yeah actually says on the box so you know more talk obviously besides the phone today it could be you know think what this galaxy watch could be the renaming is it a new end a whole new model you know that's the kind of thing that i i'm curious about su and it's funny to see a charging mat that could come out before apple's charging mat which they've been talking about we haven't seen yet well everybody's gonna say you guys copied apple the wireless door isn't happening that's been around of course but i'm talking about like the fact that there actually is maybe a mat coming out you know after Apple teased it but still hasn't released it yet right right right I'm seeing something here on Twitter from user at geek man Greg yes they'd like to know our opinions on how fragile the phone might be because that's a decent concern I mean have you have you had a problem with fragility and you're not and you're eight fragility it's a great word what's but that was a very very unusual occurrence well you you keep it naked right now just take it off take it out of its case right got it only I have a case that has a little thing I can hold it with okay because I do find this difficult to hold it yeah it's large it's very large it's shiny and it's a it just kind of easily dropped long yeah so and to get it in one hand is kind of a pain sure but that's not why I have this phone essentially like I've replaced my tablet with this as well but I can I'm drop this a good couple of times with a very thin case and it survived quite well I think use Gorilla Glass 5 just coming out later I don't know if the note 9 will have 6 or if the 6 will come next year that's supposed to withstand drops like much better than this there's also there's rumor that the note 9 was delayed because one of the execs wanted to remove like half a millimeter of the glass that we're not a lot which makes it less strong so I hate when they do that like well we have a new Gorilla Glass we made it thinner so there's no difference well Greg and his tweet is saying that notes have been considered among the easiest to break I don't know is that a true statement I found that true with the I think the s7 and s1 you have this infinity display hitting the corner could cause a lot of issues because you have the glass everywhere sure but I haven't really found that to be a much of an issue with the note but I'm also extremely cautious with it because I know it's fragile right and that's one of the reasons why Samsung showed off they had this flexible OLED that they showed in a video and they were hitting with a hammer constantly and it will stay at no damage whatsoever instead of using glass they've moved to plastic so maybe in the future we'll have that but I don't know how fragile this one would be I'm thinking next year like again that's what we'll see all these movements in two different materials and different looks but right now in this like holding period you know yeah why not have a couple different versions I'd be down with that like your high-end model with the glass and then for those of you with the kids you know a little like more tougher version you have the active line yeah that's right that's wine and those things that would stand withstood a lot of abuse I've seen it at the office I've seen flying s8 and s8 actives that is and they survive just fine about 15 feet well into a wall okay I don't know how that's a real world kind of like situation to work sometimes Stefan goes flying I've seen it I don't have the age I can recommend the s8 active though very much though I I think going back to the talk about merging the two product lines I think at some point something some sort of consolidation has to happen because you have you're starting to see a problem with other brands that have too many SKUs out there it helps create sort of customer confusion and you're right like there are a couple phones that Samsung makes where like I can't tell the difference it's a plus and it's just like no let's streamline this down a little bit I can't imagine it being you know effective for them to do that where they're essentially selling less phones and having to make more and make you know that many different kind of models like I'm not an economics major but at some point it seems like that would cost too much than what it's worth but the old Samsung basically was throwing spaghetti at a wall remember that every form factor possible every size possible when they come up with the original note everyone's like a new belt every week this is ridiculous he's not going to use a stylus this is why would you want this this phone is huge mm-hmm there was like wait a second we want bigger screens and this started to trend so I'm thinking you're right they're gonna consolidate and they did after a while because like these things are working and as these bezels get smaller and this infinity display thing is working and possible future iterations of the phone have like cutouts there's a perfect phone in there somewhere you're getting there yeah and so between the S line being for everyone and the note being for like hardcore almost like the pro if they wanted to rebrand it like this or just gives the stylus to the plus and just call it the same thing sure because I've held a plus in my head and this thing there essentially I think there's a point zero one inch different stats okay yeah the curves are different though it's totally different it's like the radius on the corner sorry I don't get it like why are you making so many different folks that are essentially the same I don't know I think just to keep it keep the buzz going throughout the year and once that the es10 comes out it has to have a new design next year because we've seen the same design of this 8s 9 the note 7 and note 8 almost identical - one big issue and then the note and I will probably be the student that's the only been the real biggest things I'm one of them explodes and that's it everything else has kind of been the same yeah I guess that was thing no eight was damage control honestly yeah and I said look we have a phone that's safe and let's take the phone that doesn't explode yeah and yeah that's why I guess maybe it's for the note 5 users that knows 9 they're like ok we're not I'm not jumping on board with this just yet right well speaking of things that are the same in different watch okay Oh what yeah so some of this has been leaked by you know Samsung itself it seems by having something on its page temporarily on the Samsung US website it was pulled down there was a list e for a galaxy watch although you know the look of it you know was quickly taken down don't know if it how exactly to look but it was it's interesting to see that we're gonna have a watch it I you know it by every you know clue here and once again did they accidentally put it on the website you know like or you know I don't know they're gonna work on their security then and then what would it need to be different to be exciting in the SmartWatch world right now I don't think smartwatches are exciting ever but for those of you wanting galaxy watch sound like is already a thing it's not a thing they call their stuff in gear right we're galaxy gear s2 whatever yeah and we thought it if you're if you're onto the gear name it would be gear for by now right you know and now it's like okay good I'm actually glad to get rid of these number names cuz they're getting ridiculous you know like if I just call it galaxy I have not found a single killer application for a SmartWatch other than when I'm on the subway and I get a notification and I wonder I don't want to reach for my phone and that's literally me doing this that I mean that's why I have a cheap SmartWatch called the amaze fit dip and it does what I needed to do I just want to know who's calling text messaging and stuff like that it's got an always-on display which I don't think this is gonna have yeah so until they you know do something like that or the battery will last two to three weeks which is what I get on this thing I don't care so the stylist needs to be like a snap bracelet with a display and that's what it needs yeah button we need to do this I need the stylus on me all the time I can see who's calling me right here on a flexible OLED to that I would have that okay make it happen first ones free I'm gonna break this stylus it one day or my wrist but yeah I think that's the way to go because otherwise it doesn't add anything people do like the give me especially if you're into fitness it adds that to your I'm not I'm not running so I'm not finding the the draw for any SmartWatch in that case yeah but with Samsung they've been using their own operating system Tizen yeah seems to work better than where OS has in the past we also have a really cool navigation with the apple bezel turning around so you try to find ways to make the interesting can it be something that everybody wants I don't know with that we should throw it to Samsung because they're about to start we're gonna have a post show right after this so guys if you get any questions use the hashtag seen it live and we'll get back to you so let's throw to Samsung into Barclays Center and Samsung is making headlines with the new Samsung Galaxy Note bottom line you're gonna look really dumb holding this up to your face I need to show you my new phone new phone that is ridiculous Samsung has no idea what they are doing this is like talking to a piece of toast people are actually calling this thing a phablet skip over the Samsung Galaxy Note completely big phones are a big deal big phones have become the standard the s-pen alone seals the deal sound of winning all of these on the phones gotta fall back the Galaxy Note is the best phone out right now who's laughing ladies and gentlemen please welcome to the stage president and CEO head of IT and mobile communications division DJ Cole hello everyone thank you welcome to Park Laser Center I'm so happy to be here today with more than 3000 global media partners and no defense it is an honor to celebrate the amazing north community your passion and insight our constant inspiration and your loyalty to the node is the best reward for our commitment to innovation for me and my team there's nothing will love better than creating the next new node it is the device for those who sick live filled with the poppers and are motivated by a desire to do more and since 2011 it has been the leading smartphone for achievers and creators who are pioneering new businesses inventing new ways to work and redefining music art and culture I love the note because it forces us to break through barriers to deliver the most advanced to device for those who expect more and I'm excited to show you the next version of the world's most powerful mobile device on my agenda today who's even further from my first unpack as president of Samsung Mobile in 2016 I've talked about our vision for a future of a seamlessly connected devices and a world of endless possibilities I will share my commitment to meaningful innovation that delivers value convenient and joy to our customers and spoken over my belief that it will take open systems and open partnerships to unleash the power of technology so that you can reimagine how you connect create work play and live I said then that no company is in a better position to achieve this vision then Samsung and I say now with confidence that this is even more true today than it was then so much has changed since I took the stage two and a half years ago artificial intelligence the Internet of Things augmented reality these were extraordinary concept in 2016 now they are the building blocks for a new year of continuous personalized and intelligent digital experiences that will reflect who we are anticipate what we need and deliver what do you want with no limits no barriers and no interruptions but that's not the world we live in right now while our lives flow seamlessly across the home work and play our technology doesn't we still live in a world of digital devices and disrupted experiences there are too many gaps too many blind spots too many services are confined by the limits of a device brand or prefer too many experiences are interrupted when we leave a room or go from office to car or switch between devices too often our devices fail when we need them the most as Samsung we believe is time to transcend narrow digital experiences that have never reflected how we live our lives it's time for a new generation of experiences that are intelligent enough to anticipate your needs opening up to give you full control of the choices you have and the decisions you make private you know to respect and protect your confidential information and sim messing up to flow with you without interruption as you move through your day this is a vision only Samsung can deliver because only Samsung offers products and services that touch everything people do across every part of their lives mobile devices TVs and appliances test ban the office the car the home and everywhere in between and the scale no other company can match hundreds of millions people across more than a billion devices today too many companies create experiences that are designed the mode reinforce their business models then enhance your lives as Samsung we are committed to meaningful innovation that puts you first guided Bauer a belief in the potential of technology to amplify your creativity we are creating a gallon of serve experiences that span not just devices and locations but platforms and brands experiences built on a foundation of intelligence that learns adopt and anticipates not to control your choices but to enhance human capabilities and expand human possibilities it's an ambitious vision and we have made significant progress over the past two years from smarting for our new AI research labs from family hub refrigerators to Smart TVs with Defense great noxious security to keep your most important information safe and partnership that grew out of our trauma team to an open and connected world we have laid the foundation to move beyond smart devices and into a world of intelligent experiences that a seamless continuous deeply personal and profoundly productive we have a great show for you today new products and services that illustrate the promise of connected living a new partnership that demonstrates the potential of intelligence that stretches across platforms and brands plus some great surprises along the way and of course a new smartphone not just any smartphone a phone that raises the bar for speed power and performance once again have fun with more than enough memory power and capacity to live your life without interruption at the pace you demand a phone built on our commitment to you a smart phone that you never slow you down or let you down or smartphone powerful enough to keep up with you wherever you are whatever you are doing whatever you need ladies and gentlemen it is my great pleasure to present the all-new galaxy note 9 thank you now but to tell you more about the world's most advanced smartphone freezer welcome through Blackheart thanks DJ I'm so excited to be here at Barclays Center to introduce the galaxy note 9 Galaxy Note has always been a smart phone for people who want the best of the best and this year we've updated it for a new generation generation of creators achievers and entrepreneurs who are remaking the world and relying on technology to do it recently we spoke with note users all over the world about what they want for their phones and one thing became crystal clear note users expect more and it's Samsung we've always tried not just to meet expectations but to exceed them now we already use our phones for so much but what if they are even more powerful what if our batteries actually lasted all day and we didn't have to worry about how much storage yeah what if we could stream and download the things we want when we want them what if our phones met our highest expectations and study it forcing us to work around their shortcomings since the beginning the note series has always been at the cutting edge of new technology and today we're redefining expectations all over again with the most powerful phone we've ever made the Galaxy Note 9 you know back when we launched the first note a 5.3 inch display sounded huge today it actually sounds small but it paved the way for the big screen smartphone category and note users were the first to see the incredible potential of a large screen for people who pack a ton into every moment note lets you do more that's why we made the screen six point four inches the largest ever on a note and of course note nine features an end-to-end display which means you get a larger canvas for writing with your S Pen or watching YouTube video in fact YouTube recently named the note 9 a signature device because it delivers a best-in-class YouTube experience we've refined the design with a beautiful balanced razor straight lines elegant curves using a specialized diamond cutting technique to give the frame a clean modern look on the back of the device we centered the fingerprint scanner below the camera so it's easier to reach and now all of these features blend seamlessly into the design of the phone when it comes to color this year we went big and bold you can choose from four cool new colors ocean blue with a yellow s pin which is my favorite lavender purple metallic copper and midnight black each designed to reflect the for looking style that note users are looking for we also added a flash of color to want to note users favorite features and one that I use all the time screen off memos now no matter what color you choose one thing remains the same note users rely on their phones to explore their passions and to get things done so with note 9 we didn't just design a super powerful phone we designed a phone that can keep up with you now we all know the feeling of panic when your phone gets below 5 percent you're waiting for your ride watching your battery drain away just praying that the car comes before you're stranded well you shouldn't to plan your day around your phone's battery life that's why we created an all-day battery the largest ever on a note no more worrying that your GPS will die right when you need it most no more begging co-workers to borrow a charger instead you can power through your entire day with just the phone in your pocket great fact is we need our phones to last all day and we're storing more on them than ever before so note 9 starts at a minimum of 128 gigabytes that's twice as much space before so you don't have to pick and choose which photos videos and apps you can live without with that amount of storage you could download close to 670 hours of movies and TV shows that's enough to get you through 30 round-trip flights from New York to Madrid and that's just to start with you can also get a 512 gig person that's the one that I want just like its predecessors note 9 also comes with expandable storage and get this soon with Samsung's upcoming 512 gig microSD card you'll be able to get as much as one terabyte of memory one terabyte has more than most laptops but what good's all that storage if you're always waiting for things to load we wanted to make sure note users could maximize performance even when running power intensive apps so we gave note 9 a cutting edge 10 nanometer processor and it also supports superfast network speeds up to a staggering 1 point 2 gigabits per second so you can stream smoother and download faster but the ultimate test of all this power and speed is gaming to get a truly great gaming experience on a smart phone you need a device that packs a serious punch but don't take it from me let's hear from someone who created one of the most popular games on the market today ladies and gentlemen please welcome the founder and CEO of Epic Games Tim Sweeney well thanks drew it's great to be back at unpacked you know the last time I was an unpacked stage was for the launch of the Vulcan graphics API back in 2016 it's crazy to think how much has changed it epic games since then and we've been thrilled to be partners with the C at Samsung for the entire time for starters Epic Games launched our most successful game yet fortnight so today there are over a hundred twenty five million people around the world building bases gathering weapons and getting ready for the next storm and the judging by the tweets just about every gamer wants to know the same thing when is fortnight coming to Android so uh about that we're going to be launching the fortnight beta on Android this week and players with Samsung Galaxy devices are the first to be invited starting right now it's also gamers who play gal fortnight on a note 9 or tab s4 will also get access to a special skin galaxy yeah what really excites us about this partnership is that Samsung makes the best performing Android devices in the world and the note 9 represents a real revolution for mobile gaming that brings a console quality 100 player fortnight experience to Android now Epic Games has always been on the cutting edge of mobile gaming and together with Samsung we're ushering mobile gaming into a new era of high-end games for gamers and we can't wait to see how players around the world to enjoy it thank you very much it's so much Jim we are really excited about this partnership when game worlds are bigger Kombat is faster and a moment of lag could mean the difference between victory or defeat performance is crucial with a super-fast processor amazing graphics powerful battery and more storage than ever note 9 delivers the kind of performance that gamers need and when it comes to games we know that people want to be able to see and hear every single detail so note 9 comes with AKG tuned stereo speakers the loudest ever on a note for serious gamers speed is everything when your processor heats up your gameplay slows down well note 9 comes with our industry-leading water carbon cooling system and a smart performance adjust your algorithm really that just means that everything's going to run smoothly even in the most intense gaming sessions with note 9 whatever you're doing your phone works for you giving you the performance that you need and nowhere is that more true than weather though it's powerful intelligent camera back in February we reimagined what a camera could do with an incredible duel app at your smartphone camera because when it comes to capturing a great photo there's almost nothing more important than light just like your eye Nine's camera adapts to your environment if you're out at night the aperture widens to let in more light and if it's a bright sunny day the aperture contracts to let in less light so you can get a great shot anytime anywhere and thanks to its super speed dual pixel image sensor note 9 comes with super slo-mo which lets you make everyday moments epic by slowing them down to a fraction of a second so we started with one of the most powerful smartphone cameras in the world and now we're building on that foundation with note nines brand new intelligent camera now we all know when it comes to taking great pictures some things are always going to be out of our control maybe your friend blinked maybe you didn't see the smudge on the lens until it was too late seriously there's nothing worse than asking someone to take a photo of you and your friends I'll need to get your phone back and realize that the photo looks terrible well now when Evernote 9s camera detects a flaw like closed eyes or image blur it'll automatically notify you so you can take another shot before the moments gone note 9s camera also uses scene recognition to identify different subjects like flowers food and a variety of landscapes and then based on the scene it optimizes the color tones so that every shot you take is Instagram ready now no matter how powerful your camera is one thing it can't do is take a picture for you my wife and I love to travel in fact we just got back from Mexico City a couple weeks ago but there we go no matter what we did and where we went whenever we were taking a selfie they all ended up looking pretty much the same right we tried to squeeze in get in the same shot but it was hard to lose the scenery behind us but what if you could take a better photo without all that hassle here let me show you what I'm talking about we're gonna take unpacked group shot make my way over to the camera and you know this is just too cool of a moment I don't think I want to take this one alone I need to Matt you want to join me alright here we go let's get in here alright one two three I need my good side let's try this okay one two three figure album cover alright looking good let's see perfect yeah there we go well you might have noticed that I took those photos without even touching the phone I used this tell you all about note nines powerful new s Finn please welcome my good friend and tab s4 video sensation John Wong what's up New York City I am pumped to be back and unpacked especially because this time it's in my own backyard like true I've taken a lot of selfies and it would have been super handy to have that s-pen since the very first note the s-pen has been an essential tool for power users who want to do more with their smartphones and as you just saw the new S Pen has some pretty cool new functions that's because now it supports Bluetooth Low Energy to turn it into the ultimate remote control with some help from our partners we've beefed up the S Pen now you can use it to play and pause YouTube videos so don't smudge the screen with my greasy pizza hands to capture snaps and snapchat and take your selfie game to the next level or flip through some slides in Microsoft PowerPoint well working the room speaking of work in the room you can even use it to control something much much bigger in fact I've been controlling this presentation with my s-pen I know pretty cool like check it out I can go backwards I can go forward all with a simple click of the s-pen and that's not all right now we're working with a handful of partners soon we'll open up the SDK to everyone so that you all can come up with your own creative ways of using the S Pen to charge yes fen just put it back in your phone a full charge takes less than a minute and lasts a whole half-hour even better you don't have to charge it to use all the other S Pen features you already know and love yes pen began as a simple way to jot down notes and over the years we made it better we increase the pressure sensitivity we made the tip finer so that it feels like a natural writing tool and with these refinements note users saw something else the potential for the S Pen to be a creative tool a new way to express themselves and create amazing art this inspired us so to nurture this creativity we developed a digital community for s-pen artists to come together and share their work pen.up currently has over 4 million subscribers artists are using the S Pen to create new masterpieces every day in fact we have an artist here today a sensation from across the pond please give a warm welcome to our special guests mr. doodle hey mr. doodle hey Jun how's it going yeah it's going great thanks for having me here yeah so I take it by your name you're a fan of doodling you're pretty pretty smart John thanks thanks and you like using the s-pen yeah sure do let me show you something yeah give us a quick sample here wow you're super fast wait a minute wait a minute what do you think that looks a lot like me I don't know actually new be generous add a little bit more hair oh yeah thanks appreciate it yeah that's about right that's awesome that's just the start let me show you something really special it sounds great can we check back in a few minutes sure thing alright thanks the S Pen is core to the node experience you can use it to navigate the device translate languages and send live messages and now with Bluetooth connectivity you can take pictures lead presentations and control your content all with the s-pen the words are so many note users the s10 is what makes a note a note of course yes pen isn't the only way to get things done with the note 9 which brings me to my favorite thing Samsung decks these days yeah these days your phone is basically like a supercomputer that fits in your pocket so why not extend that computing power to a bigger screen Samsung Dex is a PC like experience powered entirely by your Galaxy smartphone with Dex built into the note 9 all the computing power I need is in my pocket Dex is designed for the work anywhere generation and now it's simpler and more convenient than ever because the only thing needs to start Dex is this that's right all you need is a single HDMI adapter just like the one you'd use to connect your phone to a TV let me show you all I need to do the connect is this it's as simple as that I just plug in my note 9 and I'm in jacks I already store my entire life on my phone with Dex I can access it anywhere with an external display to get work done or just kick back and watch a video here's a tab s4 video we released last week that's a familiar face can't get enough of this guy now even while watching myself on the big screen using Dex I can still use my note 9 screen to do everything I normally would for example I could send a text message to some friends to browse the web I can even use my s-pen take notes on my performance nailed it Thanks with the news X multitasking is easier than ever and remember it's all powered by my note 9 and X doesn't just work with your phone you can also use it with the device we just saw the tab s4 to turn it into a true Productivity machine combined with the s-pen gives you an even larger canvas for your notes or your doodles speaking of which let's check it in with mr. doodle to see how it's going hey mr. doodle hm I switch Davis at the top I spoke with a larger screen that's awesome and I actually see that you're using it with Dex how do you like that yeah it's brilliant forgetting those smaller details you know that's great mr. doodle is using what we call the dual canvas experience on Dex we created it with the Adobe Photoshop sketch team now it's easy to add the fine details as you can draw on the tab s4 screen while seeing the bigger picture on the big screen how's it going there yeah just a few more details and then it will be finished awesome ok why don't we go on stage and check it out listen nice uh-huh Wow absolutely incredible thanks so much let's hear it one more time for mr. doodle wasn't that amazing and everything you just saw works on both the tab s4 and the note 9 from the all-day battery to the intelligent camera to the s-pen and of course Dex our goal has always been to help you work smarter and do what you love that's why we created this super powerful note 9 and now it's my pleasure to introduce another device to the Samsung ecosystem one that brings power style and connectivity right to your wrist our all-new Samsung Smart Watch ladies and gentlemen please welcome a senior director of marketing alina Vives we heard you you want your SmartWatch to be connected without always relying on your phone or even your charger well the Galaxy watch is here and it gives you the freedom to break away and still stay connected longer people love that the galaxy watch looks like a real watch with our signature circular bezel and rotating design it's more than an aesthetic it's an intuitive way to control your watch you can choose between two different sizes any number of straps and over 60,000 watch faces from the galaxy app store the galaxy watch has a high-res AMOLED display with an integrated touch function it has military-grade durability and Corning Gorilla DX plus glass for added strength and scratch resistance and it's water resistant which means it's swim ready the Galaxy watch is designed so you want to wear it all day and it's built so you can it works perfectly with the new note 9 or you can use it by itself with standalone LTE connectivity so you can take off for a run without missing an important call or text we're working with carriers around the world so you can stay connected no matter where you go and now the Galaxy watch also has the battery life to keep up we built low-power architecture next generation panel level package technology into the processor created specifically for smartwatches simply put you can use the galaxy watch for several days on a single charge you can even charge it at the same time as the note 9 with our new wireless charger duo with the Galaxy watch you're not tethered you're connected now one of the most significant things our watch connects you to is your health the philosophy behind connected health is that all the devices in your life should work together to help make you the best version of yourself that means three things first managing stress it's important to take a break from your busy life whether those breaks are physical or mental the Galaxy watch can monitor your heart rate and establish a personal baseline and when it senses a big change like presenting it unpacked it can offer you a breathing God to calm you down second staying fit because sometimes we want our heart rates to be high like when we're at the gym the watch is designed to make our workouts productive and easy to track you can choose from 39 different exercises and it even detects six of the most common exercises automatically whether you're in a studio or in your own living room you can make the most out of your workout it's like having a personal trainer that tracks your progress right there on your wrist the galaxy watch supports you while you're working and working out third getting good rest the watch keeps track of your sleep patterns it can tell you how long you were asleep and how much quality rest you got with the galaxy watch the note nine and the Samsung health app all working together you get a full picture of your health and the power to monitor and manage it the Galaxy watch is designed to be useful it's smart and it helps you manage your busy day every morning I check my watch actually first coffee then I pull up the weather report my schedule my to-do list so I know what to expect and here's my favorite part with the new my day watch face the watch things with my calendar so I can see when I'm free or busy with just a glance the galaxy watch helps you stay connected to your work your life and your health no matter where you are or what you're doing being connected is also the underlying theme of Bixby the groundbreaking AI platform we built into note 9 and to tell you more please welcome jisu Yee thanks so much Alena I'm third to veer from the very beginning Bixby was designed with a simple purpose to help you get things done we are continuously refining Bixby so now on note nine it is more conversational or personal and useful so when two people have a conversation we build upon each other so now can big city also can have a conversation with you two so let me show you so this is the newbie tsunami on screen so I need concerts in Brooklyn over Labor Day weekend oh it's live a demo you shouldn't I need a concert in Brooklyn over Labor Day weekend I found these concerts in Brooklyn New York during the Friday August 31st weekend big city already knows that Labor Day weekend begins August 31st so that he shows some concert in that pure time that's good let's try another date how about the first weekend in October found these concerts in Brooklyn New York during the Friday October 5th weekend mm-hmm thank you so peacefully remember that we are talking about concerts in Brooklyn that means that I don't need to repeat myself this is what I mean by more conversational being conversation is good but that's not enough when you talk to your close friends they already know who you are what you like because we won't replace your best friend I hope but it is designed to do similar things for example I need good restaurants in New York there are some restaurants in New York New York voila because we know that I like French food so it listed a French restaurant at the top let's check it out it looks great yes wine and cheese and also some Belgian food as well I want to make a reservation so let me press the button at the bottom should I make the reservation as you can see the city has already filled in the number of people in my party and the reservation time based on my previous bookings all I have to do is a chapter reserve table button the patient details sent to email that's it this is what I mean by more personal by the way I also want to know how to get there so let's first navigate button here so 23 minutes not too far from here great so I can do that now some of you might have noticed that even though I look for concert tickets or a reserved table I never actually said the words ticking nest or Yelp in fact I haven't installed those yes yet because it is his brand new note 9 this it just worked this is what I mean by more useful you can give him a pause cut so we are working with many partners to build a seamless integration into victory this means that user can access many of their favorite services in a snap for our partners they can reach out many more potential users you may have also noticed that these three walks with the Google Maps that's right we are working with Google to make sure Bixby works well with the some of their key services and of course if you say hey Google to your note 9 Google assistant will be there for you but this is unpacked event so let me try one more example of how Bixby works I need a ride to JFK therefore this ride will be $49 11 cents ready to request ride you can't clap it with just six words and a lube account I can order a car to the airport I never have to open an app explain myself or fill in the details this is power of conversational personal and useful be speed so all the experiences you've seen here today are only possible because of our amazing partner thank you with their services and our innovative air technologies we are making better bixby better than ever so far you've seen what peace we can do on node 9 but what if everything I just showed you also brought inside of your home well today for the first time we are unveiling a brand-new product that brings together Pixley amazing sound and elegant design are you ready listen hi makes me play music all the sound you just heard came from these 160 Galaxy homes so when we designed this speaker we set out to deliver high quality sound thankfully with AKG every aspect of Gallo's young is engineered to make your music sound amazing it has elegant circular form factor what is 6 meter high range speakers that send the sound in every Russian in and it has a sub woofer that provide deep rich bass as well and with the Hartman's natural sound processing you get a realistic surround sound experience that feels like you are right in the middle of the live concert we've also integrated Harman sounds tear technologies which it detects your location and optimize sound based on where you are in the room just say hi Bigsby sounds deer and the music is directed right at you as I mentioned before the galaxy home had also has big V and them smart things have built right in so it gives you instant access to their largest open ecosystem of smart devices using only your voice so it is as easy saying hi Bixby the galaxy home also has a or gate microphones for far-field for circulation they'll pick up that voice command from clear across room this is just first look at this amazing speaker we are excited to share more details about it soon so galaxy home is perfect example of how is how we are expanding our ecosystem of intelligent devices we are also expanding services as you I showed you earlier these expansions are only possible with a scaleable AAI problem which is fixed fee and we will be sharing a lot more about our vision and a detailed technology beyond it at the Samsung developer compass I really really hope to see you all there thank you and now please welcome back to the stage drew blacker thank you sue as you just heard seamless connection is a key part of our vision to integrate all of our devices into a unified open ecosystem there are a lot of smart devices in our lives these days and we at Samsung have always believed that all your devices whether you carry them in your pocket wear them on your wrist or install them in your home should work together effortlessly to bring you one continuous experience as you heard from DJ at the beginning of the show that's the promise of the Samsung ecosystem and we work every day to deliver on that promise how are we making this all happen by infusing our ecosystem in all the devices within it with intelligence take the Galaxy home for example as you just heard from GCU it's a powerful speaker with bixby built right in but even the best speaker isn't worth much if you don't have access to great music more than any other art form music touches every moment of our lives it's a huge part of my life I have a playlist for my morning run my evening commute and just about everything in between of course the days of listening to music on just one device are long over today half of all Millennials are listening to music on as many as 3 different devices and too often those devices they don't work so well together that's why we're dedicated to making make music available wherever you are whatever you're doing at home and on the go it's a big goal and we knew we couldn't do it alone so we started searching for a new music partner to join us on this mission a partner who's committed like us to helping you access just about any song you want to keep track of the artists you love and to discover new music tailored perfectly to your tastes we had to make sure that they share our values and are committed long-term to helping people enjoy music in new ways lucky for us and more importantly lucky for you we found the perfect fit we are so excited to introduce our go to music partner for our multi device ecosystem a meaningful long-term commitment to help consumers discover and enjoy music in ways that have never before been possible ladies and gentlemen please welcome CEO of Spotify Daniel all right thank you everyone it's really great to be here at compact when we created Spotify we had a simple goal it was to make music accessible to everyone while supporting the artists who created it and since then we changed how the industry works we made it easier than ever for people to discover new music and for artists to find and connect directly with their fans while also getting compensated for their work we examined how people use Spotify and we know that listeners stream different kinds of music at different times in different places and most importantly on different devices and we think music should be easy to access on all of your devices and we want it to be a seamless to switch from one device to another so the partnership we're announcing with Samsung today is a true cross-platform listening experience you know Samsung makes devices for every aspects of our lives it's really everything from smartphones and TVs to tablet speakers watches and even refrigerators and we have designed Spotify to deliver personalized music to consumers around the world wherever they are and on as many devices as possible it's a really great fit and to show us how it all works together let's let's bring back through extension as we were just talking about I'm always listening to music on the way home from work it's usually a Spotify playlist last week on my Discover Weekly this song came on it's good one so I'm driving home when I get home usually go into the living room watch some TV so a prompt will come up automatically when I get into the living room and all I have to do is hit one button push that right into the living room TV sounds great didn't miss a beat but when I get home from work usually I'm pretty hungry maybe I want to go to the kitchen cook up some dinner good thing I've got a galaxy home in the kitchen so all I have to do is hit play on the galaxy home so the music follows me wherever I go it's one seamless interaction yeah thank you drew so today Spotify becomes part of the setup experience on a Samsung device from the very beginning so for example when sama buys a phone the user can easily discover the Spotify app on samsung Smart Switch and soon Samsung Smart TV users will be able to link their Spotify and Samsung accounts through the smart things app it's a really a new level of integration that will allow Spotify to be easily accessible and discoverable on samsung devices but this isn't just for phones Spotify is also on Samsung TVs and launching on Galaxy home speakers and soon you'll be able to control Spotify through BIG's feet and will also be integrated in Samsung music so this will really allow listeners to receive recommendations from Spotify discover new playlists and create new musical experiences and our partnership will make discovering new music feel easier than ever before fans can quickly access music on Spotify and then move their music seamlessly between devices and as we move forward with this partnership we believe this out-of-the-box experience will only become more frictionless and in the future we envision deeply integrated Spotify experiences on samsung devices and we're talking about hundreds of millions of devices so at Spotify we're really excited about what we're launching now and what we'll be able to develop with Samsung in the future thank you we're very excited of course thank you thank you thank you we this fortify Samsung Galaxy users will now be able to enjoy seamless music experiences across all our devices we are super excited about today's announcement is it just the start of things to come as I said earlier we love create the new note and I want to express my heartfelt appreciation to the Samsung team here in the US and all the Samsung teams around the world who helped make this great new product possible thank you the opportunity to make the world's most advanced smartphone even more powerful even more innovative I can't wait to see how use it in ways we never imagined to achieve more than we ever thought possible so I'm excited to announce that the Galaxy Note 9 will be available beginning on August 24th but our commitment goes beyond the most advanced and powerful smartphone we believe the future of connected devices and seamless experiences begins here and begins now from the speakers for your home to the watch on your wrist to the music you listen and the phone that powers your life everything you've seen here today is a step forward into an open and connected world of experiences powerful enough to keep up with you you is Paris to push through barriers and make the note better every year is not easy every year frankly speaking so let me end by saying thank you there is a new one like you and there's a nothing like the note thank you welcome back to see Nets live coverage of Samsung's unpacked event you can applause now clap you can clap clap you can clap for those of you just joining us Sam is with me he's Bridgette and Geoff hey that was something something different something happen unexpected so a quick recap what we saw the note 9 is official and surprises anywhere no no sort of yes what was the surprise that that um home big speech oh yeah so yeah look let's go to the would you took all the pics box the bricks box the Vic's box the we're gonna talk about the Galaxy home which is their new smart speaker which Samsung introduced today and it's there's no pricing or availability about it it's supposed to have a partnership where Samsung has a partnership with Spotify and what else didn't knew about it well know more about it and Samsung's developer conference whenever that happens okay you guys have a lot to say about the speaker so have at it I Brigid bridges gonna pull up my tweet I just made speaker looks like a witch's culture is what you're gonna get hope you're gonna get your ass hope is pocus a nice shout out to Morgan little for his quick analysis showing with the home if they're brewing like VIX me to be better I've also seen on Twitter people compare it to be like like a grill Oh like the egg like the big green egg because it's a grill that's a girl yeah yeah yeah I it's big it's it's a big it's a big mix the best is uh I wish we could pull up the still where like they actually show what the thing is next to the guy yeah and I'm thinking like oh it's just the size of like a Google home or something like that it's like I thought it was an end table side because I couldn't tell what's going on there's no sense of scale for the longest time until you see what appears to be like maybe like a fifteen inch like this laptop size thing that's kind of an enormous device it's gonna take off like to another planet and go somewhere and the thing is it's powered by bixby and there was a demo of that's what I want to hear that's how you sell me this thing works on pigs okay we don't want it we're not trying to 11th place digital assistant I don't even know what four through ten are there's Cortana sure that also exists look I don't want to hate on Samsung's admissions to have a smart speaker or smart assistant because competitions always good sure but that being said it's gotta work yeah yeah it's kind of like the 6p in Syria or like neck and neck for like useless so I just don't think it is a you create a compelling argument for your digital voice assistant by showing me stuff I've seen ten years ago I mean the dude just said like woods for what's for dinner and it's gonna do that week okay come on like what like directions and something my crazy is anyone else it's okay to agree that that was underwhelming he's like we're restaurants no he's an applause but they were doing the whole Bixby announcement there's planning this these new contextual awareness things if you have just joining us and you didn't catch that entire amazing show from Barclays the person giving that part of the the presentation did tell the audience directly it's okay you can applause he stopped and it says clap he commanded me he didn't again - you can clap now that's the thing though like you're saying Jeff there was nothing so amazing there's like oh wait you can do that it's not like the duplex moment when you're seeing that in IO and Google's got this robot that can call people and so like um you know this is a chance to impress like this is the first impression that you can't get back and well they tried by putting a hundred and sixty of them in that was a stadium like to be like okay that whole little segment was was you know all the audio came from a hundred and sixty devices but they are quite thick and that's exciting I think when I think you know all playing in sync let's learn like a room you know room sharing whatever you can link 160 of pool yeah I mean that's what I would do first thing I do for my entire apartment floor is just my ceiling talk to you hi why not I need to bump my head a lot more those things look enormous we'll find out more about that in the future we've got the Galaxy watch that was rumored for a while and they did show a rose gold version of it which is the thing that we saw on the Samsung is impressed with the look of it I mean I want to see it in person for myself because obviously looking at something that is a you know a rendering is always a little different than like on the screen than in person but yeah I was impressed with that says a couple different exercise modes like six exercises it can auto detects yeah and and yeah the look of it look pretty snazzy battery life sounds cool they claimed several days now that's as little as three I guess when you say you're not doing much on it though I imagine and this is all supposed to have LTE connectivity which is interesting so it could work on its own it didn't look like it was running Android wear or sorry wear OS it looked like something different I couldn't tell if that was where OS because the notifications was a little different and then we're talking about getting all these 60,000 watch faces from the galaxy store but you can get that on Android as well so it's kind of a murky situation yeah it looks really nice still though haven't found a compelling reason to have a SmartWatch well its carriers around the word with 30 carriers around the world so yeah I mean I water-resistant for swimming that's that's positive oh wait the thing about smartwatches that they never they always look a little too big and a little awkward and I don't know I kind of like the look I don't mind you know big chunky watches I like a chunky watch but well for the for the chicks out there we we don't always you know I don't have a very large wrist so I'm yeah particularly when it comes to watches as well I just wanted to do the thing it's supposed to do and this thing dies on me I'm very frustrated and that's yeah watch this yes be a watch and that's why I wear a watch you don't want have to worry about another thing to charge and then not have your watch right speaking of charging they did introduce officially the wireless charger 2 duo mmm-hmm which looks exactly like what was leaked mm-hmm and it was there there you go yeah okay it's the thing it's I I'll care more about wireless charging when we finally enter that world where I can walk into the Starbucks in any other place and just slap my phone down anyway I'm talking about that wireless technology that works like Wi-Fi oh you're just like in the zone just charging they're all just kind of stick mulling around an area not getting that right next like long-range dangerous but I don't care it just sounds like you know me then in theory you would never need to charge your device because you're always being charged totally which is weird to say out loud I'm not always being charged so we've got off those get back to the note 9 we've got pricing on this device it's starting at $1,000 yes $1,000 the 128 gigabyte version and the massive 512 gigabyte version is $17,000 [Laughter] can you hear us we I think that's your first look so there's two desiccated to try out the note nine recently and she got to test out how this device works it did have these snazzy yellow stylus and those you want to know the yellow stylus is exclusive to the blue version you have to buy the blue one and that one has a contrasting styles so none of the other style they'll match they all match probably there is the purple color the lavender excuse me and their ocean blue those are the ones that were showing off right now the new stylus is rechargeable because it's got bluetooth and it gets charged by that massive four thousand milliamp hour battery and that phone so Samsung claims a one minute charge gives you 30 minutes of writing I don't know why you would write for 30 minutes or usage actually and if the stylus is dead and it has no charge you can still do all the things you would normally do with the stylus which is writing and draw that's pretty cool pretty cool so like the remote functions would die in 30 minutes which is fine I'll live yeah and for those I heard a comment earlier that people are gonna lose their style I a lot more you're gonna lose your S Pen because you're walking away from it the note does have an alarm so if you do go further away from it it'll beep and tell you hey you left your your pen so I have that thanks for gone and I just I did that at the office it was like get back go to the copy room you know it does regenerate - oh yes that's right how do we forget about that the note 9 manufacturers s pens on the go it's it's a gross process that didn't happen if that happened we would have we were to let off with this this auto-generated printer built-in I was just thinking that like just like look new pen will be ready in two point eight days like organic and gooey after the cauldron well okay since your brain one can put let's talk fortnight obviously though that came out true so what are the details here I think it's not just for this this note obviously because the note doesn't come out until the 24th right yeah it actually has nothing to do with it at the the events they said or the CEO of Epic mentioned that galaxy users can get it right now and I think the exclusives for a few days it's only a couple days and you can get galaxy man though with yeah that's the thing a special galaxy man type of character is that does that intrigue you Geoff because I don't play this game honestly so I don't like it either I don't I've played like maybe 20 matches and I was like well this is 20 more than me so like do people really get into the skins oh yeah the level of customization I think is like important to people I don't know if you know look like if you're incentivized by a skin I mean that's how like a lot of pre-orders work with video games people pre-order stuff from different retailers because they exclusive you know kind of bonus stuff it's a nice little add-on I don't think there will be much more of it beyond that think of it as like a bonus and then maybe not the total Easter egg for you I'm just wondering like is that is that a pea cake and I'm show up somewhere else apk for non nerds is an Android package so like these apps can be side loaded so once that that's yes so it's gonna show up within the next hour whether but whether or not like you know it's somehow coded to not go online if it doesn't you know handshake with the device it's on I could see that being a thing but someone will figure it out yeah I think so cuz it's gonna be like you just have to trick it no it's a galaxy if it'll run on that at all yeah but then it'll be out for everybody in a couple of days anyway so this exclusive is tiny and it starts today the exclusive for galaxies I'm trying to see if we have any data on the watch pricing or anything like that right now because I haven't I don't recall seeing that during the other day they really did not lay out where like how much these things were gonna cost which was the watch and availability I think what the wireless charger yeah yeah that that was just like we have it and go look it up later I mean same thing with the you know with the cauldron out of the home what is it galaxy home galaxy home got some nice legs got some real nice voice nice little nubbins motors but yeah I mean that's that was just sort of like a product announcement let alone when in and how much we got a tweet using the hashtag seen that live mr. dodo Joe you know what's s that you can't play for tonight if your device is rooted even though it's hidden so that's interesting so say that again you can't play for tonight if your device is rooted okay so if you actually are somebody who's being a little hackery with your phone you won't be able to do that so I didn't I'm right there did you try it out already how do you know this high feel like people have been I don't want to like a hundred percent say that I know people have been playing for tonight Android but I'm pretty sure people have already been playing it some have because it's out there yeah it's out there that's out there I want to believe it's out there life finds a way yeah sorry it's true when you go Jeff Goldblum I get lost there this is just Goldblum out little phone I mean lots of talk about the camera features having some AI on it oh right that was the thing I ran out of the room during this today this it was like able to like detect you know how you're taking a photo I guess and adjust the lighting so oh the photos it seems cool but the photo features didn't make me run out of room it was totally separate but yeah I think it's supposed to be able to detect up to like 20 different scenes and if you can frame the item it's like oh it's a person so we're gonna change the white balance exposure to other settings or like that's some food over there it's supposed to be able to change the settings for you on the fly as far as I know you can't turn that feature like you can't tweak it do the on or off and you can't just take a photo and then say hey I want to see what that photo looks like without the feature it's like no so it's smart but you might not want to use it we don't know yeah well test it out once we get it I mean I would like to see how we're how smart it is yeah cuz otherwise then I just want to turn it off and do it myself I've got another tweet there said they sent us an image of Jeb Bush where he famously or infamously said to the audience please clap now remember I forgot about that was oh that was weird there's no two ways about it but it was kind of funny whatever mr. doodle was there okay I got you excited mr. do I have to stand like this when you mentioned if you want to mr. doodle is a really impressive like doodle artist and I'm glad they were able to pay him enough money for him to come over there so that's cool so they had like he's the thickest like mark are you kind of saying what's fun about mr. doodle if you don't know because mr. doodle is very prolific artist he is like a big marker on pen guy a marker on paper guy and crane up to like just like a band and that his trademark tool for that I mean all I'm saying is way to cash in mr. doodle some more intricate work with a note because it's like suppose we super-sensitive 4,096 points of pressure or whatever else he's drawing like a stickman and I'm like that's what he does what a powerful that's the way I'm gonna spend $1,200 so I can draw stickman stickman no I love mr. doodle there he is he's the best there he goes he's got one outfit he's actually he's drawing at one of the prototype notes the cool thing about he was like.he it's always stream it appears to be stream of consciousness he doesn't I mean I'm sure he has somewhat of a plan but he just kind of like hypnotically goes and goes and goes I like mr. doodle I love the fact that the most exciting things about this event even though there's an amazingly powerful phone at this screen the screen the the you know the runway other reason taken they always kind of go I was impressed by yeah yeah we're looking at it like a perfect angle for the effect to work but I thought that was pretty and also the people in attendance apparently had light-up bracelets that would change color when this modified guy Spotify a guy came out heck what is this first name I forget his first input yes when he came out all the wristbands turned green I don't know if you guys saw that oh yeah and I saw the flashing yellow and going back to blue whenever the stylist came out on the screen so he was like trying to get this whole effect moving it's a heck of a show but because of the amount of leaks of the note 9 it's exactly what we thought it would be the only thing we've got confirmed as of the pricing and that it's got more colors I want to say yeah there's a black of copper purple and blue so I think I see I've seen other photos there was a gray one I didn't see that during this presentation it was straight forward it's gonna get the job done and it comes in a cool yellow color it was straightforward and I kind of appreciate that I mean I think he's got a little wackadoodle I guess I was giggling a bit when when that you know Bixby home or Galaxy home came out but for the phone at least they were really straightforward about it I'm actually excited about the watch if that thing is any good mm-hmm I will be thrilled to actually have a SmartWatch that works for days if I can somehow get over the idea of this is the usage oh I can see I can see on the subway that's the thing I gotta get over they didn't mention the pricing if it's like $1.99 I think would be good if they have a package deal or something I mean neat what about you Jeff are you gonna go pick up a or preorder a home nope I'm not gonna do that but I mostly because the whole bixby thing you might sound really good but I don't want to use that that platform do we have room for this in our New York apartment but I you know I just don't I don't think I need that I think like I like the fact that there are a lot of smart speakers out there that have like chromecast built in now so it doesn't matter what you have you can you can mesh them all together and have multi room play and maybe this will have that too if you notice when they were trying to talk up bixby our buddy who kept telling everyone to clap finish saying like oh but don't worry you can also use Google home on this we didn't completely neuter this thing what's that on this I don't know if the speaker will have it I don't think we're gonna get a choice I think that's one of the reasons why people are shy away from the home pod as well because you're stuck with Siri I blow Apple music and you can't choose it cynjohn that's insane and so they all want to have their own on their write stamps I'm smart enough not to try to recreate Samsung milk at least they partnered up with Spotify for that it was gonna be their media streaming thing the leg the leg of the home does look a bit like another cool got a nice little note bit on this that's it I think that's gonna do it for us and I said if he's got any parting words no I you know I mean I I thought this was you know obviously what we expected I think Samsung has a lot of like consolidation to do a lot of housekeeping to do but for the most part you know they delivered on what was leaked and you can't really ask any more than that I mean it'd be cool if they like totally shocked everyone with the last minute you know announcement but that's really not how these things work I think they put some pressure on Apple to do better with their memory on the phone because surely because when they really started the beginning with a dig at how we're deleting everything and we don't if you just don't want cloud services if you're just tired of all those nagging things about you know my memory they did a really good job with with with bringing that home and starting with with a bigger memory so I really like that in fact you could get to a terabyte yeah if you needed to they are good at poking Apple and I and I respect that I think like it should there should be a little bit of like this playful kind of competition but but again like I think 128 gigs on your phone is it's pretty good and like I said earlier in this age of streaming but you're right like the fact that the option is there it's good to be able to offer people that know I like shooting at 4k as much as I can with my phone because eventually I'll be looking back at these videos and I'm like why a record in 1080p they take up a lot of space totally so if this camera this phone is capable of shooting that way I want to shoot it in 4k as high as I can high res that is and I think that storage would be very useful for that especially we're gonna talk to cameras such a big deal it's gonna be able to record that way take giant images why not have the storage there and yeah you're not worried about did it back up to the cloud did it back up it's it it's right here right fine so plus you're downloading fortnight on your phone I don't know how big that apk is it's gonna be pretty big lots and lots that's anything more more apps yeah they have larger apps all right that's gonna do for us at Cena
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