Samsung Gear Live: Android Wear watch hands-on at Google I/O 2014 (video)
Samsung Gear Live: Android Wear watch hands-on at Google I/O 2014 (video)
hi I'm Scott Stein at Cena and I'm here
at Google i/o 2014 with the Samsung gear
live this is one of the first three
Android wear watches and this along with
the LG G watch are going to be available
very soon the zoom available July
seventh and has a look that is a lot
like a gear to a nice metal outside on
the back there's a watchband design
that's more like the gear fit pops in
there and look it has a heart rate
monitor and it's running right now set
demo to show what some of the cards and
notifications are going to look like on
Android wear but with the type of
Samsung design that is much more gear
like the Samsung gear live is one of the
surprises at Google i/o I'm Scott Stein
here in San Francisco
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