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Samsung demos curved Tizen TV

I'm Jessica's alter Kristina here at the Tizen developer conference in San Francisco I'm taking a look at these pies and TV now this is just a prototype to show off the interface that The Times and association is working on and this is all about convergence so right now we've got a TV behind us and it will communicate with the smartphone with wearables possibly even the automotive to the infotainment system but the main focus here again is just to sort of see what the company is up to the home screen is split into a couple of different parts all the way over on the left you have your static navigational buttons for TV video and then just to the right of that they have when is called the dynamic screen so you can dig a little bit deeper for example by selecting the app that you want and opening it up right now I'm using a Samsung remote just installed a TV but Wi-Fi is enabled so you can use a Wi-Fi keyboard for input if you don't want to use the virtual keyboard which takes a lot longer you can also use your phone so long as you're on the same access point and that'll be a little bit quicker when typing things in now again this is just for prototype purposes to show off the interface and the convergence capabilities you can have on this curved TV that we're seeing so there's not any hook up to the internet right now the only apps are pre-loaded and the only photos and videos on this particular prototype device have been put here through USB once again I'm talking developer frissina and this has been a very quick look at the Tizen TV which is in prototype form you
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