Samsung demos new feature-rich Galaxy S7 camera (CNET News)
Samsung demos new feature-rich Galaxy S7 camera (CNET News)
we wanted to redefine the smartphone
camera so that you can take a great
quality picture at any time of day so we
started by adding a brighter lens in
fact it has the largest aperture of any
of our smartphone cameras the pixels in
our light absorbing sensor capture about
our 30 percent larger than those in the
iPhone 6s plus now let's compare the two
photos taken exactly the same
environment we've become the first to
embed professional camera technology
called dual pixel into a smartphone it
works like human eyes with the s7 and s7
edge 100% of our pixels are used to
focus and every single one is configured
with to us compare that to the iPhone 6s
plus and you'll see why they're so slow
to focus a kettlebell is going to drop
in the foreground and I want you to
notice how much more quickly the s7
achieves focus are you ready
did you see the lag on the iPhone 6s
plus it can be the difference between
catching a perfect moment and watching a
go by here comes my favorite new feature
it takes the wide-angle experience to a
whole new level
we call it motion panorama so let's
check it out now usually when you take a
panorama photo it's a static image and
it shrinks down to a thin strip on your
screen but motion panorama fills your
screen and it doesn't just capture the
scene it captures the accept the action
and the excitement and the feeling of
really being there now let me show you
what I mean now I wanted to take a
picture a panorama of my living room to
show my my folks the new furniture I'd
bought but without motion panorama you
miss what really makes my furniture mine
yep that's my pup Winston he's claiming
my brand new couches his butt motion
panorama caught him in the act
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