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Samsung's SmartThings next-gen hub does more

hey guys I'm Megan will are to be seen and appliances here at CES 2015 in the massive Samsung booth looking at their new smartthings hub and sensors the new hub is going to add Bluetooth functionality and the sensors are about 1/3 the size of the original so they won't take up as much space or be as obtrusive in your smart home along with this there will be new integrations with companies like August Phillips hue and others that will bring in more connected third parties to this whole smart home experience they are also unveiling a new premium service that if you have a Wi-Fi camera you will actually be able to DVR that video so you can if you get home at 6 o'clock you can go back to - and see what was happening at that time the premium service also lets you extend alert access to friends and family and other contacts so they can be alerted in the event of an issue happening at your house thanks for watching this first look of smart things new hub and sensors be sure to check out the rest of our CES 2015 coverage on Sina comm I'm Megan Willerton for Sina appliances
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