Samsung's crazy 170-inch TV uses modules to get huge
Samsung's crazy 170-inch TV uses modules to get huge
I've been coming to CES for a long time
and behind me is the largest TV I've
ever seen 170 inches the trick this TV
isn't one panel but it's a bunch of
different modular panels that Samsung
has put together in a seamless way so
they won't tell me how many of those
panels they are what resolution it is
the only thing you'll say is that's s
UHD TV this is a concept piece of course
but you can see when you put together a
whole bunch of little display panels you
can achieve a truly monumental picture
if you look really closely I walked
right up to the screen I could see
little divisions between it but once you
step back to any distance that you could
appreciate this size you're not going to
notice the scenes between the TVs this
demonstration includes these modular
little panels moving around acting cool
showing a screen size pretty much as
large as you want to get so again
Samsung says is the future of television
modular TV getting it as big as you can
from these tiny little blocks not tiny
but you know small blocks compared to
the TV behind me that's a quick look at
Samsung's 170 inch s UHD modular
television transformative television
they say I'm David Katz Meyer for C net
at CES 2016
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