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Samsung's top boss arrested

this is CNET and here are the stories that matter right now the acting head of Samsung was arrested in South Korea Samsung vice-chairman J Wiley is being charged with perjury embezzlement and bribing impeached president Park geun-hye leaves trial could take up to 18 months Facebook's auto-playing videos will no longer be muted by default on mobile devices that means when you scroll past a video in your newsfeed be prepared for audio to fade in and out Facebook says it if your phone is set to silent you will not hear anything this latest improvement can be turned off in the settings of the Facebook app Verizon surprised everybody by bringing back unlimited data for $80 per month Verizon will offer unlimited data text and talk for one line this caused all the other major wireless carriers in the u.s. to make moves timo will offer HD video streaming and 10 gigabytes of high-speed hotspot data access in its existing unlimited plan Sprint followed suit offering HD video streaming on its unlimited data plan AT&T changed its unlimited plan it no longer requires a Direct TV or u-verse TV subscription Disney has dropped Swedish youtuber PewDiePie from its maker studio after he posted several anti-semitic videos on his channel in a video from January now deleted he was shown laughing as two men held up a banner that read death to all Jews the YouTube channel is a multi-million dollar business with more than 53 million subscribers stay pad 8 with the latest by downloading the scenic tech today app available for iOS and Android
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