Say hello to Allo, Google's answer to Facebook Messenger
Say hello to Allo, Google's answer to Facebook Messenger
I'm very excited to introduce you to a
lo which is a new messaging app this is
my conversation list very minimalistic
UI we want conversations to be front and
center I can add stickers and we've
worked with various independent artists
across the world you can also select
pictures and write over those you can
select different palettes here different
colors what we've introduced as a
feature we call this push out so I can
drag the send button right up here to
show you how excited I am and send it
out but if I want to I want to say
something softly and gently I can drag
it down what we call is the whisper mode
but I think we're the smart start to
show up in this app are in these Auto
prompts so you can see here these smart
chips that have suggestions that I'd
respond with the smart replies also work
for photos there you go here's a picture
of a beautiful butterfly but if you look
at the smart responses the chips here
it doesn't just detect a butterfly and
say it's a butterfly but actually comes
understand the semantics of the picture
and comes with the most appropriate
response that you might want have a low
is also the home for the Google Earth
system you can actually invoke Google
assistant here but just typing at and I
can ask Google things like oh boy your
score from last night
so not only does it give me a live
scorecard from the game I can actually
drill further and look at what the
Warriors roster is now let's look at how
it helps you actually take actions
without having to switch between a bunch
of apps in the smart chip here you see
Google assistant actually prompting with
volunteering to bind Italian restaurants
nearby very familiar card interface I
can scroll through the various
restaurants with their ratings I tap on
a card this looks like a good rated
restaurant I can see a prompt here for
finding a table I'm gonna try that it's
asking for how many people it's Eric and
I there's a table available 8:30 p.m.
tonight and I'm just gonna go ahead and
book it
and it's going firm
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