Scan your credit card in iOS 8 for faster purchases
Scan your credit card in iOS 8 for faster purchases
a new option in iOS 8 makes it even
easier to make purchases from your
iPhone or iPad the iCloud keychain
feature in iOS 7 remove the need to type
your credit card information in on every
website instead the information was
stored in the cloud but now it's even
easier to store your credit card simply
scan it in when you're asked for your
credit card while making a purchase in
Safari a new button will appear on a
keyboard that says scan credit card tap
that button and aim your iPhone or iPads
camera at your credit card and take a
picture for obvious reasons we are going
to blur my credit card number but Safari
will automatically add the information
to the purchase page for more tips and
tricks like this be sure to check out
how to see Netcom you can also reach out
to me on twitter with any questions or
comments i'm dan graziotti CNET thanks
for watching
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