Seeing is believing: Glasses give sight back to the blind
Seeing is believing: Glasses give sight back to the blind
see the mountains in the distance if
Vaughn Felix is enjoying the view of the
San Francisco Bay it might not seem like
a big deal except that if Vaughn is
legally blind I actually have a big
clients thought that takes up 98% of my
visual field and so I see shapes and
shadows on the outside and I can't read
and I can't see distances when I was
seven years old I was hit by a car and
it took about a year for them to realize
that I had something called Stargardt's
which is a juvenile form of macular
degeneration oh it's got like a leaf on
the inside of it that is so cool
at the ticket picture Instagram later a
special video hits it from a side let's
have on see everything from a close-up
cookie fortune to a coffee menu on the
wall to a distant bridge Mendo see know
Yvonne took these photos with the esight
headset so we could see what she's seen
be able to travel on my own I can't
believe that I can get to an airport go
through customs go through security buy
my seat and be able to do that all by
myself I don't have to have somebody
holding my hand what it does is it is it
uses a video camera to capture what's
going on in front of someone in real
time allows the user to control how that
video is processed and then through a
series of advanced optics and very
high-resolution display it presents that
video image to the user in such a way
that it overcomes in many cases the
cause of their vision loss and allows
them to see very well again
if on first tried esight several years
ago I remember putting them on and
looking up and I saw my husband who had
been married to for eight years and had
never seen before and my two month old
son who we just brought home from the
hospital the company's latest headset
called a site three is ten thousand
dollars it's lighter and sleeker than
the previous two versions the battery
can last up to eight nine hours a day it
has 21 and a half megapixel image sensor
it has Wi-Fi has bluetooth with this
controller if one can adjust the image
so it looks good to her magnifying or
making the same brighter is all at her
fingertips if we look at across all
comers like regardless of the cause of
the vision loss it seems to work almost
for it for almost four out of every five
people for Yvonne the esight has given
her the freedom to go about her everyday
life including working and reading to
her kids without relying on others I can
golf with them I've gone ziplining but I
do play basketball with my kids the only
two cases where esight is not
recommended is for driving and swimming
I love when people come up and ask me
what I'm wearing because it's a door
opener it allows me to talk about low
vision and that there are solutions
today's oysters
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