hi I'm a dragon part 4 CNET today I am
taking a look at the Frigidaire
Professional for slice wide slots toast
so this toaster costs wait for it 100
bucks which might make you ask why on
earth would you spend $100 on that
toaster but believe it or not I'm
actually gonna recommend it to this
toaster common problems with
bargain-priced toasters is you might get
bread with thick burned lines or bread
that's cooked on one side but not the
other or bread that doesn't cook at all
one time and then on the same setting
it's going to burn your toast to a crisp
the next time so having a toaster that
can Brown evenly can avoid all of those
issues and can hit your preferred
darkness level every single time is nice
the Frigidaire Pro is slower than the
other similarly priced toasters we
tested but because it gives you an exact
countdown timer on the front as soon as
you start I didn't actually mind because
I knew when my toast was gonna be ready
the presets it offers are standard you
can select from up to seven darkness
levels seven if you're working with a
thin normal slice of bread is gonna burn
it but one gives you just a nice hint of
brown four right in the middle is a
perfect medium and six if you like your
toast a little darker we'll hit it right
on so you have consistent levels that
give you a range depending on how you
like you toast it can also multitask on
this side I put a couple of frozen
waffles over here I put a couple of
pop-tarts wanted this one to be 5 I
wanted it to be a little browner so that
the divots got a little brown but you
know you don't want to overcook your
pop-tarts push them both down at the
same time I got both to the level I
wanted and had a delicious and full
breakfast other than that the frigidaire
solid it's sturdy
it won't allow you it's a little boring
even but it toasts as
as any model we tested and that includes
the $400 kitchenaid pro line so if you
love your breakfast breads the
frigidaire makes a surprisingly
worthwhile splurge no more guessing
you're just gonna get nice toast done to
the level you want consisting for more
check out my full review and all of our
other toaster and appliance reviews on
cnet.com for CNET
i'm andrew yep
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