with plant sensors weather monitors
automatic sprinklers and robot
lawnmowers you can learn about your
environment and get some automated help
to make it thrive I've got a couple of
steps to help you pick the right piece
or pieces and help you make a smart
outdoor buying decision step 1
pick the right category for your needs
we've got plant sensors here these go
into the dirt near your flowers in your
garden they're gonna give you info on
your plants vitals and can send you
notifications and care advice helping
you rule out all that accidental
negligence that's causing you to kill
all of your dang plants we've got
irrigation controllers these you're
gonna put on your wall right where you
have your existing irrigation
controllers only they're gonna be much
smarter than that we've also got weather
monitors these will do things like
monitor the air pressure and the air
quality so if you have a specific love
of meteorology or you want to closely
monitor a specific area of your outdoors
or of your home they can be pretty
helpful step two once you pick your
category try out the app with a lot of
them you're gonna be able to try out the
app for free and take a tour before you
have to spend any money on the device
with anything that monitors data check
to see if those charts and graphs are
specific enough for what you're looking
step three look up the specifics does
this thing measure everything you would
want it to measure is it weather proof
you think everything in the smart garden
category would be weather proof but
surprisingly it's not check how it draws
it to tower and how long the batteries
last and also check what kind of signal
it has if your device is a Wi-Fi device
make sure your router can reach the
corner of your yard where you gonna put
your plant sensor if your device is
bluetooth know that you're gonna have to
be pretty close to the thing in order to
get any readings if you're using
something else like ZigBee or z-wave
those will have a pretty long range but
you're gonna have to hook a hub up to
your router like you would on this plant
link plant sensor with the right check
on your side you can learn about your
environment you can help it thrive and
you can make your smug neighbor jealous
when you make your
be the one that looks better for more be
sure to check out my full buying guide
and all of our other smart home buying
guides on CNET calm
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