Smartphone gauntlet is oddly compelling concept tech
Smartphone gauntlet is oddly compelling concept tech
hello tech fans we're here at Mobile
World Congress in Barcelona taking a
look at something very interesting it's
a smart phone gauntlet so this thing has
been built by a company that's here
called flex enable now this is just a
prototype but it's not an actual product
you're going to be able to buy it's just
a sort of concept idea that the company
has mocked up the company makes flexible
screens and those want to show off what
curb displays have the potential to do
although it's not a real product they've
done a pretty good job with this one I
like that down the side here you can
press all these different buttons check
out all these different modes I think
this sort of product idea has a little
bit of potential actually it's kind of
somewhere between a smartphone and a
SmartWatch if you've played with a
SmartWatch and pound the screen just a
little bit too small and fiddly there
may be something massive like this it
could be a little bit more usable and I
have to say it's got a sort of retro
sci-fi appeal as well so the curb
display itself is actually made of
plastic there's no glass in here and
what else is interesting is that there's
no silicon either the silicon has been
replaced by other materials with organic
properties so it's just a bit of fun for
now but would you wear one of these
things let us know and check out flash and wc4 much more
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