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Snapchat kills original content plans -- because of cost?

snapchat killed its own discover channel off snap I'm Bridget Carey this is your cnet update it looks like snapchat gave up on the dream of creating its own original content when the popular messaging app launched the discover section in January it featured polished Daily News reports and videos from 11 different media companies including CNN ESPN vice and Comedy Central in the center was a ghost icon for its own snapchat Channel it was a way for snapchat to establish itself as its own media outlet and sometimes it used the channel to create buzz broadcasting exclusives like the premiere of a new Madonna music video it even had his own show called literally can't even the way snapchat works is that everything on these channels can only be viewed that day then it disappears and it's replaced by the next day's stories photos and videos a couple of weeks ago snapchat removed its own snap channel to give it a remodel and a relaunch but in an interview with deadline snapchat said it has shut down the snap Channel permanently the app hired a team just to make content for this channel and it even had its own studio but the company decided to scrap it all because of costs the head of programming has left to find a new job discover is now made up of 15 outside media partners and this week it added the fashion and beauty website refinery29 meanwhile as his own company can't afford to make daily videos the 25 year old founder of snapchat Evan Spiegel is baring his chest in the Italian version of men's vogue magazine the tech billionaire puts on his best attempt at sexy faces by cuddling a puppy and leaning awkwardly in a corduroy suit Spiegel is the youngest billionaire in the world according to forbes magazine worth 2.1 billion dollars let's switch gears to another pillar of social media Twitter the network is laying off more than 300 employees which is about eight percent of its staff one former Twitter employee said he found out he didn't have a job tuesday morning because he couldn't get into his email account you would think a company could talk to you about the loss of your job before cutting off your email but i guess a little dig t is too much to ask for these days from a major tech company apparently Twitter's HR did leave him a voicemail which he didn't listen to in time before his email was cut off so a snapchat and Twitter downgrade apple has released a few upgrades to its IMAX giving the desktop computers better screens and faster processors the Mac computers make up less than fifteen percent of Apple's revenue but of course the company still has to update the models to keep fans happy every 27 inch screen iMac now has a retina 5k display which is a sharper display than today's ultra high-def televisions it also put a 4k display in the 21.5 inch mac line that's it for this tech news update there's more at cnet com from our studios in New York I'm Bridget Carey
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