So what's better: Android O or iOS 11? (The 3:59, Ep. 236)
So what's better: Android O or iOS 11? (The 3:59, Ep. 236)
and good morning from the scene at New
York Studios it's time for the 3:59
podcast episode 236 in the house today
we've got Roger Chang and Alfred Inge
three two one let's jam yeah I wish tat
it up we've got a great show for you we
were talking about Android versus iOS 11
now that we've got a look at both of
them obviously the full purchase will
come out to the fall but our own Jessica
dual courts already kind of made an
early judgement as to which is better I
will talk about the upcoming UK
elections tomorrow and the impact of
fake news it really just big news in
general uh yes as referenced by Brian
Vint row we were talking about Cowboy
getting a live-action TV show treatment
I'm not sure what to think about that
really I don't want to think about it
come back and covered in detail yes you
have any questions about these topics as
well as our CNN magazine cover
Tom Holland the new spider-man feel free
to leave in the comment section Brian
will get tome pick out the best we'll
get to them in 3 minutes and 59 seconds
from 3:00 to welcome to the 359 I'm
Roger Cheng I'm alfred Aang so yes we're
still going to talk about Apple today
while we focused a lot on hardware
yesterday the events really focus on
software so with both Apple and Google
showing off their latest mobile OS we
want pitts Android o against iOS 11 it
turns out our mobile expert Jessica
dual-core actually ruled to Android Oh
comes out on top really comes down to
the improvements in artificial
intelligence AI and just sort of how
Google sis is evolving relative to Siri
and I mean there are a lot of other car
bells and whistles that she talked about
right now if you know if you're an
Android fan you've got to be feeling
pretty good yeah I think when you're
comparing a lot of different access key
aspects you're kind of taking a look at
you know comparing apples and you know
Android oranges yeah I'm pretty sure us
with the o stands for barrios I mean on
the things that they you can compare
them with like VR and AR I think Android
o comes out on top of this one I mean
definitely with Apple they were showing
off a lot of the AR features words like
look at the shadow on that and look how
can ya look at look at this digital Cup
call a cup which is
cool but like doesn't really help with
Android Oh like the AR features were
actually useful
where you know you could find out like
what the menus like at this bar that
you're at or where you can find out you
know your friends Wi-Fi password just by
using your camera on like a barcode and
things like that just Jessica notes you
know with the with Android oh you get a
picture and picture with Google Maps
which is super useful you get a more
enhanced cut paste you know the iOS 11
you can pay with your friends using
iMessage and Apple pay you can control
different audio on multiple speakers in
your house all these things are nice to
have but just seems like Google's
improvements are a little bit better a
little bit more useful right I mean I
think with all these bells and whistles
like assistant versus Siri there AR VR
features you know maps and you know
being able to pay your friends through
text I think those are all cool features
and you can stack them up against each
other all day long but I think at the
end of the day it's gonna come down to
like speed and I think Apple you know
iOS might have Android beat on that yeah
that's for sure
yeah um so look it's we don't really
know what this is going to look like
until the fall until we see this stuff
working in iPhone 8 pixel 2 makes that
wait really really hard though all right
next up around Katie called a story on
the impact of fake news on tomorrow's UK
general election obviously it's been a
busy year for elections really going
back to our own back in 2016 and fake
news has played a role in all that I
mean what do you what do you think is
still a big problem I don't think the UK
will be hit as hard as the u.s. was with
like fake news I think they've kind of
learned from like the USS mistakes
Facebook for sure has learned from its
mistakes I even put out like a large
series of ads out on it and I think
they're much more aware of it now and I
think there's much less like
confirmation bias when it comes to you
know these this kind of news in the UK
and I think the more interesting thing
is that the the bot army that they had
like spreading this fake news day a
research firm found out about like 11
percent of the fake news spreading in
the UK was from BOTS yeah it's like what
1 in 10 person is a robot like spreading
like fake news which is although she
didn't know that it escalated as the
election went on anyways as three huge
cowboy bebop fans we could not talk
about the live show in development is
this something we're excited or worried
I think I'm glad that it's actually
showing not a movie because Cowboy Bebop
is so nuanced as a show where it has
like women like vignettes and it like
captures like oh you know spikes like
story but it doesn't do it Epis ah it
doesn't do it like in a linear like way
it does it right episode 1 then episode
like 13 um like again and there are a
lot of great standalone episodes that
really kind of show off the characters
this is not I mean you can sort of sum
it up as this sort of sci-fi Western but
it's so much more than that yeah so I
mean yes I agree that in terms of that
that the lack of nuance that a movie
would have and I'm really glad it's
getting a TV show agreement alright
lastly we want to throw out T's for the
latest issue of CNN magazine newsstands
now it features Tom Holland the new
spider-man so definitely check it out or
the interview is also online before all
these stories check us out and see that
I brought your check I'm Alfred a thanks
for listening I don't know how I feel
about Cowboy Bebop
aa little worried I mean you know what
that it's it's sort of how I felt when I
heard about Death Note getting the
live-action treatment like like but
that's not already got the live-action
treatment Death Note wasn't in Japan I
never watched it I watched it actually
was my first introduction to Death Note
was washing the body like what is this
weird thing and then I went back and
watch but the next one the Netflix
version looks really weird I actually
read something interesting
what was the director's name Chi Chi may
the Creator oh no no no Bebop uh I'm
brain farting on the on the name but
there was something I was just kind of
skimming an article the other day about
how he actually liked the American dub
better yes I do too yeah he did which is
rare you know like that's kind of
sacrilege Nana Mae town but you know
that means that the characters were just
really well pertaining good actors a
good actor I'm also saying like there's
certain animes were like the dub is just
better like Dragon Ball Z in its
original like language is terrible
fair enough enough I don't know maybe
cuz I was used to original language
version I like the son Steve Blum is the
best bike like there's oh yeah yeah yeah
okay yeah I like this comment from lost
legacy in the YouTube chat we already
had a cowboy bebop live-action show it
was called Firefly
yeah maybe this one will get cancelled -
o-dog do that man I just remember that
first time watching Cowboy Bebop that
was a real one of my original binge
efforts by the way they that was like a
cathartic moment by the way the director
Shiro Watanabe Watanabe yes and
screenwriters Keiko Nobu Muto listen one
of my big stipulations about the revival
of the show is as long as yoko kanno as
bad yes seatbelts if you don't got the
music you don't got the show I don't
care if they rerecord I don't care if
they remix you need that music I wonder
what they were gonna do about the
soundtrack for this because that that
soundtrack is like just use the same
soundtrack not something for I to
improve upon it honestly I would have
prefered they did a live-action version
of like samurai Champloo than Cowboy
Bebop sandwiches are like a spiritual
successor yes yes absolutely yeah
in in show and soundtrack style and I
feel like that shall rest in peace new
Jonas that show would have worked a lot
better as a live-action than Cowboy
Bebop did I just feel like how I
probably also would be a lot cheaper to
produce like the holes I feel life is
getting a CGI and all that that's gonna
be like it's gonna be a pricey show or
it's gonna either be a pricey show or
it's gonna look really cheap look what
we're coming out with a the Star Trek
though not too you know
married are cuter old whore our parents
are too much but it's like so far a lot
of the imagery looks pretty sharp I mean
it's getting easier to do good looking
sci-fi on but you know what that's a big
commit a lot of my - right sure Cowboy
is a little more nice as a little
Cornish there's definitely a loyal
following there but it's not as wide a
star trekkin better in terms of the
money that'll be able to command like
that that would worry me like cheap CG I
could just quickly destroy show no
matter how well written you're very
right very interested in what they're
casting decisions are gonna be I think I
think a long time ago there was like a
fake poster out for like a live-action
cowboy Keanu Reeves yeah spike um I
could see it I could do the voice um I
feel like he doesn't have the crispa
he's Keanu Reeves he like plays Keanu
Reeves in every movie listen I'm
confident like we thought that we didn't
need the movie yeah from years ago and
that ended up being pretty okay because
it was from the same people all over
again that's the most important part but
it was like he kind of
telling a story but they kind of filled
in some gaps what does Steve Blum look
like does he look like spike at all I
know he's got a he's got a beard okay
because I remember there was talk about
like if there was ever like a Metal Gear
Solid like movie later would have to be
like Solid Snake or something yeah but I
mean which would never happen by the way
as they would have a Hollywood star yeah
for sure yeah Steve one maybe though I
don't know I might not be that big of a
star if I don't even know what he looks
yeah well he's a famous voice yes he's
like he's huge yeah but but that may not
be a skill set right like he died be
grated voice acting but yeah they're
gonna get to do like Fey or jet ein who
are they gonna get to play
yeah the Dahlia Corgi is thinking Edie
but also I hey does no outlet spike out
in the chat go ahead and submit your fan
casting for this cowboy up we were
curious to hear brie I really have no
thoughts on this at all because I can't
not picture the animated characters as
voiced by the actors I can't put a face
to that yeah we just have Adam Sandler
in his homies like ahaha baby Steve
Buscemi is a get out haha it looks a
little bit Netflix special so Steve
Buscemi would be a pretty good ed yeah
that's what I'm saying
oh yeah we have live by the way do we
have questions on Android and iOS I
imagine we do if they're all there's a
lot there's a lot of oh god there's a
lot of chattering amongst themselves but
let's go ahead and jump back into iOS
versus Android and yeah it's kind of
interested to see Jessica's conclusion
and all that could you maybe elaborate
on some of her points yeah I mean I
think it's just a matter of seems like
Google's just doing more and in the
places that we care about and Android
assistant and a Google assistant I think
was a prime example like alpha brought
it up with AR right you know apples kind
of showing off this like gimmicky check
out this cool fake coffee cup on the
whereas Google's like we're gonna let
you put your phone and restaurant and
get yelp reviews right up right on the
setting that seemed to be the thing the
theme of Android oh that stuck out to me
the most that like made me think it
beeped out I owe s11 where it's
basically it's all the things that iOS
11 is offering but like
we're making it useful like we're
putting in a way that like you can these
are like legit use cases that you can
have it for as opposed to this is really
cool and we got it like it's just
they're all useful and they're all like
relevant and you know we talked about a
are a lot obviously with VR Google's you
know way ahead with daydream with a
platform I mean Apple hasn't even talked
about virtual reality
yeah that's not did with the Star Wars
thing didn't I that was was it I guess I
was portrayed yeah I mean they be they
talked about which looked really cool
but that was the that what they said was
that the hardware would be able to
support VR experiences they're not
really doing a VR thing themselves right
whereas Google is like taking ownership
of that category I say hey we've got a
whole platform to develop VR on so that
it just seems like Google is taking more
of the initiative with some of these
newer areas and then I don't I'm not
sure how much of like the the user
interface that like Android Oh at really
went into but I know with like iOS 11
that was like a big point for them that
like menu bar that they had oh the
control side yeah which I'm like that's
been a thing unlike Android for like
years now so what about the fact is what
they did was basically eliminate one
window so you would swipe left or right
which is annoying for me right like
having to like pulp the command center
and it swipe left or right yeah so music
but my boat like that they should that's
existed on fetching from Android and
also that should have been an issue
Apple the first place they should have
had they should have been this swipe
left swipe the same thing when they were
like oh check it out like the the App
Store now has a game section like yo
like Android has also had that for my
Google Play Store so it's just one of
those things where it's like yo Android
has had like all these things for like a
while now and I'm a to be fair and had
it's been going on for years Android or
Google has stole from iOS and Apple has
stolen from Android they kind of like
steal each other's features to tell
they're kind of close to parity but it
just seems like in terms of the future
tech stuff definitely Google seems to be
ahead of the curve here um let's go
ahead and jump back into the chat real
one gwx says is really anxious about AR
but is really apprehensive about VR for
one we'd like you to elaborate on that
what are you favoring for AR how do you
find it to be and your words useful tech
as opposed to VR which I'm a
you see it's just kind of like a gaming
gimmick which I don't think you're alone
in that what do you guys take away from
the a RvR battle going on right now I
mean I feel the same way I look at it
the same way that I look at like blu-ray
DVD versus you know like HD DVD up
blu-ray DVD sounds weird I'm sorry
that's wrong but no I I mean I don't
think it's a format war I think it's
definitely they're different I I know
that they hate the term use case but
they're different uses for this right
like AR I think has more of a place you
know in the work put in the work
environment your personal life because
it's it kind of blends in throughout
blends it with your real world VR is
Morgan it's definitely entertainment in
gaming right you have to sit there you
hit the good time commit Hardware likes
but the throw into this view are the
thing is that like AR is already like
you don't need an extra like device for
that like it's already on your phone yes
and then who's to say that you can't do
like AR with like gaming and
entertaining either I mean we saw you
can't know I'm saying is that there are
more places where AR yeah applicable as
opposed to feel like you've ER the
workplace yes you could CA are both at
home or the office I know I know a lot
of companies have like kind of bet like
a lot on VR two of like Facebook
thinking that's where people are gonna
be like going with like chat and stuff
but I don't really see it honestly I
feel like more people are gonna be doing
like any stuff that stuff one of the
problems VR general is I know Facebook
wants to make it a social thing but it's
not ya isolating you are kind of by
yourself you're experiencing something
really cool but for most for most the
experiences are out there you by
yourself yeah to clarify when I said the
ARV are battle I didn't mean the ARV are
we're battling technologies against each
other that there's competing companies
trying to get the top seat in AR and at
the same time VR it seems like more
companies are focused on AR at this
point oh yeah it shifted VR was like
this Hot Topic a year two ago
well VR is kind of old too you know it's
been that way to say trying to be and
they are still the newer cars yes really
it's definitely more developed it's a
little bit fresher so you see a lot more
companies not jumping into that but
she's interesting that Apple has talked
to lava AR but not BR at all yeah right
so lost legacy in the chat says does the
Google assistant on iOS even out the aia
our debate it's an interesting thought
even out know so just being having a
competing assistant on iOS as opposed to
well I would yes and no I mean I think
it's great that Google wants to get
Google assistant onto iOS but it's not
going to be as proactive it's it's you
know the default assistant for your
phone is still gonna be yes I'm sure
right can't necessarily I don't know if
you have like a wake word for me okay
Google it's the same way that like if
you want to use Chrome on your iPhone
it's still like a pain in the ass to get
to it where you have to like you can't
open up like links that people send to
you in like iMessage in like Chrome or
reset those default yes well life you
could then yeah then it would definitely
be in the debate yeah um all right
before we wrap it up for the day let's
talk about we had the kind of Gray's
over let's talk about the spoderman real
quick Bitterman Spearman yeah so Alfred
you take issue with mr. Tom Holland to
take issue with him I just like to do it
and see like well tell our viewers what
I want to do so I found out in the
interview that we did with him that Tom
Holland actually has a history in like
dancing he's his favourite like dancer
is Michael Jackson he really appreciates
like how he came up with its own style I
got his break it Billy oh yes he did
yep and he actually in his audition for
the role he did like multiple backflips
like to kind of show you these acrobatic
like Spider Man like high backflip yeah
I'm Tom backflip um so I saw I saw the
video I saw him doing like a few moves
and I thought I could definitely beat
Tom Holland in a dance battle because I
breakdance regularly um and I was
watching what he was doing and I'm like
I can do all of that but better so maybe
I could be spider-man I don't know how
like how like into filming they are how
deep in like maybe they could just CGI
me over him um I feel like that's how
Hollywood works when you beat somebody
in a dance battle you take their roles
yeah yeah that's exactly how pretty sure
that's what happened with it's like the
Highlander bottle but with dancing yes
so um if any Tom Holland family members
or friends are watching this please send
us his way and literally or I'd love to
have a dance battle of Tom Holland maybe
take his role we could do an air no that
being said he's gonna be the best
spider-man we've ever seen yeah not seen
me be cider
FairPoint but you know what I really
like what I saw it's in Civil War like
he was yeah it was like Civil War it was
pretty extra late now
sorry give us a give us a with great
power comes Wyatt you fight yes perfect
spider-man there we go all right uh
that's probably a good spot to end it
for the day before we get too
long-winded and off-topic we can yeah
this was a fun one even though we really
barely addressed the top the main topic
I mean everybody's got their own opinion
in their own mind there's so much only
so much we can really talk about if you
really want the better details check out
Jessica's article yeah she can
definitely flesh it out better than than
we did yeah she kind of breaks it down
by features too it's not just straight
like androids better like she'll break
down different categories in some ways
iOS is better but for the most part
overall her conclusion was Android right
now looks to be the better opportunist
fair enough all right let's wrap it up
all right right date that you saw her
here check us out on CNET our podcast is
also available on iTunes
TuneIn stitcher SoundCloud Feedburner
and Google Play Music see you all
tomorrow later everybody bye see you
space cowboy
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