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Sony's Xperia XA Ultra phone makes a bid for your selfies

what is so ultra about the sony xperia XA ultra its screen the 6-inch display is a whopper but the new phone's edge to edge design means it's easier to hold than you might think it's still a big phone aimed at large screen junkies but it fits into your hand like a slightly smaller one but ultra I can also describe the cameras so I don't put a 16 megapixel lens in the front which is huge there's also optical image stabilization up there which is very rare for phones but that should help reduce blurry selfies as you try to study the big phone away from your face the camera on the back packs in a ton of megapixels to 21.5 of them to be exact the autofocus includes object tracking which will help moving objects appear more in focus rather than a blurry streak across your screen in true sony camera fashion there's manual mode some fancy fill flashes and a lot of options to smooth out your complexion the Xperia x8 altra is made of polycarbonate not metal and it will sell in black white and here's a new one lime gold
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