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Sphere full of plants rolls around town autonomously (Tomorrow Daily 355)

greetings citizens of the internet welcome to tomorrow daily the best peacock show in the known universe I'm ashley's together and i'm jeff cannata let's catch you up with the headlines Lord cybernetics might bring to mind terminators at first but what about something more eco-friendly like this researchers at University College London created horsham Makana be a geodesic sphere with a decidedly green twist it's filled with plant life and electrodes allow the sphere to detect how the plants respond to different environments the sphere can also move albeit slowly and awkwardly by using actuators that shift its weight around so what is the point of this exactly well the architecture students behind horton machina be say they feel plants should be integrated into modern society in a way that allows the plants to autonomously interact with humans and get around town I really like that they called it a this is a quote a speculative urban cyber gardener I was like the way that they I saw speculative urban saira gardener at Coachella and they were amazing sobremesa know this is a really cool idea i think that there are we need to figure out a way to integrate plants more in modern big cities and then this is this is exactly the kind of thing we need to be working yeah i really dig that speaking of things we need to be working on have you been working on your duck face well it's time to abandon your duck face and start perfecting your trout face or at least your pet fish can work on their trout face the Submariner camera is a little remote-controlled boat with a little camera onboard and you can record video of your fish as they swim inside your aquarium or take simple snapshots of your underwater family if you want to record your more nocturnal fish the Submariner even has anybody headlights on board oh and here's the best part obviously you don't want to take pictures of your fish swimming away so it has small arm that you can stick fish food capsules on allowing you to get the best shots of your prettiest fish what what would you pay for a fish selfie device give me an infomercial I'd pay twenty dollars yeah now this is gonna be about 90 so uh no I liked a little like give me a convert to refresh I know I like the rebates up the lure bait if I was a fish I would not trust anything that involved bait or lures right like if you're a fish that seems like the worst way to attract of it yeah that's true I made a pretty lady fish it looks just like your fish man like I'm over yeah but someone's dick on a goldfish that's a good way to get your fishing come closer so which of these stories should we talk about I you know I really like I you you mentioned something important I think as we make everything more modern as we make everything you know we see an urban sprawl kind of happening I think it's really important to talk about ways that we can bring the green and eco-friendly plant life to cities I think that's a great story and in order to provide balance I'll be doing my trout face the entire time great that sounds good if you guys want to share a picture of your best trout face you can all you can tweet us with a hashtag hey TV yeah that's how we know that you're talking at us by shouting us over Twitter and then we'll be able to check your comments and incorporate them into our discussion on Thursday yeah you can all if you don't want to send your trout face just tell us what you think of this lovely Horta machina be you yeah or any of the stories we've talked about any of it we're gonna be we're gonna be deep diving tomorrow yes get out your nose plugs all right guys it's time for our second last our penultimate monuments photogra for the day lu lu today's phone tog refers Jacob who took this with a note for Jacob wrote to us and said hi Jeff nationally my name is Jacob hursley and of course I get permission for you to show my pictures these are from when my best friend and I went to Israel in December of 2014 I took them on a note for but now I have the galaxy s7 edge the top left is Jerusalem top right are the grottoes from the north bottom left is also in the north and the bottom right is the baha'i gardens and Haifa I'm a huge fan of show and hope I get featured hopes granted Jacob featured right now you know I've never been to Israel but I don't picture this when I think of it yeah I mean it's really interesting I think I picture the upper left picture but I certainly would not picture the the top right and the bottom left which look very sort of tropical yeah like it's a gorgeous I mean it's all beautiful looks ridiculously beautiful and colorful that's always the thing i love about pictures from all around the world you guys send these photos into places that i have in my mind and then it's sort of almost like seeing a color picture of something you've previously seen in black and white like in your mind i guess i just don't see it as colorful as it truly is in real life and so that's so cool that you sometimes there's been a fun month of monuments yeah we got a new month kitting us pretty quick what should we should maze theme be well may I think it reminds me of always rising made a first of May was like then of course I was raised Catholic so I was think of the the Mary there's just a big celebration of mother Mary and all stuff um so I'm gonna say I think springtime is good it's a flower yes it's spring is springing so whatever spring means to you we'd love to see photography around that theme maybe some beautiful outdoor shots but maybe spring means something else maybe an actual spring I don't fog maybe it's weather or some kind maybe it's a place that you go every spring for spring break if it's you doing jello shots on the beach there you go we'll take those pictures I'll take that picture so spring it is that is our new theme and we'll start on Monday will remind you guys tomorrow if you guys want to send in your photogra fee please send your spring photos to tomorrow at cnet com yeah make sure you tell us what device you took it on give us permission to use it on the show tell us how to pronounce your name and a little story about what that picture is and why you took it always appreciated to excellent for very important post points not post points that is it for today's show we'll be back tomorrow with our deep dive episode make sure you watch all of our short shows this week so you know what we're going to be talking about and get in on the conversation with hashtag KETV we'll be welcoming video game writer screenwriter and all-around great guy TJ fixin to the show who is very very funny and a friend of mine and I can't wait to have in here because we are going to grill him on life um it's going to be great so if you ever wanted to be a writer in the industry this would be a really good at subsea to watch that is if rotational everyone we will see you tomorrow but until then be good human you
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