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Strange times for some Stranger Things 2 (The 3:59, ep. 334)

and welcome to the 359 podcast it's episode 334 on Tuesday December 19 and this is a pre-taped show we're doing a little bit of filler because we are on hiatus for a minute throughout the holiday season and getting ready to hit the road to the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas and so on and so forth so for right now we're just having a little fun so bear with us if you actually care about important tech headline topics you're not going to get it this is not the show for you today sorry anyways Ben what are we going to be chattering about today we wanted to focus on the second season of stranger things we do for these filler shows sometimes talk about just like whatever is fun and streaming we did one on Game of Thrones ones so we actually all watched stranger things season two I've been wanting to talk some smack for a while now yeah apparently you watched it like over the course of caution one day yeah so I took a little bit longer but we want to highlight some of our favorite stuff from the season what to expect from season three and whatever else pops up into our head so why don't we start off with like what were your favorite moments from season two I loved the bottle episode where 11 goes off and finds her like sister mm-hmm I love that might be the only person in the world that liked that episode yeah I mean I feel like we've found each other you guys we must be you know perfect for each other because I also like that up because we've been held in a lab when we were children it formed a kind of are you - psychic brothers and sisters yeah yeah what was bad about that that's like a hilarious and it was so weird it was like 11 joints the x-men or something like that and then they're just super hard I swear I just thought like this doesn't make any sense at all if they had these kinds of powers why don't they just like do this other thing from the beginning like if they could turn themselves invisible why didn't they just kill people while they were invisible invisable no one turned invisible no the girl the other girl ate or whatever when she can lay don't be come and visit yeah but they can make them see different things right why don't why do they have to wear masks if she has that power well I think it's been well established that none of their powers are actually at their peak I think that's why she's like you have to hold I can't do this if you're something she didn't from bling and yeah but the mess made a pretty good episode that I thought like this is this is dumb you have all these powers and you're doing like stupid team things and they're stupid teams why that whole crew is assembled in the first place okay man it's the 80s outcasts find each other it feels like they're there like setting up for a spin-off series just for those kids this is this is gonna tear the podcast apart I feel like I never already a broken home 3:59 Civil War but yeah I thought that was a very cool episode but I agree that there were certain like it was the flavor eventually became too much yeah like x-men I kind of thought that like maybe eight should have had a similar power to 11 instead they like have all these like different kinds of powers which means maybe in other seasons they're gonna discover what seven did or whatever they were testing the waters to see how much they can grow this franchise they don't want to just be about these kids forever and always they want to be able to expand this into its own universe yeah they want a marvel you want to marvel eyes who doesn't want to move you're a strange young serious Tokyo strange crossover of dr. strange dr. strange know everybody's about world-building now am i right and I would be except as I keep screwing it up but no you know what's interesting about a versatile with the dark universe they want to build this they want to they want to serialize everything so we actually it's interesting that you say about the DC universe because as much as everybody knocks the DC Universe and how they haven't been that successful Jonah and I looked up box office mojo for 2017 all they made money they Wonder Woman was number two in the box office and it's the highest grossing superhero film of all time but Justice League was number ten so DC did pretty well for themselves All Things Considered those movies are always gonna make money though even when they suck hard Wonder Woman okay but what you all made money okay so if we had a Netflix originals universe building right so what do we have like narcos and like the upside down that would be incredible I love your ideas today I feel like you're making jokes about this but narcos on the upside down and a spin-off of the outcasts but I would watch the hell out of all of them but not house of cards Bojack horseman in house of cards not house of cards you know okay the time the water gonna well they're gonna have to go through their last season and then we'll see what happens so I don't know anyway can we get back to the favorite moments from season two yeah I thought we just talked about that we talked about Jones what about yeah um I liked it when Bob died oh my gosh Alfred you are the worst I thought your fire spoiler alert we should have started with a spoiler the whole thing was a spoiler wasn't it no it's okay I've taken a poll literally everybody on earth has seen stranger things - yeah and yeah I thought it was a really good scene I thought it was a good scene I'll admit that I also think he was really dumb for doing that - but he dropped the broom he couldn't check that what I don't and then the other things like why is it that only Bob dies in that part like the demo gorgon dogs only attack him like they're clearly they're eating him while there's three alive people around looking in horror because those are zombie roles once the zombies get one person they just focus on eating there's no sense no no no that's that's totally typical zombie you know like we got we got one on them yeah I know I know I sound very negative about this but I did enjoy the series this is just how I even tell of you this is just how I view and take in things okay the plot hole I found in that though is how come the demo dogs ate Bob ate completely right so many people were left killed and scientist dude yeah I hurt my knee leg and I'm just standing here Bob was tasty it's yeah I I agree what was it sheriff hopper he was he should have died and like whatever that like we are done yeah and it was just it just so they saved him at the very last also Billy seducing the mom that was a pretty cool scene I thought that was kind of brilliant on their part that they were able to give you one last breath of levity before everything comes out the hell my favorite part about that show was because I did watch because I did watch the after show for the sexiest is that if you notice when the mom is in the bath and she doesn't have to answer the door and you know she has the book that book has his picture like no that's his picture as like a like oh that's actually yeah they put his face I noticed that but I didn't know he's actually him I was like that looks just like yeah it might be I mean I'm you know it's an illustration but I think it's foreshadowing for season 3 that's the new villain he is not any monsters now it's just somebody like trying to break up your family yeah real monster in life well we did favorite parts I can although favorite parts has become Alfred's hated parts but one of the things I didn't like is yeah that character was that character's name the brother the older brother Billy Billy Billy I don't really like I know that they like felt like they needed to have a non paranormal like antagonist and so that's why they're do something I kind of felt like didn't really actually felt like they didn't capitalize on that entire subplot enough I was expecting more backstory not necessarily completely tied in but a little more character building to what was the girl's name the magazine or vaccine to Mad Max I thought we were going to get a few more answers about her backstory yeah that was that was I mean it's just like Oh their family life did suck but it didn't give you anything to fail outside of the fact this is why she's kind of impersonal and psych it worked I just thought there was they were setting with a lot more there might be more to come yeah I agree with Billy I just I don't and Luke's mom maybe I just remember having that like Eureka moment after he showed him like why do I know this kid Red Ranger yeah yeah he's and Power Rangers okay yeah what did you hate Ben what did I hate yeah oh yeah hate rain I can't I can't even like III like a lot of the like the cool upside down stuff so I actually thought it started out kind of sets I asked you what you hate it and you just said you like but we were talking about our favorite stuff so I'm filet ignoring your question so yeah when like the kid with when the kid gets like taken over by like the shadow monster that was kind of cool one of the things I did something nominal act didn't really shine through in this season yeah it was like kind of agonizing to watch and be like they made him stay quiet for an entire season yeah totally so yeah when one of the aspects of the show that I didn't actually like that much was when they were in the shed and they were telling him like these like nostalgic stories to try to get him to like tap out an answer about something like gate or whatever I was just like that's that's like so forced there's a little silly but it also worked because they did establish what the kids knew submit some Morse code before that not only that but like it was you know very 80s we're like let's let's talk about our feelings and like you know past past occurrences you say that like the entire show isn't built on the promise premise that this is very 80s it is very and you can excuse the like the really cheesy elements for being 80s on purpose next topic which season did you like more season one or season two I know this is gonna be a super hard question I think season one was better I like season two what's uh I don't I don't like it when I shut up a little I like it when you're like just getting introduced to a show and it's like relatively low stakes I think every time a show jumps to its second season especially something that's like a horror thriller or something like this they do have to raise the stakes like much higher where they totally they're gonna take over the world but first he was like we got to find our friend back and that I think like you know getting introduced to like 11 story and all the stuff I think that that was like much better than there was only one Democrat was like a focused like villain kind of thing as opposed to you know also this is happening and the world might end and Bob's dead and there's a much more pure story yeah yes it was easier to follow I liked but I liked being forced to think a little bit more I liked both but I I think it's more like a preference of how you like the story how you like a story to be told like I liked both but I just like that kind of like simple very focused so yeah I totally agree and that's why like the first season more but I didn't leave the second season feeling disappointed did a really good job of raising the stakes to a certain extent and introducing enough new elements to actually make it a really walkable and enjoyable I think the challenge for sequels is like how do you raise the stakes without getting too ridiculous yeah yeah maybe that'll be for season three honestly I'll tell you why I like season two like the payoff for me was actually seeing so much of the character progression in effect we got to see Steve grow up we got to see Dustin stand up hmm well we got to see Lucas step up I thought they really handle character development fantastically he's arguably better than I've ever seen in most other things and I think that's why I season to appeal to me so much not that i discredit season one at all but I was so thrilled to see these characters that you're invested in actually progress and still maintain the key elements of why you fell in love with them in the news I also got to have great pairings like hopper and xi together I mean how great is putting those two actors and those two characters literally like in a room but you see him become a dad again yeah as opposed to like I'm cold it shut off yeah combination great character development yeah that's why I like season two so much I totally hear what you're saying about how it got a little silly and I like being able to focus on that primary plot of like where's our friend but season two had so many things paid off I felt I felt like season two was a great conclusion to season I own as opposed to an extension I am confused now like I was saying before with like sequels how it you always raise the stake for it when they're talking about season three coming out in like 2019 hmm I really don't know like how they're gonna be able to raise the stakes without making it even more ridiculous so looking forward to it I kind of like the idea of sidestepping it and doing like The Outsiders in Chicago or at least like presenting them again to a certain extent because I would watch spin-offs yeah otherwise you're so like they're gonna have to like go to Mars to like raise the stakes upside down Mars upside down Mars and like the demagogue and God you know a Red Planet I would watch that you know what Netflix if you guys want to sign that idea give this man a bag of money let's do it do we want to take a shot at predictions of how season three raises the stakes well I think that I think one thing that we could probably all agree on is that there's definitely like by ending with the snowball dance for this one they definitely like have that kind of like circular conclusion so I think that the next season is going to be venturing outside of the middle school realm outside of them being in that sort of they kind of closed the loop on a lot of those things that started in season one all right so the big adversary turns out burly so it turns out that the lab worker wasn't lying and that that evil doctor man is still alive hiding something he raises like an army of little like 11s or whatever and hold all his little children to like beat up like 11 and then take her back to the underground to the upside down and then the kids have to go to the upside down themselves like without Elevens help to rescue her like that's the new rescue mission right and then Darth Vader shows up and kills all that broke off their deal with there's no Star Wars crossovers sorry um how are we on time I could get through a few more well I got it I got an idea okay I I think that what we're going to see is a more true melding of the upside down into the real world whereas not necessarily they keep crossing over back between the portals I like the theory that the upside down is indicative and representative of the future there's been a few theories floated about that and the one that I latched onto most sincerely was that the the spores that were launched Dustin and hopper yeah just the beginning hmm we're going to see essentially a zombie movie in season 3 where it's going to progress in a very Stephen King II where the kids are going to be broaching in high school and it's going to be drifting towards like how it was a generational divide and that's why we're going to be having a delay in the release of season from what we've heard but the idea being that hopper and Dustin become antagonists because now they're possessed will is still not fully let go and essentially the upside down is recruiting real-world members as an invasive army and then xi has to respond by recruiting other lab kids to fight against him so we get like essentially kind of like you said the outsiders I almost x-men type force to fight against Ken Dustin do evil yeah he's he's the worst character justin was definitely better this season why do you say sure why he harbor an alien in his home okay like a jerk and then he lies to his friends friends don't lie yeah the worst character but it worked out okay because weren't they like up against d'Artagnan at one point and because of his friendship with d'Artagnan they didn't all get yeah didn't get eaten yeah but what if another like sama Corrigan dog had come by and so that didn't just saying just better you don't lie to your friends man he's the worst character okay he's worse than Billy uh-huh put your home address ouch don't Doc's don't Doc's Alfred he doesn't deserve that also Bill Murray should definitely make a cameo in the next season oh yeah so was like a tease what other eighty stars are we going to see pick up and cameo because that was such a big payoff was to see Sean Astin like the king of 80s kids movies The Goonies oh that means I think joy I think Judd Nelson should show up what's what's right well they are going to high school exactly making the principal oh my god Judd Nelson who's the girl from the board Molly ring just bring the entire but I like Winona Ryder alright we're done here goodbye everybody no seriously like what if they brought they bring him in the high school in the high school has been is administered by the members of The Breakfast Club that would be kind of Awesome I would totally be on because of Billy beat him does Billy meet the rebel guy from The Breakfast Club and then they have like a little stare down no Billy just everybody so Joan I wanted to direct this more from like to a business perspective oh yeah we're gonna talk about serious stuff yeah just just for a second here like this is this is also like how many strangers things we can expect by looking at it from the business perspective so like how important is strangers thanks for Netflix right especially with house of cards ending pretty soon anyway right so Netflix famously notoriously doesn't share anything about their how much people watch their programs really except except yesterday because I thought they would notoriously shame people about how that was just you watch you watch things but they don't say like you know stranger things was watched by 60 million people and however long people they don't give out ratings data um but because it's annoyed people in Hollywood for so long we're starting to catch up where there are these outside sources that claim that they can kind of gauge how big these shows are by all accounts stranger things it's like a gigantic hit bigger than a house of car your than anything they've had before house parts actually wasn't one of their most it was orange is the new black was kind of a crossover with that a raining a raining jewel or whatever it was probably the most watch one before stranger things came along and so I mean having a gigantic hit you keep milk in that cow so there's no reason to think that they aren't going to have season have like five different it's like origin stories or whatever HBO is doing with Game of Thrones once that that ends yeah watch for the next season when bub dies just be on the score B's all those ain't like you also saw this with Walking Dead too like they already like started doing a spin-off of The Walking Dead while The Walking Dead was going on so I guess stranger things could except becoming a universe I don't really see it right now I think you made a really good argument for it I think the business perspective that John you just mentioned it all makes sense to me but I would hate to I don't know see the story suffer but at the same time I would probably watch all that stuff I mean what would they even call it though if The Walking Dead is fear The Walking Dead which is a stupid name would be even stranger things even stranger things danger earth strange strangest things either way a bag of money Netflix give him a bag of money I am looking forward to season three very much even if it isn't coming till 2019 I'll be a while let's let's wrap up by telling saying who your favorite character was from season two I'm gonna go with hopper I was I was very into hopper I thought he had like a lot of different emotions and a lot of stuff are unifying him David Harbor on social media because you should be I was gonna be hell Willy okay it's gonna be Hellboy so we'll be seeing more of hopper very soon yeah harbors career is taking off then you just get a Golden Globe nod I believe you're asking me I don't know either way well I'm on Instagram follow him on Twitter he's he's going to be a meme Lord he's adorable how much he loves his cast and how the little bromance is building with him and Steve right now all right next up who else I love 11 I think really Bobby Brown is really a great actress that character is really fun and she doesn't great I mean she had like 52 lines in the first season and she managed to make that a super memorable character totally um yeah I think it's great yeah 11 is probably the most powerful character on the show she I think could kill everyone in a fight if she had to yeah she gets my vote for best character well it goes without a doubt papa Steve office Steve yeah papa Steve that was really adorable and becoming like the epitome of Big Brother and surrogate like brother I like swallowing his pride and letting Nancy go and everything about Steve was endearing and that that's coming from you know it's like watching Chris Pratt's character on Parks and Rec where you start off and he's kind of like partial antagonist he's a pain in the ass and then you end up loving him and that's exactly what they did with Steve aka the father of John Ralphie oh and Steve yeah was kind of schmuck in the first season as I recall kind of they just like like the actor and thought that he was really great they're like what's not making yeah yeah he's getting up he's getting a lot of like publicity now he was on like some live stream from like GQ and all like he's getting like all these it's a now joke Yuri is his name Jack theory yeah yeah they don't have real names they only exist in strangers and Hellboy a parent no anyway let's uh let's wrap it up but this was a lot of fun was thanks thanks everybody for watching if you enjoyed the stranger things to conversation or perhaps I don't know tech headlines check out tech news which we talked about some time so either way the podcast which is called the 359 for some reason is available on iTunes tune in stitcher feedburner Google Play Music the Amazon echo and of course c and e t-- c om thank you very much thanks everybody
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