all right show us what it does so this
is our brand new keyboard for Android
Honeycomb and other Android tablets
which basically allows you to type
really quickly and easily using a split
key layout this is just one of our skins
and what you can see is if I type sort
of hello for example or help I can just
tap these words and say you know hello
all or how is everyone doing and very
quickly using our fluency technology you
can see that it predicts whole words at
a time based on based on language which
is really the core to look to our
technology how is that different from
what the existing keyboard to do where
they do auto correction and a word so
this this models the way that words work
together in a really really detailed way
and it learns from you so if you just go
into our settings here and go to a
personalization you can go into Facebook
Gmail Twitter and SMS if you're on a
phone with this and allow it to learn
how you type in context you can also
change the skins and as you type you'll
see that it models to you what that
means is a much much more intelligent
way of typing on these kind of keyboards
which really should speed people up
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