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Tado gives your dumb air conditioner a brain

hey I'm Sina practiced here in Berlin for the ephah tech conference and we're here at the tato booth checking out their smart air conditioning device now todd has made some heating and cooling devices for the European market but now this summer they've come out with a smart AC control unit for the United States what tato does is it acts as sort of a relay between your phone and your air conditioner so if you have an existing dumb air conditioner that has a remote control you control over IR tato can talk to it so when your phone tells tato to cool things down tato can tell your air conditioner to get to work tato also uses geofencing to track the people in your home so everybody who's got the app it knows when the last person leaves and shuts off the air when the first person gets back into that geofence zone around your home it'll start cooling things down it's also got an if channel scheduled to go up in the coming days so you'll be able to connect it with other smart home devices and services for more check out the rest of our fo coverage at slash 4c net appliances I'm right Chris
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