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Tech Minute - Apps to help you get organized and get tasks done

flighters face is a note-taking app that borrows some of Twitter's features to help you organize your thoughts hashtags are used to group notes and at mentions are used to group people you mention in your notes the app is five dollars and is available on iOS and Android if you need help staying on top of your task list check out to do it it's a clean-looking iOS and Android app that also works with mac pc and on the web you can set deadlines for tasks set recurring reminders and earn points for checking things off and finally sunrise is a calendar app that probably beats the default one on your phone the app is easy to use and includes features that make planning your day a lot easier sunrise lets you add calendars for things like holidays or sporting events and also integrates with other apps like tripit or even to-do list in San Francisco I'm Sharon Profis for CBS News
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