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Tech Minute - How to find a foreign-language app that fits you

duolingo is a wonderful free option for those who want to pick up one of the nine languages the iPhone or Android app offers their whole system is designed like a game with fun graphics and rewards and according to their website 34 hours spent learning on duolingo is equivalent to a whole semesters worth of language learning memorizes another free app for both types of phones it uses games illustrations and other creative visual ways to help you learn what's unique about memorize is that all of their content was created by other community members allowing you to contribute your own to busu is a free app with in-app purchases for lesson plans for 12 different languages once you've completed one submit them to native speakers for a critique and finally your children will love the immersive world of little pim as the Panda guides young language learners through 12 different languages their entertainment immersion method makes it fun and easy for these little brains to absorb new vocabulary and grammar in San Francisco I'm Kara Tsuboi for CBS News
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