cook smarts wants to help make planning
your meals a lot easier each week you'll
receive a complete meal plan along with
a grocery list and recipes on how to
prepare the dishes the service even
offers dietary alternatives like
vegetarian and even paleo the first few
weeks are free after that a subscription
starts at six dollars a month if you'd
rather plan your own meals check out
pepper plate the app lets you organize
your recipes into meal plans including
your own custom recipes or ones from
popular sites when you're ready to cook
the app can go into a cook mode that
keeps your screen free of messy fingers
and if meal planning just isn't your
thing there are plenty of dinner and a
box options that send ready to cook
meals directly to your doorstep explore
options like blue apron hello fresh and
plated to see which one is available in
your area in San Francisco I'm Sharon
Profis for CBS News
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