Tech Minute - Musical instrument apps to tune into
Tech Minute - Musical instrument apps to tune into
if you're keen on playing the piano the
free app piano Dustbuster 2 point 0 from
joy tunes has found a way to make
learning fun you can use the apps built
in piano keyboard to learn the notes
that ultimately work up to playing a
song this is best on an iPad or tablet
or set your device with the app running
near your real piano and the app will
pick up the notes to let you know if
you're playing them correctly once you
gain some proficiency challenge people
around the world in concert mode picture
a guitar band but for pianos and
speaking of guitars the free app for
both iphones and androids beginner
guitar songs is a great straightforward
tool for true beginners start with the
very basics tuning your instrument
learning chords and finger placement
then watch videos from master teachers
to start playing real songs finally log
your practice time with a free iOS app
music journal manage your daily progress
songs or cords you've learned and track
your growth over time remember as the
cliche goes practice makes perfect in
San Francisco I'm Kara Tsuboi
for CBS News
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