
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

Tech Minute - New Year's resolutions for the workplace

there are a handful of useful apps that help you collect all of your digital clippings in one place Evernote is a popular service that lets you organize online articles documents PDF files photos and even scanned handwritten notes all in one place add tags to these pages so you can easily search them in the future clip X's a similar free app for iPhones that also lets you organize your digital discoveries into bulletin boards you can keep them private or share them with friends and co-workers timeful is another great free after iPhone users that helps people make the most of their time say you're trying to fit in a few minutes of exercise everyday or want to spend 10 minutes of every day cleaning out your email inbox timeful will get a sense of your habits and productivity and make suggestions for when you can squeeze in a desired activity Android users will benefit from the free app called 20 as in stand-up every 20 minutes once you start your workday activate the app your phone will vibrate every 20 minutes reminding you to stand up in San Francisco I'm Kara Tsuboi for CBS News
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