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Tech Minute: Photo sharing now easier than ever

for the first time two incredibly popular photo apps are now able to talk to each other through your iPhone making photo sharing easier than ever hipstamatic and instagram announced that you can now upload your images taken with the hipstamatic app directly to your Instagram feed big news for fans of the old timey camera app that lets you manipulate your photos with fun filters borders and lighting tricks here's how it works first update your hipstamatic app and you'll notice there's a new layout next select the photo you want to share there will be an instagram logo nestled between the twitter and tumblr icons then just tap the share button and voila your hipstamatic photos will appear the next time you refresh your Instagram feed users will also be able to tag the photo with the lens film and flash used and add a comment all without leaving the hipstamatic app happy snapping and sharing in San Francisco I'm Kara Tsuboi for CBS News
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