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Tech Minute - School fund-raising apps and websites

kula is an innovative new website and app that tells gently used clothing to benefit schools here's how it works register your child's school at school accom request a donation bag and fill it with outgrown clothing in good condition should be back to school of her free they'll post photos of your items for sale for other people to buy when a purchase is made forty percent goes back to your school shopper rue is a free app for both iphones and androids that rewards users for submitting photos of their shopping receipts based on how much you spend shopper awards points points that add up to real dollars it works because shopper who sells anonymized receipt data to market research companies and since they make a buck they gives them back to schools and finally there's good shop a website and app that will donate a percentage of your purchase to a charity or school of choice when you navigate to your favorite online store through them when you connect to a partner store through good shop they get a referral fee which they split with your charity in San Francisco I'm Kara Tsuboi for CBS News
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