Tech Minute - Ways to clean up your Facebook News Feed
Tech Minute - Ways to clean up your Facebook News Feed
if you're seeing too many unwanted post
from a friend there is an easy way to
avoid them without unfriending go to
their profile page and look for a button
that says following click it and that
user will no longer show up in your
newsfeed and they'll never know you hid
their posts a new scrapbook feature
helps you collect photos you post of
pets or kids turn it on from your
profile page by clicking about then
family and relationships and get started
add your child or pets name and select
create scrapbook now you can tag them in
your photos and Facebook will
automatically put them in one place
finally Facebook's newest feature lets
you decide which friends and pages show
up at the top of your newsfeed just head
to your Facebook app and in the bottom
right hand corner click more than
settings the newsfeed preferences here
it's have the friends or pages you want
to see most in San Francisco I'm Sharon
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