when you think of digital books I'm sure
Amazon's Kindle and apples iBooks come
to mind both are good sources for
digital textbooks and as you already
know the services are compatible on a
wide range of devices amazon will let
you borrow a book for a desired length
of time whereas you have to purchase a
digital copy outright from apple another
good option is ecampus.com the site
claims to carry over 100,000 different
titles that are available for purchase
or rent the service lets you share
information with other users and access
the content through apps on your iOS or
Android devices inkling is another
website that syncs with your mobile
device and offers hundreds of text books
especially in the business and medical
fields readers will enjoy the easy to
navigate site and of course be sure to
check with your teacher professor to
make sure he's okay with digital copies
and triple check to make sure you're
purchasing the correct edition in San
Francisco I'm Kara Tsuboi cnet.com for
CBS News
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