Apple has a new name for its Mac
operating system instead of OS 10 it is
now Mac OS to fit in better with things
like iOS and watch OS it's almost part
of a long slow march towards a grand
unified theory of Apple operating
systems and as part of that there are a
lot of new features in Mac OS the first
version is called Sierra some of which
are very Mac like and some of which come
from iOS the big headline for Mac OS is
the addition of Siri Apple's intelligent
digital assistant you activate Siri with
a simple key pressed and then you can
talk to it just like you would on your
phone what's the weather today here's
the weather today and you can take these
results and you can actually pin a lot
of them to your notifications bar if I
say show me news headlines here's some
news for news headlines and I can click
this little button here and that's gonna
get added to my notifications bar here
on the side and of course the most
useful thing I think about Syria on Mac
OS is ability to search the files on
your Mac show me all spreadsheets here
all the spreadsheets and then you can
access those files right from this
iCloud also gets a lot of updates in Mac
OS to run of new ways to optimize your
files and save space on your Mac but my
favorite is if you go into iCloud and
you go into the settings under options
and you check off this box for a desktop
and documents folders what that does is
that will sync what's on your desktop
and what's in your Documents folder
among all the different Mac's you have
that are signed in with the same iCloud
account I'll show you how it works I'm
just gonna create a quick screenshot
right here and there it is on my desktop
if I go to my other Mac with Mac OS
you're gonna see the same file pop-up
right there on the desktop and there it
is another small but fun feature is
basically it lets you play a video and
if it's compatible then it's gonna give
you an extra button right here on the
video player that lets you pop it out
into its own little window right there
so you can serve and do other stuff
while still watching your video
or you can just send it right back
messages is also getting a lot of
updates both in Mac OS and in iOS 10
Jacob is going to come over here and
send me some of the new cool types of
messages and he's gonna start with some
giant emojis and here they come those
are really big and he can also send me
cool messages and things like invisible
ink and that shows up here obscured and
if I just mouse over it then I can see
the message while I'm fine thank you and
of course he can even do handwriting
from his phone to the desktop cool Mac
OS should help your iMac MacBook or
other Mac computer feel more tightly
integrated with your iOS devices like
the iPhone or even the Apple watch once
you have that set up as a form of
two-factor authentication you can just
hold the watch near the screen to unlock
your system like the last several oh s
10 upgrades Mac OS is a free update and
you should be able to download it now
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