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The 404 080:Where all you gotta do is call Randall to get on

it's the 404 I'm Randall Bennett I'm Jeff Bakalar and I'm Wilson tang and this is the show where all you got to do is call Randall to get on the show that's it that's all you get are gonna do really coming up on the show today lots of fun fun stuff Wilson is not gonna get cancer will tell you why Plus Chuck Klosterman is kind of cool he's a guy who writes Rolling Stone everyone liked him it's a Esquire he writes writing no no he writes for everyone please do I for Rolling Stone noise he's an Esquire talking about why business crashing and jefra that's a hard one bluster a talking about AMD some software you might not have heard of that's kind of interesting is if you're rocking the AMD processor behind the scenes called Andy live and to do that we have Wesley Faulkner from AMD how are you doing man well duh good all right Wesley Falkner has the dubious distinction of being the first 40 for the center outside my immediate like group of people I think I remember I remember this you you ran into him at the CES we're trying to well would you remember what event you rat Wesley well we met initially with showstoppers you me and Tom Mariner and I came to the live vol taping and that's where i met you everyone yeah so has the 44 grown it all on you or you're still kind of just like you know what the weirdest show ever let's be on I actually started listening to it more regularly than I thought I would yeah all right that's what the fact that is it's bad or anything it's just that I have so many podcast I weapons but it did stick with me it's a like a break between my series podcasts we so we're surprisingly good right as I yeah we're out of a lot of it we're totally under promise over deliver and we're hoping that's how you gotta roll tally that's how we roll so you're a showstopper showing off this thing called AMD live you're like itself from that right i coordinate with love developers I did the QA 42 and I'm kind of like the technical representative first at some shows like showstoppers des and I was out in South by also no word did you get enough party we tried to like hook that up did you get in no we have no clouds ran I need to call earlier out invitations there I never got an invitation there's something I didn't have time anyway so it worked out alright well I talked to Brenda she's supposed to set it up but we'll talk to her getting figure out for next time so Andy live what is AMD live exactly well MB live is a platform like it's a pc you'll see a little label on there saying a be live and it's also a software suite to help enhance your media experience like watching videos and movies and your vision and your showing off that uh there's some actual software you're showing off can you tell us like yeah Amy live explore it's a 3d browser for your music your videos and your pictures yeah allows you to just in a new 3d interface because most people who buy mid-level pcs who don't play games don't know why they need to buy a high score high an officer so for people that don't know any better than just by the high end system then they say well I can surf the web faster nothing else II use it for now definitely the interface is actually pretty cool you're showing think you should have like six videos in a circle and basically to like navigate instead of having to wait for each one to load or whatever you could just like see which one is playing that you wanted and liked click on it so anyway yeah if you get a real high-end system you can get up to nine videos playing at the same time oh cool it's written and you can rotate them in like a it's like a 3d carousel just really use so if you have like let's say 20 videos of seinfeld or south park yeah and you don't know which one is which by just the title you can see them all play at the same time seeing find which one you want to play no no oh that's like what is a good porn it's cell demo right cell that had like the 50 MPEG two streams oh yeah that was old school that was like 2005 yeah that was when they were like this is gonna be so amazing and this one down it wasn't so let's talk about some other stuff I'm gonna defer this story to Jeff Bakalar because I don't really know how to talk about it without um cuz you why you forgot how to speak yeah basically it's just a sermon no no I talked about the other thing yeah the Wilson 100 well I didn't realize and I just I stumbled across this headline and uh it may just maybe think a Wilson yeah what why me because uh this is actually an older report I think but it comes from the BBC News and what does it had to do a study or new ish study it's actually from 2003 comes out that says masturbation can actually reduce your risk of getting prostate cancer right breaking minutes so Wilson Wilson so you sir are in good shape yeah you're set you sir do we really look no hands guys pretty funny do we really have anything to talk about with this or crew just kind of agree you should be business show knows it's kind of funny yeah I mean the more you clean your pipes like what has it work you'll be better no it's Australian researchers maybe it goes something different down down they have different plumbing maybe I don't know but no Chuck Klosterman those let's talk about this nice this is an interesting article because he basically comes out and says something about the you know the reason why the record industry has has fallen so so hard in the past year and passed the black eight years yeah is because they don't claim any good music well no they make a music back when that recognized she's doing great yeah dad my Britney Spears oops I did it again so hey come on bought that out so dude that's sold it sold 1.3 million copies in a week yep and last year high school musical was considered a success by selling just under 3 million an entire year yes oh look at it like that right cloister man claims the reason he simplifies it all this is the reason this is happening is because music downloading music file sharing that came easiest to people yep in terms of how do you know people want to save money people want to you know not have to go into a store and buy physical CD this is the this technology file-sharing lended itself so easily to younger generation younger kids picked up on it so easily that it was just like second nature them it wasn't yeah it wasn't like music sucks it wasn't anything like that it was just strange so I was to say that that sounds true of almost everything though like I I've never mailed in a bill ever okay ever it rarely but i rarely mail every now and then I like some some bills I have to pay they don't offer online baby no I've I i have personally never mailed in a bill I never got a real person yes you're a robot you never went but it's also the same thing is that I've never I've I don't buy CDs anymore because I just if I like a song by the single right and that's and that's what he makes that point to he's like why am i buying an entire album when I could just grab the track I want to listen to over and over and over for 99 cent so Wesley what's your do you buy music online or I mean when's last time you bought a CD I can't remember five years ago maybe yeah probably maybe I'd it's like why'd you got married and we went on amazon and got the music we wanted uh to play because do your wedding you can you can browse like an endless supply online as opposed to go in a store and they may have it they may not have it like why take the risk no Tony what is attentive what about Wilson's online billpay Singh do you pay all your bills online are you kind of still have to do both actually I use this service called paid rest what is it called date paid rest they take all your paper bills and all your electronic bills and you pay them all on one website so you don't have to go like the t mobile's website or att's website or whatever that's been to them and use that to pay them do their for luring right now that must means they got 40 Ford buy us all of our listeners just went to their side at once do that pretty awesome pay trust calm does not load but that's okay that's comforting I've been doing that I've been doing the ING direct bill pay for a while so you know I'll do like it's I've I paper bill to pay i'll just send it in through ing direction they just send mail and a bill basically so I don't write I don't write checks ever I mean I've got bank of america so if it's not in bank of america bill pay then basically i'm a real bitch not a bill moving patriots you get you get like a whole peel box and you tell them whenever you get a bill you say send it to the steel box and they'll scan it in then we million oh that's what's the business structure on that I mean do you pay a monthly fee for that away how you do that yeah I got grandfather father then they've been like by like two different companies and I've had him since 97 Wow nice and i paid 1095 a month that's wrong so that's pretty cool though still that you don't know that no but and if you move you have to work a good idea like it's a good idea they still get to you and everything for sure that's pretty cool really good idea and no junk mail oh just posted i feel sorry dude i would pay that just for the junkman dude that's a really good idea so that's pay trust com i'll write that down to put it in the show show so so real quick also so another thing he brings up in this article closer man he says that everyone who he's so the title of the article is where did my 4.2 billion dollars go because that's the amount of money missing in the record industry that would have been spent on that's not being spent any more I hope so he claims that it's just in the pockets of all the kids who were in college in the late 90s and early 2000s because they can't of you know and and in some weird kind of way it does make sense because you know there is this money that its wholly-owned about their music I don't I gotta say I spend far less money now than I ever did on music and of course yeah for sure but what about economy of scale I mean what music was one of the things that just never dropped in price no matter how long a CD was sitting on the shelf it never went down and I think people anymore right so just out of that such a good point let's see a thing of C's right like 20 bucks yeah they vote no but I was gonna say the the thing about records and whatnot though is that in every other industry the more people buy it the the price goes down the record industry it's like the more people buy it the price goes up the price goes up in a second that's what they wanted to do with itunes that's the whole like a variable pricing dilemma yeah was it things like that site with the mp3 sick Amy yeah Amy but it caps at a dollar they wanted to charge you like two dollars yes music issues like wool if a singles popular let's charge two dollars for unfortunately jobs in stand for it right so its own go Steve Jobs baby yeah I mean I'm not really see Joe's family standing up to consumer for once so there you go uh we're gonna take a break when we come back we're gonna have some more stuff with Wes the Hulk nerve from AMD I said slowly but execution so we'll be right back after this mess Rican break hear our music interviews and exclusive live performances from our favorite rock hip-hop country and R&B artists recorded right here in our cnet studios by listening and subscribing to our music sessions from Studio C podcasts check out podcast cnet com for this and all other cnet com podcast hey guys it's james from alaska you're listening to the 404 three guys one donut and an eclair no one wants to touch oh whoa I was nice ok I'd in a nail thanks for the thanks for the visual ID I saw also adding a nail for our new listeners we have an inside joke about where a donuts can go yeah it's the very old joke so not really it's on the inside joke yeah anyone can pick up go find it and the old hotness enjoyment episode oh so Randall's trying to find his nail right now got it was in Bryan Bushwick this is in his nose yesterday I encourage everybody to go and watch this episode I'm art our post pages on the YouTube page yeah and it freaked you out yeah it's amazing how much Randall's touching touching the non nose and he's right there no no nose in the center Wow looking long at the Judy's face face alright calls from the public time oh that's the first memory of advanced on camera size a4 for watching blockbuster circuit city merge together if I walk you to old people house there it's kind of nasty but mostly it's just really pathetic love the show now look he could take parlayed that into a better punch line because there's nothing wrong with old people having sex I don't want to watch it I don't want to watch whatever you do and not provide so here was not pathetic do when I'm 70 I hope I'm still so this is my rice is my analogy that I would take it would be it's like watching all people have sex if you see it in public it's really gross more like it's gonna be we're like mom no matter how much you do it no one wants to but you're a good one I would say almost anybody home sex in public almost anybody no I don't think and I think everybody base I don't think I want to have anyone I want to see anyone's junk in public I'm sure you're near different breed man am i yeah you want to see people have sex in public if I didn't want to do it good for them Jeff I don't want to sell one way I see it I'm gonna look almond I'm gonna look away did you try that mr. your nail let's talk about that oh no I was uh I was watching the devil's game last night night I was really into the game with a bunch of my buddies we're all screaming and I woke up this morning and like I guess I just slept funny ass gonna do it mean oh it's like okay right yeah turn right dude you're not like Zoolander 9am gonna turn left you're like me you're kidding right great I gotta go no that's George is that Jersey ya can't make left turns in Jersey none ever you have to take a jug handle do you know to jog yeah like going yeah there's no there's no like left turn the middle of the street at all on a main anywhere not there you can make left turns in some places but majority of highways and shit like that yeah you gotta take a joke in it's a ling about like Detroit Detroit like that too there you go there you go I'll switch where you at are you in Texas honest a yeah I'm not Austin oh no says sell by Southwest is like in your back down the street yeah that's awesome so did you see anything cool South by Southwest I was stuck in the blockhouse for most of the time because that's where we're having a little AMD live demo thing cool went to one I went to one uh conference their show whatever aware the black bra bloggers all those I heard about that panel warnings yeah what I was in the block out that I met Lauren Freeman you you know I guy Lauren yes Friedman the guy from 1938 yeah oh yeah that guy's he's crazy yeah he's funny though he did a couple questionable things but yeah keep god dude like showing off his three year old daughter's ass he just for example he's just really jacked he did that anyway he did what he's like he hit him in a whole bunch of dude that's what got kicked off pod show I thought it was not tech I thought it was when he did that tasteless uh black that was the others that was the other part of it he didn't advocate well that whole conference was because of that video and I never heard of it and I met him and he said hey there's this business uh there's just whatever conference on were the black bloggers based on his videos like you want to come nothing yeah let's go let's do it and so I went with him and that was very interesting when they talk about know what they say that like it was I mean oh they're just talking about well we're all the black bloggers and some people really pissed off at him for being so stereotypical do they have it they have any like remedy like why there's evidence of this or is it just like we're here yeah you're like wes is like dude hello be a bubble talk actually like there's like you can't say that you can't say the inward and stuff like that and then there's and then some guy comes up and it's like yeah we're all the black bloggers old reason why is because they can't do any work and something like that and why right you can even look at something and tells me by black person Wow like I said that oh I was like yep yep that's so true and what's very very like a lot of doublespeak double-talk and it was very controversial but I mean some good stuff came out of it a lot of it was just the Yellin and screamin oh wow I mean the good thing is the panel existed the sucky thing is the panel existed yeah oh just a dub ledge sword or sure well let's talk about the other stuff on the rundown subway cars turning into reefs what so people are dropping basically people are taking retired subway cars dropping them off into the river and they're turning the reefs I guess you know about this I you put it on the show right I shot cuz it looked interesting and they had a photo of it happening I got the photo up here let's flip to me I mean I don't understand how this doesn't pollute the water because of the metal and all the crap they do this in Florida all the time they say potato chips all bosses this will confuse this shit out of people thousands yeah they're gonna be like one understand the daily is this a sacrificial rituals in action very weird but yet look it's on tree hugger so you can like it's gotta be a shame it maybe they're saying it's like recycling like you're yeah they're putting in at the coast of Delaware um and look it's it's supposedly beneficial to the ocean ecosystems I gotta know maybe we can help like the environment by like putting old for four episodes and into the goalies take like all the USB some guys building a reef come on doesn't survive probably oh man it'll be fun so uh anyone ever been scuba diving yeah I went scuba diving with with sea turtles really yeah Leslie what you want you just got married you went on the honeymoon you do any like water look why are you talking to me or less oh don't like I am NOT I've just got married no just Jeff is practically married yeah basically but so wait Wesley would you for your honeymoon we went on the cruise in Mexico do that side oh that's maybe you're Gene shit where'd you go well we went to Honduras we went to Cozumel and we went to Progreso that's what the thing is when you watch it everybody sees those crews commercials on da people like jet skiing and scuba diving all that and smile you don't feel after get the bottom say not included yo ya gotta pay those are excursions you gotta pay yeah yeah yeah let's go swim with the dolphin that's fun that'll be enough of a person and something like that every 500 this was so cool that we found this water park where we were that where it was I think he was I think it was like 60 bucks a person which still like kind of pricey but they had a free water park so basically you went and you surrounded the dolphins and then it was just like when wild you know so it's fun do you have a juice box and yeah well we had action park in new jersey but has since closed down because I feel like dozens of people died there those dude water parks are no Joe now they're dangerous action park kills more people than lightning strike always hears always hear stories about people catching stuff yeah yeah oh like lookin same order yes same water and like em yeah 3 saw everybody is just so everyone's catching the clap at action park no but it's great still aren't clean either yeah for sure man no one you know washes them down oh man they're in water yeah but friend of mine got herpes from it off no what a lot of guys taking pictures near little pictures where they show the dolphin kissing your cheek and she got herpes on her face oh that's less the Dolphins fall Rios that dolphin should have been taken vag often was totally slutty puffin should have been one day at a time valtrex no I can manage my herpes outbreaks with ultra that's a suit someone's you get in today I didn't know that her like they're often dolphin herpes could do two days just to mellow you know that it's just do people kissing the dolphin and then someone else who can kiss the dolphin before had herpes whoa yes god there's no way a doll's no dolphin boring restrain it will go to that make sense well okay I think oh well you know the shows about dolphin herpes we do that today I wanna do that show named tomorrow we should that dolphin she get on STD date fun do you totally fine well show a couple of episodes mouth disease it's not an STD the person was not a great area no creer there's this Tracy now we're talking that's just barely actually wait dolphins have blow holes right yeah i'll just my oh so this is we're talking about though it's uh you can get genital herpes on your face but you can't get you can't have oral herpes transfer to the genitals yeah that's the rule Marissa yeah that take your word for it so anyway all that genital herpes no we I think we've got one more so we've got the major wits y ou do we need nothing is going on so Fox has commissioned the cartoon version of Arrested Development basically I'm just going I wish it's actually an Australian drama like what's it come what called sit down shut up oh the cartoon is a serious it's well no it's not it's a comedy right but it's based on like a sitcom in Australia about I don't know it's some teachers and produce you interesting why caring about their slogan it's coming from the right people so we'll give it a shot yeah Jason Bateman's in it right who else will Joe well on an Henry Winkler yep Henry it's a force of good arrested development is who's producing it I've totally been it's ron howard all I've got is your arm shower i think it's a mitchell hurwitz 'as I know he is he producing her she just like the showrunner I think he might be the showroom I think he's a showrunner I you got to know that freaking what's-his-face uh oh p yeah so it was Ron I don't write what I gotta say might that was my favorite moment in a rest of the ville de and last shot yeah yeah it was good let's not ruin it puts good shot uh I guess that's it for the show guys Oh Wesley from AMD give a website people can go to to find out about your thing just go to and you live com AMD live com maybe five miles floor it's cool check it out if you have an AMD computer and that is for the show picture listen and after yesterday's craziness I guess we should talk briefly about that really quick yesterday we had the crazy show yeah was no life is crazy and audio thank an audio I'm sure you guys were like oh my gosh people are listening better we really encourage you to go to the post page yeah and watch the video tell your friends and whatnot it's it's some of the craziest stuff we've ever captured it is the craziest thing we've ever captured what would be crazier i I can't think of any I don't know dolphin herpes without we have enough haha we did not catch you that's next day so is always the 40 Ford I've seen it calm leave a voicemail 866 44 cnet twitter facebook there's a billion ways to follow along with the show we're not arrested by the way Wilson arently posted we were arrested we're not oh yeah we were doing some work today and I had to use this world of use the 404 Twitter for bad purposes oh you should oh wow we differ loaded no sir I'm let it oh alright anyway uh natali del conte speaking of the loaded Ruby on the show tomorrow all right tomorrow's free-for-all Friday means you can call in ACN arcades and set it on studio make it work 11 a.m. eastern I don't know how we're gonna make it work Wolfie I'm gonna figure that out hey we figured out how to get these items which live I'm sure we get people to call it yeah I think we'll do it old-school talks you like calling through the phone way sweet make that happen so thanks again to a show well I'm gonna show you then have a good day derailment in austin texas for sure the stars are stars at night are big and bright oh there you go little peewee on that note see you later I'm Randall Bennett I'm Jeff Bakalar and I'm Wilson tank and we love you bye I love you camera I love you sweet
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