The 404 081: Where blazers, tshirts and flipflops are great
The 404 081: Where blazers, tshirts and flipflops are great
get the video you crave at seen at it's the 404 I'm Randall Bennett
I'm Jeff Bakalar and I'm Wilson tank and
this is the show where t-shirts Blazers
and flip flops are great they are
illustrative bakalar yeah so then you're
not that great coming up on the show
today lots of stuff like Jeff
interviewed someone very important
interview we'll talk about who and why
he's important plus Ricky Gervais is
making an appearance in gta4 David Brent
to the UK office viewers you are
familiar and movie industry is finally
catching on to some good ideas talk
about that and some other stuff it's not
happening it's happening I swear to you
have to prove it late I swear it to you
Jeff Bakalar Jeff can you I told your
camera I got it it's right also on the
show natali del conte hello yeah sharing
a camera me back high five yeah this is
not your camera this is a its housing
video on Ali pretty good good I'm
thrilled to be back on the 404 cuz you
know I listen sometimes I listen to live
and then sometimes I listen on the train
ride home and I always want to run in
and say no it's this way or that's not
what that is or that's not how you say
that because you guys have such we're so
such boys your such dude so your
celebrity gossip is always wrong yeah
tell you it's a true things like that I
just feel like that's what I you know
that's why I've communicate does
entertainment I know and she's very
good at it so most of the time but
sometimes you know I just miss you guys
I know you got your back thanks so much
if you want to call an 866 404 cnet is
the number for voicemails I don't think
we often live number working yeah we
just give him a lot oh no I'm not going
to give up my cell phone
hello uh so Jeff you at this Miyamoto
round table yeah dude whatup chiquito
Miyamoto I didn't interview myself you
made him unit so I was like an emu cinch
yeah but uh Miyamoto he's pretty much
the coolest man on the planet is he on
any I mean the guy I mean he invented
video game gaming well you did you get
him to sign your thumb thank you your
video game have a tattooed it's funny as
a base it was like you should totally
bring in your Super Mario Brothers 3
cartridge and have him sign it dude I
know some hand that I told you about
that I told you yesterday I was like
yeah my friend person acts got his got
it signed for his girlfriend it's pretty
red remember who I was talking about yes
yeah I do so but yeah but say she wanted
me to do something similar to that but
did not didn't but this was really nice
because it was very intimate it was a
nice little round tip tomatoes a good
time just like three he chillin today no
dude it was like myself and about living
from Libby from a ball games there's a
bunch of editors is there to meet you I
was there and I crawl from my blush Russ
fresh dick yeah well he's in yugioh
right UGL in case you know all these
video game which i say i like we're
telling names i mean journalist but
anyway the whole point of the
presentation was all about we fit yeah
will is has now convinced me that it's a
lot cooler than I thought I cooler
you're gonna get in deep more wine well
I don't know if it's gonna actually get
me into shape because anything old me
hows Yusei like there's no lady play I
play a lot of hockey with that to old
people maybe yeah I designed for all
will that will that's the cool thing
about is like anybody can can use this
thing if you can stand on a scale you
can fit I'll give you your weight on the
scale yeah or does it that's good they
can handle the US one can handle up to
330 Japanese when can we hand up to 250
300 leds people over to exert their sumo
wrestlers exactly and that sign that's
actually how like the whole mentality uh
came together did you did you try it and
work up a sweat oh no I did not get to
play with it too much but uh you know he
basically went through the yoga duh
section yeah would you do with the bid
due to teaches you balance and
you know you'll wind up having correct
posture it basically forces you to like
Center your your yourself your core yeah
and you know there's all these different
exercises you do seem very center today
yeah so then he was like to I hate you
Rendell Bennifer wearing flip flop yet
cuz your loser but all that uh scoliosis
gone belly-up God is cracked out sis
Conda always get scared you have a spine
you can add its final shape voices all
the different ages yep it's true yeah
but um I was very informative arm really
convincing and uh did they sold two
million of these in Japan earning really
that's cuz Japanese people are the first
ones to buy crazy stuff like that I mean
you go ddr ddr caught on 15 years ago
yeah but I think it will be a good one
people are gonna buy the damage I it's
the next thing you can do with it isn't
wii sports yeah it was great you know it
after so many a year and a half i still
lovely sport for sure i know that i did
not know doesn't get old yeah arm but a
Tetris exact for sure time time what's
really cool though is like you have to
look at it as if you know they're
they're trying to get the this bounce
board into all these homes right once
they have this installed base then
that'll lend itself to a surfing game
yeah stuff like that is skiing game in
Japan you know when I saw this I was
like oh that's like the power pad I like
I used to have a power pad and then I
learned to totally rigged it like the
like and I was like oh you can totally
cheat that but I think that they've done
a better job with this is not just the
next enter yeah for sure this is not
your grandma's parapet really is not for
sure funny is that 330-pound limit is
probably not give me enough for some
Amir to bottom a yes which is that is
that I don't know well there's a hole up
the issue of obesity and she like that
came up i bet w how a bunch of people
who hacked as in called the power pad
who have the wii fit yeah to make it so
like I still reinforced I didn't see we
could just like put a little bit of
and I like insulation yes so the
switches don't break it or we can use
two of them all that work conferred
antics a section of your body oh that's
right he was entering side turning
upside with your turn like vertical yeah
yeah put both your feet exactly that'd
be even more accurate if you think about
it because then you have like the two
normally when you stand on it would be
like your two feet sensors whatever but
like that it would be like super
perfectly accurate with four different
spots you think I'm just saying so fat
people we fit could be for you too it
might you have to spend my old is also
speaking of fat people and watching
things like that you know about so you
bought it well no I didn't know unbutton
a bong HD DVR HD no he's my TV yeah so
what would you think a cool thing I
watched I was kind of like you this is a
good movie it's not no business being
the Oscars nobody yes and see it um the
cool part about it it comes with an
extra disc that has the digital copy of
it already on there so like you want to
put on your iPod instead of having to
rip it you just don't you can keep it
yeah you can keep it Ivan actually done
yet to sign of his dear I'm do whatever
new regardless like I don't even mind if
it seemed to be honest no because I read
my ipod I don't care so you got the
digital copy the thing that they were so
can you lend it to me though or is it
sure I'm sure just bring it in will find
out let's find out so I was pretty
excited except you like it was a
watershed moment for the movie industry
in my home because like oh wow they
actually do you care about digital
distribution and the way people are
consuming me yeah you know it's like
well instead of just ignoring pretending
like people don't wash things on their
ipod they're actually giving a shot mmm
pretty cool I don't know what you're
saying are you uh would you are Natalie
would you would be an incentive to buy
maybe like a two dollar extra price DVD
if you had a digital copy with it no but
I don't really ever buy movies yeah so
and when I buy them these days I do buy
them digitally so yeah um I don't want
the disc yeah I'm a minimalist I don't
want stuff yeah Harry I'm like a movie
amiss aficionados so like the digital
copy at macworld you know when they
announced all that that was I think my
favorite moment from
show like I was really excited as I
could bali not have to spend due to four
or five hours and breaking the movie to
put my ipod did you for five hours a
handbrake a movie for your ipod well I
mean you if you want to rip it straight
from the disc you have to take like
twice the length of the movie yeah and
and if you want to do like a second pass
you know yeah I wanna go on I mean I
guess I just never rip it up oh boy i
put up bad quality yeah i'm gonna call
her call her I'm not picking up that's
should have taken that I took up on the
marker doesn't cave in it could have
been someone who called Bruce Willis I'm
glad you could have been fun 30 rock
last night I did I yet no baby they said
that the realest thing is we wrecked and
that's why I thought of him it wasn't on
it once Paul you can really spoil 30
rock no it's not a plot you're like I
thought last night's episode sucked
though I just I really i don't watch the
whole thing I haven't seen you did you
watch the office yes it did I watched
that oh gee that's such a starting to
get a little bit too predictable like
the whole Michael dating thing I'm like
come on come on we've been through this
before yeah I don't know what's Carol
Carol man what do you think of the
spin-off know her name was Jan oh no
Carol it's his real wife yeah that says
yeah I was gonna say that that is his
real wife Nancy well yeah Nancy watch
andy carroll's real wife not Jan let me
roll the blonde yeah she's at all go on
you when they went to diwali she dressed
up like a cheerleader wait she's not
she's not the true okay yeah yeah yeah
that's his real wife yes and they run
daily show together just the work though
and she hit the jackpot nautica turned
out okay we're in take a break when we
come back no calls from public today are
you sad are you cry uh no not gonna be
cold dude like that you're gonna
hold it together you'll be fine I'll be
fire you sure you watch you've got a
call in right uh what did you not hear
me not calling on your computer bostrom
a public but a we'll talk about this
after the break all right you're killin
me smalls
Sam line
okay Jasmine Jasmine Jasmine France and
Donald Bell from the mp3 insider podcast
where we talk about all the latest
portable audio news and gadgets so if
you want to know when your ipod is past
its prime what headphones block out
screaming babies on planes and why
digital music services are so darn
confusing subscribe to the mp3 insider
podcast at podcast cnet com
hi I'm Jake trip from Sauk City Utah you
listening to the 404 where if you've
been to the moon Wilson Tang know
someone who went there twice haha how's
a Wilson tang that's an older it was an
oldie but a goodie I brought it back
from the 404 vault full of work Arabia
and I have so many calls from the public
we've got to get to those one day no no
I already got two we've already made it
through our queue across the public oh
yeah we have people like hey this is
Jonathan Coulton singer-songwriter and
Internet superstar like it's really cool
right yeah for sure your house and
somewhere in here in the vault no I'm
just gonna keep conference the ball I
didn't care I'll call it the grave yet
the disney vault you know in their
lineup the movies gonna go back into the
disney vault because we actually have a
tag info we're so obnoxious of companies
i'm gonna break into that vault yes you
all then light it on fire and just dance
around like I'm on the sound of music
well you know what I hate now is when
you when they do like they make a big
deal but oh we're gonna release like
sound of music out again they put it out
on DVD or HEV it looks like crap yeah it
doesn't like it does it has they then
Overeem and then in five years they like
master they'll be like the special
edition that doesn't look bad I love
when they show you like before and after
like color correction yeah you've been
watching this movie in the worst
possible way on this day your whole time
it's got scratches on ya plain green so
I like we like it that way exactly no
one took a poop on Steamboat Willie you
know the show where no one you took a
poop honesty boat Willy you don't
actually know that that's it anyway
anyway so uh this is this topic is
naughty boy you should talk about loaded
for a second so yeah loaded for like how
long like to um I want to say two and a
half months now and the last one half
months have been pretty crazy and fun
crazy but a couple days ago natali del
conte you shouted me out on something
that I DS it's illegal i did and i gave
you the option to edit it out you know
everyone randall and it's loaded so he
can cut and sort of like splice it
whatever he wants yep so i was talking
about how amazon's music store is doing
well against itunes
and set that most people use both I he's
actually is both I'm liking Amazon's
music station a lot and I said you know
but that those statistics don't account
for people who you know rip their music
and I said I'm not gonna name any names
Randall really do and I thought it was
funny and we all laughed and you know
haha and then I said Randall you can cut
that out if you and he's like no I like
it ya know I to its funny Sam Sam was a
blog post this morning that called me
out and said that that was really uncool
for me to do and I shouldn't have done
that but i did it with Randall's
permission yeah I thought it was funny
so and you know if the RIAA comes after
Randall that allows me then I'm gonna
yeah then I'll pay his settlement well
reloaded it is i'm parting tons of youth
bands don't make music money off their
records yeah yeah it's all about going
to the concert man he who is blameless
go to the concert buy a t-shirt totally
you know going to the concerts enough
already lying the t-shirt you that's the
t-shirt they mark up for now all my god
that's how bands that's their bread and
butter yeah I you know every band that
I've ever come across the only thing
they drag how much we do merge tonight
how much you do merge really that's it
so it's all about yeah yeah I would like
to publicly apologize for calling out
Randall Bennett who is fooling around
right now Randall's Stan trying to make
this thing happen I'm sorry I'm trying
to have a moment you here and you're
completely rolling around the dude i
revoke that apology punish beggary fine
fine whatever we almost had a moment
exactly speaking that is sincerity
speaking of douchebaggery uh mortal
kombat vs marvel really well i just saw
this on game is this just like a fan
fiction by jana it's on gaming age
scorpy metallic experiments as men what
that's a joke get on i know i won't you
love it it's a joke like my touches i
would i would watch their a like a
cartoon that maybe would you nope not
watch a movie of it let's see why do you
think they did this who's they and where
is this coming from world to live com it
says Warner brother it sounds like
fanfiction let's see world's co was just
an Apache server so it's obviously not
ah that's what you know what you were
all on would you want the Immortals
combat marvel or wait we're going back
down first that would be DC the Mortal
Kombat franchise does not even deserve
to be mentioned in the same sentence
really is marvel horrible is a
world-renowned yeah but ok but the movie
trailer is a culture yeah movie was
there for 15 years legit move aside now
it's not legit because it would be more
converses DC I'm trying to bring up the
movie first why is it Batman ever met
and also that's that guy's a fake but I
was gonna say with mortal kombat it's
like it got a lot of people in the game
you forget got it yeah but that is is
nothing to do with comic books or
anything oh come on everybody my age was
like there's blood in a video game oh
you do do is it is kinda there's a look
there's what about comic books too after
the fact yeah so like man I don't know
yet and I'm sick of those elections are
feeding the fanboys movie this weekend
coming out speaking of movies let's take
then let's take bets oh yeah we're doing
the betting thing out now on so we're
doing this thing where Jeff Wilson and I
and Natalie can get into on this if you
want we're gonna guess which movie we
think is gonna gross the most in the
rocks I was whichever wins we're gonna
start keeping score of like who's better
yes so far it's 110 rekha not use pick
me as you know well I said 21 that time
yeah and when I said that spoof movie
yeah so I won that so fortunately you on
that cuz Lord you know I don't want in
on this because I'm not a very good
judge of what movies no I'm I just can't
believe that people like Martin Lawrence
still make movies and that they still
make money about the family completely
baffles the mind and so because I can't
understand that element of our culture I
don't think I'm yeah right well that's
the thing I Perry Tyler Perry Martin
Lawrence all you gotta do Murphy in fat
women ensues body fat suits all you
gotta do is bang your head against the
wall for 10 minutes and then you see
what people want to watch so Wilson you
put in here forbidden kingdom 88 minutes
forgetting sarah marshall zombie
tripperz tripperz I think forgetting
sarah marshall and ugly for you so much
marketing no question about i would bet
i'd bet 5 grand
real although i was gonna say this but
if you want to bet bhajan I'm agreeing
with you though so what we can't do them
but I do but if someone said I'll take
action on that yeah okay sure there's
mugabe strippers why don't I just write
you a check right now they're exactly
you know I was the one of the movies
forbidden kingdom that's come excited
I'll see this I do not want to see real
I because someone's hair fights did you
know it bothers the hell out of me
because it's like about China first of
all that's why it's called the forbidden
kingdoms when is one of those uh uh
wasn't starting out what are these
people like maybe if it bothers the hell
out of me cuz the main characters a
white guy who so I don't know I just
like I'm tired of these like but like
you gonna laugh really exactly I go she
goes back in time though and then it's
with jet li and oh it's a charger gently
and Jackie Chan and they speak English
so you know it's just it bothers the
hell out of me like I mean I don't know
I'm sorry it's it's like bothers me that
everyone in Star Wars spoke English oh
it's a popcorn what are they like no no
long ago in a galaxy far away but add
english it's not i don't know i just
think you like it I Figgis movies just a
popcorn movie it's not like a cultural
Great Society movie it's like another
short duration of tiny it is like on
like look dude we're sorry no this is
what happened I don't like big la yet
all right look everyone you know there's
it's the way it is it was yes i think
was about two weekends ago I flipped on
packs or something with one of those
like I love paddle channels ax they had
a taxes exist anymore sign at all it was
was called I IRS is that use me pax yeah
but I was watching it and it it was
Africa was called but it was like it
took all these Chinese mythic stories
that are partly religious okay yeah
about like The Monkey King the Jade
Emperor and they turned into the this
forest where they had again a white guy
day like the main character now you know
saving Chinese culture a white guy right
I'm sorry and it bothered the hell out
of me because it'd be like Jesus like if
they took Jesus and put them in a movie
in China where he came back and beat up
a couple people yeah like that's the
and it just I don't know and there's
this comic that I saw this morning of a
guy pros testing and a big sign that
says like boycott the Beijing Olympics
and you know boycott china and then
there's signs pointing to everything
he's wearing it's like made entirely cat
is but i thought on curry dot-com this
much about the salaries but less is
wearing likely knees yeah yeah it's an
eye if you wake up and go to work it's
your your bitching dollars I where
Chinese clothes all my food every time
II what do you want you know unless you
like one of the really rich people you
know what I heard this morn so this
morning I went on The Today Show and I
was in the wardrobe and they were
steaming my clothes and you know just
trying to get me ready and they were two
guys like fashion asst fashionista guys
and what was that I said fashionista
type yeah and they were too and so they
were rolling footage of the Pope live on
the morning show and the guys like he
only wears prada and I was like wet and
they said um prada personally makes all
the Pope's shoes no well yeah isn't that
interesting that's way interesting yeah
I guess Prada worse better I wish that
were the headline of the shoes me like
you guys that was like low-hanging you
right there and because Prada you know
as an old Italian family they became
famous because they've always made the
papal choose when that great fact that
will get you nowhere in life that it's
not you know goodness it smells like you
know how valley-wide calls me factoids I
have tons of this kind of stuff but
that's like I feed on this stuff so I
don't Wears Prada were you able to like
pimp loaded on uh no no just like no doc
are you from cnet no yeah it's like you
never get a pimp the 44 well you're on
some radio station this week yet in
getting interviews you know yeah I'm
gonna be on again you've been on maxim
radio a couple of times and they totally
pimp out loaded um that's nice of them
yeah yeah I ask you some like really
crazy stuff on did you know that was
Maggie you remember oh no that was not
exactly exactly called me so they did
this thing where it's like okay we're
gonna ask you what you think of these
things that guys do like you know
wearing flip-flops do you love it or not
oh that kind of thing they asked me what
I thought of crew cuts
and I said that it reminds me of the
brother in weird science when he gets
turned into a frog he has a crew cut and
we were arguing and they're like he's
not a frog he's a pile of poo and I was
like no he's a frog some random person
like a PR person or something heard it
and then called me and in my pitch i was
like hello this is Natalie and he wanted
me to pitch me his company which is like
a mobile social network and he's like
yeah I'm the brother from weird science
I was like what are you talking about
like I totally forgotten about it always
be that they think that if the eighth
they give you a relevant thing that you
talked about in the last like ten
minutes that they will I mean to or two
weeks ago or something that's insane dad
since I don't know didn't but then they
ask you like your top ten list of things
like like oh yeah they asked me a deal
breakers on a date and what watches 05
okay that I will not stand for on a date
so you have to be nice to this number
one or two that these are in no
particular thing like the first date the
second day oj number one you have to be
nice to the waitress even if you can't
be wearing jeans that are colored any
like no purple or dyed blue the white
jeans like they have to only what about
last you morons gee I don't know the
biking to the edge and then they're out
and you know but yeah I prefer the denim
and you cannot be wearing you know too
much jewelry and I'm not into the pinky
ring and then yeah and then one of my
big ones is um oh it's escaping right
now oh you cannot high-five me after
every sentence yeah what kind of dude
like let's have the crab cakes yeah I
think that way yeah do it no high-fiving
and then my favorite one is you can tell
throughout the course of the date you
can tell no more than four stories about
your fraternity or colleague ears and if
you tell more than four stories
throughout your you know about your
fraternity and college years you tell
you there you haven't that you have not
grown up from there you can
talk about anything else Wow must be
able to talk about things that do this
kegs dan has high fiving became like a
kid no dude the cakes you know there's a
drought keg things for a little oh yeah
we were driving along in Boston and
Randall's like those are funny i was
like i did a keg stand on that ones but
it was just a joke like I didn't really
drink out of it i just can't stand it
for it was in a barbecue yeah cuz we
talked about how like whenever you start
to that College ears zyrtec me your
college years yeah it's always a frack
I'll always be like do we have this big
party we did your ball I love watching
those guys gotta be there's gotta be a
you get a sec oh there must be a you
guys compilation got a YouTube cake
stand late head jack it's just all other
hand I seriously happened five times and
I'm just like you deserve that schmuck
let's see how to do can send many beer
keg stand or someone else did the mini
cakes yeah i think it's i think that i
was an odm so Nellie in the meantime
what if what are things that you look
out for on a date like what's things
that you should do things that you
should uh oh I don't know that I'm only
I only don't focus on the negative
obviously I can't even have you been
high five yeah I don't like it I don't
like it also don't really like the fist
knocking on a date I mean I'll knock you
know you know but like over let's let's
get them all back yeah let's do it so
yeah you don't like the buddy-buddy
thing oh oh and you also don't call me
dude friends are okay I got brow and
ready no later bro I think your whore is
like totally not in the same league
commander should treat me like a lady I
don't I don't need to be treated with
kid gloves you know I prefer electronics
did jewelry like I'm a oh I'm a cool
girl you know I can video and that cut
back a little bit cuz i think they're
bars but nah it's ok youtube thing was
that i don't like to be you know like
not like yeah kickstand failed text and
ready what so this is
oh my man is my man just ate right
there I love it I can play that moment
every yes the rest of my life fail cake
stands for the one we to go out that is
our show go back to Abercrombie show is
about over here we are we're really
running that in our show well we think
guess we didn't guess what would be the
best movie o best marshal is so pay
attention today you don't know where you
are now all right I'm gonna leave we're
gonna go on that note Natalie thanks for
coming yeah he's always fun than that
Natalie's on loaded see no TV com yet
every day by 10am ish in the morning so
yes it's fun I said that's it for the
show those catch us on Twitter on
Facebook on the 404 lat sina com on
itunes so many different ways ustream
lately we've been on the Eastern Front
yeah yeah yeah we've been looping we
love you stream thanks for good right us
and let us know whether you know whether
you like this whether you like we're
having a in whole each and hopefully
money we need to talk about this I
forgot to talk about this meetup oh we
all talk about this cuz i forgot to
mention okay we're trying to organize a
404 meetup we're not sure dates yet we
need to gauge people in the new york
area if you want to have a 44 meet up
email us the four for Cena calm say i
want to 44 meet up in gauge interest if
we have enough people we're gonna try
and get a place yes so this is for real
happening and you gotta be 21 or over 21
and over is the requirement so if you're
21 / in the new york area email us the
four for Cena calm and we'll get drunk
together we'll try and you know hanging
to be hut it'd be a good old time so
sure I'm Randall Bennett I'm Jeff
Bakalar and I'm Wilson tang and we'll
see you next time on the 404 peace out
play oh I like that one whoa
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