The 404 - 1,576: Alex from Target controversy, McRib on trial, Bale bails on Jobs (podcast)
The 404 - 1,576: Alex from Target controversy, McRib on trial, Bale bails on Jobs (podcast)
hey what's up everyone welcome to the 44
show on this Wednesday November fifth
I'm Jeff Bakalar joined once again by
the lovely and talented Bridget Carey
how are you I'm doing good it's good to
be back it's good having you back
Arielle Nunez over on the board howdy
are today is that uh v for vendetta
movie day right oh the date in the mood
in the beware what is it something
something the 5th have no remember
remember the fifth of November I could
not remember you remember wasn't a
memorable guess not a line from the
movie I guess arm so what we wanted so
what I wanted to do real quick is we the
contest for the xbox one sunset
overdrive bundle that's over so if you
didn't win I'm sorry you're just gonna
have to go ahead and I and I'm like some
talking a legal department like hey the
contest is over can I announce the
winner and they're like ah I know you
can't like why barely we got they have
to contact the person because it's like
a third party thing legal stuff legal
who needs lawyers right right chaos
rules series anarchy arm so if you
didn't win I'm sorry from the bottom of
my 404 heart I'm sorry but you still
have time to enter the back to the
future USB flux capacitor you see these
things we have I seen them oh yeah
they're they're in my shopping cart had
a pry one out of your hand I know that's
for some lucky viewer so you have chance
a chance to win one of four and all
right this xbox one bundle did really
well so i guess i can give away a call
of duty advanced warfare xbox one that
sounds pretty good with a terabyte hard
drive inside that's pretty big right
that's pretty big okay so we're gonna do
that uh rules and regulations soon to
follow but uh we'll be able to do that
in the next couple of weeks as well how
awesome is that it's just it's just a
pleasure normally to listen to the show
and you add more rewards on to it see
it's like it's just like the gift that
never keeps
never stops giving that's the thing
right a gift that keeps on giving
holiday season it is and I'm very jolly
jolly ji that's how I would describe you
yeah jolly ji Jeffy's one Jolly jus
that's his title here it seen it
officially got a changed yesterday uh
arm so we going to short kind of show
today lot of stuff going on the new
studio looks amazing we got would we get
you that we couldn't have freaking out
about recording light Sam's great we got
a light that says we're recording yeah
in a blink and it blew off you see that
our imma see it it's pretty stay they
are top of the line stops okay so it's
time to start getting don't go in there
cuz we're on air right yeah this is a
warning and it's not like it's hidden 10
it's where you can see it it is the
point right it's great this place is
really starting to come together and do
you hear that listen carefully do you
hear that no you don't there's no more
construction all right there's no more
buzz saws there's no Tony telling me
about his date last night going to see
gone girl there's many customers yeah
it's a good pollution food oh oh god
there is one that had me laughing it's
like you gotta watch breaking bad like
it's like it's like The Godfather but on
TV we should have keep no spoilers I
won't spoil it for you but you gotta
watch it I'm sitting ahaha we should
have kept a diary of all the best quotes
these guys yeah oh my god I didn't
realize you could say mother effer that
many times when just talking about your
dinner he didn't didn't know that could
be a thing yeah some people of different
accents I guess so that's how we're
different pepper um so yeah we're really
excited things are finally getting
moving and we'll be in there before you
know it um so I as a sick he'll be back
when he can be back we gonna catch
something nope because uh he he like
moat unlike most people said or am I
gonna come into the office I'm sick I'm
not gonna come to you how I feel about
that as
people should that's the whole point of
the sick day to not cause an outbreak
man especially with this new setup in
here arm okay so this is kind of funny
in our subreddit someone wrote i guess
jeff spoke too soon because we're
talking about christian bale playing
steve jobs in the biopic any drop that
sack so now he he bailed uh see what she
did there that's excellent that's a he
did christian bale bailed on playing
steve jobs other than films coming out
from sony sounds like danny boyle's
gonna direct it you know who Danny Boyle
is you know you ever see those 28 days
later you ever see that he did that oh
sure that fed that is a good one did you
see it you know like scary movies okay
all right we forgot III did i do see
clips of these movies when they're being
played and i run in and out and i hear
the moaning and all the facts right I
like do one of these that you want wean
the yeah I can't like you're in your
fingers I get it I get it arm so now you
just have like Seth Rogen attached to
play Wozniak a little bit I guess and uh
you know no Christian Bale but there's
whatever yeah what's this rumor perhaps
Michael Fassbender of up almost at Star
Trek blasphemy yeah of x-men fame yeah
Megiddo young magneto right so I could
see it what he's he's a talented guy
yeah he's good he's good-looking he's an
official not officials just that it's
just a rumor time has a story why he is
the perfect choice to play Steve Jobs
but does neither confirm or deny that he
is attached in any capacity you can do
it you can do a new actor with this I'm
sure I think it could be a breakout role
for a whole new star because he's such
an iconic face Steve Jobs you right I
not have someone totally new to I think
so or maybe we should just give I don't
know Ashton Kutcher second try never
should not do that cuz that was not good
the first I don't even bother I didn't
bother seeing it so um we're gonna talk
a little bit about fast food today
because there's a story in the news
about McDonald's and I want everyone to
listen to Bridget because Bridget
makes no uh I'm you you really are kind
of vocal about this right it's not a
secret now you love us best food yeah do
you right yeah well it's just more about
I have no shame so if I'm hungry I've
I'm little one time I will get a bucket
of nuggets a bucket of know you can buy
a bucket or not how many come in a
bucket no I actually haven't bought a
knife myself but I will I don't have any
shame you know I'll walk in do whatever
I gotta do to just feed the hunger right
the hangry then just fine and what's
that but that what's his face's tell me
about hangers angry angry is hungry and
angry right that hangry happens and when
hangry happens you get fast food right
but this had a low moment this weekend i
went to mcdonalds right next to my my
apartment and they didn't have
milkshakes or ice cream so I walked
through the burger king next to my
apartment oh my god you weren't yet
another might realize it's a very dark
moment when in one lunchy you go to both
McDonnell's and hurting just to get your
sunday oh my god I do live in walking
like like it's two blocks from both so
yeah it's sad it was a sad moment so I
also live next to wendys where do you
live over in my green queen middle
America yeah that's wacky um so you go
up to mcdonalds you say hey let me get a
buck a nug bucket I'm like yeah all
right I could beat this is laid back I
got a nug but you get a nut bucket
you're like I'll take one nug bucket no
I'm gonna do that we work right an extra
mcdonalds idea everybody gets really
dark we're gonna we're gonna get a nut
but i think most Americans probably work
next to a McDonald's yeah if they're if
they positioned it the right way um
they're in the news because they've had
this really kind of strange campaign
going on for a few weeks now where they
take um Grant Imahara who was from uh
Mythbusters my saying his name right I
don't know but I know him he's he's like
Hanukkah everyone knows him he's a he's
a well-known dude he was great on that
show and they hired him to sort of
become like the quote unquote McDonald's
myth bus
there's and obviously it's all a
campaign to promote and improve the
brand and mcdonald has where it's like
is this real meat this is not grade Z
meet you kind of trust him because he
wouldn't put his his his image on the
line you know for all I think you would
think he was yeah I think that it should
be on the line I mean he's not a report
is a Mythbusters I cannot yeah was he
care a man if the paychecks right and
i'm sure it's bright if McDowell's is is
right in the check uh i mean when you
watch these things though then they're
clearly not it's like all angle the
specific way out and have you seen no I
have their terrible that you know
they're they're just like they're just
sitting there like you know what this is
good and it's just like get addy you did
you know script it's it's scripted it
feels super unnatural and they're
releasing these um week I don't their
weekly but whatever they are the
frequency uh they're sort of like
debunking these McDonald's myths when
sighs like when your company has to
debunk a myth that there's pink slime in
your meat yeah that that's my name is
fighting for a while think things aren't
it probably the greatest thing I mean I
think it's just like your food is edible
and cheap and that's really what you
should stick it yeah it has been like
one of those things but going to
mcdonald's now compared to five years
ago everyone does give you a couple
looks like you still do this those look
like yeah I mean I'm just saying from
friends and like or you know whatever
like oh wait a minute dig a little
deeper into like how much you have
McDonough how fast food in general yeah
some well i have just terrible habits I
mean I'm gonna die early problem oh
really bad as it's gonna catch up with
me I'm gonna pay a hefty price so you
honestly think I had two donuts for
breakfast my god and if it's not Dunkin
Donuts like go to Starbucks and get the
little um banana nut bread what and so
like I like a Brady item in the morning
yes sweet if you will okay um and then
lunch is fast so once in a while I treat
myself to something that is kind of
classy like a like a soup and sandwich
from a deli that's that
that's a classic that's a classy act
that's a classy ass lunch right okay Oh
mines Dargo must be like why are you not
obese yeah like how are you in you I
mean you have such a guess the high
metabolism also it just kind of forms in
ways that look like muscles it's really
all just a bunch of jiggle you you get
in this area man I need that I need that
in my life what lime in those jeans you
just got those good genes yeah like I
think my jeans mean it all goes into my
jeans actually it's all on the thigh
that's wacky if I man I don't know I
just maybe I just want to talk to you
about you eating McDonald's for the rest
issue you do if you ever have to do like
like your health-care things they have
surveys to like hey take this survey at
work to see if you need to improve your
health lifestyle sure and like like how
often do you eat cheese and that's like
way out every meal of the day oh I eat a
lot of cheating and went and asked how
often do you have cell addressing it was
zero because I don't eat sound okay that
should be that should be like the D
answer instead of half of the above is
like I just so nice out yeah I did
potato chips and salad dressing so those
are moments when you Wow maintain your
your your sort of like that's amazing
it's it's magic that's oh my god I knew
you were this like dark sorcerer Wow
okay so um are we getting it really will
get to the whole mcrib controversy in a
second I want to find out more about
like the dirty looks you get cuz I
didn't know that was a thing well from
people you know from people you know
yeah they're like you know it's just
kind of like the me and it's no hiding
it if you walk into the office with
McDonald's fries Thanks oh yeah it's
just it you can smell your coming off
the elevator I mean I mean I'm at an age
where I should know better and sometimes
I just embrace it yeah yeah if the sad
part is I can't even go full-on embrace
it with a hike like go full happy meal
this is boys aren't even good anymore no
they don't know I used to do that used
to just go full happy meal come into
work my toy on my desk whatever what
else those things stay good for a while
you put them in the drawer nothin later
at five o'clock for afternoon snack same
goes for the fries you can throw those
for years wow how all how many times a
week do you have McDonald's McDonald's
or Burger King yeah I'd say there or it
doesn't matter and say two or three dams
two or three times so maybe four so up
to four times a week so you could have
it 200 times a year yeah like I had in
college how to watch super size me as
part of an assignment for a health class
and the whole time I ate McDonald's
watching it in protest because I kept
thinking you don't have to supersize it
like I smell right I really just have
the plain hamburger you just eat it and
and and a small fry and right and that's
probably that's probably like a thousand
cats just just I eat small amounts sure
about the day a little snack look I'm
look I'm not gonna lie bruh John I'm
like I'm learning a lot I'm a little
blown away well if I can only actually
use my gym membership maybe then I'll
actually balance it out and I feel
winded after going up the flight of
stairs well you're young you got time
for to catch up to you moisturize daddy
food that's it that's the only rule you
need to follow anyway this whole entire
McDonald's conversation is about Grant
Imahara and how he sort of dough a
little deeper about what exactly is in
the mcrib okay the mcrib is like
McDonald's sort of cult classic sandwich
if you will it turns out that all the
mcribs not ribs it's not like ribs right
figured you gotta figure that but it's
funny that they press them into rib
shapes which is cute well they press
chicken nuggets into like it's like four
separate shooters you know to me doing
that is like there's no difference
between like cutting out peeps like
marshmallow peeps and then also cutting
out little rib shapes right just cookie
cutter sort of stuff that's fine but it
you know it is pork so it turns out the
mcrib is pork water salt and dextrose
which is uh sugar mm-hmm and then they
put in preservatives which they're not
even ashamed about like
servers are bad everyone to know their
bed they are bad it I know why I feel
like McDonald's is thinking like well if
we just say we put it in there it will
make it sound as bad as they never puts
preservative well everything well not
like organic stuff well there's no
preservatives in that ah okay well
anyway I suddenly hit like a error
message I bring my whole thing is like
uuu maybe start to tap the brakes when
you read a list of ingredients and some
of the ingredients is you never
heard of you know i will say i do go
shopping and buy you know some more
healthy choices right like organic oh
I'm not worried about you at all okay
cuz you're yeah you've you that you are
not affected by the normal things that
you are effective worry about me but in
terms of organic yeah leaving you
grocery shopping sure support the ones
that hug the cows it's a verse another
one yeah I mean look they got a chap
it's freakin head off anyway I mean like
we know what's happening we can't I get
I don't want them to be treated awfully
but me I'm that's all either I watched
food inc I but yeah I by the ones over
they hug the cows they hug the Catholics
re yeah on the carton it's always like
someone like we're like sorry you're
gonna be a delicious filet for somebody
yes I'm still gonna have to chop your
effin head off alright uh and then they
get into the preservatives bha which I'm
sure stands for something terrible mmm
propyl gallate gel 80 know that is
citric acid and then they're like we use
that to lock in the flavor which just I
don't know it just sounds slimy tonight
i'm getting greatness it was made in a
laboratory 40 years ago used to lock in
the flavor it's gonna get worse you're
gonna wish you had the mcrib in a couple
of years when we have processed meat
that was never even meet to begin with
and the whole thing was made in a
chemical lab I don't know about that you
think so it's gonna happen you hear
about people making meet at another
engineered yeah it that's the kind of
world we're gonna do I like this doc I
like dark Bridget a lot savor that mcrib
you savor it now dark bridges my
favorite Bridget like bizarro Bridget um
so yeah so that's the
controversy hitting the mcrib right now
and it will not change anything people
love McDonald's and they'll continue to
some my whole thing is like I just don't
like this whole sort of campaign that
they're doing isn't feel doesn't feel
natural it doesn't feel natural it feels
like they're just trying to be more
transparent but pissing people off in
the process and it's not going to change
anything you know what changed things
when their menu change they don't offer
supersize anymore and they offer salad
right now for more parfaits and things
like that that's people recognize that
as having more options apple slices and
whatnot you know you get a happy meal
they ask you Oh what like oh you have to
have an apple slice in milk and you're
like I don't I just want more fries the
fries they give you okay you you're
probably an adult man so you don't do
this but I like we're not probably clear
again I just I said I don't want apple
slices I just want fries like I had when
I was growing up you right hamburger and
fries who are you to deny me that fries
now I mean like a little baby toy thing
and you get six someone has to
physically put six pieces of fries into
this tiny little shell and you get apple
slices there's no either or so I'm like
thanks for the six fries right that's
weird little factoid there yeah I
wouldn't know I last time I had
mcdonalds was probably within the last
year but it was the breakfast I do like
the breakfast mm-hmm oh I had that too
long yeah this is something about that
breakfast right mm-hmm what's going on
with delicious why is it so if I think
bridget actually picked up breakfast for
me when we shot that Apple thing yeah
yeah those a nice treat yeah we were
there early for that for the iphone got
a little mcdonald's i'm thinking i'm
slowly corrupted yeah you did bring you
did bring in like twenty eight doughnuts
the other day yeah you did it was
halloween ein yeah and it wasn't and it
was a really awful kind that of orange
frosting and some mysterious center
mysterious goo in the middle yeah you're
I didn't realize you were pushing your
uh your sugar on us huh I'm so soon we
were testing Apple pay I wanted Sharon
to go across the street and guess like
McDonald's for the office but no Whole
Foods it was right Donnelly I tried I
tried I tried to get her to get the
bucket and ugh but she's not that kind
of girl me
McDonald's uh for the office would have
been like thirty dollars great you could
have sent us home with happy meals each
too yeah only boy toys the girl toys
aren't good anymore really oh don't get
me started on the boy I think we need I
think it's time to open up a new beat at
seeing it and have you run the fast-food
door yeah Oh a mobile payment app at a
fast food joint I'm on it um so we're
gonna finish things up with this really
disturbing PR social media stunt
apparently this whole Alex who works at
target that whole thing about why do I
know Alex from Target I think you got to
break the news to Arielle Bert ok so
it's it wasn't as natural of a viral
movement as natural as but socially a
phenomenon as we'd like to believe it
was when when when this photo blew up
around like you know Sunday night all
the way until Monday and Tuesday
everyone was going crazy why is this one
photo of a kid from a Texas target you
know why is it won't talking about him
turns out the splitter was originally
taken I do believe I'm going to back up
for a second I do believe the original
photo was taken with with innocent
intention it was not a route some people
have different points of view on this
but I really do believe that the
original photo which was taken October
26th by 2 by a girl talking to her other
girl but how cute this guy is at the
neighborhood target I think that was
honest because this guy also has said he
has nothing to do with with anything he
had no idea what was happening so the
guy is in part of it that's what he has
said out loud he has nothing to do with
it he didn't he was surprised when this
blew up a marketing agency came out late
on Tuesday and said hey we're that were
the reason is viral because we have this
this team this army of teenagers that
are just popular on social media and we
took that photo and told some of them to
tweet about so that's all it is because
that's my question because what it is
and we don't have the picture up here
but it's basically a Justin Bieber
looking kind of kid he's got a great
head of hair got a great head of blond
boy band he looks maybe 15 16 uh and
he's just like working at target just
bagging some groceries and it's a real
employee from darkness and and if you
look at the original tweets what you're
looking at it is one of those tweets
that were not original the original
tweet was like hey you know to her
girlfriend to check this out oh LOL i
gotta go we should get his number you
know so it's them talking back and forth
and then suddenly a couple days later
other people in London started tweeting
this picture without explanation that's
when I go the bread trail the breadcrumb
trail doesn't really make sense and this
company goes well we have a bunch of
influencers online right teens who have
a lot of who a lot of weight and we you
know kind of we don't pay anyone but we
kind of nudge that this person to do it
and we nudge another person to read a
YouTube video for it and then that's how
we fueled the fire we fan the flames
right of and and it naturally happened
after that but it got out of hand what I
think this comes down to is that
teenagers have a lot of sway and these
marketers are just drooling over over
getting their attention to make
something hot or not and this marketing
group it was really just bragging it go
hey give us some clients right right
this is a commercial for that yeah yeah
like I look like what we can do but
people online are going wait a second
did you really do everything or did you
just come for the hashtag and tell one
person to tweet it does that it by
itself is that enough to create the
domino effect right and what scares me
though is that it's like okay is
anything organically viral anymore
that's what I want it like that's to me
the scariest thing I will tell you a
couple things that you have to realize
know in terms of every marketing group
now does go after teenagers teenagers
from on one angle they grew up in a time
of the selfie and they've seen their
peers right get popular on YouTube how
they can make money off of it so you
look at vine so there I stand that
mentality is in green right so the they
already are gathering lots of followers
on networks so marketers look at that
they see the values very living in on
one of these tweets last night there is
some more mystery to this I was trying
to see well where did the original tweak
come from who's really saying it that
they claimed it this
an account called Goldilocks was saying
I'm the reason that this thing's popular
this morning the whole account is the
lead what the hell is going i know i
wish i took a screenshot but even others
are quoting this this account yeah and i
think that marketers do have a few fake
accounts in this totally i have come
across fake teenager accounts on
facebook right that are from advertising
agencies as approach slimey I've
approached them and go wait everyone in
my company's friending you who are you
and they go oh we're actually a
marketing company right people will
front people thinking that they're human
they're not completely acting like a
robot but yes out there you can't trust
some counts they are just posing as
teens to influence other teens to buy
stuff what slimy or this whole
conspiracy or mcdonalds going out and
hiring that Mythbusters do to talk about
the fact that there's you know that
there's actually food there you know
what I'm gonna say because of the kid
not have a knee to do with it good for
him i hope he gets a little fun out of
the face i hope so yeah hope it gets a
date out of the whole thing better I'll
get more than I hope anyway Eddie got
some marriage proposals really so that's
perfect that's the savages yeah Texas
isn't all that was terrible um alright
Bridget Carey thank you so much for
being here thanks for having always a
pleasure everyone go follow Bridget on
twitter at brigitte carry and then watch
seen it update every single freaking day
of your life there you go we'll be back
tomorrow with a brand new show uh and
you can still enter the Back to the
Future USB flux capacitor contest i
think you have until the seventh to do
that so make sure you participate in
that we're back here with brand new show
tomorrow until then I'm Jeff Bakalar I'm
Bridget Carey I'm Arielle ninya this has
been the 404 show high tech lowbrow back
here tomorrow we'll see you then
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