The 404 - 1,578: Too Many Cooks, more on Amazon Echo, Facebook news feed changes
The 404 - 1,578: Too Many Cooks, more on Amazon Echo, Facebook news feed changes
hey what's up everybody happy friday is
friday november 7 2014 i'm jeff bakalar
welcome to the 404 show i'm joined by
Bridget Carey once again I'm back
Armenia is over on the board howdy are
you doing on the board good on the boy
on the boy i got this friggin bored here
uh welcome to the show everyone so uh I
as I is he's still very sick he's a very
sick man small bring up some soup I hope
so little little alka-seltzer help the
tricks I hope his girlfriend made uh it
was able to provide some chicken soup
relief for him I don't know he i talked
him online he seems like he's in good
spirits hopefully he'll be back monday
and we can get back in the swing of
things so our today's kinda like a weird
news day there's not a lot of stuff
going on it's sort of like the Amazon
echo hangover a little bit that happens
on Friday sometimes right i love i love
that sometimes that no like news is like
man I got mom picking a three-day
weekend don't care to do anything on on
Friday and we like that so we're going
to keep things a little short today uh
but first thing I do want to do is get a
little back into Amazon echo we talked
about it yesterday with dan graziano and
I and I talked about it this morning on
CBS n and I'm like come you know my
first major thing is to like make fun of
this thing because I just think I i
think new ideas are stupid i know it
sounds terrible i was excited when i
first heard you were excited see I guess
I'm I get more hyper geeky in this kind
of case when it's a totally new type of
product right so what what makes you
enthusiastic / optimistic excited about
it okay the fact that I saw it as the
more useful interpretation of a Serie
device where I don't have to take my
phone out and hold the button which is
great for asking directions somewhere or
but but this is more something you just
sit in the home and you can talk to but
it's gotta be in one room yeah you're
not gonna I guess move it around a lot
you're not in the video and we made fun
of this yesterday they have it
every room in their bathroom it's in
their bedroom it's everywhere in the
basement like hearing it around with you
like like a lovetoy there's no
rechargeable battery so you're clearly
just unplugging it and plugging it back
in mm-hmm all right regardless of all
that my big thing that I was talking
about today's like look they are not in
the business of giving you serious
information all right they don't care to
help you define words right this
Pringles can thing is gonna be uh an
intermediary for you to buy junk from
amazon oh yeah like I'm out of this we
add that to your shopping cart right let
me help you let me help you buy it or I
imagine if it takes another couple steps
up and i can buy a movie from it or
something else the right now I'm sure
they can kind of merge the streams and
the stream cross the streams so that's
the thing and like you know there's a
reason they're giving it out to Prime
people for 99 bucks is a prime person
and maybe this is just like a
demographic but it is my belief that a
prime person doesn't look at a hundred
dollars and balk at it I think they see
a hundred a hundred bucks now like all
right yeah that's fine a prime person
sees a discount oh it was 200 yeah yeah
I kill ya Ben Hunter's 200 you are
totally right right and look and I and I
think like there is some sort of core
prime fanboy out there that's like I'm
amazon they have a fire phone and they
have like one of the ten people with
that thing and they're into it they're
like oh it's it its request by
invitation I feel like if you have a
fire phone you got an invitation for
this thing probably just because they're
like okay you're on board with us yet
whatever it is we're doing here you're
on board big spenders on board those big
spenders right so yeah I don't know I
guess that's really it but you an update
today you're covering new details yeah
there's a couple new things I figured
out by you know reaching out to them it
people wondered because it implied in
the video if you could say more than
just Alexa right words well yeah yeah
the magic word to make it start
recording your audio right um or send
your question along I sure you can also
call it amazon brand in the future
they will add more wake words more more
activation words but I guess that's
handy if you don't want to stay a lexer
if you know or someone in your family is
named alexa that's a problem what is
your conflict and let people are also
talking about the security the
creepiness cuz it's always recording to
be able is listening yeah it's always
listening to be able to hear the right
I'll i connect right so sort of paranoia
mm-hmm the the details on that are when
it does hear that word Alexa or Amazon
it will send that audio to the cloud and
also a few seconds before so it is
recording right so it's like caching get
a little bit right a little bit a little
bit of a backup and I don't like that
now also um if you want you can have a
noise come on so you know when it is
sending your audio along I know you
yessir your little little comfort to
know like with notification you can turn
it off and only talk to it by pressing a
button on top great so that way you you
have more control than it really is Siri
right yeah then it is Siri and you can
go into amazon's archive to hear
everything you've ever asked and delete
things that are weird to you maybe or
we'll never know if they're fully
deleted right or or go in and help it
learn by saying you don't know this word
this is what it means you can watch if I
feat feedback there you know I i get the
paranoid thing and it's something we're
always talking about but this is a
generation of people and these paranoia
people are the same people that walk
around with a laptop with a camera
facing them hold a phone with a camera
facing them you know at least like with
kinect i get it you know connect is
basically watching everyone you know
like masturbate and just like sit in
their pajamas in front of the TV and
just think about what connects sees I
know oh my god not I'm not I'm not
talking about me personally I'm talking
about what it must see that we're all
speaking in generalities yeah like what
that connect xbox one must see if those
eyes could talk oh my god it'd be like a
xxx movie yeah so now people think take
that idea to audio
oh my about the conversations you can
turn the microphone off to right that's
comforting okay I think they learn I
think we've all learned or every
company's learn their lesson from the
whole xbox kinect situation to be able
to turn it all right just how does offer
the option no one's really gonna check
it it's not that much different from the
okay or the ok Google command that on
some am on some android phones they're
always listening right yeah i actually
just click the box that says always
listen for it how's that working out i
don't know i don't know if i have it i
don't know if it will work when it's
sleeping ok Google no I think I have to
turn it on hold on ok Google oh yeah ok
I nevermind ok I feel I'm polite I'm
ploy don't like okay I'm polite that's
kinda guy I think it just searched ok
nevermind ah alright we'll shift gears a
little bit to facebook mmm today
facebook announced more powerful
controls over your newsfeed it was that
all about alright so you have a little
more say into who shows up on your
newsfeed because i think we all kind of
feel if we don't have much control over
why some friends are always showing up
and not others it's because of what your
liking it's because of what you're
clicking on it's trying to give you more
of the same but now there's new options
for your newsfeed to see the top people
or pages that have been in your newsfeed
the most hmm and you can sort them so
you can pull them one down or show less
of one so you have a little more control
over going well I don't care about uncle
Bert so much yeah please get him off my
feet house taking photos of bird it's
like freaking me out yeah so you could
have a liver control also while you're
scrolling on your phone if there's
something you don't want to see anymore
there's an arrow on top that you can
click it's like a downward pointing
arrow it's a drop-down menu to be able
to unfollow someone faster so now
there's quicker ways to unfollow people
just good and I think there was some
confusion over on following is that
unfriending they're hoping to clear that
up by just having more menus of going
hey these are the people you unfollowed
you want to unfollow them right so if
you see a menu you get it more I would
love a temporary mute yeah just like a
week mute like you are
r during this political season or
whatever it is totally you need to just
take it down a notch and I'm gonna hush
you that would be nice because you don't
want to forget about a nun father thinks
I would like to unfollow or just a time
in that in the two months leading up to
the marathon that Nick is training for I
don't need to hear every 10 minutes that
he ran a better mile it's like I get a
dude you're better shape than all of us
and you're really great at running long
distances I just don't hear about it for
the next two months I'm with you right
yes oh those those marathon what else
who else I don't have healthy friends I
don't around myself I make me sad pig
just make me said he's marathon people
who else ru uuu Spartan Race people just
making us everyone else look bad like I
crawled through the mud over barbed wire
and flaming coals yes what did you do
know they could be call a duty good for
you witness those things I have no envy
for them on my good good go yeah go
ahead kill yourself at the waiver you
have to sign again laughter you did yeah
I any way too quick more quickly
unfollow someone like that I am all for
speaking of facebook uh I came across
the story and i found it uh kind of
fascinating there's this comedian dan
Wilbur ok and apparently a while ago he
he was he was submitting a bunch of
jokes to Reader's Digest we all know
what readers digest this right said oh
man I don't get it either but I get it
physically I understand it I just don't
receive it physically right so um anyway
a while ago he sent them jokes and they
didn't you know readers digest is like
no thanks we don't we don't want any of
these but recently readers digest
published a joke he wrote on Twitter
this guy Dan will burn you can follow
him at Dan Wilbur I believe is his
handle uh and they published his his
joke they give him credit they gave him
a little @ symbol and his handle and
they're like oh that's this guy so he
had he had tried to get paid for it
before and now they're basically lifting
his joke and not giving them enough due
diligence and
and or more money like you know he says
at the time i was submitting these jokes
i wasn't a quote unquote established
committee but now he says it's what he
does for a living so he wrote this long
letter to Reader's Digest explaining the
situation and he basically said the what
you could do is tell me you're going to
use my joke and I don't know maybe send
me a check for twenty-five dollars and
ask how I'd like to be credited well lo
and behold guess what arrived in the
mail for mr. Wilbur a $25 check from
readers doctor there it is in all of its
glory you earned it Dan is that awesome
it is good that it worked out that way
of course now he's like wonder if he
should ask more but yeah well it's funny
because my bad five bucks per tweet
that's pretty good that embed at all any
actually headlined his little face book
post with readers digest will pay you
for your tweets now so I thought that
was a cute little story it is a funny
line we're walking when when you publish
something for the world to see yeah and
someone else feels that they want to
share that in a publication right so
what I want to know is and this is an
example where I mean Reader's Digest is
a for-profit publication right they're
not doing like charity work here this
this is this ain't no shopper free
newsletter exactly so the fact that they
thought they could just lift that I mean
but maybe that's the rules like I don't
really know the legality of the whole
thing you know you see people's tweets
being lifted and quoted and you could
embed them in stories and it's like is
that does that have monetary value
attached to the person who tweeted it
they're just understanding that well I'm
giving you more attention for your tweet
right of God otherwise which you gave
away for free to begin with but is it
like is it the same thing as saying like
it's just news so I can get away with
using it because I'm writing up
sometimes story sometimes yes you know
times it is newsworthy the topic but if
it comes out of the blue then it becomes
well is it newsworthy because of the
celebrity involved right like if Steve
Martin says something really funny we
always like oh you see what do you sit
on Twitter right just being the person
alone makes it newsworthy then you get
to that third category of funny things I
found randomly on Twitter right
and then you have to start going well
you know he'd maybe he wants more
followers out of this you know he did
give it away so but if it was on
Facebook that's a whole different game
two because on facebook you have to have
friends to be able to if it's not public
right you know if it was private then
you gotta be your more sticky situation
to share something that wasn't public
totally I think there's still so much of
a gray area when it comes to property
and ownership on social media because
you look at sites like BuzzFeed it seems
like all BuzzFeed is is just the
regurgitation of popular tweets and
lists and I to spawn grabs of of
Instagram photos yeah I mean I don't
mean to be negative but there is a lot
just Randall they make a crap all the
time and it's the basis of their
business right yeah i mean it's it's
your you're not defaming and that's what
they do uh they they pretty much they
take reddit threads and sort of like
picturised them and and and they they
find the best pictures in a reddit
thread and make that a story and I mean
look that's what the internet is now
yeah you know you can't always use clips
from a television show but now we're
using killing gifts of revision is that
okay and and that is a silly you version
that's low quality and baby you know you
can kind of go down the line right to be
fair uh they a lot of these places are
now acknowledging sources and they're
doing like the courtesy title or
whatever you want to call it when you're
you know when you sort of take video in
in and do stuff like that but I you know
I wonder like like if I if it ok you
tweet out something about Samsung right
and you're like let's just you know
hypothetically this Samsung new TV is it
the best thing that's ever happened to
me right and Samsung wants to use that
in an ad well do they pay you do they I
mean and then you have to worry about
like the editorial sort of side of
things and Roses I think it is not a
clear situation with Samsung is a good
example they've done that in their in
their commercials totally they pull
people's tweets that said you know I
think this is just like the iphone you
know right where whatever maybe money's
gotta be change exchanging hands there's
no way there's no way no no all it takes
is an agreement and a little fun to
think I'm gonna be famous sure I'll give
it away oh so old someone's butt
you're saying someone would still
hacking I think lawyers are being a
little careful these days and and
definitely reaching out first before
really yes and I think people are
releasing a tweet love to talk to like a
social media lawyer who's the first
person with that title there's a couple
like there's gotta be right there
they're in San Francisco I bet they just
they take calls all day about can we use
this to we can we not you see movie
trailers uh quick TV bumpers better that
our book ended with you know someone's
tweet because all the critics gave it a
bedroom all that I was gonna say well
when you do see that odds are the film
sucks because no one with any real
credibility was the scariest thing ever
yeah it's just like says Joey fatone's
now 133like all right well if he likes
this movie maybe I will anyway I thought
that was a little story okay we're gonna
finish things I was something very weird
but it's not just me okay that's into
this but there's something going okay
there's something on Twitter right now
that's been trending all morning it's
called too many cooks I got the 40 Ford
Twitter pulled off it too many cooks you
see it right here I'm circling it with
my mouse pointer too many cooks it's
been there all day what the hell is too
many cooks everyone wants to know what
it is well this morning in the lab where
we're at while the construction finishes
we gathered round the computer and
watched what too many cooks is and it's
about it's an 11 minute video that aired
on adult swim I believe last night or
the night before created by um I believe
one of the creators of their show
squidbillies okay have you heard of
squeeze yeah yeah like the white trash
globs of goo hmm it's like the best way
to take a description right is that I
think that's fair not on that a frequent
viewer but I got exactly I liked I'll i
believe it's co-created was this guy
casper kelly and is that his name i
don't want to screw that up and dave
willis who's one of the co-creators as
well yes Casper Kelly is his name and
dave willis the co-created Squidbillies
and they also did another
uh um show on adult swim called uh some
something about welcome to hell or
you're here in hell it's about like a
customer service representative who's
from hell your pretty face is going to
hell is what the show's called uh really
weird stuff if you ever watch adult swim
you know it's weird it's very strange
are the most mainstream thing to come
out of there is probably aqua teen
hunger force which is you are car or a
Space Ghost oh my god how can forget
about space goes my personal favor
Harvey Birdman you know yeah where's
Burton yeah the the brac show again
don't let like don't forget adult swim
has been around for like 15 years and
they've been doing the same thing for 15
years and it's owned by Turner and you
know the shows are only like 11 minutes
metalocalypse herschel on on on the tilt
when larger squad too don't they stop
loading Reuters for all my god Lourdes
was fantastic i love that show yeah and
it's perfect for late night cuz it is
that weird humor right absolutely so
there's amazing new cell phone and
there's a new show black Jesus that's
out of control too what's that what is
robot chicken is oh my god yeah but yeah
so you know everyone knows me anyway
every now and then they do these sort of
one-offs because there's really no rules
on adult swim they kind of just do
whatever and if you know Tim and Eric
are they kind of get car wash do
whatever else yeah anyway last uh one
night this week this video aired and I'm
playing it without audio here just you
can sort of see what's going on it's
this very strange 11 minute video that's
making fun of like 90s intro credit
sitcom sort of gags right so it's all it
is is just like constantly constantly
over and over it's called too many cooks
and they have this you know that full
house Family Matters sort of vibe so
it's just utica ok Bridget laughs now
but things get weird ok because first
off that the show never starts ok it's
just this they keep introducing
characters on a show that really is
never ends for 11 minutes a long time
for 11 minutes but then and I'm not
going to ruin it but things start to get
and within these opening credits there's
like a maniac loose and I'm obviously
gonna link to in the show notes I love
how they had the twins he's always like
two twins and they play one character
twins if they wanted they don't want to
have a you know like Mars in it don't
forget Martha character it's crazy
you've never seen the right too many
cooks get it you've never seen anything
like this before it's I i almost want to
use the word brilliant because where it
goes and how crazy and and meta and just
completely over-the-top this thing
spirals out of they just go from
settings the settings that they make no
sense and they keep introducing a show
that's not real oh my god it's all a big
gag it goes on for 11 minutes and I
don't know I and I said it to you before
you know this is like the funniest thing
I've seen in a very long time is it it's
creative as there's super cheesy music
here Oh Axl
here you go making out with other people
just like the elephant represent Lee
right in the way and that's Roseanne
yeah exactly perfect and you're like oh
is this over oh no we're still going huh
and you realize they're all still at the
same table yeah they switch bridges it's
crazy there's a lot of there's a ton of
like great uh camera uh sort of tricks
uh and they take that cheesy 90s
aesthetic and they just go nuts with it
they kick their cylinder you I can't
stop watching cuz it's amazing and then
it's trending for a reason usually crap
trends yeah I i find that usually crap
trends others guys get arrested he
smiles for camera too because he's part
of them now we're in the cop shows yeah
it's insane okay so there's the killer
oh yeah it gets crazy now here's where
we're getting here okay what there's a
coat who gets credit I'm not even gonna
get in there's a there's a cartoon
sequence that we have to deal with that
it's just crazy yeah I joke I want to
count fitness good the guy's name was
cook on a shirt it's amazing okay it's
just amazing GI joe now it's yeah it's
in there he is he's back at the killers
in the cartoon now too now that i'm
watching all this i really like it it's
amazing i thought you guys were just
watching like a like one of those music
videos those fake music videos right I
didn't know it was like a whole opening
sequences Hillary you see what they're
doing here with this bird and the white
in the building over and over again
they're just doing it over and over
again I think I cuz they can because
you're allowed to do what you want I
don't swim and it's like the last
bastion of creativity we have on regular
televisions what and the promise you'll
never be able to have that this this
kind of comedy again because they're
gonna overdo it so much well that's the
beauty and now it's like a snouts like a
spanish-language soap opera yeah you
know and and now this guy's just killing
everyone and it starts to get intense
and I'm not gonna ruin the whole thing
because you guys have this you guys have
to check it out done with it I was here
again that was only about four minutes
and 30 seconds into it hilarious uh it's
it's the greatest thing I've seen in a
very long time and I am just
I'm in a lot of admiration now now I
have to make someone watch it without
explaining what it is and just watch the
reactions you know now it's gonna be
like it's gonna become part of an acular
like are you gonna too many cooks that
or what you know you think that's got
too many cooks and madara that's awesome
they did a great job so congrats to
these two fine people and in the right
of director Casper Kelly it's good stuff
I love it so that's just what I wanted
to share with people Lola I think it's
that is a delightful thing to share for
the week right what a way to end the
week yeah great friday share that thank
you re i like great friday a new
segment one now so we'll link to that in
the show notes today's the last day to
enter the back to the future contests so
hope you entered that and good luck to
everyone who did um kind of freaking out
about our xbox one winner hasn't written
me back and he's got like 24 hours left
or some other some other lucky lucky
year dude will win it yeah I feel bad
for this guy so I mean I can't bend the
rules this is what has to happen check
your email check your email and it's
like it's not an AOL email it's like a
regular commonly used domain I don't got
a hotmail yahoo not like one that's just
gonna like float away into the ether
anyway uh next week we're gonna start
the call of duty bundle so stay tuned
for rules on that and that's it Bridget
Carey ladies and gentleman thank you so
much for being here such a pleasure
thanks to everyone for checking out the
show this week I believe I as is back on
Monday we'll see how he's feeling check
out seen it update every single day
that's right all right and and you're
you're on CBS n as well yeah we're gonna
be on every once in a while so I think
my next time up might be Tuesday check
it out its CBS n dot alright
and that's it for us go by the cnet
magazine will see you guys on Monday I'm
Jeff Bakalar I'm pretty I carry a Mario
nuñez this has been the 404 show high
tech lowbrow see you next time
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