
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

The 404 - 1,607: Jill Schlesinger, robotic future, 3D NAND, finance made easy

hey everyone what's going on welcome to the 404 show on this Friday March 27th it's a special day in the 404 studio because believe it or not it's the first time Jill Schlesinger has been in studio on the audio only version of the show welcome happy my number one I can wear my glasses I'm still clapping Thank You number two no lipstick I did do my hair and put some makeup on because I wasn't sure but I don't have to put lipstick on you know what that tells me Jill what's that tells me you've been watching us for the last you know we've both been I feel like Jeff and I have crossed each other's paths like but we've been around one another right in the night kind of like you were going into the building but first so you come to the building now where I am located yeah you're there all the time mostly yeah and and and he's on like at nine o'clock when you on in the morning usually usually around 9:20 9:30 and I'm usually sort of leaving the you know CBS this morning yeah and you're coming in I see you right before I leave my house on TV so we are spending a lot of time together and if you want to can consider that I do I think that's its quality I love seeing your face you and it's so great I now I'm feeling bad because you know you know what disinvite me over the building and I will do that why don't we have him come on you should have them come over and give you the royal tour then I can go I've seen your faces I miss your faces too you know I learned something about your erstwhile co-host here now what's that he's a recovering attorney yeah it's kind of like oh that's why I like a steady joke Bazaar on our show I think it's amazing it just doesn't come up because it doesn't make any sense to talk about alrighty and I just I could not disagree and I totally agree with you Jeff you when did it come up in the course for example like when I'm telling you that I had to do this segment tomorrow for CBS this morning Mike yeah I wonder who's a lawyer and you would say oh that's funny I'm a lawyer you're like I come an expired lawyer no no no you're a recover I can thank you did you pass the bar yes I did so that's it done that's a good enough for me and I practice a yeah in my book that makes you a lawyer and me too when I say retired I mean actually filed a form so I no longer had to pay you're saying that a lawyer being technical yeah you're surprised by this yeah well I'm just saying alright so you don't get your badge in the mail every month or whatever come on got to get that card kept up to date or whatever you don't need that card you know I'm liking this studio it's a little austere I mean black white grey oh it's a lot nicer than it used to be these are brand new you like these little shotgun sound panels yeah they're they're good for baffling all right that's what they are they're Baffler I'm baffled I am baptized of them I need this in my second bedroom at home because they told me at CBS radio that I'm echoey a little bit I'm like hmm that's gonna be a problem because this is actually my apartment we could set you up with a guy he or you could always just do your hits with a blanket over your head that's what I should probably do it sounds crazy but it works and I've done insanity and by the way I have done that like I've been in a hotel room with a microphone and feeding audio and it's hysterical and and you know you do the dope you say I was once in an air like at an airline Club like the British Airways club lounge I'm in the closet with my coat over me and doing reading a script it was hysterical it someone walks in they're like oh excuse me yeah speaking of breastfeeding oh god how did I know we're gonna transition into that just weeks away Oh nah I can't believe you're a little baby Jill okay I know I'm sorry yeah well you know if you know it's so weird because I feel like you know I'm your aunt yes Stacy's water could break any second oh it's so exciting forgive me so like lousy in this room yeah anything happens well no it's exciting for you I'm you know I'm in a weird place now yeah and you're sympathetic where are you right now I got a couple of weeks before we really can't do on the tax day okay and Jill loves that so great it's like this beautiful cosmic coincidence yeah I am I'm past the point of denial which I which I was in for the most of the third trimester just like the most visible you're in denial yeah I'd be like yeah I'm in straight-up denial I don't even like that's net it's never gonna happen Stacey's just gonna look like she swallowed a beach ball for the rest of her life okay and that's that I remember that stage and now I'd say ever since March first came around I've had like a violent transition a march madness of sorts yeah it was a it was a turbulent sort of transition and now I'm I'm out of the woods I'm on the other side of it and I'm just simply in dad mode now I don't know what it's like to be a father but and I don't know if this is that biological sort of knee-jerk instinctual nesting phase that they talk so much about in those fancy books but I'm definitely feeling ready to be this thing's care no parent what's a dad mode to you maybe it's maybe it's a little more emotional maybe it's you crying at commercials with models you oh my god hormones are wild how did she cry it that was I was so trivial I mean forget that Super Bowl was a rough Super Bowl for everyone let alone if you had all this estrogen and floating around I mean this that Super Bowl killed people it was so sad and depressing she can't listen to that serial podcast because it was too low I loved it it was great it was fantastic I couldn't deal with it right definitely my my my sympathy my and all my empathy is with her because she is just ready to go yeah she can't even like she can't even like sleep in our bed anymore she's got to like go on our couch recliner cuz it emulates like a hospital bed yeah she's very young where are you having this baby it like you're not gonna do like a home birth are you no I don't want to say where where we are in a very very good Hospital that's what I like yeah all right all right you know what Stacy's view on the drugs versus the tried that's a great question that I'm not sure if she wants me to talk about but I will anyway no no it's not a big deal she obviously here's my here's my take on it I'll tell you what she thinks I'm commuting she obviously wants to go in naturally why obviously that is no not obvious to mom I think it sounds like it sounds horrible and I love the idea of donde esta my me epidural right and I get that but like when you learn about the nitty-gritty graphic sort of details you know Stacy's like oh I heard if you don't get an epidural you get to like walk around after and if you do get the epidural you're kind of like you know out of it you're kind of out of it for a while how long is a while I don't know to me it's like 10 hours of being wasted it's like overnight and stuff it doesn't so bad and look I can almost guarantee you yes that if and when the time comes where it's too much to bear yes hopefully she hasn't gone past the point where you can't do it yeah because there is a point where that happened my son that was a like she didn't want you want to be natural entirely and she's like I want the damn epidural no no we can do that yeah that's the problem that's why you got to go in and go you know what go in the mindset that you open to it Oh be open just tell her so she's riding the fence I mean it's it's God like I you know I I understand what I'm going through right and that's nothing compared to what she must be that anticipation of it happening and how dramatically violent and grass the whole thing the whole ordeal must be hmm it's just I don't know I have such an endless amount of respect for the female gender it is beyond race had a child so I really don't shouldn't garner your respect and that was in that way I think I had a period for a long time by the way embrace it fYI for those of you counting at home anyone wants to know by the way that's good yeah this is the first time you had a menstruation on your show that's what I do I don't never but I don't know we know of like that's what blows my mind about women hell cosmically unfair the whole game is if men actually had to have a period every month first of all they'd be like Oh nobody grabs and they'd be like all like figuring out how to help themselves and there would be all sorts of directed dollars at finding ways to manage your period better instead it's women it's like a screw it she'll have to deal with this see and that you know call it whatever you want evolution or just you know the just the way things have sort of evolved right where women seem to be much more stronger when it comes to emotional and biological pain and yes in general for sure and I think just sort of the idea of going through childbirth and I've had I will say that again I never haven't gone through it but you know watching my sister go through it and have many friends I I am in all of these women who say I'm just gonna do natural because I don't tell you something my sister walked in there she's like drugs drugs don't let's go yeah um and my in her first child she had to have an emergency c-section yeah not that I want to tell you this story it's a little scary but um it was wild because yeah you're going into surgery yeah my brother-in-law does not like blood Oh God so he's in there and the bells and ringing and bugging the bing ba-bing they're like we gotta do a C sex she pass out he came close he said he barely held it together he he's like oh my god I have to have to hold this together for Kim because like this is my wife and he said he got so lightheaded he he they were like do you need smelling salts he needs to sit down he's like what do you mean he must have gotten like why does a ghost always intense thinking about that's making me lightheaded yeah just because look the odds are that she won't need it no she's held all everything's good it doesn't matter though there are so many things and there's a lot of controversy like oh you know there's no doubt that doctors you know the number support that they do seem to be doing them more awful yeah and then legal ramification and and in in my sister's case it was the it was a screw-up I mean she was at a fancy house well there was a screw-up but it was funny because I will say one thing you get one of those beautiful babies that comes out from a c-section there's no trauma my niece Emily came out she looks like it was an advertisement or I was so gorgeous other to what to come out and I was like the conical head I do love this thing for some reason you know it's a good thing gooey and gloppy just stuff anyway jealous I also when am I gonna be on the distribution list I just need to be sure I just need to put me on the list and so you registered or something like yeah we're registered it's not funny get to do that all over again I did it are done we did that yeah she had her shower a couple weeks ago oh yeah juoh the shower very rare I know a Jew with a shower well so that's something that doesn't happen yes I baby showers we Jews usually don't have baby showers cuz it's bad luck right which makes sense no no it's like because it's not here yet cuz he's putting the tears before the horse I could see that in fact I remember when my sister's first kid they were oh my God my here is my sister calling me right now so no I keep it on speaker so we're just talking about different words so so anyway when we were she was had my mother was so superstitious that they ordered all the stuff for the baby but they wouldn't let it in the house until the baby was okay so where was this always like they get delivery like when the day she had like my mother would go to Bloomingdale's and picked everything up and but it was like that was how far it went like oh I don't wanna have the furniture in the house because it's like in ihara like oh my god like we couldn't we wouldn't want to like spook anybody yeah the kid oh you've heard of that expression ken ahora no it's basically like you're going to jinx it okay there's like a technicality in this too if you buy the thing and you just haven't picked it yes the calories on jinxes you could be a technicality and it's so much in Judaism like they're the Orthodox people and they're like well if we just put up these things over here it don't wait then we can actually walk around during the Sabbath and do whatever we can use a laser can use electric razors anything I'm not a very well versed sort of theologists or anything like that but do you think Judaism has the most sort of wackadoo superstition you know what's weird about it is like so many of these things that go back to the Old Testament and we're gonna get some hate mail on this let's just be Shirley right now it's funny because I know we have like a couple actual rabbis right remember last time we did this and we were talking about like the rabbi's yeah you've got a lot of hate on that but what's funny is like you read the like well why are you keeping kosher because it was really was a health thing right it was it was basically before the inception of so bright so you know our aunt and I are like nutrition or anything and like siphons and stuff I don't usually say things like cloven hooves right like those are not things that usually come out of our anyway I love the people who are like I'm kosher in my house only but I go out and have Chinese out pork outside the house all about double bacon cheeseburger I will indeed with a glass of milk thanks very much uh I think it's great if you want to do it go do it you know whatever it's fine it's just leave me alone exactly I feel like going out with my friends who are vegan yeah oh sure you know as for your vegetarian or vegan go crazy but like don't be telling me where I can and can't go to dinner like it's so I was out to dinner recently and someone's like one of my friends vegetarian she she's so good she never cares like what don't worry I'll find something to eat then with other people saying well you know she doesn't need to do this so we got to go to this kind of restaurant I'm not gonna macrobiotic boring restaurant where everything food off-white what else is on your mind today you saying good bye loving your headphones oh thanks what is about that what what do I got here what we saw Ultimate Ears yeah 10 V eyes you know that I have all sorts of headphone Envy because I've gone through so many and I don't even ask Justin anymore to get me headphones was a because I feel like he let my cat Nuge because I can don't want to just say oh I need to know yet another set of headphones I think he'd he'd be happy to do that really I didn't try that printer my printers printing look at this so so you know when the printer just has like you know candy cane red stripe horizontally think I know what is that it's saying don't it's saying don't wise using a black and white in red exactly and what is happening it's like turning against you clearly like what you should just get and you imagine you you print out stuff enough you should just get the laser well I really should what am I gonna do with a lot of ink I'm gonna be porked with all that ink god damn ever need to get another cartridge you know what my my nephew works at by marriage my nephew by marriage works a canon so I figure he can hook me up with something good right lots of things we can all of your possessions are just the series of fancy connections that you've made are my printer is because of Justin's like just buy it it's $100 I might put the inks expensive he's like the ink is always expensive so that's how it works what else is on your mind today um well yeah that was that was quite the intro there and I was traumatic I had to collect myself do you want to breathe later speaking of that I did baby CPR last night totally creepy I took its yeah so right into that that's weird well no because they encouraged all all yeah types of people to take the class I mean the shoulder-blades it's almost like it seems like it's a giant prank you have to do that yeah I don't have done this on your son no no I mean the training okay he's like four and a half I'm looks like I just run yourself in oh yeah just cough it up Junior my kid what are you doing um so yeah all the baby stuff and all that other junk aside it just you know it's a it's a it's a time of great you know I don't know pressure and training sanity and transitory joy Mitzvah I'm wet I'm ready for the joy to kick in that's yet to show toys that's I feel like I'm someone told me.there day you're gonna be pleasantly joyed like I think so I was like all right I'll sort of put that in my back pocket I think joy is good you got your car all decked out with the seat in the back already oh yeah it's all done by the bike car seats now yeah I'm so painfully easy to install guys that's the one thing I've really come to love every little piece of baby all that is so idiot-proof it's like timeout we're allowed to say on the air here yeah you could say you'll notice you'll really get to notice the serial numbers that are prominently labeled everywhere because every time as you recall and you see it on the news in the morning like did we buy that crack out there right up in front and center now yeah so much easier for cribs and everything else makes sense so you're gonna run in and you'll find out yeah yeah a crib in Seoul says it's done we're done I mean tell me about how your parents are doing I have because I love them so much and I just want it like I feel like my heart is swelling with just like happiness for them they must be so excited yeah I mean this is the first grandchild on both side no oh no Stacy we I have we have two nieces right so it's their first grandson mm-hmm yeah it's my parents first Krank the prince you know it's interesting cuz I see like my mom you know my dad's definitely say but I see my mom is just she just can't handle the the joy why no it's good it's all good what is it behavior like what does that mean can't handle the joy is she's like so happy that she's breaking no she's like she just can't stop smiling every time I see what are they gonna be called grandma grandpa and Stacy's parents they do the Bobby ins anything you know about that Bobby and Sadie that bubby woman that says a t-pod like grandpa no yes I I don't I never I didn't have them what did you have I had I'd grandma and grandpa both sides times - aha I did have like nicknames that were like part like proprietary nicknames for the family not like is bubbie and Zayde ii we had like grandpa bozo okay and grandma sweetheart grandmas sweetheart so it was the other grandma no love loss knowing about a nickname means something no it's just I don't know what mom gotta be your parents mother's parents was my brother and I saw that side maybe more often and we just might we thought my grandfather was a clown so we called them bozo I love this and then the my grandma would always say sweetheart a lot so we just started calling so wait a minute your your mother is gonna be grandma sue or Susan I don't know how that works you're gonna she's gonna have to pick yeah Gramp grandma sue grandma's big sense of granite and Grandpa Lou let me just say this that my mother was your mother's also very young as a grandmother but yes she's yeah my mother was 52 holy moly yeah 52 once where my sister had a baby okay and we called our grandparents Nana and poppy which is like very old-fashioned yeah and as a result my mother's like I'm not a Nana yeah I don't think so so my brother-in-law's mother's like my grandma Linda that's perfect some what does my mother say they can just call me sue so my nieces and nephew call her sue Susan and they don't call her grandma like it's like grandma Linda and so I think that's cool and my father's like I'll be pop yeah pop pop pops nice mm-hmm I maybe I'll try and do pop for my dad Pop's kind of cool yeah I never got the good apostle you got to have the idea of what can the kid pronounce because you say this is the way it is it pops pretty easy right or Papa one of those things that's pretty good yeah like what about I always find it interesting when the you know Johnny has two moms and they're like mom and mommy or when with a halt so some of my lesbian friends who have kids it's a very interesting I'm like who's mom or they both they're probably how would you call them in the house that's the problem because you have to have like a way to differentiate hmm is that wild don't say you know Jackie's an identical twin Yeah right and her sisters kids because they were really identical beast-core aunt mommy mommy I mean like this is so huge I feel like all I want to do is talk to you about this but I know we have that we have like a whole story I want to get your story so all right and and this definitely emanates from can everyone tell us cocktail hour and we're getting wasted right now oh wait just kidding we're not we've heard you've done that here all bets are off so thinking about my son and you know what's gonna be happening when he's 18 like really even go to college will there be college first of all of course he's going to college you don't know that yes I do yeah I don't know if you can see I'm on your side Jeff are you saying that he will he Michael he might do online learning or or or some sort of you know it's like an on high bridge like robot teacher sort of online thing I'm telling yeah I saw that I watched this video over the weekend you can trust anything online you know no but this is not this was not pulled out of someone's you know boys later attacked advice exactly online this was this was legit this was a well researched and evidenced sort of video called humans need not apply have you ever ever heard of that no but I'm intrigued okay so there it talks it makes it very easy to understand analogy about where humans and jobs and where we're going in the next you know 30 40 50 years it's by this this person called CGP grey and why they're three initials I don't know that is annoying already don't worry about that okay he has a series of videos in informational instructional sort of almost in like a NatGeo documentary style online at it and this documentary is specifically about how a lot of jobs that currently exist in the world are going away are just not even they are 100% going away and there's really nothing we can do about it a lot of these jobs include transportation like you know 20 years from now I'm not gonna be a guy behind the bus that's gonna be driving itself maybe that would be better frankly after why they're doing it like and I'm not even sure little Jeff jr. is ever gonna get a driver's license because he doesn't need it because it's driverless because this car is gonna drive is that weird to you to think about that well no but when you eliminate human drivers you eliminate 4 million jobs in the country hmm okay interesting so you command this is excuse me has your father feel about that we don't want to look he's gonna retire soon all right so he'll retire I'm worried about him me too but he'll retire before all this is okay okay Google is all they already have a perfectly self-driving car right it's already here right there's not like oh is the good new work we do right oh it's here it works fine it doesn't go a hundred miles down the an hour down the highway just yet right well what is the speed that it can go right now the fastest is thirty miles an hour and I just I need to hop around town I mean if lemon is 20 in Manhattan or 25 wait you're getting around just fine it seems like that stuff won't go away because you're gonna need an override like just like we learned CPR right certain things like okay you're gonna have to be able of gorgeous of course I'm like so I think he's gonna get a license no matter what maybe but I'll give you but do you need a license for like this annual override button button fine you're right there's always one guy at CVS who oversees all of the robotic cashier there's gotta be a bus driver too in case somebody's too rowdy on the bus to throw you out and we're not even fine put that aside for a second not even talking about the driverless aspect and how we won't drive cars anymore talk about the fact that we don't need truck drivers and bus drivers and all these millions and millions of people right who make a living doing that think about the custodial sort of well that also mean that people will not may be in better moods because they will not be stuck in traffic jams you know potentially that if you could really create a flow of traffic right although if there's just too many driverless cars on the road there's gonna be traffic je5 interest I mean these are all interesting sort of prospect and byproducts of what will and can happen when this starts to actually take place but what I'm really concerned about and concentrating on is the percentage of people whose jobs that's just called creative destruction right no but because why because there will be new jobs that will be created and there will be gaps that will need to be filled in you think you think the four million jobs isn't that many all right but that's not just it during the Great Depression yes the unemployment rate was 25% okay if you factor in what this robotic revolution will do to the workforce unemployment could be 45% there's no way all right I'm telling you now right I'm telling you no way right because they said that about the technology revolution okay they said that that you know what there's gonna be all these jobs and they're gonna be gone and now are we're sending all these jobs overseas and you know what the unemployment rate right now 25 years into the technology revolution is five and a half percent but there's still people behind all but there's people behind a lot of things it's just that there are certain parts of the economy where you knew you're going to need people and then when the things that are eliminated you don't need people you know nature abhors a void so does the workforce and there are things that there are things that are created there are jobs today that didn't exist 25 years think about that I mean robots are in like car manufacturing plants that was originally idea right there's every humans gonna be out of a job no one's gonna be someone's got to build those are exactly to maintain them there is one person overseeing a lot more robots but again like everything so the and look I'm not saying this guy is 100 percent correct a little bit of a dark cloud over your kids future we know we're all might need to be a bus driver I'm know my picture like I'm not worried about Jeff jr. I'm work because I will be alive when he enters the workforce hopefully and you you for me it's like what like you said big-picture stuff the analogy he used was like oh if two horses in 1895 we're talking to each other right and then like you know they're like man life's pretty good we got a great job right it's awesome right and then like 20 years go by and they're like Oh what do you think of this like motorized one of us you know that was the that was you know you have to watch the video all right should be so happy to not have to be like enslaved and be like you know we can do other stuff with what money and what like but you know that's as simple as saying you know the the railroad industry is to be so huge right and they said well you know the what what happened and things change or you know I was a buggy whip manufacturer I was the best one and you know what like there's still something called transportation and their needs and I I am very look you know me I can be very cynical about these things but I am always encouraging and when I look at market cycles and I look at predictions and what I'm always amazed at is how wrong we are because if I said to you five years ago in the middle of the recession you know what a few things have to happen just to like get us beyond that and they're impossible in a real dark place yeah and I was just like you know like there's got to be like some miracles some rabbits have to come out of a hatch and guess what they did they did you would show up to the studio looking like you came from a funeral like wearing a black man I was wearing like the little black ribbon sitting Shiva for the economy constantly I was always scared you know what because no tomorrow early on I'll tell you what happened I knew it was gonna be way worse than other people were saying and then as we came into the recovery I'm not saying everything's better we're not done yet it's just because the bubble was so massive and seemingly insurmountable it was pretty scary to lose so many jobs in one you know 18-month period but that said you know a lot of things have happened like if you told me 18 months ago that oil was gonna be 50 bucks a barrel I'd say on what planet how's that but isn't that misleading just because there's so much of a surplus like well what do you mean what's misleading well I'm just saying surplus made the price go down right but I don't know like it's not misleading it's real so you see him in it's just I'm not someone who who's like a conspiracy theory oh great okay here we go but like it felt like and obviously this is just coincidental but just as like Tesla and all these awesome electric car companies and technologies are advancing to the point where it's like it's very clear that in 10 years most cars will be electric right and then all of a sudden like gas is free basically well I think it's I think what's interesting about it is not so much that part of the course but I'll tell you what you you noticed that right yeah but what I actually noticed more was wow the Saudis are not changing their production what's going on so my conspiracy theory is the Saudis are putting it to the Russians like they are pissed something happened there between them they don't like where money's going something's going on because normally if you have oversupply what would happen the Saudis would be like you know what we're cutting back I'm gonna make us we're not gonna make Saudis like screw it we're pumping we're keeping this going and what was so fascinating is that it really did you know cripple a lot of the not you know I'm not happy about it for like you know some countries that like Nigeria needs their energy industry right but I'm but they were sort of like this sort of smile on everyone's face like Putin not so not so hot now are you yeah and and so I think it's been interesting but I will say that in your analysis of concern about the future there I'm old enough sunny to tell you that there have been times where people will say to me like oh the manufacturing industry is dead and this is going to be the devise and these and and and new things happen I do think that the critical issue that we face in this country from an economic standpoint is that the middle class is stuck it's stuck when it's it's actually that's an issue that no one really wants to deal with and you know politicians talk the talk but they don't want to do anything and we need to really take a good long hard look at education and we need to look at how come our kids are coming out and saying you know well I don't really know I don't want to go into that part of the economy that's growing what do you do with that kid and is that kid gonna live as well as his parents or her parents maybe not well I think a lot see and this goes back to what I'm talking about there's been some sort of like you know trend with with people and workforce like some jobs are just no one wants to do them anymore they've become D glamour and and by the way when you want the people who do them you know where they're who populates many of those jobs that are not so high-paying unfortunately women so the wage gap between men and women which happens by the way in every single industry yeah including nurses where men are only 8% of the were nursing workforce and men are still getting paid more who are there but many of the lower wage jobs often have flexibility and they have consistency and women who want to actually have a life with kids and try to co-parent and do take on more responsibility we'll say the trade-offs fine with me you know and so part of the wage gap and we've had a lot of information out about wage gap between men and women part of it is that women are opting for other professions women are opting for flexibility and when someone says to me well how do we fix that I mean what am I going to say look we need a really a much better maternity policy in this country we need a much better childcare system like we can't even pay for the health care system like health costs aren't going down so it's not like if you compare other developed economies with the United States we've got like the worst policies amazing we're the largest economy in the world and you know you look at like northern Europe they have the most unbelievable policies peope you're like a year off it's it's awesome you know and music you put a blue could be I don't have kids what am I gonna get it's aunt aunt holiday but but you but if anything that just speaks to how crucial of an issue it is it's just it's so I don't know it's so that I can get depressed about but I don't want you to get too depressed I feel like that I feel like it's I know what it must sound like like the one line cake away is like Jeff's freaking out about a robot future you know I don't think I think that what you you can I think that to counterbalance that is to remember what didn't exist 20 years ago of course that's the man that makes me think that this is almost a certainty well look at all that let's look at all the people that are employed by say the five top technology companies alright but I mean the way I look at it is like basically the stock market is just a bunch of robots trading money back and forth right you calling me a robot feelings don't most day trading robot doesn't all that yeah us being like oh the prices that I have to but what we learned in the crisis is that the algorithms are run by human beings and the blank hits the fan why Jeff why do you still do a 50s robot voice like from like oh I gotta do this it's a it well how do you still hear that engrained no jettisons yeah I don't know doing that a lot of you just happen I was watching a lot of Twilight Zone while I was sick last week yeah I'm like every robot sounds like that well I watch a lot of toilets you watch just total non-sequitur have you seen this show black mirror have we seen I've seen it watch the whole thing you guys set me up you said wow that thing like two episodes were awesome okay the only one I like the rewarding one yeah I thought that would we you and I felt like that was so real yeah yeah so you're wrong it's excellent it's like I'm saying it was overhyped the thing is if you go and go it's okay it's really I didn't okay so this is them are amazing all right but there's only seven of them yeah but if to widest I know I'd say four out of seven RMS so here's a funny so I happened upon it which is just shows you how disconnected because whatever I read something like you know Emily Nussbaum who's my absolute favorite TV critic she's a true creator of The New Yorker mentioned it yeah and in like a sort of a side thing like this is a cool thing check it out you old farts yeah kind of right right you want to want to stay hip with the young people she's fabulous and I watched an episode like you know Jack he was away driving in London or something and I started watching and I got so in just yeah yeah I like that did you see it a Christmas special with Jon Hamm yeah okay well then by the way next month Sons of Anarchy last season is on Netflix I took a break after watch me i binge watch the first six and I waited I'm with you on that basically I think I'm like one or two episodes into the seventh season I'm waiting for it to show up in a couple of weeks so and it's on Netflix in a few weeks I mean so yeah I know you're not that into it now I didn't turn on it I just didn't mind it going away what about justified I've heard nothing but great oh yeah yeah I watched the first season yeah I loved Timothy Olyphant obviously Walton Goggins he's a great actor teeth yeah totally we gotta do some questions beacon of Kurt Sutter though real quick yes he you wrote mrs. katey sagal yes he wrote the new Jake Gyllenhaal movie called southpaw oh where the trailer just came out today for and Jake Gyllenhaal's like the most jacked he's ever been he's a box that you know I don't know I'm like shockingly uninterested in the storyline but it looks like it's gonna be good boxing a turn-off for me I think boxing is so colossally stupid if you watch Rocky yeah you're stupid I hate boxing I don't know raging bulls different cuz it's not just a boxing movie the way south ball does seem to be more than just a boxing because it's really not about boxing it's about what happens to this boxer hmm but that instantly turns me off the boxing's rough my friend is a dentist and he's an MD DDS yeah he is a ring doctor oh and he said come with me and I said oh my god I so don't want to come with you like a condom and work for a dentist is that unbelievable yeah and you know he has to call fights like guys have like he's like he literally is like you know people are like concussed and they're like I'm fine I'm fine I'm fine he's like uh no no you're not you're done because you're not saying I'm fine you're saying you laugh but that's scary as there was a do to my hockey team who got hit and was concussed and he thought he was fine and we asked we're asking him questions and he's just not we're like what day is it he's like tuna fish and were like so let me ask you one last question before we do some tax stuff okay and there was one other that more tech stuff but it's amazing and all right do it question uh I just wanted to know it's a television question you know it's fine um did Stacy make you watch Downton Abbey no sure we don't watch okay religion because that might be something you may want to take up when you're like in the middle of the night and the kids nursing and crying like you can have to find something gentle yeah yeah that's maybe too gentle do you know what I mean like soothing a shock you because you like jumping is that problem is funny because I do plan on watching Fargo the FX yeah yeah yeah so that's probably not gentle but I am I am soothed by violence by the what do you want this kid to see I'm winning everything when he's two weeks old you know what I've been watching I have to do my own soothing like I like there too many times like where I couldn't watch the shield late at night because I would get really uptight about it I couldn't get to sleep now I come on all these British series that are basically like BBC series that re-aired they're like the most gent I fall asleep and I've got this one now the foils war it's you know it takes place during World War two so British and I thought it's like an hour and a half fall asleep 20 minutes in pick it up with next night whatever and it's just nice and it soothes as lullaby to you it kind of is it's sort of like baseball tonight they're all like in bed I don't know I'm a Downton fan but you know I'm an old are what's your technology so this this is really cool and I came across it today and we covered it in the update and I'm blown away because I love gigantic leaps in technology and this is something that's happening now and will change the way is it something that's gonna replace the 8-track tape oh you have no idea replace many I could replace many so the way flash memory okay so that's like what I'm holding here is a USB stick what's in your phone SD cards mini SD solid-state drives a lot of that technologies flash technology all of it is rather than flash technology and the way that technology was built up until fit right now is is called NAND NAMD architecture and that's basically how memory cells are printed on on a chip is like the best way to explain it okay so right now the most we can do I think there's four terabyte SSDs that just started showing up I think I don't like that are like $2,500 you can actually get a one terabyte SSD you know what a terabyte is right yeah like you're I'm like you're with me right I'm with you um you can get one of those maybe for like 500 bucks now mmm paying like 50 cents a gigabyte okay what 3d NAND technology does is it stacks the memory cells on the chip like floors in a skyscraper okay so what that lets you do is keep the same form factor but quadruple quintuple and beyond the amount of memory you could fit so they're talking about being able to build a 3.5 terabyte drive the size of a stick of gum Wow which is amazing well one big as the stick of gum this is like a trident which is really awesome or is it like a juicy fruit that's huge no it's not just growing and it's like a millimeter thick it's amazing so imagine imagine terabytes three-and-a-half so imagine your phone in your phone three terabyte like so in that respect this phone this iPhone six that I'm holding would it be thinner or lighter I think no change I think it'd be thicker because what you would do is that circuit board that's in there has everything including the the C gonna be thicker it could be figured by millimeter okay will never do but it would hold three terabytes and what does it hold now I don't know which one you have max 128 128 gigabytes all right a what factor of that's amazing you're talking about 3500 gigabytes to 128 only how many songs can I have on here how many photos every song ever made in the history of music how much how much Islander porn can I pull out here it's just unbelievable so we're we're basically on the precipice precipice of a gigantic leap forward in solid-state drive technology it's excited to the point where they're talking about like 10 terabyte drives so sweet that like I see you excited by this is you know like she's very cool you take millions and millions of photos like here's the thing right don't share those please like here's the thing which is amazing because this is a recent right so I bought an ass which is a network attached storage it's a it's a little cube that has a bunch of hard drives inside of it why'd you do that he'll like I was not bad so I have this backup so I could put all my photos it's my personal cloud that's a good way to think about it I have all my movies ripped to it I have everything I want rip to it can you do that for me okay continue it's another project but we can get to it call me in six months when you're up at night every couple hours you need something to do yeah right so we'll figure it out perfect so now that I'm thinking about oh I'll have a hard drive that has twice the amount of storage that my Nass has where there's physical moving parts and it's powered and it's ugly and it's loud hi now I just replace this with like a stick of gum that's pretty awesome that's good you're gonna want like that cubes to still be there with lots of sticks ago it's like the neverending quest so it's a zettabyte is after a terabyte I don't know don't like it I would do something except my internet connection is not working in a thousand it's a petabyte okay oh and then exabyte is a thousand terabytes petabytes sounds like pedophile I don't like that well no it's got the next GE ta not PDA PETA we should just adopt the British pronunciation a pedophile anyway if you're I'm excited that I'm so excited to be here really it's just I really have to say that because it's like been a very long time because when was the last time I was here in January or in December in December when you had your anniversary December December because we went audio-only in general is your first audio show so it's so great to be here no I know we we wanted to make this happen for a while but you know we're only doing it once a week now you know what happens when you become a big shot right that's exactly let's bang out some tax questions all right terabyte obviously miss they used to calm that was my rap name really terror but ever bite oh my god that's awesome old 4:04 joke they're mad about joke it's even funnier yeah that's the problem very good okay cuz Shoom we are we've been mispronouncing all these handles it's kind of fun okay oh this from our subreddit thanks for submitting everybody first please tell Jill she's awesome Jill seems to often give the advice of using a target date fund in a 401k when starting to invest at what dollar amount does she generally recommend moving to index phone it's a great question so a target date fund has some really terrific qualities which is you know you can just put small dollars in you can accumulate money and it's supposed to be targeting the date of your retirement like on a glide path right you got your starts to go down it really sort of retirement you take less risk and what's interesting about these funds is that actually they can be a bit riskier than people realize they can so you should check and in your plan you should be looking at they say the 2050 fund okay you might look at it and say wow is 95 percent stocks that's a little bit scary to me even though I'm supposed to retire in 2050 I think I'll use the 2030 fund because it's more in line with kind of Who I am now that said they can be expensive they can be more expensive than using index funds but I would say that until you have probably about 25 grand I would just stick to it because put it in there get some money accumulated then take your 25 grand and buy some index funds a couple not a ton you can add more funds as the dollar amount goes up but I thought you can't touch the money you can reallocate it we have a I'm sure it's in your account no not so 401k can transfer to anything yeah you can put whatever you want inside what your plan choices right so whatever is a available to you all right good question the PVD is interested in high-level differences for 401k versus Roth 401k versus Roth brilliant so Roth versus traditional just think about that for a second Roth means you're gonna take an after-tax dollar and you're gonna save it for retirement so I make a dollar I pay the tax on it I got 75 cents I put the 75 cents in a retirement account and it grows and it grows and it grows and it grows right I'm fifty nine and a half I'm ready to take my money out there's no tax due when I take the money out of the account so it's tax up front tax up front but no tax later when you take it out traditional IRA you put the money in today you get a tax deduction it grows without any tax you're 59 and a half or 65 or 70 you take the money out it's taxed at whatever your tax bracket is at that time taxed you on the way out so in many cases for younger people we love to suggest a Roth because chances are you're going to make more money as you get older your lower tax bracket today pay the tax today put that money to work it grows it grows it grows it grows when you take it out no tax - it's kind of awesome and I think just the trajectory of tax law and changes that could occur really would suggest that tax rates will likely go up in the future not go down just for everybody okay the difference between a roth 401 k and a regular 401 K is some employers give you the option of deferring money and putting it into a Roth so you pay tax and they just put it into the Roth 401 K versus a traditional 401k the only reason to do the traditional instead of the Roth if especially if you're say under 35 is that maybe the employer only matches on the actual traditional 401 K so always get your match right always get your match wherever you can get that I like the Roth a lot I mean you can even convert an old plan into a Roth it's just that you have to pay the taxes to do that okay but I think they're great they really are I have a friend who's like a big-time geeky accountant who thinks that the more money you can put into a Roth better you're gonna be because you'd know what you're tax liability is today you don't know what it's going to be in the future right in that unknown is fun getting the Chatham or chat ham ham ham it was a chat ham chat ham from from the Cape Chatham why is it recommended that a person max out the Steel's we were just talking about max out their 401k before investing in other options and then does the tax deferred growth and lower taxable income really outweigh the higher expenses that typically accompany 401k plans well first of all if you have a shitty excuse me know if you have a crappy 401k plan at work you should like get together and complain and by the way there's like lawsuits now yeah that are coming up that people are saying you know what this plan is so awful put some index funds in it that said a 401 the reason why 401 k's works so well is that they're automatic it is so much easier to say the weight comes out of your checking you out of your account now you should if you are super disciplined and you don't have a match at work and you have a very expensive plan and you can only put away $5,000 a year than shirred or Roth but the biggest advantage of a regular 401 K so you can put more money away right so you can a lot of people are kind of missing this whole idea like you could put 18 grand into a 401 K pre-tax you can only put 5,500 into a Roth so if you've got big money to save that's why people are using their 401 K s-- by the way if you're self-employed and you want you to put in your own 401 k plan for yourself fifty two thousand dollars you can defer hello good deal yeah they said basically I'm just annoyed having to pay higher fees for fewer options you know what if the options stink then just find the cheapest option in the plan and use it to the extent that you can or grab the match and then you can do a Roth of Vanguard or fidelity or Schwab or you can be a merry trade where you can get some cheap index I mean it's just there's and whenever I meet someone a little older perhaps talking about retirement and stuff like that the first thing they always say is like man do I regret I know I'm doing a 401 K when I was your age so check this out I'm doing I pitched a piece for evening news and I hope it gets on air Monday night and there's some great data on the savings habits of Millennials hmm oh you are what it's negative right no no changed very dramatically because I remember you you did a piece recently on CTM right and so what's happened is then what has now happened is that of that age group Millennials so which are 1980s issue which yes one from 1880 to 2000 or something okay so that generation has become really good savers hmm better than baby boomers Wow and I think it's because of their experience of kind of like growing up and seeing some bad times you know baby boomers really had it good in terms of the economy right in for much of their lives and they got a little fat dumb and happy so the savings rates are off the wall great for Millennials their investing is terrible because they're all freaked out about the market they don't trust anything so it's it's so it's like a very relationship it's just an interesting paradox and they'll get over it but it takes a while that's why we talk about children of the depression if I look at like my in-laws they bought CDs and savings bonds that was it they didn't trust anything because you lived through something that horrible all you want is safety right it's just above putting it under the mattress exactly maybe luckily for them they call it a nice bond market rally but I mean it's amazing that's crazy and it generationally it does start to change quite dramatically depending on when the economy what the economy was doing upon your graduation so we think we'll be okay you're gonna be great you got me yeah that's true SOS says number one aunt Jill is so awesome all the time oh yeah we're gonna do it more often number two for some reason the payment on my fixed mortgage is going up Oh bro weirdness oh because your property taxes probably went up I went through these Oh same thing anyway is it so good time to refine yeah it's awesome yes yeah no we got you you've got like the cheapest mortgage ever yeah but I feel like ever I feel like there's the cheaper stuff what's your you have a 30-year fixed and one green a quarter no what is four four one mm it's for now yeah it's maybe you could check 3/8 for you know you can ship you're gonna move anyway I guess so don't do it what about Ann I see the one thing I wonder maybe this is like an affair very specific to me yeah but what can you tell me about arm stuff arms are great but you cannot use an arm if you are gonna stay in a place for a long time so if you're gonna buy a house neighborhood on the scum of the neighborhood's your box yeah that's your stop that's my stuff oh you're on 72nd don't say it so the arm so for that question is it's I'm guessing your property taxes went up right but the thing that sucks so your taxes go up yes and then there's like an escrow shortage because of that right and then you gotta so they double charge you to make up the show what you should try to do is to see if you can pay your property taxes directly and not have the mess correct yeah but even if you the money it's not a less amount of money no but it gives you more control over that process like it's a separate bill yeah right ever and that some people don't like it but I just don't want I never trust that the mortgage company is really gonna do it I don't know yeah so anyway so that's probably what happened my three you have gone oh poor you you make too much money no it's not no it's the property tax not nice well then you got to move anyway and you're gonna move to a high tax place anyway cuz you want to be as bad as Hoboken well can someone you look in Short Hills of course it will no way am I going there just make it easy anyway when you like your house we're gonna talk to will talk about it all right your pain SOS it sucks there's nothing you can do unfortunately it's just you can get a reassessment time that's true but I wouldn't do it right now frankly because I have like 30 days to do well no but you also have to figure out what your assessment was because that assessment could be up or down alright so they usually send you like a postcard in the mail which I got them like there's no way my house is worth that and then we've lo and behold it was yeah okay this is a great name tasty lentil tacos tasty lentil tacos yeah awesome to see Jill back on the show my question is saving for retirement or paying down student debt great I graduated five years ago and I make 55 K a year that's going up around two to five percent a year I work at a small company and the only benefit offered is free health care there's no 401 K I'd like to start saving however I still have around 25 grand of student loan debt and I have to pay that down so what do I do the debt or retirement on so if you had a 401 K and there was a match what I would say to you is put money away up to cut some of the match but they got none of it but they don't have that so now what I'm gonna tell you is it depends on the rate of the interest the interest rate on the student loan let's presume that you've got some nice student loans that are government subsidy federally subsidized why don't we do this why don't we see I mean you're making fifty five grand you're making your payment's it's great to pay down your note why don't you try to put a hundred bucks a month into a Roth IRA and do and continue but that's it just a hundred bucks a month so you get like start building that habit up so you're not saying they should go ahead and pay more of the principal down on the student debt well I think that he's once it sounds to me like he or she wants to establish a pattern of saving which I do think is important I mean it's like a good behavior to kind of ingrain and if your interest is more than say five or six percent then you really should just try to crank on that and pay as much as possible mmm that's that to me is an important fact so you know the big three I always say is you paid your debt consumer debt student loan debt is not as bad you have your emergency reserve 6 or 12 months and you start putting money into retirement those are the three things that we want people to really see always tell Charlie Rose right that Charlie needs that also I'm sure I'm sure he's in serious yeah you have time are you good what do you have what do you have like 2 min ago okay car car purchase or lease from fan ban low and car purchase or lease well look are you the kind of person who really wants a sweet new ride every three years and you got at least it's like your phone you want the new on tears like otherwise right you know I'm all about shopping for a car loan rather than a car because if you are really excited about going out and getting something car loans are gonna start getting very cheap for Japanese and European cars because the dollars going up in value and money over in Europe and Japan is cheap so imports are they're gonna be better deals on on buying cars with borrowed money from Japanese and European companies than from US companies that's going to start interesting I don't love leases but I get them I get like I hate to say to somebody no no no buy a used car for cash and they're just not gonna do it so you have to know yourself if you're just gonna blow out of a car lend at the end of five years can you sit there and drive a car to death then buy it and own it yeah and if you just have like complete Bilkis and you can't stop yourself and you got ants in your pants and you're always gonna buy a new car every three years then Lisa I don't know if this plays into the whole equation but for me it was my first brand-new car and I was like you know what this is the car gonna hold on to for as long as I possibly can I bought it good you know yeah so get your Subaru you're gay I bring my gay Subaru I'm not to say you're a lesbian lesbian buy you a higher Jill I know I can't just be like no you're the lesbian speaking of offensive stuff eggroll 88 says what should i do with the tax refund that I'm about to get and the bonus from work well first of all if your refund is more than like thousand or two thousand bucks go adjust your withholding go back to your giving a free loan oh look at you you're go to town bang Uncle Sam go out for you-know-who exactly exactly the bottomless basket of something whatever they serve you there so adjust your withholding and that will allow you to put more money away into your retirement plan or your college fund lost opportunity money right there yeah that's all right don't worry about it's not a no it's not a make or break but yeah the other thing is so what if you have a big chunk of money then you know presuming you got your big three down right you have no debt you got your six to twelve months you're maxing out your retirement putting eighteen grand to your 401k I'm hoping that that's the case now you say like well what else do I want to do do I need a downpayment fund for a house do I want to start funding my kids college education so there are a series of questions about what I would ask like well what do you want to do and then I'll tell you what to do to get there um worst case scenario and it's not a worst case is you open up an account at a discount brokerage firm at a vanguard of fidelity tiro price Straub TD Ameritrade and go you know take your $50,000 bonus and go buy yourself some index funds maybe is a she's a a trader on maybe she's a robot robot I was gonna say why don't you invest in a future robot company I'm sure that we have plenty of some robotics what's that Boston robotics but they've been bought by Google I thought that's not a bad thing okay you know what Google's just gonna own everything so it's pretty awesome that'll be great can I can I just give money to Google and be like get me like a 20% return on this so last but not least we done with our question go one more your questions the curt the kamba wants to know aunt Jill when is it a good time to buy a house and not rent should I be a great question yeah yeah well you know first of all it's about like a real life thing right you're buying something means you're locked in and if you want to have portability right you want to be able to go move you want to say hey you know what I'll take a job in San Francisco if I got a job offer but I'm living in New York like don't buy something you know that freedom is worth a lot you got to have a down payment so you've got to have this to get the best mortgage rates you've got to get 20% down it's a lot of cash a lot of cash so can you get that you could do it cheaper you could get an FHA loan and you don't have to have as big it down but then you gotta get like mortgage insurance yes exactly so I might Mike my answer to that is if buying a house is your goal you work it in backwards and we figure out like well what would I want to buy hmm and what would that mean in a down payment and well how does that compare to what my rent is I mean there are places not so much in New York or in San Francisco there are places in this country we have tons of people listening we're renting is a great deal still yeah and there are some places where buying is a great deal you know the New York Times just type in New York Times rent versus buy calculator it's a great calculator that they developed they and it walks you through kind of what you're paying and what to expect to pay also as Jeff will tell you once you're a homeowner there's a lot of stuff oh that comes along with that which is kind of a pain in the neck and did you rent I rent now I used to house the owner because I think that there's some the great thing about renting is that there's freedom you know like wow something's broken like hello come fix it right I'm you know I'm sick care of the maintenance stuff so if you have like a lawn you have to take care of the lawn mower itself and then you have to do that or you paying somebody else to do it it's there's so much can I be honest yeah I don't know if I made the right decision well you know you probably did because you're gonna have equity in this place and just right so you so you will have and maybe you're not supposed to know right away look when we sell the place hopefully we'll really rainy the writing on the wall but but I think that a lot of people in the housing crisis really underestimated the idea that like you don't just like there was this time it's like going back in time and saying like well if I bought Google at the IPL then it was great all right but at Facebook at the IP light sucked for a year and then it was great so you can go back in time and pick anything and cherry-pick it and find the best thing what we know is housing basically increases it about the same rate as inflation over time there you will have some parent who says you know what I bought my house it was twenty five thousand dollars I'm selling it for six hundred thousand well okay there's like an implicit inflation rate also um that said I think that housing should be much more of a lifestyle decision people don't realize that it is a pain in the neck and in some places renting is a big crapshoot because rents can go up really dramatically it's there and your mortgage is fixed like you know so there's a there's a give-and-take yeah um that's that's what we have from our listening oh I love that so listen on my website Jill on money yeah which is not looking so bad by the way someone in the business says to me you know like there's no ads on this like I said that feels good though right yeah I guess and maybe I should like sell my soul no maybe I get a stamp on my forehead from like you know fidelity bit of a jump I mean you could just put a banner ad before you put yeah I've got some stuff on the website about taxes under the blog section you could look at all my TV spots and tell me how you think my hair is looking I like it a little bit longer myself I think the length it's at now which we can't really describe how would you describe my favorite I think that in honor of my mother Susan Schlessinger let me just say that she has been telling me for a long time grow your hair you did it I liked it longer you went and did it I did it tomorrow morning on CBS this morning I'm going to be talking about bankrupt RadioShack by the way my producer is like calling me I'm Nicolas Lee crazy no it's just so funny but when you get on the funny be like do you know what I've been doing I've been working I've been working I've been I'm just so what I'm I'm interested in what everyone's taken on this story because it's if you watch it tomorrow morning if it makes it to air we'll say the story is about how you know obviously radio show track is broke right and in their bankruptcy they're considering selling one of the assets listed you know so what's this or liquidate they're liquidating right so what do they have they've got their inventory right they've got is worth about seventy eight twenty two and they've got some you know they don't own their locations but if they owned their real estate that would be an asset one of the assets they're listing is thirteen million email addresses sixty-five million customer names and physical addresses which sounds so slimy it is an asset but like there are companies that sell that anyway right now that it being in public true-true there there are data mining places there or catalog companies sell your names on your habits all the time right but the caveat here is what caveat is that in their privacy policy RadioShack originally but when they were still in business told their customers that it wouldn't sell or rent they're personally identified information to third parties well good thing we have a lawyer in the room because sound like they can't do though I mean it depends and when that thing was written right right and how it was written another question is the data that they're giving away can they anonymize it to the point where it's not personal anymore but they're getting some kind of valuable data back so whoever's making this information to figure out like okay your your average client is 18 to 34 and their male removing that remove the personal aspect and delete all the names I mean but the thing is a lot of stuff can be extrapolated right that's one of the biggest scariest things about big data is that they can put together you can put together enough information laser vision accurate we can figure who's where yeah so meanwhile the current bankruptcy judge is going to have to approve this because the bankruptcy judges have tons of power and it's being contested by an oddball trio AT&T Texas and Tennessee okay that the t-score they AT&T is like you sold our crap and those are our names yeah okay that's easy Texas and Tennessee say that they are that they will actually have a state law that prohibits companies from selling data in ways that violate the company's own policies and they're saying hey that's what's the story here but it's going to be it's going to depend on how that's interpreted absolutely whether or not it's private information depends on like you said if it's anonymized or it's somehow detached from specific identification in this particular article that I'm reading here cuz I'm where did you get this article who wrote this Washington Post she printed it out but I did print it on my bad printer good thing I printed it out since I can't get an internet connection doubles is a double spaced and single sheeted thank you print and large you know it's so funny though I don't know why this makes me laugh but like they sort of say like well what would happen if Facebook went belly-up like a so where they sell all their names I mean first of all you sign your freaking life away yeah on any of these better than to write that exactly it's such a joke so anyone who thinks that you've got any semblance of privacy being on Facebook or using Google like no yeah also by the way the NSA knows everything anyway so we're all sorry though I think Google knows more than the NSA maybe but remembered you know they look at a better catalog they know how to use it versus Dennis is that this just a shitload of it no like ah yeah you talk about it like growing up like with a kid like that you would always threaten a kid like be careful or on your permanent right here someone's gonna catch you don't scare that get scare the kid with Google be like dude that's the real yeah you know I am this guy it's it is amazing although I will say that like I I one time maybe five or six years ago when you guys were telling me about Facebook early on and you were like oh we say hey you know we're talking about my nephew and you're like he can't put any crap up there because eventually is gonna like apply for college and like that's gonna follow him and I remember going home and be good dougie you can't do this like my forget about it employers are looking employers like I can't even believe the crap that people put on there even on their LinkedIn page they're like it's so dope I'm wondering if that just kind of evens out because enough people lived with no there's still so many people who get affected immediately because there's pictures yeah but that's like having a typo in your resume well that's my bad well that's my thing always your whole resumes your Facebook social everything I always think of like the elections in like 2030 or 2040 where it's like people who grew up with Facebook it's like who has the least damning photo that's gonna be like that one kid who's like I didn't smoke pot and you're like really really here's a photo of you and from 2018 taken upon myself clearly tagged because Facebook Auto tags now if anyone has any other questions and you want to come on the radio show cuz you know I had this like amazing like Underground Railroad from 404 to Jill on money radio so it's high connections awesome if you want to come on the radio show you can send an email to ask Jill at Jill on or you can always tweet me but it's it's so great I feel like I'm so happy to be here and I'm always so happy to be part of the 404 oh for sure so great the feeling is very mutual it's been a pleasure it's the best um so yeah hopefully we got to see you on the doing the story tomorrow yeah I will say tomorrow morning my life is just the news cycle so it's so not my own really are on TV so much that's crazy way more than ever it's I mean it's a big deal yeah they love you I don't know about that what they wouldn't 'day but they wouldn't ask you today they do alright but that tomorrow can change well look today's all you got I'm betting on the future even non-jew in the room who actually says that was activist yeah but the world fall not tomorrow I can go into a train and go into a camp tomorrow is these an honorary Jew by yes thank you very much yeah no Dickstein that somebody should all right for us follow Jill on Twitter at Jill on money and then go to the website the same name Jill on and absolutely send an email and get on the radio show as well it's so much fun that's gonna that's gonna be it for us ladies and gentlemen thank you so much for tuning in I should be back next week barring any water breaking or anything like that well next week's probably safe the week after yeah yeah you get into the thick of it Happy Passover when is that next Friday all right cool so that's good yeah I guess that's good what the hell well you know maybe it's kind of cool we're using it as the s this is the excuse of not going to she's mobile yeah that'll do it for us until next time please follow us on Twitter at the 404 join the subreddit slash our search to 404 and then you can follow us on Facebook and Instagram as well shoot us an email the 404 at we'll see you next week until then I'm Jeff Bakalar am I as I said I'm Jill Schlesinger or Aunt Jill whichever way whatever you want this has been the fluorophore show high tech lowbrow have a fantastic weekend the rest of it
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