The 404 - 24,000 days with Steve Guttenberg, Ep. 1651
The 404 - 24,000 days with Steve Guttenberg, Ep. 1651
hey what's going on everybody
what's up it's Friday February 26th it's
time for the fluorophore show I am Jeff
Bakalar I'm Russ rush there you certain
is that what we're doing now I don't
know I don't know if you were too
certain about that well we don't
generally do like a formal introduction
oh we don't either of us know we don't
know you know we're changing things
though usually we do it at the end so we
are changing it up just for you Steve
they were changing things up because
we're in the presence of greatness mr.
Steve Guttenberg hey aka Speer yes
what's up man
I'm here thank you Steve comes in today
and he goes up to me and he goes Jeff
how many how many days old do you think
I am and I did like quick math in my
head and I said like 18,000 and he goes
no no I'm what 24,000 actually 24,000
ninety well it may actually be in there
a couple of hundred something like that
so then my thing is like whatever who
cares right like what do you do with
that yes I can add 62 times 365 that's
how that works
yeah so why are you so fascinated with
that it's just interesting it's like
another day you know is the best one yet
potentially a really good one whoa
yeah certain things happen today that I
can't discuss right now
all right so 24,000 days in change how
many of those days have been like good
ones I can just say good versus bad make
you pine area oh oh what's the breakdown
well how do you define good that's your
definition yeah a good day is one where
I'm not bored hmm where I'm not in
emotional physical or mental pain or and
I'm I'm busy and how I don't like not
like what percentage of those days are
good days of my whole life yeah I'd say
maybe a quarter that's a drag yeah
that's like 25% your daddy I want to or
juhi per spec week that goes by you get
like a day and a half a good and for
this what is maybe the bars say a little
too high for your nebbish sensibilities
I remember thinking in my first marriage
you know like how many days were good
versus how many days were paid so this
is the first marriage mean like all
those days were bet a lot of movie
started out really good yeah and we met
as those were like you know when high
person how many years before when it
started to shift I'd say two years in
okay was it was definitely in the
negative overwhelmingly that's that's a
drag that's a bummer I'm sorry we've got
things off to say anyway but we wait
dark so though I'll do a segue okay sure
by all means the best thing that came
out of being married the first time yeah
was that I became a movie theater
okay so there you go I wouldn't have
done it if I wasn't married just worked
out though is it just cuz you were did
you meet at the convention there might
just be like meeting everything in focus
news guys that was a common phrase you
guys know it's just an empty room dying
breathe just computers facing each other
it's it's just a bunch of robots talking
to each other so so that if you're
twenty four thousand that means Russ and
I are roughly twelve pretty good yeah
that's depressing yeah it's like
Groundhog Day do you ever think like is
it like the same day over and over
sometimes nope I have a pretty firm
grasp on reality what do you want firm
grass I think so
if I can't come I guess what's gonna
happen it's probably a different day
right yeah I can't go like you're not
doing the show cuz you know that today
is February 26 but there are there many
things but you don't actually know the
date no I have a no that's a reasonable
question I
I think not for people in New York I
think of people in New York there's so
much structure and calendar-based sort
of like day-to-day stuff for me
personally I have like a tiny
fascination with like the day and date
and calendars okay that so for me
personally I always kind of know what
day it really like when you're on
vacation you would know if it's Thursday
or Wednesday I would but I would like
maybe lose the number I would know the
name of the day of the week but I would
lose like is this the 23rd or the 22nd
i-i've that don't know for sure I've
very rarely am I like yeah what day is
that's because you're working but if
weird you're not because things would
have to be there or not be there right
like my retired in-laws don't know where
or when because the second you lose that
day-to-day structure it all just falls
doesn't matter it falls apart cuz it
doesn't matter because what's this
between Sunday and Tuesday survivor on
tonight I was gonna say taped it people
still say tape that that's yes so weird
I say to and I catch the HOD kiss is
kind of weird too right cause like pods
what is a pod it was iPod I know right
kind of irrelevant right you call this
what would you call them have a cast
fine yours your objective for the rest
of the show is to invent a better word
dr k dr p digital radio program dr p
embed dr p is right I'm into it okay how
can I make money on it I just I want to
know but I really think I kind of always
have hated the word podcast yeah I think
there's this inherent stigma attached to
it yeah it's the same it's just it's
actually ipod was not attractive I said
that's terrible yeah Pont de board pod
you guys are idiots
clearly they knew what they were doing
marketing wise they were okay well
you're saying it now so in 2007 it sold
massively in 2007 to that product did
not live
by the name no not as though not
initially it didn't so well and now they
have a whole brand with the eyes they do
but they got rid of the pod that's true
I think they saw that they do but that's
come on you know do you tape shows I do
I say a tape or film like film that
you know yeah it is weird uh yeah it's
completely irrelevant terminology but I
guess people say they DVR it I'm trying
to correct myself I'm trying to evolve
as a human oh yeah I'd say that kind of
right even what my parents say like oh I
DVR'd it I'm like that's not I mean like
I'm like hang up the phone is still a
thing so I know but hanging up like the
button on my phone says hang up it does
yeah because you are hanging up visca
laughter singing something yeah yeah in
the call okay so um all right so we got
a lot to talk about obviously when
Steve's here it's a it's a cluster F in
a good way yeah
he's gonna tell us about how much he
loves Donald Trump and then but first I
wanna I want to let like Russ have the
stage for a second cuz Russ's russ has
found himself in a very it's a it's a
dicey pickle I mean I mean I'm no well
yes I am in a pickle yes and I described
and I just want to preface this in
saying like we should all be very
grateful and appreciative of Russ
opening the door to his he's sort of
like a private life a little more we're
gonna get a little personal yeah feel
free to skip ahead to the more fun stuff
but right but interesting it's
interesting because I've never been in
this situation before sure okay take it
away so my dad died like a year or a
little bit ago I've talked briefly about
it on the show but that's just sort of a
background information my mom has been
living in this house up in Westchester
we've I mean it's my childhood house so
we were there for 30 years she's don't
you know they've owned the house for 30
years and it's gotten to the point where
the house is too big and it's ridiculous
that she's living there and she wants to
move into the city great I've always
known that my mom has a lot of stuff
specifically like dolls but not just
dolls like she loves toys old toy
is that sort of thing and it's always
been a thing in the background it was
like cute when we were growing up and
she'd you know as I got older she would
like try to buy me stuff and I'd be like
I don't really have room for it I'm an
apartment whatever and I'd be nice about
it but but clearly saying like that's
not really for me and also I'm not a
kind of guy like my apartments pretty
relatively sparse my fiancee lives like
that as well so it just doesn't really
jive with our life so we need to get the
house on the market because there's this
whole tax thing regarding like a death
in the family and if you sell the asset
with us or Matt time there's a huge tax
break and you know it's money for her
retirement so it's very important that
like we secure this so the house needs
to be sold in a very quick amount of
time I was up there two weeks ago and I
walk into the house and it's like a bomb
went off
it's like mercifully it's not like it's
not like on hoarders when you watch it
and there's like rot rotting food or a
dead cat underneath a bunch of stuff not
unhealthy it's not unhealthy it's I
would argue mentally unhealthy
potentially but like that's sort of
whatever and you know we'd been talking
or a while about you know getting the
house ready and stuff like that and
she's been kind of resistant to doing
the work because it's very overwhelming
I don't blame her it's a lot of work and
it's also if you're kind of a collector
it's tough to get rid of stuff mm-hmm
sort of got to a point where we were
talking to her you know me and my
brother were talking to her on a
day-to-day basis saying like hey what
can we do is there anything we can do
and she was giving like a lot of push
back and we sort of got to the point
where we didn't really know how to
handle the situation so she so I don't
interrupt sure she understood that the
house needed to be ready to be shown yes
we were we repeatedly yet kept giving
her dates so so when you would say hey
mom the house in its current state right
cannot be shown what was her response
that they couldn't show the house and
its current state but she's like well
we've got you know we basically made a
very hard date at the end of March and
there was really no progress being
towards that much and whenever we'd
bring it up she'd get very defensive and
like be very push back on it okay so it
sort of got to a point where things were
reaching this like oh it's never gonna
get done but you know we need to sell
the house in the spring ish because
that's when people move in cuz it's for
the school districts and stuff like that
so we know that my mom is taking a
vacation actually this week right now as
we're recording it she's in Florida
right now my brother and I I think we
see where this is going my brother and I
decide really the only way that this
problem can be solved in an expeditious
manner is to hire a company and be there
while it gets cleaned out so so you're
basically packed up to take all these
toys and dolls let's have them put them
in box right well that's part of it so
so the other part of it is like so half
of it is like she buys these nice dolls
that are in boxes and she buys them on
eBay with the intention of selling them
that whether that happens or not is
neither here nor there but she has like
a lot of nice boxes she also we have
like a basement and the basement has
just like nothing's been thrown out in
30 years so there was like I found a six
foot tall coca-cola bottle with like
pennies in it know that you would like
that you would see in a store as like it
would be filled with bottles of coke and
rice like but it was just sitting in the
basement right like it liked the burger
John right it would have or we had like
giant stuffed animals from our like it
was like a Bugs Bunny from one of our
bar mitzvahs yeah that was sitting in
there but so imagine that spread across
I would say probably a thousand square
feet wow that's a lot pretty it's just
like a lot of SH it's just a lot of
so so some of it a lot of it really
needed to just be thrown out yeah so I
spoke to a lot of companies I'm like
searching online like organizers not
really doing it I spoke to some
organizers they're like that's gonna
take three to four weeks oh because the
problem is they're dealing with these
people that that don't want to give
anything away because it's like a big
part of whatever so you need to they're
like that's sort of the like
hand-holding like what does this mean to
you what is it like is
an important thing that you're gonna use
and we just didn't have time for that so
I found this company I'm gonna give them
a plug they obviously haven't paid us
but they were tremendous called address
our mess you can google it they're in a
bunch of states actually and the guys
that came were tremendous but
essentially I mean the whole house had
cause it's filled to the brim with stuff
not to mention the basement we filled so
this started on Monday and I did it
Monday Tuesday Wednesday and I was
commuting in Queens it took like two
hours to get there and back you know two
hours back and we filled 325 by 8-foot
dumpsters Wow build build felt so you
but you didn't throw everything away
no so that's just what we threw out that
show you
Wow yeah so you threw out three
dumpsters worth of crap yes and then
that was just the stuff that was like
the crowd you just didn't want yes
nothing to had no value no worth okay
Wow like think about like on the street
dumpster yeah build now one of them had
some exercise like a treadmill
okay go buy large what that was it like
we weren't throwing out furniture
it was just stopped off stuff and then I
spine my house
piles of like rugs with tags though on
them just like sitting there I it was
was there anything you you're like you
pulled out for yourself so I yeah I'm
doing this work and I'm like well I
might see some things that so I like
three things out of the three dumpsters
yeah a wrapped untouched ironing board
because I need an iron a a nutribullet
like blender sure which was again in a
box in a box and a set of sheets for
when guests come over so what about that
was also like what about the address
your mess people were you're like you
guys can take whatever you want to yes
oh I told me whatever they got yes oh
but they didn't I mean there wasn't as
I'm saying like yeah it was like kids
toys to find out a crook
but most of it was not why goods that I
was like just junk here's this Doug doll
from 1995 yeah I sent you a picture of
who was it Jessica right that's a wrap
which I hope you held I did not throw it
out but I might throw it out well Stacy
really wants um so yeah so it was the
most harrowing like three days it was
you know ten hours a day of just like
bringing stuff down these three guys
three guys were great they were
tremendous but it was such a like an
intense experience and it's not done yet
cuz like we're Evan and I are gonna go
off this is just a basement no this is
the way it's done relatively done what
but it's like clean yeah oh sorry I
should say it's clean it looks like a
normal house now it doesn't look like
it's not like we robbed the place in its
barren but on Monday she gets back so my
brother and I are gonna go up there
we're gonna read there oh yeah and the
hope is like look you know it's
obviously gonna be an intense experience
for her but my hope is that she can
focus on the like a the amount of effort
that we put in be the concern that we
had right and seeing the practicality
and the practicality of it like she no
longer has to worry about this thing she
can move right to the city it's taken
care of it's done now now you that you
talk about this of you threw away but
yeah stuff you did you are keeping a lot
of the dolls yes so anything in boxes
was saved and put into the basement in
boxes there are about so you didn't get
like a storage unit or something like
that I got a storage unit as well so
this is so there was some stuff that was
like in the basement that I wasn't sure
about so that was moved into a storage
unit and then all the boxed dolls were
are in the basement large boxes I would
say three by four by four whatever large
boxes there's about 40 of them what of
just box
I was blown away Wow I do want to say
though I was talking to one of the guys
that was working it and I wrote this
down just so I wouldn't forget I asked
him because they do this for a living I
asked him how many cats have they found
uh-huh dead cats dead cats and he said I
don't want to make up a number nothing
that's a big that I would I could say
would be would sound realistic
essentially Wow nothing I could say
would sound real so
they deal with like hoarders and yeah so
that's their typical I ask them what's
like three dumpsters seems like a lot
what's the most you've done they've done
11 dumpsters on a house that was
considerably smaller than my house and
most of that was just the garage it was
like three dumpsters just from the
garage of just like stuff and that's the
thing like you like the situation
because I had seen your house the
situation there was not what you see on
hoarders where it's like right oh my god
this is a hazard I mean it been cleaned
up that you know that yeah it'd been
clean up a little bit but right but it
was all in cause it's you know behind
closed doors amazing but like when
you're selling a house you need to open
a closet and it can't be pouring out a
stuff yeah so it needed to happen but it
wow I can't wait to hear about next week
you need to give her like xanax or
something like you you might get her
flowers and we're again like it's gonna
be it's gonna focus on it it's gonna be
intense we're just gonna focus on the
positive elements of it like hey man and
I've spoken to the neighbors and
hopefully they're well it's just you
know it'll be a really intense
oh and hopefully you're very brave man
does your mom have like a best friend
yeah can we get her yeah get her on the
show no yeah so I've already spoken to
her oh you did yeah she said you know
she definitely agreed it needed to
happen the house looks great and very
supportive but she also I think realizes
what is the potential reactions yeah did
you do any like before-and-after photos
no I probably I have some after
obviously but whatever okay yeah it's I
hope it all works out on Monday I want
you to text me regardless yeah it'll be
late yeah it's gonna be a late night but
I will definitely let you know you are
brave and put your good side did a good
thing yeah yeah Wow
all right everyone everyone got that
digesting there
I would say that's the only thing my
wife and I argue about is getting rid of
stuff right she tends towards hoarding
and I'm like get rid of things are you
in an apartment yeah that's the thing
you need to like there's like in seeing
all that stuff like house by mindset and
apartment mindset it's like totally
different because if you live in an
apartment chances are whatever you have
is going to be visible right it's it's
there you can there's no where like
magic like zone where you can just drop
stuff and it's gone right and for me
yeah I don't want to be staring it junk
or whatever it is not junk but like
clutter slots of clutter I can deal with
yeah you know I just look and say you
know you like we look at our closet yeah
the whole thing is like this big
yeah which is like five feet wide I was
like but you don't
we're like a third or maybe even hats
how it goes I can't get you know my
things in and out because it's so tight
in there and I said no when I see stuff
in my closet I'm never gonna wear I toss
you toss it yeah it's stuff I have like
shoes we did his thing I'm shoes a long
time ago on the forums about how many
shoes we do yeah I'm in have i have a
house living mentality in my apartment
like that's what I know but we actually
do have a considerable considerable of
storage well introducing the baby to the
home right has been that's that's a lot
harder but but we're making it work yeah
um yeah that's that's that's intense
it's a lot of stuff to consider it's uh
it's heavy yeah it's it's weird
my general mindset is like that
mentality of like I might be able to use
this at some point like this might have
value at some point you just have that
divorce yourself from that right I would
much rather pay a premium on the 5%
chance of having to rebuy something I
threw out thanks then just savor it make
sense some people it's an emotional
thing yeah absolutely makes perfect and
I get that I I like I love getting rid
of things yes oh I lowered it for you
right it's it's liberating yeah it was
great yeah it's good stuff I like that
I'm glad I hope that all works out
it's the in rail we're gonna pivot over
to Steve you told us you want to talk
all about Donald Trump right what was
that yeah you know I'm a big supporter
right and I'm gonna do my hair like I
want to do that I want to see if I can
cuz it's very complicated
yeah it looks like like a magician does
he let people touch it I don't think so
but he wears that cap when he's outside
I thought so I saw someone wearing that
cap at a hockey game like a makeup make
America great yeah and I was like I
didn't want to go up to them because I
don't trust anyone who supports Don John
and I and I want to like go up and be
like is this ironic is this a joke cuz
like you live in New York you don't
ladies not what we you know what I find
the thing that maybe this is all just a
secret plot to elect Hillary I would
love I mean I'm gonna be honest I'm
gonna be honest I'm in terms of the like
the Democratic candidates I will fully
admit both of them have their issues I'm
like bernie is a guy but there's issues
certainly there and I you know Hillary
again certainly issues like there's I
would vote 15 times if it meant
preventing Trump of course like but you
know that you know the the the man who's
behind the curtain right now who's get
to this is a you know be visible right
who's that who's that
Bloomberg oh you really think that the
other billion what does that mean that
the thing absolutely positively wait
when Hillary what do you centers you
think the line is gonna pop out apps and
what let into what he's gonna be the
next president and destroy the election
no he'll be the next president because
you know election this election well
he's not gonna be waiting for there's an
independent yes
so you're telling me people are gonna
vote for it when Hillary falters yeah
if Hillary's bogged down in court if
Hillary starts losing primaries Mike
will pop out mathematically she has a
very good shot at being the catch yeah
but if if the well the cheese hit the
fan she won't be the next president
right I guess when Mike pops out are all
right he's a billionaire - I know matter
of fact he's a much bigger billion yes
yeah anymore
we're successful run the toughest city
in the world yeah 4:12 sure sure the
charm yeah I don't necessarily have an
opinion on Bloomberg so but you're in
terms of like recently I kind of just
wanted I kind of just brought this up
because I wanted you to just like make
fun way for politics on the you think
he's gonna so you're saying he's gonna
get the nomination and then be like vote
for Hillary JK yeah he destroyed that
would be like the ultimate reality TV
play where he like she would be
remembered forever for forever in huge
and that's what he wanted he would go
down as a hero Yeah right you good Jose
here but the thing is is like I don't
like doing politics on the shine right
but there comes I draw a line when it
comes to someone like Donald Trump where
it's like oh I don't care if I charge
like you know the thing I've lived
24,000 days yeah I can't you can't this
is like a reality show and that
Republican debate last night was it last
yeah you can't believe what you're
seeing it's like what yeah yeah these
are people who want to be the president
of the United States but and they have
the guy with the suitcase with the
button and yeah you can't what one of
these people you can't believe what
you're seeing it's it's really it's
really if someone a year ago tell you
I'm gonna tell you what's gonna happen
and you know it's that kind of lunacy
it's unbelievable this is all a bad
dream man is this embarrassing it's only
embarrassing if he does well he's doing
great yeah but he's doing well among a
bunch of he's he's up against people
that no one likes right even Republicans
don't like the candidates like the
options so him doing well in the
Republican primaries fine if he does
well in the general that's even if he
doesn't win but he still gets like a
sizable vote that's embarrass its ups
it's too too deep into it but I like I
said I'll draw the line when it comes to
this guy because if we are insulting
tendencies but thumb I'm sorry just turn
this off and never come back
welcome you know welcome back I'm
actually gonna play this game you're not
welcome here get out get out build a
wall along so yeah man what do you got
for us today so I may have mentioned
this in the past that I'm writing my
autobiography mm-hmm not about all
24,000 days just the 25 years of me
being a movie theater projections which
is a sizable in that it's a sizable
chunk yes and a lot of things happen do
you ever give a crazy story share with
us well he's got plenty of stories yeah
well I'll tell you that I'll tell you
the one if I'm going to limit it to one
I'll start with this one and then you
can tell me if this I've actually told
this to write a straight story yeah so
Steven Spielberg rented my theater a
baronet coronet which no longer exists
on 3rd Avenue across from bloomin where
Bloomingdale's I think we may have heard
this but let's let's let's do it it's
good yeah so this was maybe a month or
six weeks before Schindler's List and
premiered and he had a benefit screening
and there were a thousand seats and each
seat was $1,000 so he raised a million
dollars pretty good show and you know
it's a really big deal so that morning
so the theater was gonna be open that
day I think I was going to do screenings
or something for people during the day
and then have the big premiere at night
so that morning when I arrived at the
theater there were the cans with the
film it was a 70 millimeter film and a
man standing next to the cans and he
introduced himself to me and he said
that he was Steven Spielberg's editor
his personal editor okay okay and he
edited Schindler's List any editor
Chandler's List and he only he could
touch this print this print was
Spielberg's personal sure and only he
could touch it me huh I couldn't touch
it right you could obstacle load it you
can load it he wouldn't let the
projector right that's all
so I said up I don't care yeah do my job
fine yeah so you know we spent a day
together and that the film is on reels
in each reel is about 20 minutes long
and the movie is 3 hours and 15 minutes
or so we have to splice all these reels
together so we're you know working he's
splicing the reels together and then it
loads on one gigantic reloads on a
platter which is an aluminum disc that's
5 feet in diameter oh my god spins from
the center and the film comes out of the
center goes up across rollers over to
the projector through the projector back
across rollers and to another platter on
this this spinning table no yeah that's
way better than HDMI come on it's higher
right I get it but you way higher I know
it's way higher res but is it worth it
way beyond 4k it's Tarantino yeah he hit
70 millimeter hateful eight right yeah
no I cut about half and no one saw that
movie so doughnut 45 millimeters I'm not
iLike Quentin Tarantino half the time
but his heart why do you think he did
such a hard thing I mean I understand he
has a love for old you don't want to
make movies he wants to make film but I
said it no no that's fine
but I saw revenant like two days after
that about as good
I couldn't tell different I don't want
to get this into the into this
conversation but uh I used to be the
first guy to be like no no digital
digital nothing is as good as film
essentially that's technically true
mm-hmm but there comes a point where
like you you couldn't pick this out of a
lineup if your life depended on it
right well I'm sure an expert could but
I don't know most be like what is that
at 0.001 percent of the population
properly I guess you know anyway this
was before so the things there's a five
foot diameter real it's loading up and
and everything's going all right yeah
and actually I just take one little side
step yeah there's two theaters one
theaters on top of the other okay twin
and I'm showing him both eaters because
so when we started the one in the top
theater which is the bigger theater the
editor and I were in the bottom theater
preparing for that show and someone runs
in this is during the day we're doing
like a screening for press press or
whatever and they say the pictures off
the screen upstairs so we run upstairs
and the film had spices spices and he
made I never tell you're not allowed to
touch anything so what the guys do to
yell at you known as I go I start
the show then we go back down to the
other so then we fast-forward to 8
o'clock that night big screen the
million-dollar screening and though I
had asked for there to be two
projectionists for this very very very
important show one downstairs and went
upstairs they said no you can't do that
they meaning who owned owners of owners
of here ok so if the show starts how
many upstairs at the big booth and guess
what happened oh and this was something
he loaded and there's the same thing he
loaded right again in a broke during the
millions in the audience the movie ends
with the Nazis winning and terrible
there with him and the film breaks and
instantly you know there's you know what
kinds of people run into booth yelling
Oh son of a bitch and I look at him and
think yeah my job and what do you go and
he said basically no he said it's guys
drive me crazy was gonna thread the
platter that big disc
yeah he was gonna hand it to me I was
gonna thread the projector I was gonna
hand it back to him and then we'd start
mm-hmm a nice phases well it wasn't any
time to discuss
you know we did this yeah and I start
the projector put the picture back on
the screen and I look over at the
platter which is supposed to be turning
feeding film to the projector yeah and
it's standing so run over the platter
now I stop for a second and tell you
that 70 millimeter film is very heavy
yes every other 35 millimeter film I
would imagine twice and now more than
twice okay
definitely okay but and there's three
hours of it on the platter and that
weighs about 150 pounds okay so I go
over to platter with this hundred and
fifty pounds of film on it and I start
turning it with my hand man you pushing
against this platter right feed film to
the projector it was about to break
because it didn't feed it would the
tension beat anyway so I look and I see
that he had miss threaded it so it
wouldn't feed and I said to him we got a
problem we got a big problem yeah and he
said it's on the screen now and I said
it's on the screen now for now but this
150 pound weight which is going to get
lighter and lighter as the film goes
through we got it we got to stop you
have to break the film rethread the
platter part splice it and then we can
continue and he said no no no no no we
can't do that yeah I said okay trust so
what we're gonna do then is you and I
for the next three are gonna push this
we're gonna push this this metal disc
and by the way you have to push it at
pretty much a very precise rate if you
push it too slow the film gets too tight
break you push it too fast as in the
dull no fall off the roller yes and then
it'll break so you know that the chances
of it breaking over the next three hours
are really really high because one of
those two things is likely to have so
what happened and he said no we're gonna
we're gonna go for the manual push and I
said here's what we're gonna do we're
gonna take five minute turns I'm gonna
turn it for five minutes and then I'm
gonna rest because it's hard yeah it's
yeah it's not like you're picking it up
and now it's a heavy thing to push and
push you know an exact speed and then
I'm gonna take you know
break then you do it for five minutes
and another and that's what we did for
the next three hours and it didn't and
it didn't break Wow good baby as all
this is going down yeah I said to him
now when this is all over you're gonna
tell Steven Spielberg and everybody else
at whatever movie company that was did
it was your fault that it broke yeah and
it goes no I'll give you 20 grand if I
don't because I said if you say it was
my fault
yeah I'm gonna get fired right right and
I'm gonna be pissed because I lost my
job and I'm never gonna get another job
right even at that point getting another
steady job at a movie theater was a
really difficult thing to do
yeah so so what did he offer to buy you
off like what did he know he said don't
worry inand in fact that's what happened
is he thought I never got any crap for
it yeah but it was I didn't know that at
that time you know right
my heart was like pounding through the
whole thing did you meet Steven
Spielberg no no I think you deserve to
meet him I think so too I think
pleasure to meet you hate your work hate
your work and you but pleasure to meet
you actually Jurassic Park Joe I know
jaws created a close encounter
yeah close think I did enjoy a close
encounter I think it's up to 41 yeah
just kind of boring yeah yeah mashed
potatoes yeah that's a movie yeah it's a
great it's a great stories that star
shape you can read that in the book the
title kickstart the working title yes I
projectionists you get it like I the I
like I wrote legally blind projection
right well that's the ultimate irony of
it all is that there's a legally blind
objection is how you pitch this yeah
it's funny with the the place important
to know if the barns the one they don't
publish but how they do it oh they
bought this book from a blind projection
all right we'll take a break more 4:04
on the other side
led by all of steams lanky
chicken-scratch setlist here it's fear
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show hey welcome back to the show great
story from Steve that was great man I
got a really quick story well hold on
cuz russ has something to ask you okay
serious question did oh now this is the
urea it's kind of like a dramatic series
show more MORE
Steve centric serious question okay
teleporters get invented tomorrow how
many people have to use a teleporter is
an analog or digital teleporter matter
that should matter shouldn't
how many people have to use a teleporter
whatever it is before you feel
comfortable using the teleporter well it
would be tested and approved by our
government okay but you so so invited a
guinea pig but I don't know I wouldn't
imagine that you would ever be the first
person I would be like okay I'm gonna
use the teleporter and I don't know if
it does need to be tested by the
government I'm not sure there is
legislation in place yeah probably how
doesn't have to be ul approved yeah I
don't think I can face thing they were
just flying there to invent a new
regulatory committee yeah to look at
that just for help okay well regardless
so in that sense I wasn't too expensive
I'd be right up there so white because
in the world I I don't want to go
because I don't want to sit in a plane
that long so but the teleporter that's I
mean where New Zealand I mean well I I'm
supposed to go to Munich for something
and I really don't want it that's like a
nine-hour dude you would rather you'd be
in the first like dozen people oh yeah
if you could you wanna go to Mars would
you go to Mars well I saw the movie it
sucked I don't like the Martian though
much but would you go you wouldn't go to
Mars if I could not die when I went to
my anatella teleport yeah yeah that's
the only thing about the teleportation
thing there's got to be a teleport he's
got another one and then my second
question I'm glad that you're very
cavalier about using second question you
are cavalier teleporters essentially are
the key won't answer you're like the
first person getting on that they do
trip it one of them came out
now you're revealing more well I'm just
okay so teleporters aren't they
essentially just cloning machines in
which case like wouldn't the original
person still be there no what no
teleporters imply like we're moving and
reconstructing you really so why do the
atoms neat the aren't you just copying
like think of it like looks like 3d
I don't think that is what the idea of
teleportation is it's actual movement
you should just somehow beaming it over
why particle bipartisan aren't you just
digitizing like Tron it's not a machine
it's not like a Xerox machine it's not a
copy it's not a copy it's it's a
transportation yeah it is a place
shifting device but that's like adds so
much more work no what no right now we
have the technology to send data right
sure so you can basically your body is
made up what your body is and everything
is essentially I mean it is but it's not
zeroes in one yes it is you know
whatever no one's good but there's
organic living breathing matter all that
stuff can be broken working down into
zeros and ones okay arguably we'll argue
about that so it's easier to you're
saying it's easier to send all of those
little particles and everything through
the air than it is to just say oh that's
what everything's here we'll just take
this like data chunk and send it over
here no I don't like what you're really
yeah I don't
so you think nobody is who said it was a
B every time that they use a teleporter
in like Star Trek or whatever the first
guy is dying it's like the prestige the
first guy dies and then the second guy
is essentially the first guy but is he
you're just you're just taking the plot
to the prestige and like getting nuts
with it
right yeah is what you're doing I think
it's interesting and it is interesting
people use teleporters so cavalierly in
sci-fi sci-fi all the time it's a good
part of Isis but but technologically I
really think that my way is the way
they're doing it no you're fine what
does it matter them like so your dies
the world of the original of you dies
and the clone lives on so where is your
right and where does your conscience go
though like it's your consciousness that
gets sent with the data so then the
first one is the bum who cares he's a
dummy is that vessel well no it's not
like it removes it it's just it's like a
3d crunchers it scans it and sends it I
think you need to read out
Jeff - yeah I think and I realized that
matter can't be created out of nothing
so we need to come from somewhere but
essentially a 3d printer has like
printing material so you would be made
from that parameter or your mostly water
right you're mostly made from like
whatever's read up more on teleportation
technology I've read forget theory I've
read literal books on it have you know
literal that's so no they were
teleported all right
I didn't know if we'd go down that hole
but we did we came back yeah I was
surprised like within a dozen nothing to
lose I've been here twenty four thousand
days they can go really bad it could go
like your arm is growing out of your
chest Seymour is being by the way that's
the name of the show that was it fine
print and I'm blind so I just said
you're using tell where I didn't say how
it go I asked if it was tightenin and I
said no no barely anyone is that except
on animals I thought that will rework
the history by the way we just need the
show it's twenty four thousand days with
Steve alright what else you got cuz I
got a quick story yeah like 20 minutes
or so okay that's a lot I know but you
do have a lot of stuff that's just it's
just a security blanket I don't want to
run out of things okay okay can you read
that the top one behemoth screen behind
the screen behind the screen is that
Bruce Willis Willis Paul McCartney and
then it's just twenty four thousand days
says Schindler's List 1 million okay
yeah I got it okay I'm sorry I'm running
the first die hard okay and when did
that come out by that was that a
Christmas already fine but did it come
out in December do you remember it was
it was a Christmas Highway
must've been right yeah hohoho now I
have a machine gun oh that's uh well
died or two came out in the summer and
that was a Chris you know it was
Christmas themed but that was like I
know that's terrible I hate that but
that was like a blockbuster
was the first one yes oh well Sonya I'm
running the first one and I don't
remember who was the winter but anyway
it was a maybe a month into the run so
it was not super busy that's what movies
used to run for a month yeah crazy so
standing in like the doorway of the
theater talking to the Usher standing
there yeah and who shows up but Bruce
Willis and Demi Moore nice and they're
in like running okay
well that's weird but okay just is they
approached me actually us me and the
door guy he gets a call like there's a
call in the box office right next to the
box okay and just as Bruce was about to
speak to me right he has to go into the
box to answer that call what so so doors
like the doorman is goes into the box
well first answer the phone that's
ringing okay so it's just me Bruce
Willis and Demi Moore oh I understand I
am Bruce Willis says to me hey do you
think it'd be okay if I went to the
theater from and I just want to see you
know the crowd or sure and I don't know
that it's Bruce Willis that's hilarious
fine then of course I've always been fun
for all 24000 save Steve how do you know
when the pictures in focus right like
how do you know I teleport down and you
put your nose all right I just didn't
have my binocular swellest so Bruce
Willis is standing in front of me and
he's got a cap on and stuff you know so
so who'd you think he was I just thought
he was a god did he have sunglasses on
you didn't know his do me more than me
more no well she he was doing the
talking he was in my face so you so are
you didn't real up all right okay go
with the flow yeah I'm with it it's
hilarious it is funny to me wasn't like
was a big star before die hard he was a
star performer yeah okay so anyway so
he's like I'm saying oh so he says
and I just went for a minute or two yeah
and I'm saying I'm sorry so the box
office is closed I can't sell you a
ticket and you know sure come back
tomorrow and he's like no no you don't
understand I'm saying I do understand
I'm sorry I can't let you in meanwhile
let the guy the guy in the box office
sees this whole thing going down he sees
no he knows that it's Bruce well
obviously obviously knows he pops out
and says oh that's okay mr. Willis you
please please go in you know and then
they go off
really oh holy I don't know have you do
you ever at recognize celebrities like
but I have been in rooms with people
that are so distinct I mean he had a
thing on his head yeah because they kind
of like I was in a room with Woody Allen
for an hour and I know who he was okay
well how wide were slots
was that when did that happen it was
when Annie Hall came out oh my god and
he did a talk at the new school yeah and
before the talk they put him in a room
just because he doesn't want to be
around Peter right like a green room a
green yeah they put him in the right and
I was in that room and they told me that
that was likely where they were gonna
put them and when you guys looked at
each other you're like oh we're
basically the same yeah but they said
don't talk to him sure don't don't talk
to him don't make eyes I'm right don't
do that look at him come on look it's
gonna make them weird whatever if it's a
green room I don't know
green room if you're in the same green
room with someone yeah that's right yes
yeah well that's you and why are you why
are we there
I knew people that worked at the at the
new school and they tell me that what he
was gonna be talking so I said hey I
want to come and they said well you're
not gonna buy a ticket just hanging out
with us and then you can just watch it
from you know okay like Compton there
you got like oh yeah and they're like
just wait in this greenroom yeah and
then woody comes in and it's just you
and woody if someone brings him in okay
yeah and he had a magazine or something
he's reading a magazine yeah and I
pretended to read a magazine
and look at him ya know I just wanted to
breathe the same air
oh yeah so wait so so you guys are in
the room together for an hour an hour
and I know I desperately wanted enough
not a word was spoken and that's when I
realized Woody Allen story ever really I
believe you had to deal with that that's
terrorist that's horrific the worst
meeting that I ever had with a super
celebrity that I couldn't talk to uh my
favorites John Lennon's story yeah and
then you really look like you're looking
in the mirror is that because I think a
young Steve Guttenberg is a spitting
into that I was like 23 so he was 30 or
31 yeah and I sat in a seat next to him
in my movie theater okay and we stared
at each other what we stared at each
other he stared at me to make me leave
basically so so is it a packed theater
no it was an empty theater it's an empty
theater John Lennon sitting there with
Yoko with Yoko with yoga so it's just
them two right up against the wall up
against the wall you know in a nearly
empty theater well I sit one seat away
from him
why did you do that why did you do that
because I wanted to get close to John
Leonard creep them out yeah yeah well
you can't go around creeping out be
there's like there's a there's a middle
ground right there's a billion Woody
Allen and and you're John Lennon
situation which is like you got a no
boundaries yeah I think the person you'd
most want to meet in your entire life
who was this it was the equivalent of
John Lennon for you of all the human
beings on the planet that would be
number one for me and I was two feet
away from him for five to say a word to
him well he would like turn away and
whisper things to Yoko oh I don't look
this cool and then you knew he walked in
like you saw him walking you know
someone told me he came they buzzed me
they told me
okay and since there were only like five
people in the theater yeah easy to pick
them you couldn't just do binoculars
from you're like no I looked to see
where he was I'm up in the booth okay I
walked in yeah I mean he didn't know I
was a projectionist sure of course not
that it really matters because what are
the chances so I so you sat next to him
in the same one seat away and you turned
90 degrees to your right yes and just
stared at him I stared I was like I'm
I'm two feet away from a Beatle the best
Beatle right yeah well not morally but
I've never heard that applied to people
your life is a series of dysfunctional
Forrest Gump story yes that's your life
yes it's amazing yeah it is you know you
put it that way yeah
and I hate them right but you know one
hates that movie Steve you can't did I
take my Forrest Gump story oh boy yes
you did I did okay don't go so I just
I'll just I said I did screenings for
Forrest Gump before it came out yeah and
I used to do a lot of screening for you
know before the film's came out and I
remember telling the guy from the movie
company I do trust me big trusty bullet
now save save yourself yeah 80 million
Oscars later you know he was originally
gonna do the Forrest Gump voice in just
normal Tom Hanks voice but like dumber
uh-huh and he decided against that so
like I don't think that movie would like
know that this footage of him reading
lines Forrest Gump in normal Tom Hanks
voice but just like kind of slower wow I
don't look for that and then they cast
the kid who played young Forrest Gump
and the kid his natural accent was this
ridiculous accent that's in the movie
and he mimicked the kids accent for the
movie but really genius dude I guess he
is a genius a boring genius high genius
complex isn't boring
he is so bland he is so nothing I don't
know money pit Tom Hanks isn't boring
Joe rose bouquet no no that's not boring
Tom Hanks mine and he seems like a nice
guy yeah like the money but he's not
that nice no you know when his son
wanted to make that movie about Tower
Records okay he said you could have said
hey dad give me like 50 grand to make
this movie but he didn't do that he had
to go hustle on kicks oh come on of
course the sun's not gonna just take the
money from his day he's trying to make
it on his own wait Collin Hanks is doing
okay Collin Hanks out
oh he kind of creeped me out he told me
that he called me on it on a dial phone
just to prove we were analog but Collin
Hanks Colin Hanks you have a
relationship with dial-up
well I did yeah there's when he needed
me he needed me he needed he needed
promotion he wasn't getting close to his
Kickstarter goal yeah this is for the
Tower Records thing yeah did he make it
yeah thanks to me it's a good movie I
have it on my cube we don't have too
much time left do you want to do one
more story so you know what's coming
next week yeah next week the technique
the return of the techniques turntable
this is big this is a big deal they've
been selling turntables forever they
they had been and then they stopped hmm
so this is the reintroduction of the
techniques like DJ style turntable okay
this is a big deal all right so why
don't why is it a big deal because it's
it's like it's an iconic turntable it's
like the silver AJ's used like that
silver one not anymore you know DJ's
like to play vinyl records and by the
way that vinyl the TV show yeah I was I
I watched the first episode and it was
very long it's a very long hour well I
think it was two hours felt like two
felt like three yeah I didn't idea I
wasn't grabbed by the first two hours a
lot of people will one no one's watching
it the ratings were it's
and I think finally I would do a a Trump
and I would like bomb the out of
him what I'm talking about this show
bomb the show you know like he's up by
Isis yeah I was president I'd like bomb
that out yeah I think people aren't
watching it I don't I I just think
there's cuz I'm part like I feel like
I'm part of the demographic who's like
should be in - yeah well yes but I'm
also part of the demographic where I'm
like I don't care about this or you
don't want to see sex drugs and it's not
you're like you can't relate to it
necessary and it's not so far removed
that it's quasi interesting so like
boardwalk at least I was engaged by like
oh there's a time period I've never seen
in my life right whereas 70s rock and
roll on paper sounds interesting but
like I can't really relate to it I think
there's something else though because
you know on its face yeah there's the
right people invite their very talented
the right actors involved in front of
and behind the camera
HBO everything clicks with this but why
yeah he's no one watch I mean Boardwalk
was kind of a slow but are you asking
yeah days sitting here yeah that's my
period and it doesn't ring true it's
just fake oh this is if like someone who
wasn't twenty been on the planet long
enough was writing about it as if is
what he thought it was sure that era
absolutely okay it's really lame when
the characters are just stock please
shake yeah I that I agree with that
really really bad they're not even
two-dimensional they're one-dimensional
yes awful and then Mick Jagger's son
who's probably you know 65 who's the
yeah and he plays this Punk who's gonna
play it like this is so that he's gonna
be he's gonna be his son that's his song
he looks like I would have guessed
literally that McGee a curse on is 50 no
he's like thirty so I think supposed to
be like 25 or prolific guy yeah
Mick Jagger has many children that's
crazy I can't believe that almost as
many children as your mother has dolls
mr. tile together will say yeah it's
weird it's weird that it's just not
popular like people don't seem to be in
to know what's the best part of it the
credits see I don't think the first
episode had credits a credit sequence
circa the beginning or closing of the
opening ok the opening credit is like a
CD I think of a diamond stylus racing
through a groove hmm ok it's like very
cool on the actual like from like my
perspective like looking up it's like
going through the godswood get off yeah
that's the best it's the best acting
it's almost genuine it seemed like
Scorsese like what has he done
since taxi drive oh stop it however long
it's been many days it's been a lot a
lot of good Steve what's your best
picture of the year uh three days a
Martian no come on I hate from Marcia I
don't hate it but it wasn't by the way I
don't ask a question yeah it's Matt
Damon an actor or a movie made that
argument right that you don't think he's
really acting I think I think for the
Martian Matt Damon played Matt Damon
yeah and I don't what about in behind
the candy people love that I have no
idea why aren't you showing ranged range
just yes it wasn't Liberace was this
something I think he's probably a good
dude he makes me laugh occasionally
Damon yeah I just don't I don't know if
I'm buying what he sell not for you
he's just not my he's a lightweight
pretty face okay I don't know I think
he's better than that and as he is he
and Ben Affleck the same person no
aren't they like forever tied together
alright they do have this like
buddy-buddy thing
but I mean they've they both hi I can
tell the difference written anything has
he been writing I mean Ben Affleck has
but well maybe that that's just like the
trajectory that he didn't really find
himself fallen in wanting to do that
that's easy to make I'm moving into
rights good show up you say some lines
look at the camera he's like look I've
done enough projections where I know no
I projected enough movies I know what it
takes I know
cinema is in my blood it is sprach got
nothing but film and splicing I can't
wait for that HBO show to come out and
no one you mean - yeah my projections
you want just a movie you don't want a
whole series about you and the sex in
the cinema park exit get to the setting
somebody that'll have to be for next
time okay I think we covered a lot of
there was a lot of sex in cinemas
not on the screen no like in this room
in on around under it's a dark room it's
a dark room you know a lot of position
options though surprise call the show
one dark a big dark room big dark room
yeah something like that
it was a dark night it was a dark stormy
night always a pleasure Steve good thank
you so much for being here
what do you got coming on seen it were
you writing I'm writing about young
projection who just pushed the play
button on the digital No
the young the young ones are in stuff
into the vinyls yeah into the analog
stuff yeah yeah why why cuz they listen
ah because they when they play files
that's just sort of their ya gotta love
those analog truth those analog people
up and coming down a lot of people are
evil yeah I guess so that'll they'll do
us in alright alright follow Steve on
Twitter audio feely AK man read all of
his contributions to we're back
next week with a brand
new show eight six six four four Cena
that's the phone number you can shoot us
an email the four four at make
sure you subscribe and listen to Russ's
new show where can we find that it's
called west wing history class if you
like to show the west wing Steve I'm
sure you hate it I like house of cards
okay you segue into no because that show
get too awful after the first season I'm
violently disagree
if you like West Wing or your interest
in West Wing watch them watch on Netflix
just watching the show and then you can
listen to our companion podcast called
the west wing history class you can just
search iTunes or Google for the west
wing history class and it would pop up
available on an internet near you yes
alright that'll do it for us we will be
back next week until then have a
fantastic weekend and all that I'm Jeff
Bakalar I'm Ross rustic I'm Steve
Guttenberg Oh spear Guttenberg stared
over it's been the 404 show high-tech
lowbrow have a good one CeCe
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