The 404 325: Where we can feel it calling in the air tonight
The 404 325: Where we can feel it calling in the air tonight
get the video you crave at seen at you really need to turn that down
for Thurman i'm jeff bakalar I'm Wilson
hey i'm justin you and it's the show
where we can feel it calling in the air
tonight hold on hold what a great song
you guys really need to pop into the
chat room if you're up at 1130am eastern
time cuz man there's some karaoke going
on oh and with new videos a lot of fun
to be had we were doing 80 styles music
videos yeah if you thought karaoke with
the 404 was good on the audio portion
wait till you see the video it's
disgusting and wilton i'd appreciate you
never getting that close to my mouth
ever again you ain't come on and give
the back of your ear disgusting
whispering sweet nothing it was cool
though it sound it looked good man that
looks fun innings I'm really good at it
really good so we got plenty to talk
about on today's show thanks everyone
for tuning in if you're listening live
if you've recorded good on you as well
but you can't see us I can't see a good
hearing we have plenty of things to talk
about first I want to talk about our
meetup oh you want to talk about that
again well you know it's it occurred to
me yesterday when I was i I had listened
to the beginning of the Alison Rosen
episode right occurred to me that we
didn't really thank everyone who came we
do yeah we we blanketed everyone who
came well they're about a hundred and
fifty people that was there to be a bit
difficult what you know people who are
like regulars in the chat room people
who like really you know are here every
day right our friend Angela Angelo's and
delicious delicious was there she was
quite pleasant talk afraid of money was
there a party was great our friends uh
Scott and Jenna were there as well yeah
so I wanted to really and if we didn't
thank you for summary Hosea remember
buddy who's a voice yeah in our previous
duh we have previous guests on there dan
the man turned and animated up Julie
from did the digital city podcast at
seen it she was there yes yes Julie was
there of course mill Ryan phil ronnie
matt fitzgerald it's jeremy cheryl
holloway was everyone was there you know
a heavy no flow flow was there that's
right you who is also there who Courtney
he was there I don't know if you guys
know who she is but uh little backs
which is the caller that has a very sexy
voice used to leave a lot of scandalous
endless messages for yours truly yeah
just our new buddy a ken stringfellow
was there of course ken stringfellow is
a big fan of the show he actually wanted
t-shirt so your t-shirt is in the mail
mr. Stringfellow yes check it out much
love to you sir absolutely destroy that
lies know what sighs yeah yeah you are
the guy's a bundle of fun ha ha ha ha
here we are thinking Tom Merritt hates
got the wrong guy he's a guy who takes
himself way too right yes yeah ontario
emotion there plenty of fun to be had uh
we have a winner to the uh Tom Avery
book contest it's our buddy Mike with
that insane insane shark story right
story about a guy dude he out swam a
shark not only but in really out
swimming he just got away enough to sort
of get on the boat right and then the
shark at the last minute like tried to
bite him uh-huh and then he basically
like punch them in the face he like yeah
you like jammed it in its Gill Oh
unbelievable story ever the shark had a
laser on its head no the Sharks like Oh
would you do that finding swam away yeah
so congratulations dude u 1 u 1 is the
sharpies win uh we just you wait a
prosthetic limbs to replace the one that
you lost to send us your address and we
will get that book out to you
lickety-split send it to the 404 at cnet
com we'll get it off to you posthaste
abson but also thank you to everybody
else who submitted their horror stories
that really bummed us out so really beat
all the submissions no I really like
that one from the Philippines where they
dude was a shot at shot yesterday we
were we were thinking about making that
the winner but then we realized that
like gang violence isn't something that
was really gay but no but it was a gang
that ok were after we also realized that
you know getting shot in the Philippines
okay that's like a Tuesday Oh like a
Wednesday I mean is that really anything
special happen I the Filipino might have
been there before and I've witnessed a
mini bat fight which was really need
that yeah I don't know if you guys have
ever seen
many badges like miniature bear these
like tiny little bats that like you
would get at a state like a baseball
stadium but they're like you know him
together with the attics it's crazy guys
ago the Philippines and check out a mini
back yeah that's that's their actual
leading campaign for tourism ya know the
is the bat for mini bat fight come on
imma show yet all of my friends are
filipino yeah I love my don't know its
brothers intestines check it out let's
get into today's stories you know it'd
be nice if one day we could actually
talk on our show without mentioning
Twitter yet maybe we should do that
today and not all there's a bunch of
stories there's a really know it is you
know it is what is blowing up so over
when Mother's Day Internet well it's
true twitter twitter is the internet now
I remember the days where we only used
to have stories about facebook right now
it's only about Twitter ah so you're
saying how that's working okay so what's
the new Twitter story in the news today
well uh pizza hut is is searching
Twitter mmm for an intern oh yeah the
entire company the billion-dollar
company one interested companies looking
for one in ten the problem with today's
economy is that they can't hire like
CFOs and CEOs anymore they just got a
higher 30 in turns to do the same job
like true and their unpaid a11 intern
with the twitter account is as equally
powerful as a CEO jersey that's beyond
well that's like the whole marketing
department now yeah yes as you said the
right Twitter and you could destroy a
company yeah or uh all you gotta do is
set up a Google News Alert for pizza hut
and then respond to that you're fine
yeah so they're actually the work or new
intern for pizza no they're looking for
in turn to Twitter oh yeah yeah I
misspoke so a lot of companies do this
isn't something that's very new like
Paul my notice at a Twitter this morning
and so I guess they would just look up
people that were mentioned pizza hut and
then respond to complaints and whatnot
on the web don't know like they've gotta
like really drop some some sort of
interest in this yeah I me other things
I don't want to get to where dominos
pizza was yeah right well I mean there's
plenty of ways to avoid those types of
situation right you know hi just regular
hygiene you know that you'll be really
easy for them to do like contest all day
yeah things like that like they
correspond to this Twitter
real quick get a free uh you know when
afrodita what they should have done is
done a special promotion for yesterday
which was for money that's just like any
other day that's just april twentieth i
was nothing special very special but
very proud of us that we didn't even
mention it no we didn't and you know we
had we had some guests on yesterday we
had Adam clearly look that they've been
celebrating okay now well come on now
Joe I kid I kid but yet what did you
guys do yesterday anything special just
hang out with some friends uh no I just
watched playoff hockey like a gentleman
you know we were talking about this
yesterday jeff i noticed that g4 was
running a special they were calling it g
for 20 they were showing uh half-baked
alt yeah they showed they should have
baked and they showed the UH the Doug
Benson super high me documentary right
have you seen that I have seen it it's
really bad yeah it's not that is not
good at all I actually think it hurt the
movement yeah it did actually what way
it was like it was almost you know the
negative effect of the Holy See like
nothing but stoners yeah while high
right trying to explain what is the
worst representation of the whole idea
of the movie was like oh I'm gonna smoke
weed every day non-stop for 30 day right
I know so many people who do that yeah
and they lived completely normal what
like it wasn't it wasn't revealing
anything yet at least when they did the
the Super Size Me movie he sort of went
and depth about the you know the fast
food industry and the legal and over me
you'll learn you don't learn dick you
think that the movie we expose people
that are actually functioning potheads
right out of that don't really created
something Doug Benson sits around for a
month yes stoned out of his mind doing
mediocre stand up well you know a super
baked every day for him it just felt
like 10 minutes yeah but I've been
talking for three days you know the only
thing that was borderline funny about it
was that for 30 days before he didn't
smoke weed for 30 days right was like
jonesing for a joint the whole time
guess you like a 12 year old on it just
shows you how like yeah even the biggest
potheads they go 30 days and they turn
out okay Lee I don't think you know no
one's like you know scratching their
neck feeling fiending for it yet no but
I just think 420 is kinda ridiculous
later why do you need this one day it's
like it's like Valentine's Day
or Mother's Day you should need one day
to celebrate school we were talking
about on the walk home smoke weed
everyday actually on the Twitter
yesterday yeah I got like a bunch of
sweets at 420 on 420 really be like
hahaha yeah way once once for 23 Twitter
the joke is over the on is over and the
most ridiculous thing about 420 is that
everyone has their own idea about where
the original 420 came from the Bullock
it's an old police code it's what the
cops used to say before the posted oh
yeah that's how long your joints should
be four feet 20 inches men what that is
not where it came to be dated yeah I've
even heard people claim that they
started it like at their house yeah well
I read something in the New York Times
yesterday that said that it was started
by these kids in Northern California yet
really decided to smoke weed at 420
that's all it just caught on from their
golf that's all it is is no like you
know crazy etymology behind it it's just
yeah regular stoner attitudes like
random son so now we were talking
about now we're like right so four
twenties of actually ruined now right if
it lost all legitimacy for me back in
high school coach is not a big deal
anymore right but now g4 comes around
the lake hey man it's g for 20 before
leashing let's totally exploit this you
know everyone well that's not all
over oh gee for cuz i'm not interested a
joder hahahaha did kill for 20 well i
mean i think no matter what g4 does
people are still gonna enjoy 420 all
right okay well let's move on a little
bit i should want to talk about another
sort of experience changing substance
right beer beer is not fair there's now
this i'm upset with this article this is
at a Reuters UK they're saying uh beer
goggles are non-existent i'm sorry there
you are i don't care what anyone says
dude i know i've heard things that that
abetted the refute this that's a no yes
you're more likely to just write more
likely to just be I guess actually I
think it's the liquid courage yeah it's
not all true no but beer goggles mean
that you would hook up with someone that
you would normally you got what what I'm
what I'm saying is that uh yet they
don't may actually change your
perception of what people look like
right I think you're just more willing
to be like well do anything I guess
she'll do yeah that's really right oh
she has female parts yeah sold sold oh
when I you're like look at your watch it
like oh it's 3am yeah wasted like I'm
not seeing a bulge in your pants you'll
do you'll do that'll do donkey Shrek
with beer goggles oh do you have legs
don't get you will do your mouth Duncan
you saw us talk don't care just talk
with a human voice so you'll do aa
terrible so the study no but you know
what speaking we can bring this back to
the 420 thing I think there's such a
thing as we goggles too what do you
think because your eye I feel like we've
gotta work for food no well you'll eat
anything like Oh durian fruit bring it
on now the only thing I think we'd uh
really does to you and I must speak of a
personal experiences yet read about this
of course armida scream you know just
makes is not do anything for so if you
know yeah you will I mean you know some
people fall asleep yeah some people you
know I was gonna say to my friend Dustin
yeah when he smokes weed and I encourage
him not to do so only all right that's
it that's a crime but my friend Dustin
sort of gets you know the weed goggles I
care and he's woken up you know next to
people that he wouldn't normally wear
you don't donkey without without that we
an assistant is understandable but
anyway I don't know i think this this
article is total no no it's
absolutely true you get into the sides
the whole point was that they they got a
bunch of people drunk yeah it sounds
good already real scientist said i got
anyone before and after they showed him
pictures of attractive or not so
attractive people read and the responses
were pretty much similar was that but
they're not like people who you found
unattractive before you were drunk right
you still thought they were unattractive
difference between finding so many on
active and not wanting to do that that's
the thing they should have said now
given your opinion on ya in your current
state of inebriation would you still do
would you do then we're just still there
yeah like maybe you wouldn't try so hard
but if it just literally fell into your
lap and yes you would do that that's
what it is beer goggles aren't they're
not goggles their brain god it's like
the would you do question you know it's
like a you just jump to these
conclusions yeah maybe you want to marry
them but boss for sure for sure but in a
little bit right along our man we have a
great run down today let's talk about
this a little bit a bunch of you know
all the teenagers who do listen to this
show might get a kick out of this the
sidekick LX comes out May thirteenth you
are event the a fan of the sidekick when
i'll try to find a new phone she comes
before i had this weird thing was trying
to get rid of my iphone you were really
pushing me to get in aside okay like if
ten years old man do but like if you
love messaging people yeah yeah but you
love swarovski crystals yes I you know
and you're really into hello kitty yeah
get a psychic I had a sidekick when I
was uh 15 yeah 16 no no later on they
came out later uh I hated it yeah it was
so annoying to have and to hold and just
you know they happen to hold it just you
know that do you I had the first one
that was in black and white all right
Rick mark right like a way like two
pounds and you know it big it isn't it's
not good that the best part of a
sidekick is that flippy function yeah
yeah you know it's not like a software
or the cool keyboard it's the flippy
and now I just associate sidekicks
with people who don't look where they're
going when they walk down this is
definitely i just saw her sidekick
person okay the thing though like with a
blackberry you can message with one hand
oh yeah the sidekick you got it no you
gotta you gotta double grab bag double
yeah nothing is too big i don't like
that you have to carry around a fanny
pack in order to put around with the way
true yet but the new uh the new sidekick
comes out today it's got like a better
camera finally yeah cuz i think the
before was like a point three megapixel
writing now it's a two mega 2.3 whatever
mega perfect for taking naked pictures
of yourself only to your friends sexting
perfect uh cell phone for a sec between
hobby right now that's why I'm getting
one I mean I wouldn't know that for sure
my friend Dustin was telling me that a
lot of kids sex message they do it's the
future but it you know it's 3g enabled
to get gps on it so now you'll know when
your other friends are around right
welcome to the 21st century and it's the
thinnest psychic ever well congratulate
meaning uh it only has to be thinner
than an inch nor difference page work
for tmobile or are you heavily invested
in danger yeah why why are used to
proponent of the cell I'm just surprised
at the number of people who do you say
I'm not at all yeah I mean you would
always rather have a black bear to me
tell you it sort of I think it it was
one of the first sort of like a status
symbol you know devices I've right you
know how about the iphone is now the
sidekick was in you know 2004 whatever
yeah I mean who even has those things in
water I see all the time on the street
people walking down falling into manhole
covers all your help them either do you
know how you like it down there where's
your sidekick now we're gonna take a
break when we come back we have plenty
to talk about plus it's tuned to Tuesday
you know oh back in a second don't
go anywhere this is the 404 mr f'ers the
show where we all sing song
I'm Laurie turnin and i'm matt
fitzgerald and you should be listening
to indecent exposure seen its digital
imaging podcast if you're interested in
all sorts of stuff about cameras
camcorders and anything to do with
making pretty pictures listen to us
every Thursday you can subscribe to us
at indecent exposure about sina com hey
guys this is veronica belmont from
tekzilla and core and you are listening
to the 404 podcast to show where
obviously I am NOT snubbing Justin you
Oh anymore anymore that's what happens
that was that incident right through
even talk about that everyone's gone the
woman's right to choose me it is okay
all right anyway we do it how come Boyce
males though right someone uh yeah let's
hear Jaime time to show the love it
takes its home for scenic so I just got
an email from Ryan block and yes I'm
happy about that dear Justin how he
talks my god what was that I don't know
is that why my kid I dear judge isn't
evil or is it a movie guide the tracer
he's doing a trailer yeah in a world
where Justin steals my girlfriend danger
excitement always edit it there the poem
alright tuna Tuesday time Jeffrey Wilson
in Justin how are you Tina Schwartz 20
Tuesday's I know I'm being a little
quiet right now that's because when in
Amsterdam blew out the last week to
celebrate 420 which was yesterday well
quiet right now because I'm actually
taking a tour of Anne Frank's house has
been awesome yesterday was one of the
greatest days of us and I'm glad I
actually remembered and have enough
brain cells left to call each of you get
back to the States we got to arrange
some sort of dinner parties in the body
and although I'm in Amsterdam still
enjoy my tuna Tuesday
having tuna melt breakfast that's a lot
of times you want to talk car that's a
lunch and then i'm going to be having
spicy tuna rolls big dinner for tuna
tweet wow I forgot my name I must be
messed up goodbye gentlemen yeah bad I
love that he had to mention the fact
that he was taking a tour of Anne
Frank's house well what about you know
you'd like he's a cultured guy I guess
yeah he's a guy we've isn't he yeah he's
got a weird name yeah Tina shua that's a
whiz at a common male name I think so
yeah it is it's very calming people
thanks for the call guys fill up our
voice mail box 1 866 44 seen it that's
how you do it uh-uh you can leave us a
voicemail later charlie write down some
notes before yeah maybe read from a
script checks all I'm saying you know we
need you know so do that we'll play some
more for you guys tomorrow and we thank
everyone for calling in Michelle back to
the rundown ooh so we were talking about
phones early i wanted to talk about this
yeah let's do it Jeff you were thinking
about maybe getting a new ipod I think
you should get a new iPhone because a
hulu app is finally coming to the iphone
ok i cool now this is this is definitely
a very big deal yeah for me I'm coming
up on my two year anniversary of paying
thirty dollars a month for service I had
explained really quick to people that
don't know how do you get that back in
the day ten years ago sprint was
offering this plan called the sero plan
right which was a splint a splint sprint
employee referral offer are you Chinese
no just a splint I didn't sprint
sprinter split uh so basically what was
going on is all you needed to do was log
in and sign up with like a fake sprint
email pen right right I'm sorry email
address hmm did that got knowledge it
was just me for free I didn't I didn't
you know i do someone who worked it
right I knew someone thats pretty
zygarde use my email address in school I
use his email he's like it's no problem
everyone's doing all the cool kids are
doing it I did that it was Justin's
friend does was Justin's right Dustin
hook it up and for two years I was
paying thirty dollars a month for 500
minutes unlimited nights and weekends
and limiting data and texting do you
believe that that is crazy that is
coming up
expiring uh in July yeah so it's a hard
argument to make for you to jump up to a
hundred dollars am i clear you know is
that is that the most expensive I'm
Cecily cheapest that's the cheapest for
you get yeah you got me unless you do
like somehow get the first generation
which is I'm not as yet you would have
to at least pay around 90 maybe a
hundred dollars with tax don't forget to
if you work for a big company not CBS
though yeah uh there are corporate
discounts all right people can do that
as well but you're gonna end up paying
at least seventy dollars for sure but
it's pretty cool that a hulu app a free
one at that is coming to the iphone it
is cool and i personally prefer CBS is
TV junkie nap cuz i can't get enough for
two and a half minutes exactly you know
and CBS is great I personally just don't
get that who anything all night I love
Charlie Sheen guys watch him all day
chargeable model yeah emailed him he
might be on the show down the road right
and who can't get enough of that fat kid
eating food yeah man talk about fun to
watch half hour all day looking of
ditching your cable box yes it does
sound like that you know look if they
come out with a 64 gigabyte iphone yeah
by the time my sprint deal is up I'll
consider it and you can't just carry
around two devices any more like in age
of conversion I don't care too bold
about me look at me though I got care
around like six little gadgets all day
ya know let me tell you discuss but
check it out my mogul phone um it did
break the the SD card slot broke yeah I
can't listen to music on it okay
what you should do is just use your
shuffle until the summer time I don't
have a shuffle I thought you had one no
okay I just got to go to get a cracker
jack box and yeah humming to the analog
mp3 player but I'm dead serious an
iphone will be maybe consideration if it
does jump up to 64 gigs and i think that
the gun oh i think at the very least I
could do a 32 gig night see don't say
have a 32 gig or no no it's just engage
right now I want if the ipod touch yeah
that comes out with the with the 64 gig
I'm gonna be getting that what they
should do is come up with a 32 gig with
an SD card slot yeah well never gonna
ever get ever get that you will never
see expandable memory all about a turtle
store never gonna see it but speaking
about the whole dish in your cable box
in like I was talking about earlier arm
yesterday I got mine
display to hdmi output for my macbook
that is so sir you gotta listen listen
so now I'm hooking up my macbook to my
HDTV I don't even in my cable box
anymore man i got this wireless keyboard
your buddy rich was able to hook me up
with course i'm living the dream with
this thing hulu by watch five episodes
of uh always sunny in philadelphia
yesterday didn't even realize I was
watching cables fantastics pretty cool
yeah pretty cool pretty cool sure well I
actually something I saw on hulu
yesterday too was uh the first episode
of sit down shut up was that from Mitch
Hurwitz the creator of arrested
development heard very good reviews
about that well see what's funny is we
we were pimping this show for months and
months and months it aired sunday night
i watched it sunday later on Sunday not
very good how can we learn at inherit
Henry Winkler go wrong now I don't know
it was due I don't think it was terrible
it was it was also the pilot was a pilot
and like when I first saw the pilot
arrested development didn't like the
show yeah I was really boring it took
like two or three episodes for me it
took me a little while to get into when
it was brilliant you don't forget arm
you know the the sedan job it's
self-aware to just like oh yeah we're
like this has to be good it's the pilot
my bad favorite was uh when he was like
can we get a flashback like now well on
the money for that that pink uh get
really even say that was that was fun
yeah I mean that sounds funny but you
know what at the end of the day I prefer
my classic shows si si we got harper's
island i watch every night of course
survivor right all the CBS hits I know
how i met your mother how i met your
mother The Amazing Race 60 minutes in 48
okay I'm good I'm gonna geek out a
little bit yesterday I also saw Caprica
how would I know that it okay none of
you guys know but uh for people who were
in the note Battlestar ended like last
week yeah weeks ago right this is the
prequel to the series and it was
actually pretty damn good and there were
boobies in it while some nerds really
just don't have a reason to leave their
TV there's like it and there were
boobies your boobies in it compare the
first set I've ever seen but it looks
good too from what my mom told me they
look just right
we're bad yeah it actually ended up
being really good like I was quite
surprised because normally like you hear
about the sci-fi shows always about like
blowing up in space or whatnot yes
they're robots in this one mmm but it's
all about like religion sex uh mafia the
Mafia with our galactic my channel is
this this is on the sci-fi channel Zach
didn't actually air was on DVD yeah yeah
oh no way to like a CBS yeah really good
really right do they pick that one up
right uh speaking of terrible terribly
bad ideas yeah I want to talk about this
video game mashup that's coming out from
harmonix soon I don't know whose idea
this was this is the last two games that
I would ever think have a future
together but for some reason or another
yeah lego rock band what's what's coming
out why would you combine Legos and rock
band what oh I can understand this I get
it they just it's just another way to
get new fans on to the franchise rather
they have really cool songs it sounds
like they got like blur song number two
big deal cool why not feel heavy metal
no I just honestly want like we're aware
in these in the thought process does
this Lego come into Rock yes I
understand beatles rock band that is a
good idea people will buy that up yeah
why would anyone be like you know what
they got Legos well I thought star wars
legos was good well that was it that's
an anomaly on the other that's
phenomenal it was actually really good
for some reason people really dig the
lego thing yeah and I understand you
know lending the Lego franchise to
Batman to Indiana Jones 22 whatever and
Star Wars that's fine but but now it's
sort of like well there's no characters
in rock band anyway except when they do
bands and stuff volt it to me just
doesn't make it's not a logical
collaboration right are all the
instruments made out of Legos cuz that
would be cool if you actually had to
like build the whole thing yourself i
say i do Legos get a one-off joke yeah
that's the joke about it is that is it
but it's not actions not ways there's
it's probably all you can play it with
guitars that come that you already have
from guitar or rock right actually
though in the same vein a bunch of video
game publishers actually coming out with
like a new generation of music games
right now DJ hero and
gretsch the ultimate Egypt DJ hero
looked actually yeah it's actually for
like the generation who like you know
didn't grow up in the eighties and like
love the whole rock music think the
generation rope in the nineties yet hit
ya nineties when while we're finally
beyond the young guy I feel old DJ hero
DJ hero turntable DJ Tanner hero oh I'd
be into that actually um the you push
the button and then scratch the same
time I guess that would be how it works
yet when you don't ruin any vinyl which
is actually very similar actually how a
lot of modern DJ's DJ they don't even
use you know actual vinyl that's all
about serato it's that program where you
have have the laser thing all right
analyze your mp3's and you can actually
scratch your breath yeah that's pretty
cool it's not bad so I don't know unless
they actually come out with a Lego drum
set I'm not gonna buy this but it's kind
of weird because i was actually blogged
about this the other day lagos making a
big push um toward like the electronics
industry they just had a new boom box
come out that you can put your iphone
into so i don't know maybe boom bunch of
lego boombox not made out of legos it
looks like a big Lego brick and you just
put your iphone into and plays music out
of it which is pretty cool although I
gotta say I you know thinking back to it
when I was little Legos were like the
greatest thing ever Legos were cool I
preferred connects can you know that was
like the numbers way to come yeah i was
gonna look at hard i see that was like
the legos for the rich kids yeah yeah
yeah like you want to build a satellite
hahaha by disconnected no you could
really build like a freakin fully
functional role yeah it was cool that I
like to woo you could okay with Legos
you would always inevitably inevitably
build a house right the only thing you
could build with a loud doll or a
what I was most impressed with Lego was
the the instructions in how you would
start off this little like nothing and
then you have you know the Millennium
Falcon yeah actually one of my favorite
thing this gonna sound terrible but one
of my favorite things to do was to build
like a Lego contraption and like throw
it against the wall to see it shatter oh
my how sadistic no that's kind of MOOC
is like it would explode right why mrs.
Wilson you strike me as the kind of guy
that would get into the was it called
you rector set yeah wreck you strike me
as the erector set guy you can loosen up
landline reference you can no one ever
EFT with the erector set no nothing was
real seal yeah you could literally build
a shovel without a fraud and still a man
built it and the man that built the
wheel funny when they got to the moon
that's a new excel in the 50s here's a
bag of steel kid yeah have foot up
together with these nuts and bolts it'll
help your engineering job later it was a
welding torch yeah that's pretty good
guys leave a voicemail 1866 404 seen it
or you can email is the 448
we're on the facebook Rhonda Twitter
real quick with the Twitter I'm thinking
about changing my name on twitter to my
real name no you wait you wait in the
gateway that's it what do you have you
are you up to a thousand followers you
know I'm nowhere near that I broke a
thousand yesterday you did what did you
address i think i'm at like 1500 oh
really so 400 yeah wow that's really
good well clearly on the most popular i
was going to say no I wanted to say feel
kind of bad now like 800 don't change
your name to start twittering better
stuff uh uh well that's barely to it I
wanted to say to her about hockey a
natural not gonna do nachos you do do
not see it is about now yeah nacho
hockey um I wanted to say that people
who want to address us on Twitter make
sure you do the at the 404 twitter
because I did a search for the 44
yesterday you did so too yeah and people
just put like listening to the 404
podcast but we don't see that unless
we're arrogant enough to look ourselves
up right which we do every day yeah
would you every day but it's a hassle so
if you want to say something to us will
respond back just make sure you address
it to us yeah absolutely for everything
and also if you got a spare minute
please go to pv debt webby awards com to
vote for sienna TV all right for the
webby awards remotely will win one of
those loaded all of us were all under
seen a TV for for is technically a seen
a TV technical if you want us to still
be on the air tomorrow you will do what
you're told go vote for gas that's pd
that webby awards com so that's gonna do
it for today thanks everyone for hanging
out tomorrow on the show hopefully we're
trying to see if she's coming into town
with jasmine france from cnet san
francisco right my former boss horrible
as gonna be on the show she can dish the
dirt on how lazy I try it's gonna be all
kinds of fun mom make sure you check it
out uh we'll see you guys then I'm Jeff
Bakalar I'm Wilson tained I'm Justin you
it's the 404 have a great tuesday
everyone see you later erector set
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