The 404 327: Where we're nervous magicians waiting in wings
The 404 327: Where we're nervous magicians waiting in wings
get the video you crave at seen at yeah it is I'm Jeff Bakalar I'm
Wilson tained I'm Justin you and is the
show where we're here nervous magicians
waiting in the wing not much more Justin
fighting in the wind that's how you have
to say Oh John popper oh you actually
really join us for the pre-show we have
the best time of our lives in here and
really it's just all over the best time
in my life well that's the best part of
my day that's not sure it's lately it's
cool it's all been 90 s music they're
like we're listening to blues traveler
this mo yeah I Guardians I really wish I
grew up in the 90s you did no no no that
is Matt it's a shame you're 80 years old
and grew up in the 20 that girl i wish i
lived in 90s right now ah you wish it
was the night yeah I was just cuz it was
like the greatest decade they were there
were a lot of bad like snap bracelets
not look here a bad come on bush or snap
bracelet yeah good point this is the
name of the great offs now this morning
I was actually listening some old school
boys to men ah boys to men maybe some
bubblies too good something weird about
these five dudes just like singing love
songs on bended knee and somehow know
what I mean they're way better than like
the likes of NSYNC and Backstreet ball
right that's a really well you know what
you're right we are men rule really good
motown philly back again they are back
again we're back again as well so today
we got plenty of lot of uh audience
interaction today yeah we've got a
buttload of voicemails a few good email
I'm sorry what load a butler okay a
whole buttload they can all fit it in
your butt was gonna say we have enough
voicemails to fit inside one book and a
buttload yet in John poppers but no duh
they're giving a lot of our voicemail do
that well alright so first thing I want
to talk about real quick if you allow me
to do this I'll be your best friend oh
my god i'm looking at this in the
rundown i really wish you don't owe you
really to bring this up and bring it up
because a good friend uh Dan levy yeah
one listening out of thousands he made a
buddy we've been on the show
on the show he's a friend and he's in
the chat room I know but it's serious
drop it right now involved something
that's kind we can talk about so Kevin
Smith we all know Kevin Smith is right
huge highlight Bob right sound Bob from
the movies uh director writer
unbelievable dude huge hockey fan right
let alone huge new jersey devils fan
yeah he was writing for during
the postseason okay he keeps like a
celebrity blog talks about the playoffs
and stuff like that after his first post
this season yeah and it shows post NHL
doesn't wanna many really why because he
wasn't very good he was a good writer
what he's a great writer obviously a
problem it's the fact that he is content
was not the most family-friendly canta
is coming off puck daddy great blog done
by a greg wyshynski and it says that
basically they parted ways Kevin Smith
was asked basically stopped right he's
like well you know what he was doing he
was writing about hockey and instead of
cursing he's like I really want to curse
at uncomfortable they said no you can
use different words there's like fine
every time I want to curse I'm gonna use
some variation of the name Wayne Gretzky
what it's only like you can go Gretzky
yourself you know Gretzky my Gretz go
Wayne Wayne a great win my Gretzky read
he got a little bit of trouble not his
family friendly as is a not ever been to
a hockey game is hockey cone quote
family-friendly a night with mandatory
fights I don't forget you're saying or
condoned by our Savior you went to the
game at one point they started shouting
a certain obscenity yeah like they were
shouting racial epithets it said they
were insensitive yeah a lot of people
they all right don't forget you were at
Madison Square Garden you weren't where
the devil's play okay yes you're Devils
are a lot more they really their manners
are a lot better
absolutely but all kidding aside though
the NHL this is not a smart thing to do
right I don't want to get rid of Kevin
Smith he's kind of the mana musalia
people is where they also have like
jason reitman writing for them and who's
the director of juno okay and although
think about smoking let me ask you a
question who won the game yesterday cuz
we're actually talking about the Ranger
you're gonna go home and watch all the
Rangers did win last night and tonight
you're psyched out about and I got
amazing seats for the devil's yeah the
devil's ain't out yet right they have
one more game and then though they both
could be three morgan right okay I love
how you're trying to like really get in
and then you and I have been bonding
over this lately I charities mom I
really want you to start watching know
what I do that I'll talk to you about it
the day after it but don't miss your
luck no it's gonna be amazing tonight so
that'll be a lot of fun and kevin smith
will be at the game tonight so hopefully
i'll bump it to him and be like the heat
get on our show yeah why not right
sounds like you'd be appropriate
absolutely all right well let's get into
a little stories I wanted to talk about
this yesterday but we didn't get a
chance to it's a google me have you guys
heard about this yeah yeah no we covered
this unloaded yesterday this is really
cool people Google themselves all the
time rate all the time I will go sell
every day and then employers google you
as well well now this this uh google
program called google me allows you to
create a profile for yourself so when
people google your name it'll shut it
will show them things you want them to
see that sack early a really good for
example like if you put your facebook
link on their your twitter link um it'll
show up right at the top which is a lot
better than you know naked pictures that
other people a poster of you right which
always an area where all the time right
I don't know which is pretty cool I and
you can also create a custom URL so
it'll be like / profile / you
know Wilson Tang or whatever you really
which is pretty cool right like I mean
it would be better if you could choose
stuff not to show up but you know but
imagine you could do it just like delete
links that yeah should obtain photos
that yeah yeah oh what's that yeah I
used to work where am i right in or
because you just do like sensors are
like layovers on top of pictures and
they just put just like a mosaic yes be
like now that's like in cops yeah
there's i'm pretty sure you've googled
yourself record every day every day also
google me i can fall asleep is by going
my hahahahaha those gears have you ever
discovered anything interesting about
yourself that you found on the web um
well you as a really common Jake last
name as as you know myth of right what
you write that in Chen are like the two
most popular Chinese imagine actually
Tang would be up there too yeah tank
hangs up there but you google tang get
some other stuff oh yeah table a
variation of tan sugary drinks yeah but
you but you were saying that you googled
yourself yeah like I'll Google myself
and I find you know there's this really
famous chess player named Justin you
really yeah like a bunch of nerds like
suffice it to say I'm definitely the
most popular just do you only like
Justin you calm no no show I'm not that
arrogant I know you have Jeff Bakalar
you have Wilson tank omron why is it
arrogant don't know like I don't have
anything to put up there have like a
real or anything like that doesn't
matter not gonna put those cnet videos
still some first of all that's not a bad
idea to on camera yeah I mean on top of
having like a Twitter account in a
Facebook last thing any is another blog
the last thing I could possibly need I
remember my resume after like I'm you
know there is such a thing as being too
much on the internet what do you guys
put on your well my real a blog
sometimes yeah nothing really important
but yeah we're forced to blog for so 10 I'm just gonna say i
don't really do anything groundbreaking
yet I find something funny I guess
you've had this problem too now that
like a we blog for seen it and we we had
write a blog for 44 mmm we write some
pretty outrageous stuff on me yeah
definitely uh they're gonna be worried
for either one of us um not if I can
keep my mom from googling my name that's
really the only person that I continue
to worry about I'm pretty sure she has
it figured it out yet she's still using
excite and like I said so until she
reaches the Google like oh I'm good
never find anything interesting about
yourself Jeff um I've come across a few
pages where it's like wha wait when did
I do that it turns out it's something
from like you know 1997 where I go
message boards livejournal or something
like that oh no I never did that but you
know what i do is make it a point to you
have a different username for every
different network that I'm on like
example like my twitter name is Mouse
Brutus but that's not the same thing I
use for everything you know I don't want
someone to Twitter that to google that
name and have a bunch of shit come up
yeah of course no you're right that's
actually a really good idea as I kinda
bummed I didn't do that yeah so now be
we can just look up Jeff Bakalar is that
with your hand no no um it's just you
know I don't know it's nothing terrible
nothing like oh I hope no one ever sees
red red it's just stuff that like I did
10 years ago as well as far as
incriminating stuff goes on the Internet
I don't have a lot of me there's nothing
in game I just have like it okay so
Wilson tang is apparently I thought as a
unique name but apparently it isn't now
is like a ton of people in Hong Kong
that actually have the name yet Wilson
tang they're all like what you expect
like lawyers and doctors win it oh my
actually mates casa yeah yeah me I have
a podcast that I know I'd imagine the
404 would come up first and then your
IMDB after that right something like
that yeah that's how did you get on IMDb
you son of it okay first of all there's
no gaffers can get on IM d dude i want
them to be on season ID why you making
you work it's easy yappers and the boom
mic god dude he was gonna shoot emiliana
I'm it listed as a writer director
pretty a man once you go shove it I need
to you know what what do you on IMDb for
I'm not Creek services I'm on the
anonymous board a fortune you're the
best boy did bring the pom-poms today I
guess I am I am a server number one
let's I want to talk about we got plenty
of stories today believe it or not
coming from cnet news always amazing
first one I want to talk about from Tom
craz it uh this is crazy Apple has
approved a baby shaker app that's a wrap
store ok how many kinds of all crazy so
this application rights only for the
iphone well let's just say they took
this down already they took it down
already so you can't go download it but
when it was up is this application where
it had a baby on the screen and then it
would start screaming and crying and
moving and everything and then in order
to get it to shut up you have to shake
the shit out of your iPhone
you shake it harder absolutely yeah if
you shake it hard enough the baby's eyes
will turn red and x's will come over
them as if it had died how pale i heard
you have to shake it quite a bit too
it's not just like one or two shakes you
really have to get is now i can spit see
spending you know up to thirty-five
dollars and thirty-five dollars i mean
that's just really worried seriously
talk about the lowest of the low yeah
that is so messed up i honestly cannot
think of a worse application you can
make what's worse this or the i am rich
application this one is why because
there are no dead babies involved in the
i know it is amazing uh you are like tom
wrote in this post you are able to
simulate in uh infant side right infant
side is basically killing aveda side is
at school how you pronounce it yeah
something like that Wow either way you
can kill babies you know which is funny
when you joke about it when it be cool
it's but not funny in real life not even
really would it be hilarious if like you
know those all those apples though uh
commercials on the like red you can find
sushi you can get the temperature you
can kill a baby you can also the i feel
the iphone beat that sprint but now it's
going we have been a backlash on the
internet for example like this national
organization called the shaken baby
syndrome prevention organization yeah
has really spoken out against it they
don't like it other people hate it as
well it's now been taken off the app
store i think that that that album out
into observed in the first place yeah
nothing like they take stuff off because
it has an apple logo in it or swear word
for word but no but it didn't cross
anybody's mind kill a baby with it a man
sometimes it's the only we can get him
to shut up the only language would
understand oh my is vibration that's the
only language really at the end of the
bitches bums me out cuz apparently a lot
of babies die from getting shaken which
is which is actually very sad but at the
same time I can't really imagine time
when you want to shake a baby unless
you're trying to kill it so I mean that
doesn't sound like an accident me but I
mean I could totally understand if it
swallowed your car keys you mad
spit it out candy like nothing funny
about thing funny at all except if
you're doing it on your iPhone that's
fine tulare arm let's talk about
Caroline McCarthy oh well Caroline
McCarthy got to see Star Trek i'm i'm
way jealous before we talk about the
story in reamer one should lock the
doors she can't come in not a bad idea
what you go look at that apparently now
she's a huge star trek fan okay so
according to her she's never seen any
Star Trek nobody's you know I neither by
I don't even know what trip with the
trek part of stars yeah yeah I was too
busy you know having fun I was doing
outside you know I don't know more first
of all the more I think I might like
Star Trek more than Star Wars well the
new really yet because the reason why is
because isn't Star Trek based sort of on
earth like what you know yeah it's like
to that to me is already cooler okay
because it's not a galaxy far far away
where they magically all speak English
yeah I mean there's some beans though
that's what I'm saying yeah okay so the
whole point of starting here we go Gene
Roddenberry try to imagine what a
utopian earth was right 400 years now
right okay so it's just you know like
where we could go yeah I don't know I I
feel like it appeals to the better the
best in all of us like right where could
humanity be if we all decided to quit
trying to kill each other it's not a
perfect world though right there are
like clean all the others bad you know
bad people but they're all like I mean
in the original series especially
they're all uh stereotypes of you know
things that we always read you are
tricky it sounds like I really wish I
used to really like next generation red
little I was like eight or nine that was
when i was on uh and then to see those
just like two terrible yeah well because
I what I was all I thought like one day
we could only build spaceships and write
what you know yeah I just actually
googled your name and a Klingon phone
sex hahahaha site got brought about a
weird run as photos that's the other
Wilson tank legal see available so
here's what Caroline had to say about
the movie she says the new star trek
film is less in homage to a legendary
science fiction franchising then to
storytelling in general back through
decades of cinema and television and
beyond so she's really think that this
is more than just oh yeah good for star
says here's my verdict the movie
is awesome a deep respect for literature
pop culture and epic storytelling is
something that Abrams has proven time
and time again to fans from the litany
of film rooted Sawyer nicknames on lost
what do you the tradition of Japanese
monster movies that empowered last
year's bummer field bummer field that's
pretty good yeah I mean this Abrams
version actually looks really it looks
oh yeah it looks like you could digest
to be anything funny I said you know I I
i wrote Star Trek off my whole life
court for seeing this just the trailer
like you know what this is gonna be
freaking off yet young it seems like
there's a lot more action in this
together and they reboot the whole
series sort of like but how Batman
Begins thing I don't give away how they
do it but so you don't need to have
watch starting four times I don't know
it's like the origin story said you know
it's like batman begins again alright
because it tells of the story of a young
and they do in a way that skywalk case
like truck Star Trek is famously known
for like the fans like really might take
a sleep like taking apart the show and I
love it extensive canon yeah and they
sort of like reboot the whole thing they
do in the clever way that does like this
on all the fans okay what about Star
Trek versus BSG what do you think all
bouts are definitely really because cuz
star trek again is about sort of like a
utopian world right about like the best
in all of us what we want to be bal star
is all about the worst so you would say
Battlestar then Star Trek than Star Wars
that's what I would go the opposite
because nut battle star and star trek no
lightsabers no weapons period such a
star chick has the worst weapons phasers
are you getting and hitting me because
it was like a mighty you though when it
came on TV back in the sixties yeah
figured a way to kill people without
like yes the use remote control by the
time out okay the fact that in the Star
Wars is totally geeky but the fact that
lightsabers exist in the Star Wars
universe yeah me is is is is bad it's
audibly me implies just because there's
such incredible weapons yeah people
Jedi's would have been chopping off
their arms by accident oh no that's the
point is that there's there so that they
know not to do that you know
and the tables are turning i think i'm
heading towards star trek yet star trek
are amazing I ok put in so this is my
order battlestar the original star star
wars trilogy was about we've we've
reached way this is visit older than
they start check-in erdem the the
prequels I we will talk more about this
after the break before I throw up all
over yeah seriously when we come back we
got calls from the public plenty to get
through and a few emails so stick around
you're not gonna want to miss it we back
in a sec this is the 404 mr effers the
show where we all sing songs traffic
delays stock market reports the latest
developing stories CBS radio's
award-winning all new stations are
always there every minute every second
listen live online twenty-four-seven at
CBS radio com hey guys this is libby go
i'm in the 404 where I the only gain
these guys like to play as rock paper
and scissors oh my god Libby effing code
it's been a while with her with that
nerd voice that i could hear all day
long night dad that's fine that's really
good to get her back on the show yeah
she'll be back soon we need that nerdy
voice talking about Star Trek and Star
Wars oh hell yeah much better than uh oh
my god if she was here right now she
would had a field that yeah she would
have uh it's calls from the public time
time to show the love 18 64
for scenic for phone calls from the
public time sponsored by Nolan sponsored
by Entenmann's papam donuts yes series
that we're eating and once you pop you
can't stop no you can't that what no
that's pretty I appreciate the Pringles
all right calls for the public calls
from the willing to have level this
first one is not this is not a bad idea
hey guys the morning from Zach and I was
just calling in to to say that you guys
should use the nerdy dirty to name your
fan base and then you guys are high-tech
lowbrow then where's a nerdy dirty all
right let the show so it's kind of like
as when we refer to everyone we refer to
the internet the listening audience and
rise the nerdy during their dirty really
like that's pretty cool you know what
actually our buddy Ian also emailed us
letting us know that this show better
off ted on NBC screw that network by the
whatever's on apparently they said
full-frontal nerdity in one of their
conversation yeah they actually said it
I don't know what I think is wrong
copywriting all the stuff I know one of
them was wearing a 440 shirt that's
right yet you have been printed for
hahahahaha so I thought that's kind of
weird though cause is that though I I
wouldn't mind like having you know
calling our fans the nerdy the nerdy
dirty not a bad idea somebody register
that start a fan club yeah all right you
guys are the nerdy dirty our next caller
has a few issues that need to be worked
out with us will help him get through
these tough times to the 44 at cnet com
from Texas merabh 32 issues issue number
one Dustin seriously Legos you can only
build a house I don't like those yeah
yeah it's not a great of millions of
children worldwide millions of boys were
wise the wrong throughout the 80s sure
whatever okay number two I don't
encourage people to call up using voices
cuz that's just going to turn it like a
morning this is a situation yeah and
it's just gonna be totally totally we
had worse than the vol we can play what
we really that Alex
do ever heard mr. Rafe Needleman on
there and Natalie fighting over who
could talk louder anyway oh dang Wow
well first of all good at hand we can't
choose which way they do and don't was
beautiful sort of divine intervention
were elaborate but know that he he makes
good point i don't want it to just be
all listeners of course you know we have
those dumb impressions covered i think
right now we're good Yeah right now
we're tight valley henderson we got 22
tuesday i think we're fine for now
although what you know i would love to
heat you know i have no problem
listening to new ones but yeah he's
gonna be tough well I mean we'll decide
what's good or not here's a great story
about someone who isn't a key right yeah
that is then yeah there's a great story
about someone who got in trouble because
of our ringtone in school hey for full
show from New Jersey I just want to call
until tell you how the 44 came into my
physics class so it was taking notes one
day when a teacher turn us back and my
friend started to ring I forgot to turn
down the volume on my son and for about
10 to 15 seconds the whole class was
listening to this badly the teacher took
my ferritin forgive to the office and I
have a detention Oh anyway hate the show
but love your ringtone ok I love that he
used the Tom Merritt version and not the
actual being the best is me he's like
I'm in detention but it's worth yeah I
wonder what the rest of the class
thought when they heard that punishment
fits the crime ya gotta show plays that
that's pretty amazing yeah unbelievable
stuff next uh buddy Randy from Jersey
hey guys it's andy from jersey two
things I want to say I never laughed so
hard during the podcast before until it
Jeff played the clothes out music over a
real swim when he started talking about
Earth Day ESP thing I totally see it's
gonna happen look back in the Dreamcast
remember our easy it was a pirate for
that yeah oh yeah it was downloaded disc
and burn it
even a lot of ships no nothing that was
on the best couple ever and it died mmm
yeah doesn't happen to the PSP but well
you know what though we were to mention
this yesterday right well first before
we get to that the dream kids I don't
think died because of the pirating no I
wasn't the issues you notice the PS PS
check a mad time EP a-- you know it was
a whole bunch it was a great system
though I said some really good times you
can buy one at for under a
hundred dollar damn but no games are
obviously not anymore but you some
classics and really good ones on the
Sega has a come out with the new system
and there they never will uh really the
other in the so freaking out no no such
software only what sonic the hedgehog
gonna do now is I'm in tenders is gonna
play in the Olympics with Mario but I
thought I would never see that seeing a
a Sonic game on the week yeah it was
weird they have that never do no she
signed on to me arm and all the consoles
for that matter uh next call is our
buddy christian now he won the wheelman
contest oh uh this is amazing he won the
wii am and he's kind of bummed out with
the product right sent us a PowerPoint
presentation that's i saw that of how he
sold the game for two dollars what yeah
he sold the game for two dollars but
that was because his uh xbox broke was
it was the red screen of death I thought
it was cuz he couldn't stand Vin Diesel
probably both of those companies Vin
Diesel broke his xbox well to our buddy
christian uh thanks for you know totally
blowing it back in our face yeah thanks
dude that's the last time we'll give you
fried it was funny they locked it on the
black market for two dollars come on
never sold that back the games but worth
more than that up so that was funny he
has an idea he wants us well let's just
listen to what he has to say here um he
said he wants to combine inside cnet
labs with the 404 hmm okay I don't know
about that I don't know though um here
here's a huge boobies gonna say hey for
for this is christian from Browntown
you'll have to excuse the accent I slip
in and out of it every once in a while I
don't know why I'm weird that way anyway
I'm the caption contest winner for we
man while back so thanks for the game or
should I say no thanks yeah with pure
crap I'm doing anything with a vin
diesel is pure crap not your fault I
sold the game for two bucks that's not a
real reason I call your dad the real
reason I call it because you guys make
me laugh every day but some days more
than others now hear me out there's
another podcast on your cnet network
that's having the same problems they're
writing what I call the roller coaster
of hilarity it was inside seen at labs
with airtran qin and don't know but
lately they've been writing the kiddie
coaster what was cheap gay jokes and
whatnot what I suggest is a marriage
made in heaven or hell for this clash
and mixed and whatnot I suggest inside
the 44 podcast realize this will throw
off the Asian to Jewish race yeah a lot
of then you also got the
african-american persuasion pulling in
another way now I know you guys aren't
too sensitive to racial epithets work
with your golden oreo and what you've
become instead three golden cakes with
some white in the middle chocolate all
over my ignition you're welcome you're
welcome a yellow moon cake pie no there
is a terrible idea first of all all that
dome known eric franklin talk about is
gay folks it's not only do is make fun
of gay people i don't not have it on my
show each other that they call each
other gay and and you know what they're
from San Francisco so it's totally not
cool I mean they're funny guys I loved
oh man Eric but I didn't realize it was
that much gay jokes it's like gay gay
gay gay gay moonpies though I do love
moon pie lastly alright yeah what about
move I mean this don't know we're
talking about all right last but
certainly not least Wilson's a missed
connection has found out about the 404
oh my god this person has called up
outed front listen here hahahaha hi
Wilson we actually ride the subway
together and I am awaiting a certain
form of surgery make much more
attractive when I know that don't
appreciate like good look and oh well
not good yet but for you doctor they're
going to be very good looks and I have
spent my life savings to try to win your
favor I hope I will see you tomorrow we
created subway for the last time as a
man I mean has not oh my god that's
fantastic Giroux God if you guys haven't
heard it go back and listen to
yesterday's show where Wilson was
talking about some ugly chick apparently
that he rides the train with all the
time that always gives them the you know
the once-over yeah it's disturbing and
that you really sounds like what I
imagine her delivery you are so arrogant
man that arrogant probably effing hot
you're like all this mule keep looking
at this gross broad that's pretty good I
want to get to one last email as you
know we all talked about yesterday with
the PSP and the amount of piracy going
on is quote unquote sickening yet is
Alex writes in and says what you said
about the PSP game saying how the actual
games are getting pirated he thinks that
because he owns a PSP and he's actually
bricked it trying to hack it he thinks
that more people hack uh the PSP and DS
so that they can run emulators on them
which is like playing old you know nes
games and yet game boy games and stuff
like that I think it's I think it's you
know some of that and and some of the
piracy yeah sure you know yeah the PSP
it's really easy to do anything yeah I
believe in like a Hong Kong you could
actually get cartridges they have like
oh you can buy your 30 games on the dude
you could buy it in Chinatown right now
we can go right now let's make a trip
down there we go raibh and back before
we could be back before lunchtime they
actually deliver it up yeah it's easy
it's really easy so there's that now you
don't pirate games for your PSP though
course not no no he gets the publishers
send them all right you have a free idea
decoration yes be worse but now I'm
getting up but no i don't i don't do
that arm I sort of am aware of it just
for educational purposes only that's my
story with that just because you know as
of as a as a journalist in the industry
you sort of have to know everything that
that exists right okay Tom putting it I
know I believe you find out that's the
way I'm spinning haha uh the last voice
that is the last voicemail real quick
before you have to go wow there's a huge
interactive session where we almost done
we're almost done we need to talk about
half the stories well I knew this was
gonna lot of voicemail do you think do
you want to talk about the March Madness
of tech oh this one's all this let's
bring that up yeah it's clear what had
this came out of San Francisco and
apparently these two guys were having a
competition to see who could text
message more in March so this is like
the text message version of March
Madness haha so the winner ended up text
messaging 217,000 messages and racked up
a bill for 26 grand oh my god that is
crazy and anyway the the company is
still making him pay for the bill which
is which is nuts because I guess the box
they used to send the bill to him in we
lost 2755 unbelievable and now I don't
even understand why they do I think of a
Guinness Book thing well they probably
broke a system cuz the reason why they
did this these aren't like stupid
teenage kids no there were 29 and 30
also pedra 29 30 stupid young adorning I
30 uh they they did this expecting their
unlimited text plan to cover right uh
but apparently there was a glitch
because that the system wasn't designed
to handle a quarter of a million like
Homer Simpson like of all you can eat by
yeah just really taken advantage of some
like a harrow but technically I mean
Alyssa some fine print somewhere
technically this shouldn't charge oh
yeah yeah it's funny cuz they say
they're saying that most of the things a
text message were like short phrases
like LOL or hello or something like that
and they would do like a hundred forty
thousand a month which is usually though
I this is what understand what the hell
could they possibly texting one yeah the
real question is what are these people's
real jobs yeah they like hitting a and
hitting send at the same time
yeah six or seven thousand messages on
some days that is great you have to
honor I don't even want to do the math
my head right now you don't want to do
that that hurt text message ever
understand it's like get a life guys
let's all pitch in today you guys are
just testing the limits on their
carriers you know that's stupid isn't
that like Reed grounds for like being
kicked off something like just a
beautiful think so I pretty much ruined
text messaging for them I think you I
think you're right now absolutely now
they got a fat bill for 26 grand yeah
how you gonna get that money to be you
hopefully the Guinness Book will pay
some cash can't text your head yeah you
can tomorrow on the show ladies and
gentlemen it's all going to be a very
trippy ride with one the only Steve
Guttenberg oh he will be back melting
our faces melting now right here when
the TriCaster handle Steve Guttenberg
we'll find out tomorrow tie dye on
tomorrow night I uh everyone have a
great thursday leave us a voicemail 1866
404 seen it or you can email us the 404
at cnet com yeah Facebook the Twitter we
love it yeah that's a great way to get
in touch with us definitely twitter us
will it will Twitter your back yeah we
definitely will Twitter you back I've
been replying to more people lately we
also have our own Twitter's that's plain
old Jeff oh I changed mine you did your
best really change I did it's just jeff
bakalar okay Jeff Bakalar rhapsody
artist and malice Brutus thank you Jeff
for making us all sound like assholes
well you guys have a song because a man
freaky handheld weird handling this mine
always had my name in it yeah uh we will
see you guys tomorrow everyone have a
great day I'm Jeff Bakalar I'm Wilson
tank I'm Justin you it's the 404 I gotta
really join this unlimited text get on
it yeah we'll see you
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