I need to get psyched there we go get
the video you crave at scene at tv.com
it's Friday I'm excited for for time
ladies gentlemen I'm Jeff Bakalar I'm
most obtained I'm Justin you and this is
the show where we're gonna live to 200
thanks to Steve Guttenberg ladies right
Steve found the Fountain of Youth and it
comes in the form of the singularity
yeah excited everybody that doesn't know
what the singular what is the
singularity for people who were yeah big
mouths rakers well it's funny because we
were talking about him with Ken Lee who
was on our show a few weeks ago about
the transcendent man the documentary
coming out about him when when humans
transcend biology which is you know my
plan for the future that's my retirement
playboy nanobots you gonna be working
forever listen to be 200 you're gonna
work at least hundred I want to know
what Kurzweil says about how to live to
200 how can it okay his idea is that
technologically one day we're going to
be able to overcome aging and disease
and what 9 we're gonna live forever
because of nanomachines and drugs and
all sorts of things this is way off no
no no this is tomorrow okay that's that
far okay like it's not that far but I
honestly don't believe that this is
gonna happen really I don't why is it
eventually it's gonna no no I mean 2045
is desync wow that's not far at all but
2040 such a hard life time silent corner
I think you'll live longer
Steve is 85 Steve is a very young 40
right by 20 like even by 2080 like 10
years from there's gonna be synthetic
blood I believe that I and the synthetic
blood is gonna have so much better
oxygen carrying capability that that's
gonna be you feel better in I'll buy
that little upgrade yeah what why are
you so scared I'm so skeptical for two
reasons okay one there's a law
the universe that says that everything
that is ordered hmm heads toward
disorder right right so if there's
Megan's Law in the universe will always
increase right yeah okay
second lifespans have increased yeah but
they've plateaued for people in
developing countries before it developed
countries really yeah until these
technological changes well I mean you
know a hundred three hundred years ago
average person lives like what 30 40 and
now we're like easily double if not
triple the times right but we've kind of
plateaued around eighty or ninety
because of a lot of our technological
sort of things like we you know smoking
right so we eat and whatnot Poisson
process cell phones cancer so that's my
thing and I don't even I don't really
like the idea of everybody living
forever I think it's awful that's that
forever it's 200 years yeah what would
your ideal death age be then Wilson know
if you just want to live to 200 why we
don't want to live to 200 yeah I
understand all that but if you were a
hundred and you had the body and the
mind of a 40 year old yeah you'd be
happy with that right but there's
something about the the finiteness of
life still finally you're not gonna live
forever it's 200 this is a very stupid
conversation I'm just saying by the time
I live to 200 you probably have
technology to make me live to 500
hundred we can kill you any day but the
real story is that you were and that he
thinks that like there's gonna be like
little micro nanobots yeah in your
fixing you up making meat making you do
things you know and yeah and you gotta
work so we're gonna be side but that's
not you know with technology and so and
yeah and the singularity is is that by
then compute by 2045 long before 25 but
by by 2045 computers will
we have human and levels of intelligence
they can just build themselves they
don't need someone to design them and
build them anymore hmm they can do their
own well they think their process they
can create original thought and humans
are basically completely out of the loop
well that's gonna be a bummer because
then we're gonna need like Morpheus is
gonna be out there having sex with
whoever you want
you know virtual sex I want you to tell
me anything you can imagine you're gonna
have to do anything you're just gonna
sit in a little room yeah everything you
want everything even cross-species
pollination everything that's what I
want cuz you want to go down with the
dolphin you haven't had anything till
you're with a queen bee buzzing get that
buzz go with your honey forget in the
house in the Wow how do you get past
that stinger though that thing must hurt
it's a virtual my mom about the show
this finger is part of the base against
sexual deviance all all right well then
move on to a story for coming soon this
is what happens when burgers on my show
you know it's the show becomes really
strange we get any amount of see yes
yeah and we need a stray away from that
can't have that anyway Steve Guttenberg
runs the audio philia blog on cnn.com
you recently came back from the New York
Auto Show but I was reading your blog
about it didn't sound like you were very
excited about I was there too and you
weren't that improv are smart I was
there for the cars yeah so so would be
with it overall did anything impressive
well I was in it I was in a 250 thousand
dollar Bentley right and they were
really nice to me very nice people at
Bentley and they sat me in his car and I
gave me CDs to play and stuff and it was
lame yeah it was just like it was car
and you think that the too much water
yeah like they would actually have a
good audio system it had an a name a
high-end audio company name yeah real
high and it was it was awful that is
actually that the most fun was a Mini
Cooper actually they had a $500 sounds
it was better than the Bentley
I would enjoy Wow better than Bentley
that's better than bad that is
interesting anything would you say it
was weird so then I went from from
Bentley to rolls-royce uh-huh
it may be the Bentley people called
ahead or something but they wouldn't let
me sit Oh
now were you rude to the Bentley people
when you heard it no I didn't tell them
I thought it sucked okay so I want to
know like what were you listening for
because I was at the Auto Show and well
this year the attendance was way lower
than okay yeah it was like three people
walking around still not a question with
like how do you judge the quality okay
hey you know what Steve I heard cuz my
friend my roommate is actually a audio
engineer and he's going to school for it
and why you he was telling me that yeah
is it a hard program no people don't
hire my roommates not listen I mean I
hate to say this but good enough yeah
anyway he was telling me that the
standard CD that all you know audio
engineers used to test the systems huh
is Michael Jackson actually have you
heard that off the wall I've never once
yeah I heard that was like these
standard CD that you know everyone uses
I supposedly it's really really well
done in the recording process and sort
of start with thriller with his solos
yeah what do you listen as you do you
have a CD that that you use every time
to test audio I have okay stuff that I
worked on them you know yeah I work for
you know company okay let's generalize a
little bit okay I'm buying a new stereo
system for a pair of speakers what
should I be listening for
well the first and most obviously go to
see Netcom first but the second thing is
you know like where do I yeah store yeah
you're gonna go to a store ok yeah I'm
stumbling over the store you bring music
with you right no really well it you
think sounds good
and you play it and the very first thing
you're you're listening for is is the
quality of voice okay whatever we know
what voice sounds like it sounds natural
okay it sounds like a human being it's
right bends down like that it doesn't
have what we call a cupped hand
coloration it sounds like that sound
like they give it like a teeny because
they lose the bass is it yeah because
they don't make any bass they're just a
bad design
what's the what's the thing I should
listen for after the voice then you
should listen to whatever bass it makes
depending I think it is and I would say
that speed the speaker shouldn't be
should be bigger than let's say eight
inches high okay twelve inches would be
even better I mean the bigger the bigger
the Box all things being equal they're
not a really good thing okay you know
well I was gonna say cuz a lot of if you
go into a Best Buy nowadays you find
these speakers and they're like you know
two inches across yeah supposedly it
sounds amazing sound yeah yeah for sure
you know I never that's not true is it
like no it's not true really little
really little speakers I would say
anything under four inches is really a
little okay almost never sound it's
amazing we've we've never actually had
Steve on to talk about this is great no
it's actually funny because we had
Jasmine France the senior editor for
digital audio and phone yeah and she was
telling us about some headphones huh and
we were talking about how another senior
editor Donald Bell had actually gotten
molds done of his ear
yeah I had special headphones made out
of those worlds right have you ever done
that yes how is the experience it must
be awesome remember here candling yes I
remember that how could we forget it
hasn't worked how can we forget that
well I tried the ear douching and that's
why the candle is very healthy no I
think my ears are too clogged oh you
were saying something about like Asian
wax like is different than normal I
definitely read that somewhere someone
sent it into us it was a listener that
email okay told us that different but
the question was I just wanted to hear
about your experiences really with the
custom earphones okay yeah they take a
syringe mm-hmm this big syringe filled
with this molding stuff and they stick
it really far interior it's extremely
income that's a second has you getting
turned on this is really strange so they
just shoot that bring your ear yeah well
it's it's that this when they're
shooting yeah it's the stickiness thing
because it has to be all the way in yeah
you got a really mold there like pushing
into your brain yeah and I'm like I
think if you're in far enough it's like
you're touching my brain what material
is it that they use to inject into your
brain to make it some kind of multiple
plastic okay so they they stick the
thing the the syringe and as far as it
needs to be then they shoot in the
plastic yeah mm-hmm and then they put a
thing on it to pop it out oh and and
then it takes like five minutes for it
to solidify right sort of a semi-liquid
oh that's gross Wow Oh before they put
it in they put a little piece of gauze
so that it doesn't actually stick to
your eardrum which I you know buy you
dinner before you go in wash me down the
first time I ever had in my ears well
that was a long time ago
hmm it stuck in my ear Oh
and the and the skin that's in the
inside of your ear canal is extremely
thin for sure and it constantly you know
that sounds awful so anyway when they
took out the mold it tore this don't
worry I said you know or ears it's a big
part of what the hell yeah that's only
my you know moneymakers I was scarred
from well with the custom moldings that
I'd imagine that to be really really
expensive like is it oh whatever
then you have to go to the you were
reviewing it I want to review the thing
about the customs is that they seal your
ear so much better than right it's
normal in your thing it's a perfect fit
in your ear right I can they a pair of
custom shoes made yeah it's not a
perfect fit actually because your ears
the canal does changed its shape
relatively it's significantly but the
audio quality actually does improve yeah
for sure and just sealing out more and
more noise mmm what a manically makes
things right okay all right let's take a
break I just feel like I need to stick
my finger in my ear now yeah some reason
we're gonna take break when we come back
we have more with Steve Guttenberg we
got to talk about we're talking about
can see the show not the show our hatred
of cats cats cats Meyer is the man we'll
be back in a second so stick around also
calls from the public and when we come
back this is the 404 Elmer effers the
show where we all sing song
around the world across the nation and
in your hometown stay connected with
your community CBS radio's award-winning
all news stations bring you
up-to-the-minute coverage on everything
you need to know listen live online 24/7
at CBS radio calm back with Steve
Guttenberg how's it going yo you know
what you don't have decided we need more
call backs yeah but a lot of voicemails
but not enough call backs 1-866 404 CNET
you say hey this is Jeff from Hoboken
well you don't say that say where you're
really Jeff and you're listening to the
404 the show where we love blood coming
out of our ears or something like that
anything random you know make it count
and it'll get played and then you can
tell your friends that you listen to it
yeah BAM internet superstar do it you do
alright calls from the public time time
to show the love for scenic
calls from the public sponsored by Steve
Guttenberg earwax shine for a better
how often do you clean out your ears
because we were talking about it is your
livelihood you do this for a living so
you have to take good care of them right
oh I treat them like babies yeah so you
clean them out like this once a week
nothing larger than your elbow going and
that sounds good to me let's listen to
these voicemails this one's gonna go out
to Wilson better dude from FSU Oh
a 404 you know what I hate the quiet
policy in the computer labs here at FSU
okay I want to spend my time listening
to a podcast while being forced not to
laugh I'll just listen to bol oh that's
so good Internet I'm gonna ask I'm gonna
put this up there were you at the uggles
B Union okay that's not anybody but you
and anybody from F is you actually you
should I got I had my FSU shirt on
you're gonna stop by like four people in
the on the way home it's amazing how
many underachievers they're on this next
call someone's looking for an intern job
hey I'm sorry for being from New Jersey
I was just wondering CNET offers and the
internships for high school kids
anything else because I'm a huge nerd
tech wise and you know empty net over
the summer would be awesome also I just
wanted to mention that like every other
ugly girl I would stay off but as far as
the internship is concerned that's
actually how I started my job seen it
um tech background writing background
it's pretty loose if you want to be an
intern for the 404 there's no
requirement seriously we just need
somebody push the button basically to
switch the cameras I'm not sure how the
internet situation is looking for us
right you know it is what it is we've
had interns before yeah the banter net
what we really need to find out is
whether or not we can get an intern that
will not be paid yeah that would be
ideal and but I don't know if they
wouldn't want to work for us if they
weren't paid we had a lot of dudes at
the meet-up saying they'd work for free
oh really
so I don't know next voicemail this is
about IMDB hey guys it's the end from
Saskatoon calling Justin I do feel your
pain about being the sole member of the
404 without an IMDB page but if you go
to resumes imdb.com you can actually put
up your own for 250 per month might have
been in I don't know how desperate you
are but if you really are desperate you
might as well give it a try anyway yeah
so just G yeah yeah I don't think I'm
that desperate I don't even know you
could do that I had no idea about that
but either the legitimacy of IMDB just
plummeted in my head how many fake
people are though I would imagine it's
you know denote it with like she's
cheating yes they do are on the official
IMDB you'd have to reference everything
yeah I'm gonna have my name as a
starring role in the new Transformers
bumblebee I think I think Steve
Guttenberg the actor pays that that fee
I would imagine read his star is so
faded and that you know you were the
first let's be honest give me a blur and
the pronunciation if your last name is
different he's the same you supposed to
be made a Guttenberg joke last night on
30 rock yeah we didn't watch that please
don't give it away
last voicemail this is kind of
yeah for a full crew and during deepest
darkest Africa here with an exclusive
audio clip of a new species of Jose Aldo
a la table service
emeritus what the hell was the Africa or
Transylvania Africa sounded like it did
sound a little vampiric yeah yeah I
don't know about that pretty good kind
of scary but you know so we turn that
into another ringtone not bad
so we're here with Steve Guttenberg
audio fili AG blogger for cnet.com and
caddy and cat had it what's up with that
what now I want to come out and say that
I share your hatred of cats where did
this come from
well we have a bad cat many cat so I was
married the first time the first first
and we have this thing we used to sleep
on the floor and we had this cat or my
wife had a cat when I met her so we have
this cat okay and the cat would stay on
the radiator that was at the foot of the
bed uh-huh and it would just sit there
and wait and just in in wait uh-huh and
then it would pounce on my Middlesex on
his junk on your John like on his junk
yeah almost the poor like the cat would
and then able to fellate you yeah what
song would be so like when you're
sleeping no it would just jump on your
yeah nuts
Oh what's up your mic highly trained -
yeah no but it's sure the cats suck
though they do they know I mean you know
what I used to be a cat hater but my
last house that I lived in had a cat and
you know what
don't whatever about it depends if
there's a cat with an attitude problem
yeah I'll get that you never hear about
the cat that saved someone's life
no cats yeah you sure about the cat that
let you drown in the freaking pool I
agree with you you know I grew they
didn't care about hear about that's are
apathetic that's a great part about a
cat is that you don't you just own it
yes the reason why you have a pet is
because you want that unrequited love
you easily get it you know you don't own
with it you don't own a cat you just
happen to lose you yeah yeah but that's
your roommate almost you know dog dogs
gonna come and save your life
yeah you have to clean up after yeah
pretty much don't even thank you for it
they just live there and cats have a bad
stigma to they have like a cat lady
thing no one likes them you know no one
lack cats are bad - they are they have
this cat and you know what it would do
to prove its dislike for me it would it
would take a dump in the shower yeah
while you were in it
no okay so just feel like oh won't you
deal with that yeah just deal with that
my shower kind of looked like an awful
apartment and everything was crumbling
so there's a lot of griten you know junk
unless it was possible the cat guide can
confuse saying its defense so all we're
trying to say is don't everybody
yeah there's no story behind no story
there let's get into a noose to do one
story at least one let's let's here just
I want to talk about this like well
secret tweeting right it's great a
couple Twitter stories um first of all
actually I wanted to bring this up well
it's a little bit of a self-promotion
but Jeff you and I went to subway
yesterday yes and I got a little bit of
a surprise I don't know if you guys are
big subway fans but they used to have
the five dollar menu and a ton of
sandwiches used to be on it including
the Italian BMT which is in my opinion
the best
stands for biggest medias tastiest right
it's got all the meats and cheeses on it
they recently took it off the $5
footlong list now it's like seven bucks
for it's a lot of money it's a lot of
money to Patrol
they know that there is a recession
there's a huge BMT following that's
really upset about it so what I did was
started the first-ever twitta ssin a
petition to get back the Italian BMT on
the five-dollar subway list and I made a
Twitter for it it's twitter.com slash
bring back the BM T so if you guys want
if you guys share my passion for that
sandwich go go there we'll follow all of
that Twitter it's a big deal Steve have
you ever you eat at Subway or what many
years many years ago yeah Steve I want
you to join Twitter why respect you know
I almost know nothing about what do I
get anything it's I think you have I
could get on the petition I think of a
few funny things to say and to get that
little dosage of Guttenberg ISM you know
I never thought I'd hear Jeff endorsing
Twitter I know you know why because you
hate Twitter yesterday was a big cuz you
watched Oprah Oprah changes my life
daily but no no no what happened was we
talked about the you know the hockey
story yesterday right and then our buddy
from Puff Daddy the Yahoo hockey blog he
hits me up on Twitter after we talked
about it that's awesome he's a is he
gonna continue I hope so pretty cool so
now you're a big Twitter saying I'm just
saying I think there's a lot of people
who it's definitely self promoting which
is kind of hard to get over initially
you know I mean but if you just Twitter
out cool you know cool links that you
find on the Internet do you guys get
emails from people who read your stuff
on Sina sure no sometimes I do if it's
like a printer question or like a
follow-up question a review I'll do is I
kind of feel like I already have Twitter
in that way that I could you know these
emails from strangers asking me but
nobody knows anymore like personally you
know like you're gonna send a message to
someone personally
emails are kind of old-school yeah
they're kind of dated so now what is
this with the with the
twittering at our understand what
exactly does it mean in how can you do
it in why should I do it it's kind of
like top secret right so if you guys
have been to that web so secrets are so
secret yesa post secret was a site where
you could just send them secrets and
they would put it up anonymously this is
the same thing you can anonymously tweet
a secret so for example like you just
send this tweet to the website they'll
put it up for you a couple examples of
that are I've enrolled in night graduate
school party partly to spend less time
around my wife which is messed up this
mess people just don't tweet like really
depressing stuff like when I'm in the
when I'm alone in my car I cry oh it's
kind of like almost like f my life a
little you would like f my life Steve
you would really it's basically a place
where people can just put on their most
depressing stories my life is you know
my girlfriend some of these tweets are
ridiculous you guys want to hear really
depressing is the worst this is really
depressing I had a child when I was
fifteen that I've only seen a picture of
and none of my family knows about it
it's ruined my life
terrible this one is my husband left me
seven months ago and I can't stop using
sex to try and get guys to love me I
mean if you have a confessional to make
or something to get off your chest you
can go to secret tweet comm and post
your secrets no I think they're real
hopefully it's secret though because
that's the thing is that like people are
doing this rut and the site claims that
it's not recording your name or your IP
address or anything I'm pretty sure this
is you I started maintaining heroin
again Oh should have signed my name
the thought of it alone makes me cry but
I won't stop the money for it
Steve's would be my cat keeps jumping on
my crotch at night but I don't stop him
because I love it so much Mike I
secretly like it I could use the p-word
yeah love's the pudding steve anything
else you want to leave us with today
besides that amazingly awesome shirt
maybe something about chocolate man
that's sure to me don't put it in your
don't put in sound advice from the
author of audio fili act Steve
Guttenberg check out his audio feeling
act blog on cnet.com click on over the
blog section there you're like the first
one listed yeah I think it's just cuz
it's alphabetical but still thanks for
coming on was a lot of fun always always
having fun with Steve Guttenberg guys
leave us a voicemail 1-866 404 CNET or
you can email us the 404 at cnet.com
i've got a few guests lined up for next
week so you could be psyched about that
any women it's been a while yeah it's
been way too way too long and we have
Andy levy from that's happening awesome
gonna be a good week yeah fantastic and
everyone have a great weekend it's going
to be so hot I'm staying in I'm gonna be
shittin like 80 90 degrees on Monday
yeah 89 degrees New York isn't it's not
something you're so glad to just know
about it's just yeah I love that spring
came went in three days this time next
week though it'll be cooler I promise
okay alright everyone have a great
weekend and happy birthday to Phil Ryan
yeah my birthday the words of Phil Ryan
stay out of trouble and don't hurt
anyone do it alright we'll see you guys
on Monday I'm Jeff Bakalar I'm Wilson
tang and I'm Justin you
it's the 404 thanks again to our good
buddy Steve Guttenberg we'll see you
soon man all right all right bye-bye no
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