The 404 329: Where Maggie punches Wilson in the Facebook
The 404 329: Where Maggie punches Wilson in the Facebook
let me say people I thought here we go
hey dude shut up get the video you crave
at seen at I do the show with a
bunch of freaking children I'm Jeff
baggala I'm will someday Justin you and
this is the show where Maggie reared and
punches Wilson in the Facebook right in
our face book I'm right in the kisser
wow that's in reference to a voicemail
we'll get to later right today show you
know and way too long Maggie me Maggie
gene how's it going oh so we were just
talking about names and Maggie kind of
confided in us that her new nickname
used to be mean Maggie gene when she was
at school is that like me why from
wrestling I don't know what it was and
actually wasn't school is like a friend
of my parents oh god like one of the
sweetest people we know that is true Joe
you are the epitome of sweetness yeah
well I guess I have a mean streak
sometimes yeah you guys haven't you
haven't seen me you know get tough how
many beaux yeux brutally murdered I
can't say that on the air I haven't
murdered anybody that I think that maybe
some people I've interviewed you've
killed that as a little rougher on them
and I probably you gave little swine flu
right you carry a pig around just a
rotor people's face when they get out of
you know it's funny swine flu is
affecting almost no one Oh Queen yes but
it's mild it's a ma it smile it's coming
SOC Magus usually likes freaking
everyone out yeah yes ok so I spoke to
an expert yesterday I was on MSNBC well
talking about Obama's blackberry which
seemed very insignificant ok ok so in
the green room uh there was an expert
from NYU Medical School I guess there
and I said all right cut through yes
yeah like how they're too mr. and he
said well it's bad it's definitely very
serious he said the summer it's probably
not going to be that bad because the flu
doesn't do well and he right
he said but it's going to come back
really bad in in the fall and through
the winter with that one is going to be
devastating and he said that when was
the last that big flu outbreak that
killed like this like 1913 right or
something like all right I thought it
was like 1890s whoa we're not like oh
yeah 19th yeah yeah II was like that so
we do right right big and he said that's
exactly what happened with that is that
the flu um it went away 1918 went away
came back right and that's when it
killed a bunch of people it gets more
resistance right mutator right and also
he said the other thing that you know is
bad about this flu is it's not flu
season yeah right so if it's not flu
season there's something here that is
very air but nobody has died from this
disease yes yes I Mexico up died but no
one in the United States has done right
let alone the rest of the world yeah
they've been life yes yet yet yeah but I
mean it literally like star two days ago
yeah I mean I'm not really that worried
about it I have a friend on Facebook a
friend from journalism school who's been
um she's a reporter in Mexico City and
she's been posting our Facebook like for
the past week and a half yeah about all
these updates about the flu and her last
one on friday was just like it's eerie
here well they're always like going out
and restaurants are closing down people
you know have masks on you scary no but
Sally this is the thing that actually
really scary listen listen to NPR again
this morning and apparently the only
people who have died are in their
twenties right oh wow so like people
that you'd expect the flu to kill like
elderly and young children right they're
actually been totally okay with it they
don't know why people like 25 perfectly
healthy or any other guys that's a scary
notion that means everyone in this room
right now is in serious danger you know
what nothing is gonna stop me from Megan
oh that's why you know I mean I date
last one I ate so much pork this weekend
our dick is impossible to I don't think
you get it get it from eating yeah but I
ate like a pound of bacon but is going
crazy that we were afraid of bird flu
and never for ya people that's the thing
though the bird flu nothing ever
that you know all know I did clinical
plenty of people don't people died in
playing people die from SARS and nothing
really have from SARS does will did
actually die start i'm from sorry no but
what's really been interesting though is
that uh generally speaking like your
every time a flu outbreak like this
happens when I was like oh don't go to
this country right now you see signs
that say don't go to the US right right
because it's transferred by person a
person a person's you can't even get
away from and this is the thing that's
even scarier so eight kids in York for
sure have it on probably another hundred
do right you're close to those kids to
buy them their their queen it's they
said probable well okay like I made of
our sure have it at their school right
like a hundred other ones duster well
know yet don't feel well so it probably
do have well they probably add that same
sort of mild you know swine flu that's
not totally lethal yeah yeah but here's
here's also what's really scary is that
empty I came in here sick today mark the
intern himself of the green show has
swine flu how I wrote it but you also
have to realize when there is a flu like
this it is entirely possible to get the
cold the common cold or whatever it be
but allergies hundred a hundred kids at
the same time at the same school right
right and allergies don't give you dire
and bizarre area is it really oh
yeah mark does have that pet pig too ya
know this is it every morning news that
the that the doctor told me is he said
because of bird flu and SARS and all
that stuff were better prepared yeah
they are and speaking of preparation we
there's actually a story online right
now amazon is apparently selling a swine
flu pandemic kit that includes like a
face mask yes safety goggles it cost
like fifty bucks for safety goggles
unlike this white cover all set come up
with like gloves and whatnot there's a
shot of it right there look at these
blue elasticized shoe covers like you're
gonna be kicking pigs or something the
st. the st. outbreak yeah freaking like
I'm but you got you could this could all
be had for like five bucks at your local
laws so freakin hazmat suit they yeah
they go down to your local hardware
store you can buy face man
just don't go down to Chinatown actually
walking around a neighborhood this
weekend you know how many pigs there
were like hanging up in the oh it's over
if any there are any or it's a jack the
biggest thing to know though is that you
cannot get swine flu from eating right
once you cook pig it's fun yet so why
don't they just start you know I don't
know how do you daddy of killing pigs
from far away kill every pig that's know
all the pain to fix it well this just
solidifies my mind that pigs are the
nastiest animal inexistent well that's
where Cody Roy poop first all honestly
honestly goes like yeah if walk in their
own poo but I really think we can I love
their bacon is amazing but ironic cuz
it's like the new hip thing to like
bacon yeah yeah everywhere I liked it my
whole life oh yeah I know but they're in
I love scrapple which i'm sure you guys
want well what's raffle is like a game
no I'm from rebel oh I'm sorry people
with peas I don't know if any of our
listeners are from Philadelphia Delaware
region what do you mean that yourself no
the mid-atlantic is you know I don't
really know what it is mhm it's I think
it's the scraps of a pig yeah oh it's
like a gray block what yeah it's in like
a great block okay no this my appetizing
giddy way already know so good add
spices they fry it up or why you fry it
and then you'll catch up on it you know
no eggs it's that sounds right here it
does sound good actually I was you you
know it's times like this that I'm glad
I don't eat meat right now oh shut up
Wilson you know you're gonna be late
swine flu yes product it's a meat yeah
well other things with pigs that'll
cause him to get the swine every way
talk about that way for anyone consuming
the day yeah we track you swine flu down
to one Wilson to owner in that story but
he was wearing a wedding veil haha some
reason I don't know
and it had lipstick on Oh guys are wrong
oh so many right so so let's let's get
though let's get swine flu behind us cuz
obviously we're gonna spend damage today
yeah so what do we take away from this
should we be worried Maggie you talked
to the doctor on I will be worried when
they're like closing down when people
when you start to see people wearing the
face masks everywhere then you get a
little scare like I was in Canada yeah
during the sars outbreak and I was at a
concert sorry i was on big deal in
canada was no biggie i dealing like
Montreal it was like a big deal for like
a week that's right because I they were
on it yeah I remember that there were a
lot of people who are flying in Asia
exactly was a big deal and everyone had
to get the the masks on and I'm walking
around with nothing and I'm thinking
like oh I'm dead so like something's
wrong everyone in their mother in New
York City is wearing the face man right
here you gotta take it for what it is
you wash your hands all the time you can
hear ya I mean there's no need to panic
no need to get it you know what it's
your time to go hey can I think this is
it like I don't think you're necessarily
dead all right I think the odds of it
being fatal what are the symptoms just
like it's very fluid yeah it's a fluids
my fever runny nose sore throat okay
this is all stuff I've experienced
before hominy yeah exceiient the problem
is that human beings don't have like a
natural immunity she's variation mm-hmm
so it can get particularly worse don't
forget Maggie brought up the fact that
this guy said well the last flu epidemic
we had like a hundred years ago it's a
hundred years ago yeah they just found
soap oh come on yeah there's been a lot
of animation yes a few more things were
yeah but I I feel like you put too much
faith ecology we're little more advanced
than we were they don't put enough no I
well I honestly think that there's
probably gonna be another huge pandemic
it's a screen Paranal its parent like
then there were people all the flutter
they'll not paranoid you go Peter
where's your mask then yeah I'm not
saying that like I'm gonna change my
life because yeah but like what is in
sizes of super TBR on the right things
like that bread like you know come fall
we're gonna have a nasty flu season next
year that's that's the
scary it's not going to be that big this
summer because like the doctor said live
right they can't live is too hot don't
forget also you look really depress them
said no you know don't forget there are
probably working on some sort of
vaccination you would imagine I don't
know how quickly they can come up with
their say months before alright that's
funny oh wow this doctor told me that it
it um does well Tamiflu is working well
so if you catch that OTC of it is I
think I'm gonna be there what did you
know TZ is talking a lot of acronyms
don't even know they ll OTC is a very
commonly used agron i use were you well
I'm like LOL yeah yeah i used to wear
embassy so i guess used to work at a
farm yeah back in 20 years ago yeah that
was not a good idea all the vicodin I
want end of the day it's gonna be a
beautiful summer summers already started
this weekend was great if we get swine
flu in the fall you know what we had fun
that's all that matters right great we
had a good time let's enjoy in a down
year really matter greatest on my life
what you guys do this weekend it was
beautiful in New your ID played a lot of
hockey yeah look and I sweat and I so
yeah you're you tell me you realize no
no no outdoor outdoor roller you're
telling us though it your landlord made
you put up your AC well no what happened
was my landlord in His infinite wisdom
uh decided during the winter that he
wanted me to remove the air conditioning
units from our windows because he
thought somehow water would get in right
if it doesn't rain in the summer and
there's no water that comes in and your
landlords all the tail was older than
water yes weirdest any way over now he's
about he's easy probably a few years
under 90 he's like suggest you gotta get
those unlike fine so we put take them
out of course yesterday it's hotter than
anything I've ever experienced in April
and even a
so did it was a record rate was erected
in Brooklyn it and upset me last night I
sweat my ass off is so freaking hot
terrible but you've lost weight as a
result no I haven't really i lose weight
playing hockey okay okay ten pounds off
yeah what about you guys you guys had a
good anything interesting for you may I
did well I'm renovating my apartment so
I was uh I went to a stone yard to look
for stony estonia where's the stone yard
worsley it wasn't a quarry because I
think all the stone came from Italy yes
you have actually I know what a stone
yard is like is that another name for a
quarry like well no it's just they have
slabs of granite and marble and nice
when I would a jackhammer chip away she
made it happen she made things happen
like fun would you do this weekend
Wilson I spent all weekend looking at
places to buy oh this rules trying to
buy a house every what about that so yes
you went to jersey i went to jersey and
call me up you're in jersey in columbia
yeah as I was with a real estate agent
come on because I was in no but I
mortgage rates are really low yeah and
other people don't listen me for
financial advice but it's always time to
buy right it is no you're so hot how is
the search duty I saw a bunch of really
nice condos actually and they're all
like extremely well priced and the
mortgage rates are so low that they're
actually way lower than my rent payment
so people that look losing their jobs
they're struggling to eat getting food
stamps here's Wilson Tang over here
trying to buy a house well I'm helping
the economy never buy the house down
Brad can either buy you know a maggot in
first thing in our rooms out yeah but I
respect that you're doing you so you're
doing the right thing I mean like and I
feel like it's a nice thing to be like
gold to lady me like come back to my
place right oh yeah it's all the end of
the day that's the only thing that about
the economy known as own account yeah
the only thing that matters is when you
say you know come back to my place
you're not like come back to my place
where I live with my mother yeah
greatest don't you're trying to by
placing more weems you're not trying to
no no I actually in Jersey oh that's
even worse maybe I've try to go back to
my place just think I'll make some more
Jersey unfortunate let's try to go back
to New Jersey to walk up on somebody I'm
wet mr. honey uncle uncle moneybags OVI
can't afford a half-a-million-dollar
apartment not only trying to have a path
train have their on their walls
everyone's darn you get to China to go
to pack train the morning after
everyone's like old man I can't we go to
Chinatown can't wait to do that with
this guy how many people do you figure
on the path train on Sunday in the wash
it a lot what everyone's just bummed out
at 9am come on down it looked out sleepy
hungover would you rather be would
rather be on the ashen I've come back to
New Jersey with that guy I'd rather be
on the path on the rear of your bicycle
hahaha trying to avoid like a dead man
ladies love riding the bike let me just
say that right sure they do we're gonna
take a break when we come back more with
Maggie Riordan more with Justin and his
walk of shame yeah ride of shame right
of shame we got calls from the public
when we come back so stick around this
is the 404 mr effers the show where we
all sing song
hi this is Ken chairman Banita and
nicole lee from dialed and scene itself
own podcast where we chat each week
about the latest mobile gadgets so if
you love cell phones from the small and
shiny to the big and powerful will tell
you all you need to know about what's
hot and what's not subscribe to dialed
in at podcast the cnet com this is
Denver from kissy and you're listening
to the 404 where if you want to shake a
baby there's an app for that oh that's
pretty that is not in good taste why was
that it was actually kind of funny yeah
it was funny it was really wanna know
why cuz no one gets hurt in situations
like this right no one gets hurt it's
just fun it's total fun will accept a
digital baby that guy yeah I feel real
bad for the digital baby speaking of
which actually we can get to this
afterward uh so the so Apple named its 1
billion download any apps or was no it
wasn't that one it was this other really
really terrible is it the parting up no
no we'll talk about it after the voice
mails but it's pretty good looks pretty
good i'm pretty odd i'm psyched awesome
republica time to show the love 18 6404
Maggie Maggie isn't been in a while
she's like I'm shocked at the doctor
there's like there's a camera in here
like yeah that's like it's real Oh what
were we before me know it's weird having
this I camera in front of your face
right we're all trying to get used to it
as well like I'm actually trying to like
constantly like duh stay in for cool man
you know look at you are you gonna
switch through it like Mike Tyson's
punch-out exactly just I didn't realize
that I I should have you know looked a
little better no you to come on you
don't you have no effort and I was like
oh it's a podcast I don't have to like
you barely looked like you got swine flu
you can I mean Justin's got a face for
radio and he said you know I got the
glasses for two uh calls from the public
time sponsored by swine flu I like
sponsored by everyone dying all the
pages down i was referring to the
voicemails all right let's get to the
new wilson tang punching in the face Oh
God coming to a facebook near you hey 40
for this is playing field from Chris and
I never called him before but I cuz i
really felt like I've had anything to
conjure contribute until now yesterday I
log on facebook and I saw some more of
those annoying pick five things until I
saw one of my son to pick five
celebrities he'd want to punch in the
face draw both usuals Rachael Ray Dakota
Fanning you know and then I got to my
sister then Wilson Kang was not a
celebrity on the list so I went through
a long and arduous process to add him
hahaha you want to pick five celebrities
you go on a punch in the face you can
add Wilson tanger thats just you look in
the swine flu wow that is amazing so if
you guys want to go onto facebook and
punch Wilson in the face go for it do us
all a favor and go for it yeah I wanna
see that that's pretty funny I'm really
glad I have fixed it oh cuz i would have
jumped off no man no no
oh yeah that's me welcome to swine flu
hey come on at the end of that's pretty
funny it's pretty cool to even have your
name in that thing yeah you and dakota
fanning you're a celebrity I anata flip
your celebrity time time out the wisest
you try to punch the code of fanning
isn't she likes child abuse illegal
honestly what was the worst thing she
was it well I am Sam that's assault um I
don't know but you name a terrible movie
she's actually I've never seen a
neighbour moving on well the world she
was pretty good that she she she's
rather than Tom Cruise's oh you ready I
would punch Tom Cruise in the face yeah
me too what celebrities would you want
to hit other than other than her Keanu
Reeves yeah he's so conscious serves a
purpose very punchable he's amazing in
movies where he's gotta play dumbfounded
right well dude I mean yeah you know
what he was good in Bill and Ted's
Excellent and that was it and then the
matrix know you were here oh he was
greatly good in the right room ok
original their own cast will smell no
that would have been an abomination I'm
you're right yes though the lesser of
two evils sure but still so I would've
had Bruce Willis over Keanu Reeves in
the majors will see there you don't like
yeah hmm you do the whole like action
guy going after like really super young
girls oh yeah when does he go after
younger isn't he like engaged to
somebody who's like oh I really well his
wife is uh dating you know Ashton
Kutcher well ex-wife yeah right Michelle
boy who I actually saw this weekend oh
yeah head a little celebrity sighting I
saw a spike jonze and Michelle Williams
um right next to my house they were at
this little cafe was cool they're the
Tribeca Film Festival's going on now
were they were they there did you say I
didn't see them there but I mean they're
like theaters you know there's stuff
going on all over I really like Spike
Jonze Spike Jonze is an excellent
excellent director absolutely alright
next call from the public seems we got
in a little bit of trouble making fun of
cats Oh with our good friend mr. Goodman
hey guys this is peter from jersey and i
just want to tell you guys how you effed
up all my hard work I listened to the
floor forward constantly keeps me sane
at work and professors for killing any
annoying ass customers anyway much
difference Michael McCaul secrets on me
because the listener 244 non-stop
these other podcast whatnot and I've
only tried to trick her into loving the
fluorophore wasn't more for joke that
you guys been on the show but and she
said a laughter I thought I told her to
go from a 404 she's caught pissed but
anyways she's like I fine I'll give him
a shot through driving down down the
shore and she's like I so put on this
floor for and then what comes on the
most-capped hating at the sub ever my
girl phone works at a vet hospital
million had loved Reverend onion after
all I was trying to get her down because
their podcast for three weeks and she
finally does and now she hates it all
over thanks a lot anyway still of the
show hate Wilson oh go punch him in the
face um you know what though like that
was pretty funny cuz it's a little
ironic we talked about how much we hated
cats for like 20 minutes it's like half
the show you know what though cats I
like cat they do suck no I like cats
also way better dogs are so much cooler
Maggie Maggie reared in degrees right
you hate cats I hate camp you hate them
they said I'm not a big fan of dogs
either oh you're not an animal where to
take I'm not you know it's like the hair
the poop I just wanted you I understand
thank you that's fine but who would you
take in and I would take a dog of course
you would I mean I'm a dog lover too but
you know what I have love for all of
God's creatures oh oh gods is that there
is that i think i would take fish over
all of them well they're the loam east
main gym yeah turtles are good too i
love all we got a love of art or you
know it's tragic those i had a turtle
when I was a kid his name was dude right
you dude ya had him for like three years
when I was really little and then in
sixth grade I guess he must have died
cuz my mom told me he was in the
backyard but she told me he was
hibernating uh I was so go ahead no I
did I turtles don't even hibernate know
they can do they sometimes know they
don't have to i I've learned a lot I
don't don't think all kinds of turtles
are well you know it is you can sort of
convince them that they need to
hibernate right so anyway this turtle
was in the backyard she kept him there
she just left them in my backyard and
for years I thought he was hibernating
every year I'll be like mom this is the
sleepiest turtle I've ever seen wait
this guy's arm he never did and you're
and you're like I'm pretty sure you know
they come out of hibernation yeah okay
mom this turtle stone
own no actually everybody year so you
jeff has a turtle I do either a russian
tortoise yet right aetos kratos i was
actually reading I the thing was on f my
life yeah uh some guy it was his turn to
to name his child mm-hmm as his wife it
named his turn okay and you named his
son Kratos oh well I don't believe f my
life all the time right this is pretty
funny that and that's kind of smart okay
so if people don't know kratos is the
hero from God of War this guy got
awarded video games it's actually two of
them now I go on for hours but you do
you don't play gather for them yeah yeah
cream actually makes for really really
good drink holder ok so the coaster yeah
you know little tidbit there but yeah
that's totally believable that someone
would name their kid creative right
because well you know I don't feel that
I need that a tortoise critter that's
fine yes a kid not gonna have to go
through school writing named a fictional
cat video although you know what if it
might be cool right yeah I don't know if
I knew someone named like dolls amor
something that would be awesome like yo
this is my buddy a Honda Miller yeah you
know oh oh you've met my friend Barack
oh yeah actually that's not too far
though yeah anyway let's move it along
today we're here with Maggie Riordan
Maggie is there anything before we get
into some predetermined stories anything
uh well you know let's talk about what
the whole iphone thing in verizon okay
and let's be honest with us like how
that doctor was with you how we're all
gonna die with swine flu are we all
getting the iphone on verizon anytime
soon is it happening I don't think so I
mean I could be wrong and people might
send me nasty emails and I could have a
lot of mud on my face I really I you
know I think a USA Today was reporting
that they heard that they were
high-level talks but you know I've
talked to people at verizon you know
I've heard what their executives have to
say and I just I know their network yeah
I don't think that they're gonna I think
if there are talks going on it's for an
iphone that's going to be on their 4g
network which is going to launch next
year but it's not about nationwide
that's like in select cities well it's
going to be 25 to 30 cities and the
silicon is not going to be available for
any devices to have
um LT so real it'll be another year
it'll be 2011 cuz 2010 you'll just get
the laptop cards gotcha question for you
though what's the deal a lot of people
are you know everyone thinks they know
what this contract between apple and
AT&T is all about what you probably know
what is the deal how long does apple
have this sort of exclusive contract
with ATT for the iphone i think it
expires next year okay that's what I've
heard I mean I know again I don't know
for sure you don't know that I know
there's a salt on that's right AT&T has
expressed interest that they want to
renew keep it going I would imagine yeah
probably done a little welfare I mean
the iphone basically made their quarter
right and um in verizon just reported
this morning and that's what i was
covering before I came over here and um
you know they actually now verizon the
churn rate for them is always the best
ensuring is like the rate at which
people like dumped their service to go
someplace else yeah verizon always has
the best so they are always able to
retain customers but their churn rate
went up this quarter and they said it
was because people were like not
subscribing to data cards and you know
people who had like four and five lines
were maybe get getting rid of some of
those lines but i think it was people
some people who were going over to the
iphone yeah I did that myself from run a
couple my friends you know they're on
verizon they want to stay with verizon
and they asked me what smartphones to
get and honestly there's really not
anything really that good all the
touchscreen phones really don't i think
the storm was a big disappointment yeah
i mean anybody who i see who says you
know what do you think about the storm
should i get this door Oh like now it's
a piece of card oh let's turn you want
any touch screen oh to be honest with
you i mean i have an iphone and i don't
i used to love it but I've I'm certainly
where the limitations now it's slow I
really think it's slow really slow you
know um it's not as responsive as I'd
like it to be and like sometimes when
I'm trying to type really fast cuz I'm
getting faster at typing goes it delay
there's a delay or guess it freezes it's
certainly better than the other touch
phones though yeah but it still is like
sub par yeah because I cuz i've used the
storm and you flick it any seconds later
it brings up your list yeah yes no
you're right it's really annoying
um no but but back to the original story
though like that they're rumors that say
that you know verizon might get the
iphone i think it's actually a big ploy
by Apple yeah too amazing to get a you
know I mean why what incentive would
Apple have for going with verizon as
well well neither as apple or you know
the opposite end state you know verizon
because there's gonna be a hot yeah
they're okay the incentive is is if they
open it up to verizon right i mean just
imagine all great coverage yeah people
will buy it right now in its higher
volume hmm so but at the same time Apple
has kind of historically always kind of
been like the cool guys mm-hmm kind of
thing you know they've limited their
supply right or not their supply but
they've limited how they they sell their
products in a certain sense to to make
it cool right so maybe low volume but
high you know in a markup markup and
they're able to control the market a
little bit more with ATT I don't know
verizon would allow them to say was it
with more competition the price is gonna
go down that's right good thing for
Apple right it was a good thing for us
the consumer whatnot for Apple but I'm
concerned about though is what I want to
know is ok let's say the iphone does go
to verizon not exclusively just says
that you know i wanna know well is that
going to be the same price as what it
would be on eighteen t so yes it would
have to be I would imagine it would have
to be open you know at some point one
carry is gonna start a price war they
can write hey exhibit apple doesn't
allow Apple prices the product 18t
doesn't so the apples relationship with
ATT is completely different from any
other phone manufacturer in the market
right right it's all Apple controls it
did they designate the plan the prices
for the plans as well no that's that's
probably 18 the the hardware is all
Apple right so they decide how much
they're gonna sit means verizon could
charge of a nap dateable this is the
thing then what the price war would be
is apple or AT&T is subsidizing the
phone right well they're eating that
cost so if Verizon were to offer it
Apple's gonna charge the same amount to
verizon that it does to eighteen t I
would imagine I don't know this just
verizon would be charged but then maybe
verizon would subsidize it another 50
bucks and
at so that would that price work but I
mean not to get too technical but I
think at the end of the day the reason
why it's never gonna go to verizon is
that verizon cdma yes and it's gonna
cost Apple you know even though they can
make more money off of it it probably
costs some couple of tens of millions of
dollars well perversion and then I very
much and why would it be I can't see
well it's it two entirely different stay
except lots of phone manufacturers do
that I mean anybody who's going to be
making phones for the US market has to
do that so because this is the other
copy I so if Apple is working with
verizon for a 4g phone which i would
think they are mm-hmm that phone is also
going to have to support cdma yeah
because the LTE for four boys and
whatnot yeah well not just for voice
it's the it's not going to have you're
not going to have LTE coverage all over
the country right away so it's kind of
like it has been now like you know you
go to certain like I have 18 teen right
so in certain places i have the 3g
network but then it switches over to
edge where there is no 3g right right
the same thing will happen on LT so for
people who don't know what is LTE LTE is
called long term evolution and that's
the fords really i'll just can you get
OTC but um good so that's the 4g network
that verizon has been talking about an
email the cool thing is that the whole
world is embracing LTE really pretty
much except for sprint there's stuff i
rewire clearwire it's really clear wire
okay because sprint you could still I
could I could see that potentially
happening or sprint would have two
strategies but I think what's going to
happen and and this is not that i know
verizon is doing this but i imagine what
they're doing is they're working on a
device for LTE um it doesn't make a lot
of sense for them to come out with a 3g
device a 3g iphone but if they can come
out with a 4g iphone that's faster now
we're can write and that is that would
put them ahead of Apple innocence but
that's that's a ways out because I've
also talked to Qualcomm who has told me
they're the folks who make we were going
to be making the chips for
for the data cards and for the phones
and it's always that the data cards come
out first and they're starting to you
know work on those like now right so
they'll be in production next summer
right then you can you know and then by
the following year that's when you'll
see handsets right so we're at least two
or three years two years away is
happening once i was looking forward to
5g hahahaha way before you write this is
actually my question also is that last
year a lot of the companies announced
that they're going to be doing like open
networks those are you like a ton of new
gadgets and devices and today like
unloaded we reported this but this is
the only thing I've seen is that
t-mobile is putting chips into what is
it power meters yeah they all do that
all the carriers are doing that and
that's a big thing that's like arising
with me people you know they always seem
still cell phones and and now isn't that
variety of is I still can't figure what
they're doing is they're trying to
create a whole new channel for their
business so i think verizon for example
is targeting more of the telemetry
health smart grid type stuff with that
but then i think that they're going to
move into putting you know there will be
wireless chips and cameras and there
will be what you know well the building
i would like that little camera says
verizon I take a picture uploads yeah I
mean AT&T is working on this too and
they yeah on the clothes yeah they're
all your stuff that uh you should be on
the lookout for ya what is the hub if
for people that don't know what is the
well you know what the hub is very much
yeah yeah yeah it's that weird sort of
voice over IP phone with the right for
me all done hundred dollars waves gonna
buy that I don't even crazy people it
looks cool like it looks like a prop in
a movie about the future right at the
same time it's like why would I really I
can do a lot of other things on your
back that's cool uh Maggie Riordan to
anyone who says you don't know anything
about wireless technology who said that
all the people that have emailed us
Maggie sucks don't believe they said she
had a lot of people calling up 10 no I
had this one guy who uh ya know Wilson
by the way no it was an email he read my
story this morning and was like it sucks
what he did it was me I was like it was
just one line but it was like Marty not
having a great day yeah hey like yeah
you're like bringing me down like I'm a
person yes I did that's why I wrote back
thanks for the feedback oh I didn't even
get into it but I wanted him to know
that yeah yeah I get that you should
have typed it back look over your
shoulder yeah not your back friend yeah
I had your IQ look behind you we're
having a good day now I am this is
cheered me up well that's what we're
here for thank you so much for being a
part of our show this morning we had a
lot of fun horse and it's been a while
you gotta we gotta make this more of a
regular thing I know I know I've got
some new equipment in here you are you
know I missed the meetup where were you
I was on a date watching you dirty
birdie okay we'll talk about that later
yeah for sure but anyway I'll come to
the next meetup okay you promise I
promise all right well we're gonna hold
you to it because you have to be here
for that okay I missed we're spas with
you're gonna have a date on our next
meetup me know what I'm hoping for that
oh you maybe you'll show up to this I'm
gonna bring Maggie to our next meeting
oh really my yeah well people have a
date to go yeah why not cuz they're way
too many dudes at that last meetup first
of all if nothing else we need more of a
female present you really don't
understand fashionably late do you what
are you talking is good that's a
terrible idea Wow what more I've ever
met in my life guys leave us a voicemail
1866 404 seen it or you can email as the
44 at cnet com Facebook Twitter Maggie
where can everyone find you on our
lovely website I am on cnet news cnet
news check it out all the latest in
craters from wireless technologies
Maggie Reardon these and gentlemen
always a winner all right uh we have a
lot of any more guests this week coming
up on this wing we do not and don't
we got in our buddy Andy levy from Fox
News's red eye yes he's coming on cool
it the rest of this week it's just a
three of us all right you'll have to
deal at three men and a little baby Jim
shaking a little piglet a little swine
flu what's wrong with that we'll see you
guys tomorrow I'm Jeff agler I'm Wilson
tank I've Justin it's the 404 thanks
again to Maggie Reardon see you later
bring on the baggy ouch
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